View Full Version : pics tf05 atc185 atc500r

11-28-2006, 12:05 AM
Here are a few pics of my 1980 atc 185. I did this from the ground up in about 6 months to take to tf05, which was my first time going. I didnt know what to expect other than lots of 3wheelers. I brought my 85 250sx 86tri-z and this 185. It was an instant topic of discussion as it was the only 1980 there. I did it as close to stock as i could including paint colors and correct decals. It was that one year red/orange color,that actually looked nice on this kind of trike. Well to my disbelief it was so well received that i was honored to take 1st place in the most original-best looking trike class. I was pretty proud of that trophy, and my little 185. Sadly less than a week after TF my co worker made me a generous offer on the 185 and i let it go. He still rides it often and has has no problems at all since he bought it. He is older and enjoys riding a true classic, so i felt it was going into good hands. The trike may be gone but the trophy will last a lifetime. The atc500r was also at tf05 and i have never seen it pictured here. It has to be SICKEST 500r on the planet. It was if honda assembled it to race with. Yes it was fast,very fast. Didnt see it at 06. Maybe 07?:TrikesOwn