View Full Version : Tri Z Clutch not right!

11-27-2006, 08:05 PM
OK Tri-Z folks. My 86 Z is having issues with the clutch. New cable on it and I have taken apart becasue I thought that the bar the cable hooks to had come up and the pushrod was under it. Ball is in place, rod is straight, basket is right. Put everything back together and it will not disengage quite enough-even if I adjust the cable out at the bars. I have adjusted as the manual says, yet it still will not roll freely with the clutch in and in gear. Had fuel pump issues so I had to pull start the other day and the cluth would disengage at faster speeds only. Could the ball be worn enough to cause this? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Also, where can I get a fuel pump rebuild kit? Thanks

11-27-2006, 08:34 PM
Ball could be worn along with both ends of the pushrod, together this will give you a bunch of play. And dont forget to have your pushrod adjuster adjusted properly on the outside of the pressure plate. If its out of adjustment the arm has to move a long distance before it actually contacts.

11-27-2006, 08:35 PM
the clutch may not disengage completely when cold.......

11-27-2006, 10:05 PM
I thought that as well..the cold. Once I get a fuel pump rebuild I will start it and see fi that is the problem. If not, I will have to take apart again and see if the ball or the shaft is worn. Thanks

11-27-2006, 11:34 PM
Yeah my buddys 86 Z doesnt let go until it is totally warm. My ktm is the same way.

Messing with the pushrod can be a real PITA, I went from one that was too short to too long on my ktm. Ended up grinding the the longer one down to 1/16 of an inch longer and that did the trick.

Bryan Raffa
11-27-2006, 11:41 PM
the ball will only be bad if it's got a flat spot in it,,all triz's push hard when in gear and clutch pulled in not running....even when warm there still hard to push, But not as bad as cold.

Bryan Raffa
11-28-2006, 12:05 AM
this is what you want the shaft to look like,,far right is a good one see how its got a 1/8 tip after the taper on the verry end,,,As you go left the get worse and that what they look like! thoes are bad!;)

sorry the first pic is backwards the good one is on the left!

I have also had the adjustment rod weld it self to the ball one time.

11-28-2006, 11:23 AM
OV the Ball was fine I am sure. But I think Raffa is right. It seems like the rod was like those that he is saying is not so good. I am sure the ball is good though it looked perfect.

I hope you get this fixed soon.
I am out of "you should have stuck with a honda" jokes

11-28-2006, 11:32 AM
She sure is sexy though with the new purple paint and the new aussiedunner shrouds!!!!

Too bad she wont start, pump any fuel, clutch disengage, or beat a honda......

:naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

11-28-2006, 08:53 PM
was the push rod worn that much KB?

11-28-2006, 09:00 PM
I hope you get this fixed soon.
I am out of "you should have stuck with a honda" jokes
L M A O !!!! That's Good !! :lol:
Is the World Wide Web Good or What ??

11-29-2006, 09:05 AM
Anyone know where to get a pushrod? Bike Bandit says discontinued.

11-29-2006, 01:57 PM
was the push rod worn that much KB?

From what I remember both ends looked a little boogered up. Nothing extreme, but what else can it be? We took it all apart, reaseembled it correctly and still no luck. The ball is perfect I do know that. It looks to me like it is working properly visually. You pull the lever it looks like it is doing what it should. But we both know its not because you can't tell a difference when its in gear and you push the trike. Clutch in or out its the same. Only when you get that sucker really rolling does it feel like its doing something.

My guess is its that rod. When it fell off the bench it bent or jammed that rod out of wack.

or its just a YAMA....

try painting it red?

11-29-2006, 02:07 PM
L M A O !!!! That's Good !! :lol:
Is the World Wide Web Good or What ??

Oh Man. I wore it out over the holiday's We had a garage full of trikes.

Eight trikes to be exact. All of them red but one. All of them ran but two. the ATC 70 needs a coil. :lol: :lol:

I would almost buy OV another yami I have enjoyed it way more than he has.

Bryan Raffa
11-29-2006, 06:07 PM
just got off the phone with ronnie,,, told Him thoes steel tips are removeable, There pressed on. He's gonna look into maybe makeing some tips that are harder! so save your old shafts! If ya got a bunch of bad ones you can take the good tips and make a good one!

oh and try that goggle tear off trick for your pump...you'll be ridein in no time;)

11-29-2006, 09:58 PM
If im reading this right, there may be nothing wrong. Most machines will not break looose and roll freely when the clutch is disengaged without a sufficient amount of forward force apllied. Are you driving it, and it wont disengage, or are you trying to push it around in gear with the clutch pulled? All are a little hard to break loose, but if it is more difficult than normal, the most likely cause is teh clutch basket. When the basket gets grooved, it acts like a "v" guide for your clutch disks and forces the disks into the metals as they pull forward. Your push rod will not cause this, and is not critical. Any piece of straight rod will work, as its just a push rod. The push rod adjuster is like the cable adjustment (screw and nut), and is simply for taking up the slack.

11-29-2006, 10:34 PM
Yeah those Tri-z's do not disengage at all or very much when they are cold. Start it up and ride it for a couple minutes and see how it is. My friends does not make a difference at all when it is cold if the clutch is pulled in while in gear and you are trying to push it or not.

Why dont you measure the push rod assembly and see if anyone on here can give you the correct length?

11-29-2006, 10:37 PM
great idea-anybody? And Tim, if it is the clutch basket it should break free when I start it and ride it right? I am rebuilding the fuel pump now but will try it as soon as I can. This weekend hopefully.

Bryan Raffa
11-30-2006, 08:39 AM
You can file the grooves with a flat file. Untill the you get to the bottom of the groove, That will take care of that problem, This is what it will look like, File all the high points off.;)

11-30-2006, 03:47 PM
What's so strange about this whole thing is the clutch was fine. OV had the engine out of the frame sitting on his work bench. We were ten feet away from the work bench when the motor fell off and landed right on top of the clutch arm. The clutch arm was bent from the fall which we straightend back out but it has not been right since it fell off the bench. Thats why I was leaning towards the shaft possible being tweaked? But as I was saying it looks visually like it is doing what it should. We were pulling it with my 350x and it didnt seem like it was working until it really got some speed faster than you could probably push it. Now this is where I get really confussed lets say the arm is slightly tweaked and needs to be a little longer. Even if we adjusted the clutch tighter than it should be it still seemed to make no difference. We adjusted it were it should have been engaged with out even pulling the lever. So that makes me think that Tim is right and its fine. But after we pulled the thing around the yard trying to get it to start it should have loosened up and worked as any other clutch but it didnt which leads me back to thinking something got tweaked in the fall?

:wondering :wondering :wondering :wondering

( when I was talking about the cluch arm I am talking about the thin metal clip deal the clutch cable attaches to. Thats what was bent from the fall )

Something is just not right. when you pull the lever It looks like it is moving enough to engage the clutch but it wont with out a fair amount of speed pulling it? Which makes me think that the fall from the work bench has nothing to do with it and its the basket or plates?

I just dont know? :lol:

I have thought about this way to much :lol: :drool:

11-30-2006, 03:52 PM
Well this answered my question too. I thought it was my cable,....good thing I didn't buy one.

Bryan Raffa
11-30-2006, 07:07 PM
It's probley fine but it you got it apart you might inspect the basket and the shaft