View Full Version : Letter to Honda. Any additions?

11-30-2006, 03:00 PM
I'm sending this letter to Honda as a hail Mary play. Not sure what if any response I will get, but it will be interesting to see. Anyone have any additions or comments?

American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 2200
Torrance, CA 90509-2200

Dear Honda Motor Company,

I am sure you know that there is widespread interest in the older model 3 wheeler ATCs. In fact I’m sure you know that Honda is still selling a lot of parts through Service Honda. I know the CSPC in 1988 passed the Final Consent Decree which made the ATCs unavailable to the public for 10 years. They were never banned, or deemed illegal. To me, It just makes sense to do some market analysis to see if the public is still interested in 3 wheeled ATVs. I for one currently own both the 3 wheeled ATV and the Quad. To me there is no question that the 3 wheeler is much more fun than the quad.

I would just like to say, if you were still offering 3 wheeled ATVs, more people than you know would be lining up at the dealerships ready to buy.

I look forward to your reply and any information you can provide concerning this possibility.

Regards, Shawn Thompson
Fletcher, NC

11-30-2006, 03:05 PM
ask them when they will be making a side x side.

11-30-2006, 03:07 PM
Never gonna happen in a million years. The consent decree isn't the reason they'll never make them again. It's the lawsuits.

You're way better off putting your effort into something that at least a snowball's chance in hell of working. Ask for them to re-issue some of the hard to find parts.

11-30-2006, 03:11 PM
a parts re-issue is definetly the way to go. And not necessarily for 3 wheelers only but for all vintage hondas. I'm sure there are plenty of vintage bike builders out there that would love to get re-issued factory parts for there bikes.

11-30-2006, 03:12 PM
I agree with Dammit! I think there are still lawsuits pending with Honda's so called "flawed design" according to the Bennit Law Firm website. They prolly cringe when the hear the word "3 wheeler". All of those lawsuits nearly put Honda out of business. If you ask them for anything, maybe have them try to put something on like a convention or show for us old trike enthusists. They have motorcycle clubs - maybe they could sponser a trike club. And asking for re-releasing un-available parts would be good too!

11-30-2006, 03:12 PM
Never gonna happen in a million years. The consent decree isn't the reason they'll never make them again. It's the lawsuits.

You're way better off putting your effort into something that at least a snowball's chance in hell of working. Ask for them to re-issue some of the hard to find parts.

I would have to agree with you on this one, There is less than a 0% chance that a 3-wheeler will ever be produced again. Highly unlikley that any discontinued parts will ever be made again either but If it was me I would inquire about the more possible of the 2 senarios

11-30-2006, 03:31 PM
They have motorcycle clubs - maybe they could sponser a trike club. And asking for re-releasing un-available parts would be good too!
Don't think that's going to happen. They're trying to put the 3 wheel thing behind them... and with lawsuits out there, would look like their still promoting them. Instead of them re-issueing parts (which again would show support) why not have them release the molds and dies to a 3rd party. Some of the dies found their way into China's hand for Z's and CT's. Ask them if they're for sale?

BigReds Forever
11-30-2006, 05:34 PM
I too know that thell never be produced again, but Id still to see what they send back to you. If they acctualy write something, or if you just get back some form letter.."We have recived your letter and your thoughts will be taken into consideration......." I like all those other ideas to, but i still wanna hear what honda says.

11-30-2006, 06:42 PM
They dont seem too worried about lawsuits when taking the money for all the 3 wheel parts they still do sell....


Yamaha Tri-Moto
11-30-2006, 07:24 PM
I agree, no chance of trikes coming back but may have some sort of chance of hard to find parts being made again.

11-30-2006, 07:48 PM
well think theyre making us BRAND NEW 250r fuel tanks!!!!! so what about 110's 200's 70's ect...

11-30-2006, 07:56 PM
I too know that thell never be produced again, but Id still to see what they send back to you. If they acctualy write something, or if you just get back some form letter.."We have recived your letter and your thoughts will be taken into consideration......." I like all those other ideas to, but i still wanna hear what honda says.
Honda Doesn't Care about "us" Shmoes.... we just have to do with what we got and can get for our 20 yr. old Bikes... NOBODY Cares except "us 3-wheeler people".........

11-30-2006, 08:12 PM
Honda Doesn't Care about "us" Shmoes.... we just have to do with what we got and can get for our 20 yr. old Bikes... NOBODY Cares except "us 3-wheeler people".........

Sad but true :cry:

Honda has probably paid more out in lawsuits then they ever made in sales. They probably arent going to want to help us.

11-30-2006, 08:32 PM
Nice try, but no, its not going to happen. I would change it to say something like "I hope you will still make replacement parts for trikes for many years to come."

11-30-2006, 08:51 PM
Nice try, but no, its not going to happen. I would change it to say something like "I hope you will still make replacement parts for trikes for many years to come."
i'm at work now at the "Machine Shop" Trying to make stuff for the ..."TRIKES" !!
The CNC Lathe is RUNNING as we ............ "Type" !!! :naughty:

11-30-2006, 09:04 PM
ask for parts to be made again. how about you throw in there to sponser trikefest?

just an idea

11-30-2006, 09:16 PM
At heart we all feel let down by the industry for not continuing three wheel ATV production.When it comes down to it, Honda's image and future financial security remains to be their priority. All these large companies are the same. The only thing we can shoot for is either request that they produce some more old ATC parts or provide vendors with the ability/blueprints/patent freedom to manufacture parts. For now we just have to either use our machining skills or our part sourcing savy to keep these old ATCs going.Thats it thats all.

