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11-30-2006, 04:47 PM
Our government wants to ban anyone under age 16 from operating an ATV (that includes trikes.)
This doesn't affect 99.9% of you guys who don't live here in New Brunswick, Canada. But you can help defeat this regressive legislation.
A local newspaper has an online poll asking if you agree or disagree with this idea. It is in the French language, but you can still vote.
Just go to this website and you will find the poll on the page, to the right of the page, down just a bit from the top. http://www.capacadie.com/index/index.cfm
Click the bottom option if you disagree. It says: Je suis contre
Thank you in advance for your help.
This poll will disappear at midnight so please vote now and help a brutha out!

11-30-2006, 05:01 PM
Dude...its in french...wtf... and arent most atvs already restricted to those over the age of 16 by the manufacturer anyways. what 16 year old is going to walk into a honda shop to buy a brand new bike. Cause thats the only way its gonna affect a 16 year old. I doubt seriously that the mounties are gonna go around and ticket someone for "underage riding". But Ive been wrong before.

11-30-2006, 05:07 PM
Dude, I said it is in French. I also said it doesn't matter if it is in Russian, just click the second option and you are good to go.
How will this affect a 16-year-old? It won't. It will badly affect anyone younger than 16.
for example, my son who is 15 and worked hard to buy himself a 200sx with his own money. What is he supposed to do now, sell it? park it for a year?
Over my dead body.
Also, banning the under-16 group means kids no longer can learn proper riding with mom and dad. With this law there is NO chance of training young people to be careful and responsible, because it will be illegal for them to drive period. It also applies to dirt bikes, snowmobiles, etc....
I'd appreciate it if you would just vote as per the instructions above. It could be helpful to stopping regressive legislation before it gets passed.

11-30-2006, 05:09 PM
Oops, sorry forgot to mention that no, trikes and quads are not restricted to 16 and over, not around here. You take a training course and you are then legal. No more training courses under this regressive, badly-thought-out law.
You turn 16, hop on your scooter and drive off, no trianing, no practice and if you are like me when I was 16, no brains either. :D

BigReds Forever
11-30-2006, 05:26 PM
This bans them from riding EVERYTHING? no mater what? While I dont think its the best system, i think we got somthing alright goin on here in mn. under 16, 90cc and under (i think its 90, might be 110, but its little) but if your 12-16 you can take a class and ride anything. that allows for some training, and doesnt result in 10 yearolds running around on machines that their not physicaly able to handel. My neighbors let their kids (10ish) ride their bigbore quads around the backyard, its scary.....they wear bike helmets.

Good luck in stoping this law

11-30-2006, 05:29 PM
Thanks. We will need luck all right, and more.
If you'd be so kind as to click the poll as per the directions in the first post, I'd be grateful.
This is backwards legislation at its worst.

11-30-2006, 05:31 PM
79 to 20, son of a...... thats BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
them mini quads have a sticker saying under 6 can't ride

11-30-2006, 05:32 PM
ANYBODY can VOTE once!!!!!!! COMON PEOPLE!! you can do it! hahaa

11-30-2006, 05:38 PM
done and done. Not lookin so good though.....

11-30-2006, 05:54 PM
You guys are great to do this even though you don't know the language.
I know governments don't govern according to stupid newspaper polls, but every little bit of opposition will help. Believe me it will.
Thanks again!
Yeah, the poll is heavily weighted against us. That's because two little kids were killed in two weeks up here this month -- but they were driving illegally at the time! They were unsupervised (illegal) and didn't have training courses (illegal again.)
So what will another law do? Make it "Super Triple Secret Illegal?"
That's just one more reason why this is a bad law.
Thanks for your help!

11-30-2006, 07:43 PM
put mine in for ya!!

11-30-2006, 07:58 PM
I know isnt this so foolish! It wont affect me because I am over 16 but alot of my riding buddies aren't so.... the worst part about it is the fact that the cops and RCs are gonna be out alot more to inforce these laws. I understand that 2 people died and 1 in critical condition but this is just a foolish law. Its not the bikes fault they died the only one to blame is the parents. If the parents had even a lick of common sense they should realize a 10 year old should not have been on a full size bike!! so now our wonderful government is trying to fix things with this horrible law.....its so stupid.

