View Full Version : Little Bike Lost... Little Bike found

11-25-2006, 07:01 PM
Hi there... About 2 weeks ago an old friend who was travelling across Eastern Quebec came across an old farm estate being sold off and decided to sit in on the sale.

Over in one corner.. covered in grime and cobwebs he spotted something that made his eyes pop wide open... an original 1970 atc70 and a 2nd 72cc motor for it. Checking the frame he found the following VIN# atc70-1007096... he immediately picked up his cell phone and called me in Vancouver.. got approval and bought it for me and made arrangements to ship it to me.... he was even able to obtain the last issued Quebec registration for it to prove it's authenticity.:Bounce

I will be adding photos of the Little Trike that Could in the near future... she is about to become my '06/'07 winter project. You will notice some oddities perhaps, such as the gas tank size and shape... front wheel held in place with a 3/8 bolt.... and rear fender held in place with .... air.... in the upcoming photos... as soon as I figure out how to post them... duh...:wondering :wondering

Any feedback I can obtain here would be appreciated, such as the proper Honda paint color and stock number... any known decals on the original... existing advertising for it... OEM handbooks and original toolkits if they were available in 1970.:D

11-25-2006, 07:06 PM
Here are a couple more I just found in my misc. photo folder... gotta sort these out some day....:rolleyes:

11-25-2006, 07:11 PM
That looks like a 73, atc 70, pretty saught after, has a atc 90 tank on it.

11-25-2006, 07:12 PM
Hmm, :wondering so was this your ride at one time? Looks like a good little project. How much did it run ya?

Oh... Welcome to the forums.. for us trike guys this is heaven on earth! :w00t:

11-25-2006, 07:18 PM
$100.00 CDN including the 2nd 72cc engine... friend found it at an estate sale for me... when I was a kid they were still trying to figure out how to sculpt a stone wheel. It was a Tuesday afternoon... I remember that because it was the same day they invented fire... or was it water...:wondering

Cost $200.00 CDN to get it shipped to the West Coast.... Still a bar-goon..

Thank you for the welcome... much appreciated.. hope I can add something to the group... besides cobwebs..

11-25-2006, 07:22 PM
Looks like a '73... reggy states...1970.... and I thought it as a 90 gas tank too.
Gotta find a seat somewhere... or make one..

11-25-2006, 09:53 PM
ya definately a good bargain! Its a real fixer upper but i bet it will look great when it is finished. In the rear picture is the pipe sticking out the muffler? anyway keep us updated!