11-30-2006, 09:26 PM
I Agree Davex !!!............CNC Off ...it's Late ...I'm OUT !!!! :beer

11-30-2006, 09:55 PM
You will get further asking Santa for a new 350X. Without a doubt the most ridiculous post I ever read on this board. Do you really think Honda would build a 3 wheeler again ? I don't know about the CSPC thing your talking about but I do remember in 1987 every news station and morning show saying that 3 wheelers were being banned. You also think there is a market ? You have maybe 20 people on this site that would (could) buy a new one. The rest ride old bent up junk because they can't afford a nice quad. Come on man, you sound like all the kids on this site. I am no 3 wheeler hater. I love 'em. I sold a brand new Arctic Cat when I came across a mint 250R for sale but Honda could never build them again and they don't have any stashed away. Face it. They roll very easy. Take a 200X. It's almost impossible to turn it without going up on 2 wheels. I have either owned or ridden most Honda ATC's and except for the bigger models (Big Red, ATC200. 81-82 250r's) they tip pretty easy and the lawyers of today would be all over Honda. Here's a question for someone. How come they don't ban snowmobiles ? I have only ridden 4 models. Arctic Cat, Polaris and 2 Ski Doos. If you hit the brake going real fast the back end wants to come around and make the sled roll. You have 2 wide skis in front and a narrow track in the rear. Just like a 3 wheeler but reversed. Why aren't they banned ?

xd 200x
11-30-2006, 11:17 PM
really funny thing is when you do a west law search for honda and atc all states it only comes up with 31 and when you do a federal case only comes up 21. I dont really think it was all that bad. didnt look all that hard but 1 judgemnt was 8 mil + others were over turned.

xd 200x
11-30-2006, 11:37 PM
ok just for refernce of a stupid case against honda here ya go it will be long ill edit it for you guys sake if this is too long still a mod can delete it

United States District Court,
W.D. Wisconsin.
Eugene LUNDQUIST, Plaintiff,
AMERICAN HONDA MOTOR CO., INC. and Honda Motor Co., Ltd., Defendants and Third-
Party Plaintiffs,
Feb. 29, 1988.

Injured driver brought action against manufacturer and distributor of all terrain vehicle, alleging negligence, strict liability, violation of Consumer Product Safety Act, and negligent misrepresentative advertising. Manufacturer and distributor filed motion for summary judgment. t.

Under Wisconsin law, driver's statement that he knew that all terrain vehicle lacked a differential, combined with his minimal description of what that meant to him, fell far short of establishing as matter of law his full awareness and appreciation of potentially hazardous nature of vehicle in general and of vehicle's lack of differential in particular, and thus did not establish as matter of law that driver could not prevail under failure to warn theory in negligence and strict liability action brought against manufacturer and distributor of vehicle to recover for injuries sustained when vehicle went off road.

Genuine issue of material fact, precluding summary judgment for manufacturer and distributor of all terrain vehicle in negligence and strict liability action brought by injured driver under Wisconsin law, existed as to whether failure to warn with regard to absence of a differential was cause of driver's injury.

Genuine issues of material fact, precluding summary judgment for manufacturer and distributor of all terrain vehicle in action brought by injured driver under Wisconsin law alleging reliance on negligently misrepresentative advertising, existed as to whether driver relied to his damage on negligent advertising misrepresentations, even though driver had stated that his decision to purchase vehicle was not based in any way on any advertising, where driver had also earlier stated in his deposition that he had seen vehicle on television, and thus reasonable jury could draw inference that although final decision to buy vehicle may not have been consciously based on advertising, driver did rely on advertising to create first impression of vehicle and consider it as purchase option.

1. Plaintiff Eugene Lundquist is a citizen of the State of Wisconsin, residing in Foxboro, Wisconsin (Removal Petition *1198 ¶ 4(a), Dkt. # 3; Lundquist Dep. p. 3, Dkt. # 91). [FN2]

