View Full Version : It Runs....or at least it ran

11-28-2006, 05:41 AM
Hello guys, Well i put the last missing parts on my 125M today. It started up with little effort. I think the carb needs to be cleaned out though because it dies if i dont give it gas. Now for the bad news.....my first ride around the yard i found out the tranny is bad...3rd gear dont work and if i ride low speed in 1st or 2nd gear it locks up on me and kills the engine...Im kinda new to this but im guessing the Clutch is screwed. Theres a clicking sound that comes from the tranny area also when riding. Im debating on what to do....buy a new engine and use the one i have for parts or i can replace the tranny and clutch. Im leaning towards buying a new engine for the fact that this one i have is probably 3 feet from deaths door. What do you guys think? PS the night ended with my trike getting stuck in gear and now i cant crank it over lol what a time these things can give you.

11-28-2006, 08:35 PM
i would split the cases it could be something small like a shift fork pin.

11-28-2006, 09:30 PM
yea same here