So come on everyone answer this poll for all us NB riders.....Please

11-30-2006, 08:04 PM
Our government wants to ban anyone under age 16 from operating an ATV (that includes trikes.)
This doesn't affect 99.9% of you guys who don't live here in New Brunswick, Canada. But you can help defeat this regressive legislation.
A local newspaper has an online poll asking if you agree or disagree with this idea. It is in the French language, but you can still vote.
Just go to this website and you will find the poll on the page, to the right of the page, down just a bit from the top. http://www.capacadie.com/index/index.cfm
Click the bottom option if you disagree. It says: Je suis contre
Thank you in advance for your help.
This poll will disappear at midnight so please vote now and help a brutha out!

To late for Newfoundland, the rules state here, No one under the age of 16 is to ride ANYTHING over 90CC, be it a dirt bike, 4 wheeler, 3 wheeler anything motorized. 500 doller fine if caught ( pretty sure of this but some one else from the island can verify this). Also it's a 500 doller fine for no helmet,

Hints the reason sense the ban was place canadian tire started selling 4 wheelers and dirt bikes under 90cc

11-30-2006, 08:08 PM
Vote - Je Suis Contre :beer

11-30-2006, 08:50 PM
Wow, not looking good guy.

Hope you have better luck then us. I say get the kid a fake ID and let him roll.

12-01-2006, 10:00 AM
I'm telling him he can ride with me all he wants. If there is a fine I will deal with it, not him. (I also tell him that you NEVER run from cops, too, just btw.)
Thanks for voting. You are making a difference. When I posted this it was 19% against a ban and 89% for a ban. Now it's up to 21% against a ban. Yes I know it doesn't look good but every vote helps.
P.S. People are voting FOR a ban because they are not ATVers and do not realize it is already illegal for young people to drive without a parent in sight, or that they must have a training course. They don't know the facts.
Cheers and thanks again.

12-01-2006, 02:51 PM
The parents were charged with criminal negligence and endangerment of a child.
Or is the whole system screwed up?

Its another example of legislation and ignorance removing the responsibility from the individual. If you are the legal gurdian of a child you should be responsible for their saftey. Providing an untrained youth with an atv is illeagle and then you are responsible for supervision. So the parents were commiting crimes. Write an editorial to the news paper that points out the distinct responsibility of the childrens gaurdians and the owner of the atv to ensure that the children are properly trained(througha state sponsored training course) and adequatly supervised.

Putting your children in a dangeous situation is bad. But i am shure that the adults who owned the atv and the parents of the children should be charged for the crimes they commited accident or no accident those deaths could have been avoided.

Blanket policy to prevent all children from ever being exsposed to atvs isnt an answer to Parental negligence and irresponsibility.

I feel bad for canadians you are losing your rights. A carefully worded editorial and public out cry might help in lifit the wool from the eyes of the brain washed public some day people will have to answer up to their own responsibility and stop blaming the government, mcdonalds, honda and the one armed man for their mistakes.

12-01-2006, 02:54 PM
Sorry for the super long rant
i went to each computer in my house and voted on each

12-01-2006, 03:29 PM
(i went to each computer in my house and voted on each)
Me two,man this sucks!!
I started riding at 6yrs and think all this goverment BS has to stop,a parent should be the one who decides what the child rides or dosnt ride!!!!!!!!!

12-01-2006, 03:40 PM
Man, french sucks. Screw you, I voted for it. J/K. I hope it goes in your favor. That was tough though for me big white dumba$$. HEHE

12-01-2006, 04:52 PM
I just voted, but it doesn't look good. Only 22.65% of respondents opposed the new law. Good luck up there. Chris

12-04-2006, 10:32 AM
The poll has now ended. Thank you to all who helped.
Yes, it looks bad at only 23% for it, but before you guys all helped out, it was at about 16%
So you DID have an effect and we up here appreciate your help!