6. Plaintiff Lundquist was born on December 28, 1929. (Lundquist Dep. p. 3) He is a heavy equipment operator by trade, with experience operating tractors, trucks, cranes, bulldozers, backhoes and semi-trucks dating back to the 1940's and continuously from 1977 until his injury. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 3-5, 18-19)
7. Lundquist and his wife own and live on a 349 acre farm. They own and operate six tractors on their farm. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 7, 47)
8. In January of 1984, Lundquist purchased a 1984 Honda ATC 200 ES :beer (ATC), planning to use the vehicle on his farm and for hunting. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 42-43; Defendants' Answers to Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories, p. 5, Ex. G, Dkt. # 84); August 28, 1987, Letter from Defendants' Attorney to Plaintiff's Attorney, Ex. J, Dkt. # 92; September 23, 1987, Letter from Plaintiff's Attorney to Defendants' Attorney, Ex. I, Dkt. # 84).
9. After purchasing the ATC, Lundquist operated it on his farm, as well as through the woods and fields surrounding his farm. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 83-84, 122)
10. In addition, Lundquist used the ATC to go hunting, to visit his friends and neighbors and to do chores on his farm. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 101-102, 122)
11. Lundquist occasionally rode the ATC recreationally along a four-mile route in the area of his home, which included several gravel roads, as well as a blacktop-covered section of County Highway B near Foxboro. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 111-114)
12. Lundquist made at least four to six trips along that four-mile route prior to the accident that is the subject of this litigation. (Lundquist Dep. p. 114), including up to two trips after dark. (Lundquist Dep. p. 118)
13. In total, Lundquist rode the ATC at least 100 miles before the accident. (Lundquist Dep. p. 122)
14. The accident at issue in this case occurred on the night of August 15, 1984, not earlier than 10:15 p.m. and not later than approximately 11:00 p.m. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 130, 135)
15. On that day, Lundquist arose at approximately 6:00-6:30 a.m., and worked from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., operating a backhoe. (Lundquist Dep. p. 131)
16. On arriving home from work, about 5:00-5:30 p.m., Lundquist had one beer and then did repair work on his truck before going to his daughter's home for dinner at about 6:00-7:00 p.m.:beer (Lundquist Dep. pp. 122, 133)
*1199 17. While at his daughter's home Lundquist had one beer and also an unspecified amount of brandy.:beer Lundquist did not have any other alcoholic beverage after approximately 6:30 p.m. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 133-135)
18. After dinner Lundquist returned home and completed his work on his truck, took it out for a half-mile test drive, returned, cleaned up and watched television. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 133-135)
19. Because it was very hot that evening, Lundquist left his house at about 10:15-10:30 p.m.:beer on his ATC to go for a ride to cool off. (Lundquist Dep. p. 135)
20. It was dark outside and Lundquist had his headlight turned on. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 138-139)
21. Lundquist's route that evening included the same portion of Highway B that he had previously traveled as part of the four-mile route described in Finding 11, above. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 112-114, 139)
22. Lundquist traveled along Highway B, in the right-hand lane, at a speed of not less than 10 nor more than 15 miles per hour. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 137-138, 145, 181)
23. As Lundquist was traveling west along Highway B, he approached a point at which the road curved to the left (southwest). (Lundquist Dep. pp. 113, 144)
24. Lundquist saw the reflection of a light pass across his windshield, and he turned and looked over his left shoulder in an attempt to identify the source of light. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 144-145):crazy:
25. Lundquist did not see anything when he looked over his shoulder. (Lundquist Dep. p. 146):crazy:
26. Lundquist's ATC went off the road. (Lundquist Dep. p. 146)

ok this dusche was 58-59 years old when this happened

america is a wonderul place

11-30-2006, 11:38 PM
So, this Lundquist cat, he bought an ATC200 and after putting some time in on it, drank, then rode it at night on a public road and ran off the road because he wasn't looking where he was going, and that was HONDA'S problem?

Honda isn't going to put the millions it takes into R&D and tooling it takes to make a new model based on some letters.

12-01-2006, 03:31 AM
ok just for refernce of a stupid case against honda here ya go it will be long ill edit it for you guys sake if this is too long still a mod can delete it

United States District Court,
W.D. Wisconsin.
Eugene LUNDQUIST, Plaintiff,
AMERICAN HONDA MOTOR CO., INC. and Honda Motor Co., Ltd., Defendants and Third-
Party Plaintiffs,
Feb. 29, 1988.

Injured driver brought action against manufacturer and distributor of all terrain vehicle, alleging negligence, strict liability, violation of Consumer Product Safety Act, and negligent misrepresentative advertising. Manufacturer and distributor filed motion for summary judgment. t.

Under Wisconsin law, driver's statement that he knew that all terrain vehicle lacked a differential, combined with his minimal description of what that meant to him, fell far short of establishing as matter of law his full awareness and appreciation of potentially hazardous nature of vehicle in general and of vehicle's lack of differential in particular, and thus did not establish as matter of law that driver could not prevail under failure to warn theory in negligence and strict liability action brought against manufacturer and distributor of vehicle to recover for injuries sustained when vehicle went off road.

Genuine issue of material fact, precluding summary judgment for manufacturer and distributor of all terrain vehicle in negligence and strict liability action brought by injured driver under Wisconsin law, existed as to whether failure to warn with regard to absence of a differential was cause of driver's injury.

Genuine issues of material fact, precluding summary judgment for manufacturer and distributor of all terrain vehicle in action brought by injured driver under Wisconsin law alleging reliance on negligently misrepresentative advertising, existed as to whether driver relied to his damage on negligent advertising misrepresentations, even though driver had stated that his decision to purchase vehicle was not based in any way on any advertising, where driver had also earlier stated in his deposition that he had seen vehicle on television, and thus reasonable jury could draw inference that although final decision to buy vehicle may not have been consciously based on advertising, driver did rely on advertising to create first impression of vehicle and consider it as purchase option.

1. Plaintiff Eugene Lundquist is a citizen of the State of Wisconsin, residing in Foxboro, Wisconsin (Removal Petition *1198 ¶ 4(a), Dkt. # 3; Lundquist Dep. p. 3, Dkt. # 91). [FN2]

6. Plaintiff Lundquist was born on December 28, 1929. (Lundquist Dep. p. 3) He is a heavy equipment operator by trade, with experience operating tractors, trucks, cranes, bulldozers, backhoes and semi-trucks dating back to the 1940's and continuously from 1977 until his injury. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 3-5, 18-19)
7. Lundquist and his wife own and live on a 349 acre farm. They own and operate six tractors on their farm. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 7, 47)
8. In January of 1984, Lundquist purchased a 1984 Honda ATC 200 ES :beer (ATC), planning to use the vehicle on his farm and for hunting. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 42-43; Defendants' Answers to Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories, p. 5, Ex. G, Dkt. # 84); August 28, 1987, Letter from Defendants' Attorney to Plaintiff's Attorney, Ex. J, Dkt. # 92; September 23, 1987, Letter from Plaintiff's Attorney to Defendants' Attorney, Ex. I, Dkt. # 84).
9. After purchasing the ATC, Lundquist operated it on his farm, as well as through the woods and fields surrounding his farm. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 83-84, 122)
10. In addition, Lundquist used the ATC to go hunting, to visit his friends and neighbors and to do chores on his farm. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 101-102, 122)
11. Lundquist occasionally rode the ATC recreationally along a four-mile route in the area of his home, which included several gravel roads, as well as a blacktop-covered section of County Highway B near Foxboro. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 111-114)
12. Lundquist made at least four to six trips along that four-mile route prior to the accident that is the subject of this litigation. (Lundquist Dep. p. 114), including up to two trips after dark. (Lundquist Dep. p. 118)
13. In total, Lundquist rode the ATC at least 100 miles before the accident. (Lundquist Dep. p. 122)
14. The accident at issue in this case occurred on the night of August 15, 1984, not earlier than 10:15 p.m. and not later than approximately 11:00 p.m. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 130, 135)
15. On that day, Lundquist arose at approximately 6:00-6:30 a.m., and worked from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., operating a backhoe. (Lundquist Dep. p. 131)
16. On arriving home from work, about 5:00-5:30 p.m., Lundquist had one beer and then did repair work on his truck before going to his daughter's home for dinner at about 6:00-7:00 p.m.:beer (Lundquist Dep. pp. 122, 133)
*1199 17. While at his daughter's home Lundquist had one beer and also an unspecified amount of brandy.:beer Lundquist did not have any other alcoholic beverage after approximately 6:30 p.m. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 133-135)
18. After dinner Lundquist returned home and completed his work on his truck, took it out for a half-mile test drive, returned, cleaned up and watched television. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 133-135)
19. Because it was very hot that evening, Lundquist left his house at about 10:15-10:30 p.m.:beer on his ATC to go for a ride to cool off. (Lundquist Dep. p. 135)
20. It was dark outside and Lundquist had his headlight turned on. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 138-139)
21. Lundquist's route that evening included the same portion of Highway B that he had previously traveled as part of the four-mile route described in Finding 11, above. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 112-114, 139)
22. Lundquist traveled along Highway B, in the right-hand lane, at a speed of not less than 10 nor more than 15 miles per hour. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 137-138, 145, 181)
23. As Lundquist was traveling west along Highway B, he approached a point at which the road curved to the left (southwest). (Lundquist Dep. pp. 113, 144)
24. Lundquist saw the reflection of a light pass across his windshield, and he turned and looked over his left shoulder in an attempt to identify the source of light. (Lundquist Dep. pp. 144-145):crazy:
25. Lundquist did not see anything when he looked over his shoulder. (Lundquist Dep. p. 146):crazy:
26. Lundquist's ATC went off the road. (Lundquist Dep. p. 146)

ok this dusche was 58-59 years old when this happened

america is a wonderul place

man thats the gayest *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* i ever heard lmao- charley murphy

12-01-2006, 09:25 AM
build your own new trike if you want one. new honda atv + new honda dirtbike....= new honda trike.

12-01-2006, 09:36 AM
Did this Lundquist fellow die?

He was under the influence, probably without a helmet if its not mentioned in the case.

12-01-2006, 09:58 AM
I can tell you first hand working for honda , that although we would all like to see it , It will NEVER happen . Up until i started restoring ATCs for them they had all but one in the museam in japan and i think it was the fact that they dont want to remember the one vehicle that almost put them under 20 years ago , everybody jumped on the bandwagon back in the 80s if they got hurt on an ATC and it snowballed into what we have now . I am sure they are still getting lawsuits over these bikes . I am a true 3 wheeler nut ask anyone who knows me so i would love to see what the industry would have done with the 3 wheeler after 87 . but its never going to happen ever. Lets just make them a cool place in history and keep the nice ones that are left alive and move on
Vintage Motorsports

12-01-2006, 11:05 AM
I guess I agree with what everyone else said, Honda has way too much to lose by making them again. However I will say its interesting that there are those smaller Chinese companies making the little trikes. Yeah I know, Chinese junk, never going to make it over to this country, blah blah, still its another company making atvs with 3 wheels, at the very least its interesting. I have to say nice letter. Well written, to the point, and unlike most other letters that have been posted up here, it doesnt make us all look stupid. Good try man, its fun to dream anyways

12-01-2006, 12:09 PM
Honda wouldnt choose to make replacement parts because the market is too small. 3 wheelers are a dying breed preserved by enthusiests and people who like old cheap beat up motor vehicles. Getting the dies released is a good idea but i dont know thier specific policies and the posibility that one person with the authority gives a rats behind.