12-04-2006, 08:22 PM
I too live in saint john,nb.i think this new law sucks but it wont come into effect until feb or march,i think it wont pass.I cant see it helping any kid out.The 10yr old kid who gets to drive his dads 500cc bike is still going to kill himself(no disrepect intended).The parents that take the time to teach there kids how to ride properly and safely will pay the price like always.Maybe everyone who voted liberal should think twice next time.The way i see the goverment will owe me alot of money that i have invested in my kids quads and gear.It sure dont seem fair that after i purchased this bike legally and paid my taxes that they could say my kids cant drive it.Whats next 20yrld-30yrld-40yrld,snowmobiles.This could effect alot of people,maybe you!!!!!!!

12-04-2006, 08:30 PM
We've had the same debate on local forums. Its all a crock. People who don't ride are seeing kids riding daddies 800cc bigbore 4x4 quad, rolling it over on themselves or worse and being hurt or killed. So they take care of the issue by pacifying the masses to cure the problem instead of teaching people that quads aren't meant for imature youths, nor are they babysitters for the kids when your at the cabin. Once again, the few stupid people ruin a good thing for the rest.

My son/daughter will grow up riding just as I have and they will be taught to be responsible.

12-04-2006, 08:38 PM
Move away from canada and your socialist bordering communist government system.

Anyone should be able to ride anything, if someone lets their kid ride a huge quad and they die on it, it was their parents fault. There should be no law against it.

I love freedom

12-05-2006, 01:40 AM
I do believe there are all kinds of restrictions on riding in your country. I read about it on this site and others all the time.
I can get on my trike or my quad or my side by side and ride from my backyard to just about anywhere in the country on Crown (government) land and fabulous trails. I also know that in some states you have to drive to another state to ride anywhere at all and pay fees to do so, and hang a big honking red flag off your back rack in some places. Is that your freedom? You can keep it. Look up socialist and communist in the dictionary while you are at it.
THis issue isn't about crapping on another person's country. If you think so, take a hard look at your own.
Feel free to visit me here in N.B. any time you want to ride. I'll treat you like a king, feed you like a prince, take you on a tour for a day, a week, or a year and never hit the same trail twice, all with no trail fees, no stupid rules other than you must wear a helmet, put a licence on your bike and insure yourself against harming someone else or someone else's property.
Learn what you are talking about before you type.

12-05-2006, 02:37 AM
We had a house bill like this last year that was fought hard by all the atv and motorcycle riders (dirtbikes and streetbikes). We did fight it and we did win. The bill was not passed here in Oklahoma.
The bill if passed was gonna put a ban on all riders of any type of machines from the age of 12 down in the state of Oklahoma and also was gonna ban any child under 12 from even riding with their folks.
We did fight it and we did win.
Good luck to you guys and if the support from the atv and bike community is there you have a chance of beating it...Chris

12-05-2006, 02:44 AM
Move away from canada and your socialist bordering communist government system.

Anyone should be able to ride anything, if someone lets their kid ride a huge quad and they die on it, it was their parents fault. There should be no law against it.

I love freedom

man,i agree with you about ppl being responsible for their actions and all,but i wouldnt leave this place even though some of our rights do tend to be restricted.

why would i leave canada thou?
because i dont have to lock my house or car up at night?
because i dont hear gun shots except in hunting season?
because i could technically drive across the whole country on trails legally?
because a complete stranger will go out of their way to help you out?
because we have awesome beer and tim hortons?:beer

i think ill stay because i love freedom too

12-05-2006, 11:06 AM
hey we have tim hortons and canadian beer here too;)
So cant well just get along... Different strokes for different folks

Rights are restricted everywhere just appreciate the freedoms we have while we have them. Respect your self and others. Be responsible.

If everyone could do that the world would be a better place

Oh yeah America ROCKS
Canada is ok too:beer

and we all agree on two things Canadian beer and ATVs :)

12-05-2006, 04:07 PM
Big thumbs up!
I'm always treated right during my frequent visits to my southern neighbours and am always glad to return the favour when I meet southern visitors up here.

12-05-2006, 04:26 PM
I just ignore all that crap. When I go riding I stop for no one. Unless its a trike and a cop will never be on a trike. I have been into atv/snowmobiles since I was 9. I have owned 40 different rec vehicles and not 1 has ever been registered or even had papers for it hell I have never had brakes either. Don,t make yourself look noticed on the trails and you wont get into crap. Wave to all people And burn those tree hugging ideaist.