Its possible to find 3 wheeler conversions for Super bikes cars atvs and many other things but they are small scale and custom.

Basically 3wheelerworld.com is not a large enough consumer base it would cost millions just to put the parts back into production, thats the problem with big buisness it doesnt cater to the individual. Too bad no one has really gotten into manufactureing their ownreproductions.

Send the Letter though it never hurts to ask you might be surprised maybe there is a real smart guy at honda public relations that has an alternative idea.

12-01-2006, 12:43 PM
I guess there is a fine line between reality and dreaming. I choose to dream....seems like most of us get stuck in a rut and forget about dreaming. Remember when we were kids? We dreamt about dinosaurs, Transformers, magic, etc.....well what happens when we get old? We dream about just making it to the dang weekend to watch football. Adults have pathetic dreams.

Write the letter the best you can. Send it. If you don't ask, the answer is ALWAYS 'no'. If you don't get the response you want, keep trying different ideas. Make it work. It may not be easy, but would it be worth it if it was?

12-01-2006, 01:01 PM
THe thing is that it clearly states on these bikes, and any bike that they are dangerous and when people do stupid stuff *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* happens; that be the case people will have a lawsuit..
I remember some lady was trying to get a lawsuit on mcdonalds because her son got to fat on their happy meals............. :rolleyes: Dumb broud shouldn't of been making him eat that crap in the first place!!

It's sad that yes the 3 wheelers are a dying bread making parts harder to come by, but try the letter, maybe some alternative would come about ( just make sure you follow up on the letter call and see if it was recieved and such) Chances of them coming back, not going to happen, maybe a random set of auctions for those rare and "unheard: of 87 250R's and 350x's you just never know :naughty:

12-01-2006, 03:29 PM
Interesting letter. Any place that sells Honda parts can sell ATC parts. Not just Service Honda. I don't see Honda ever making them (trikes) again. But, I do see a niche market here for custom builders!!! Look at all the crazy stuff going on with custom motorcycles.

12-01-2006, 06:48 PM
Never gonna happen in a million years. The consent decree isn't the reason they'll never make them again. It's the lawsuits.

You're way better off putting your effort into something that at least a snowball's chance in hell of working. Ask for them to re-issue some of the hard to find parts.

make them sign a weiver,id buy one they should be awesome!

12-04-2006, 11:44 PM
I like the letter, personally.

I disagree its about the lawsuits because for every law there is a loophole.
Maybe the "signed waiver" is the way out of it. or maybe they would require you to go thru a class, and mabye get a "trike" designation on your liscense.

the things we need to be thinking about is how to make it work. if we get a response from them we will counter the response until it is worked out.

if honda wants to be wienies about it - maybe all of us should get together and see who has the best skills in particular to begin a new brand. I could invest, run the business, and make it profitable, but we need a few really good lawyers, some seriously inclined engineers, mechanics and other investors. we would have to "invest" our own work and tools until profits were produced.


12-05-2006, 02:00 AM
im pretty sure this is the funniest thread i've read so far
no manufacturer will make a trike except third world countries(china,russia,taiwan) cause of all the liberal pussy safety nuts.
most ppl i know wont drive my trike when i offer to let them cause they're "scared they'll tip" cause they had a "bad experience" or know someone who got hurt on one.the only ppl who like em are rednecks like me who grew up on em or cant afford a 4 wheeler.

the main problem is yuppy pusswads who have big mouths and nothing better to do then complain about something they've never even been around b 4.
i got the same problems with my dog(pitbull) and my hunting "apparel"

i dont know if you guys heard but my province i live in,new brunswick just decided to ban all use of atv's,dirtbikes and snowmobiles to persons under the age of 16 because some kids got killed driving atvs that were way too big for them to handle in the first place.there were no discussions or votes,they just did it

guess who just got voted in,in the provincial election......the liberal party

12-05-2006, 04:24 AM
Hell, EVen if there isn't much of chance, i would of thought you guys would of atleast supported his efforts lol...Comeon! I say go for it! More power to him...Whats it gonna hurt?

12-05-2006, 04:34 AM
Hell, EVen if there isn't much of chance, i would of thought you guys would of atleast supported his efforts lol...Comeon! I say go for it! More power to him...Whats it gonna hurt?

hell ya!! a dude can dream cant he...

andrew j hyman
12-05-2006, 08:41 AM
It will never happen, Do not waste your time writing to Honda, I have a bunch of friends that work for Honda. They still have a full time Guy thats keeps All bikes ready for Law suites . Just couple years ago he was working on a 200X getting it ready for a law suit. Any bike thats been a law suit they keep ready, New cables ect keep it running . I have friends working at PC10 whare house in c.a. Honda really does not care about old parts Every day they put parts in the trash. If a dealer sends back a old part and there is NOT a spot to put it Goes in the Trash. I have been working with them for years trying to set them up with old parts wharehouse No luck. andrew

12-05-2006, 02:48 PM
I guess there is a fine line between reality and dreaming. I choose to dream....seems like most of us get stuck in a rut and forget about dreaming. Remember when we were kids? We dreamt about dinosaurs, Transformers, magic, etc.....well what happens when we get old? We dream about just making it to the dang weekend to watch football. Adults have pathetic dreams.

Write the letter the best you can. Send it. If you don't ask, the answer is ALWAYS 'no'. If you don't get the response you want, keep trying different ideas. Make it work. It may not be easy, but would it be worth it if it was?

i like that...never stop dreaming guys...i still believe someday some company will produce 3wheelers

12-05-2006, 02:58 PM
I would send it. It will be interesting to read the response.....

12-05-2006, 03:14 PM
i like that...never stop dreaming guys...i still believe someday some company will produce 3wheelers

.......we could.
I cant believe no one has offered to join the start up.

12-05-2006, 03:23 PM
Yeah that letter to Honda would go over like a brother at a klan rally. :rolleyes:

No way....No how....

Might even make them realize that... hey.... maybe we should quit making parts for these things so the liablity will go away.:rolleyes:

12-05-2006, 03:29 PM
.......we could.
I cant believe no one has offered to join the start up.

I am more then willing to join you. I think with a small customer base, and a decent contract set-up we could start something like Tiger had. Small, and hand-built. Requiring training courses would help out for potential customers. The problem with signing a waver is that any lawyer can get around it. An agreement like that can be worthless given the circumstances. Even when someone signs their life away, we can still get the pants sued off us.

Its just that at this point in time, I could not even think about starting a venture like that. I have my business to run, and a house to buy. Maybe in the next ten years I could get serious about building my own bikes.


12-05-2006, 06:01 PM
Some people on this site are just lazy thats all. When I first saw this site. The old angelfire site. 3 wheeling has come leaps and bounds. How many of us are there now? Ill bet there has been at leats 2 million people who have visited this site. And with 3 wheeler.org almost dead this site almost owns all of us. But there is a qusetion of would you really buy a "New ATC" with cheap parts. Trikes were so good because they were so simple. Atvs now are crap and if they made trikes,m they would be the large 800 cc atvs that are rolling over people. When this site gets larger more and more people with big coin get in here. I can see someone building trikes again.

We just need the right person. Just like we needed Three Wheelio Howdy And Honda Atc Aka billy to start the revolution. We just need to finish it.

12-05-2006, 06:58 PM
This has been discussed many times before, and it simply will not happen. Lest say Honda decided it was a great idea to spend the capitol to tool up for another run of a machine that they might sell a couple thousand of. What do you think the CPSC would do the day they rolled onto the dealer floor???? You really think they wil sit back and say "well, the decree is expired, so we wont do anything"????? If Honda announced they were going to produce a trike, there would be a new CPSC decree so fast it would make your two stroker look like it was parked!!!! Not only that, Im sure it would be a "new and improved" version of the decree. Its not about lawsuits, and never really was. It was about government regulation. Honda lost millions last time and would lose millions by having to scrap a mass produced product that was already built. IT SIMPLY WILL NEVER HAPPEN, and Honda would be stupid to do it.

Your best bet for a new trike would be an outfit such as Service Honda who would build them from existing products, just like their "TRX250R", or provide a kit consisting of a frame and front end that would accept the back half of a currently produced quad. They would not be sold at 1986 prices either, probably upwards of $9 or $10K

Another possibility is 3rd world mfg, that would not capture as much attention as the big Jap 4, but I doubt you would get the same amount of interest or confidence in quality.

Either way, dont expect one from Japan, and expect severe consequences if they were business foolish enough to do it.

12-05-2006, 07:17 PM
.......we could.
I cant believe no one has offered to join the start up.
im already building new trikes very very very slowly like 1 a month but im doin it we have a bunch of prototypes right now were making them as All Terrain Trike co, ltd.
we have 2 models 1 sit on like an atc and 1 sit in like a mud bug
the ATT 200F and the ATT MudKicka 2
and these are in the works
4 new SIT-ON'S ATT 110X, ATT 50H, ATT 250XE and to top it off the race ready drop u on your *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* ATT 500RE

12-05-2006, 07:52 PM
Yes but those people are the same people trying to ban atvs as well. So trikes were dangerous back in the day and they settled on quads. Harley Davidson bought the Lehman Trike conversion kit. They still make tricycles. Hell there putting engines on skateboards and pocket bikes. Only they can't do anything about them cause there 2 wheelers lol. I seen on american chopper, they made a guy who no longer had the use of his legs a trike. Half of the crap they put on those customs is suicide. Spikes up to yang. Hell If you ever dropped your cycle the crome would kill you.

Trikes are alot like motocross.
Who would ever think...
motocycles would jump 50 feet in the air.
motocycles would ever do back flips
that back flips are no longer the big trick.
what 6-8 years ago 3 people thought a trike web site:lol:
it will never happen.

And the ones who say IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN have quit fighting.
When the fighting has not quit.

12-05-2006, 08:43 PM
Even though we probably cant get Honda to start producing trikes again, I wonder if we could get them to make a trike kit?? Just like airplane or car kits -- it comes to you in a box and you put it together. If they made kits they would probably still be a lot cheaper than new quads, and if they made kits of the old ones instead of a new design then new parts will be made for our trikes again. Plus you would have a new trike!!! :w00t:

-Nick :TrikesOwn

12-05-2006, 08:49 PM
hmm good idea but does anyone want to help with ATT we need adv. help design help, manufacturing help (ive been using a arc welder and a hand tubing bender with steel tubing to make the prototypes and i need help, ive been using the schools cnc and stuff im not very good at that yet either. so any one in i have sme deigns made if u want to see and we use lifan exgines

12-05-2006, 08:51 PM
Trike kit from Honda ? Yeah. Write them a letter about that. I think your on to something. That's a great idea. They will without a doubt do that. I can't wait to place my order. Hope they come in red.

12-05-2006, 08:54 PM
Red Rider. You must be putting in some looooong hrs at the shop. If you want people to buy your stuff you first got to be able to talk. Can't understand you. Here is some advice. Hire Harry Dunn & Lloyd Christmas.

12-05-2006, 08:58 PM
sorry im just waaaaay tired. right now our motto is

12-05-2006, 10:15 PM
Never gonna happen in a million years. The consent decree isn't the reason they'll never make them again. It's the lawsuits.

You're way better off putting your effort into something that at least a snowball's chance in hell of working. Ask for them to re-issue some of the hard to find parts.

Couldn't have said it better myself. If you have any chance of getting a response, it would be by asking them to stock thier shelves with fresh 3 wheeler parts. Which by the way, would be freakin awesome. If you can get a response, I"m sure alot of people on here would be willing to write them too.

12-05-2006, 10:46 PM
Hey all you mailmen out there. Ask them to make the FL250's again but tell them to add a reverse, electric start and make it a 4 stroke. Thanks

12-06-2006, 12:01 AM
Do you think we would get a better reaction if we made a petition with like 1000 signatures?

andrew j hyman
12-06-2006, 05:35 PM
You all do not have a clue about Honda !!! Your wasting your time and there's . They are so picky about everything . My friend that works for Motorcross team. If anyone is caught with out helmet get in big trouble. they had a atv to take tires to start gate if you rode it had to have helmet >> I have talk to all the big Guys at Honda there is No way. It still stink like sh--t. No Kits No three wheelers .. My friend have been working for them for seven years.. And vms and I have been working for Honda Japan about three years. andrew

12-06-2006, 05:59 PM
well will anyone help me mith ATT??!?!~?

12-06-2006, 09:42 PM
Hey kid. Don't dump too much money into those projects. Check eBay. Those MudBug type 3 wheelers don't bring much unless it's a vintage one in mint cond. Not much fun to drive. A new 3 wheeler just won't have the same appeal as an old one. Come on Andrew. If 1000 people wrote to Honda I'm sure they would fire up the assembly lines and make 1000 more !! Just ask some people on this site.

12-06-2006, 09:54 PM
well theyre not all mud nug just 1 (the mudkicka 2 ) the 500R i really wanna get goin
the ATT 500R: the shear arm ripping power of the 495cm3 4 stroke engine will take you any where and win any race...! ATT: Were Taking You Places

12-06-2006, 10:46 PM
Hey Red rider, Lets see some proto type drawings of your models , you do have design drawings dont you or do you have a pile of steel , and a welder , No really Im interested !!!

Hey Teeks do you have a pen so i can sign the letter !!!!


12-06-2006, 10:56 PM
yes i have some designs i built 1 already if i had a cam i would have a trillion pix lol but i do need ALOT of help im doing this with 3 people current models /ideas 2 current models 1 sit on like an atc and 1 sit in like a mud bug
the ATT 200F (sit on) and the ATT MudKicka 2 (sit-in)
and these are in the works
4 new SIT-ON'S coming up -ATT 110X, ATT 50H, ATT 250XE and to top it off the race ready drop u on your butt ATT 500R

12-07-2006, 08:51 AM
Yeah I got a pen but there might not be enough room on the letter for your name. I think this is gonna go. I want a red one.

12-07-2006, 02:28 PM
heres my ideas for accesories ATT 70R- This is our entry level model designed for operators ages 5 and up
It consists of a powerful 70cc 4-stroke engine with a 4 speed auto-shift clutch with rev limiter for the youngest of riders.
Optional ATTLINE Accessories- speedometer and tachometer combo
Regular style fairing (race style unavailable for the ATT 70R)
15mm keihin carburetor and high output exhaust with a USFS approved spark arrestor.

ATT 110R- The weekend warrior designed for ages 10 and up it will take you any where including the winners circle its mighty-powerful 110cc 4-stroke engine has a 5 speed manual clutch with pro link suspension with gas charged shock.
Optional ATTLINE Accessories- speedometer and tachometer combo
Regular style fairing
Racing style faring with number plate
Standard upgrade pak-22mm keihin carburetor and high output exhaust with a USFS approved spark arrestor.
Racers special- 25mm keihin carburetor and high output exhaust system designed for CLOSED COUSE USE ONLY, and a special weight reduction kit.

ATT 200S- This is the machine that will go anywhere and do anything.
It has a super powerful 200cc 4stroke OHC engine with 5 speeds and electric start.
Optional ATTLINE Accessories- speedometer and tachometer combo
Regular style fairing
Racing style faring with number plate
Standard upgrade pak-25mm keihin carburetor and high output exhaust with a USFS approved spark arrestor.
Racers special- 29mm keihin carburetor and high output exhaust system designed for CLOSED COUSE USE ONLY, and a special weight reduction kit and lo-pro fenders.

12-07-2006, 02:32 PM
ATT 500R- THE BEAST. It has a highly potent 500cc 4stroke engine with 4 valves and a 6 speed manual clutch transmission. It will kill the competition.
Optional ATTLINE Accessories- speedometer and tachometer combo
Racing style faring with number plate
Racers special- 35mm keihin carburetor and high output exhaust system designed for CLOSED COUSE USE ONLY, and a special weight reduction kit with lo-profile fenders and seat
Short track kit- a new smaller tank and shrouds with modified triple clamps designed for a tighter turning radius.

12-07-2006, 03:29 PM
team-red-rider: I would change the "mudkicka 2" name - to possibly mud kicker. Unless you are marketing these siti-in style trikes to rappers only. Also - can I see the mudkicka 1??

Just picking on you man. It's nice to dream, but in reality I do not think you know 1% of what would be involved in such a business. Do you realize the liability alone would put you out of business the first time you got sued. What about marketing these???? And who approved your engineering? There better be a PE stamp on the plans somewhere. If not - hang it up now!

Like I said - it's nice to dream and I hate to take the wind out of your sails, but come on - you have to be realistic.

Anyway - I do wish you good luck - and would love to see what you have been welding on. Please post up some pics.

12-07-2006, 04:14 PM
as we talked, i am a mechanical drafter, i can make your dreams come to life....

12-07-2006, 04:57 PM
You're gonna build a 3 wheeler for a 5 yr old ??? What do they run those bike builder shows 24/7 down there ? Kid , forget about it. Don't let that guy stroke you on those drawings.

12-07-2006, 05:17 PM
I think we are dealing with a young kid here , who has no idea how the real world works , you would spend millions of dollars designing , proto typing , testing , and marketing any such machine , and it would never get past the design stage because no sound engineer would put there name on the line unless they have some screws loose. there is not an insurance company out there that would even talk to you without breaking out laughing. If you want to build one for your own use etc , thats cool I want to do this myself someday but making them public just not going to happen in a million years ,those days are gone back in the 70s there were all types of start up companys building some cool stuff , but in todays society It will never happen . I still want to see some pics of the Mud Kicka !!!!!!

12-07-2006, 05:21 PM
hey red rider, i want to know about the KE100 trike. post up some pics.

12-07-2006, 05:24 PM
I agree man, Liability with these things is something you would have to keep in the back of your mind especially... Also getting someone to back you with these would be another mission...
I say build them locally for yourself really or even to friends, but unless you have connections it's not going to be able to make it to the public pal, sorry
Yea definetly get pics because we all would love to see what you have cooking for these bad boys

12-07-2006, 06:12 PM
Hey Team Red rider. I started reading your post from the beginning trying to find pics of the ke100 trike. I have to hand it to you. In a very short time you have came from a beginner to someone that is not just designing his very own trikes but building them. In one of your threads when you said that you " could build a 110 with nos parts from the dealer for $900". You also stated that there was a Honda crate 110 engine for $400. i need to know if this is still available cause i definably want that.

12-07-2006, 06:18 PM
that 110 crate engine i tried to get but it never was there=[ and on the $900 i think i forgot to 00's LOL

12-07-2006, 06:20 PM
i have 6 orders but no help to build them i really really need help desgining and seting up stuff for the cnc's and ect.

12-07-2006, 06:21 PM
nope and on the 900 add 2 0's lol lets try 90,000 lol also on the ATT's i have 7 orders and need help wit cnc programing BIG TIME

12-07-2006, 06:44 PM
if you got a 2007 ATT200F almost half done why do you help with design work?

if your 15 and selling things who are the clients? kids at school. i would help almost anyone out on this site because i love 3wheelers but this is somthing huge, for all iknow the specs you spec of could be taking stright from honda which i asume would be copyright infringment (sp?).

if this is some home grown operation like taking KX85's and making them trikes thats a dif story. i could provide drawings and reverse engineering anytime but to what degree somone wants to use it is beyond me.

12-07-2006, 07:01 PM
NOPE EVERY thing is of or is my own design i dont kno how to do the cnc that well and stuff tho and the 200F i had alot of help from from the auto shop teacher at school but he got fired

12-07-2006, 07:26 PM
lol... Good luck to ya Red. But it's never going to happen.

12-07-2006, 09:12 PM
so your building bikes to sell, but your using the school for more then just learning but more so your own personal revenue?

why not just build 1, learn as much as you can and sub out things. being in school i could see why your using the school tools since they are free.