View Full Version : How do I save my plastic gas tank??

11-21-2006, 09:52 PM
Off an 85 250r. I scrubbed it with soap and water and most of the oxidation came off. But it's got little cracks/fissures over a good portion of it. It seems structurally sound and doesn't leak but I'd like to take steps to halt its breakdown.

Is there anything I can do to make it last another 20 years? What's the best way to remove the white oxidation (I assume it's oxidation)?



11-21-2006, 10:04 PM
Wet sand the crap out of it. Start with like a 320 or 400 grit and work your way all the way up to 2000 then buff the plastic out with a polishing compound.

11-21-2006, 10:07 PM
i run into this problem all the time with toys in the sun. i never use sand paper but rather a super sharp pocket knife and scrape the white away from your selfwith the knife at about a 45 degree angle. dont press so hard but hard nuff you see new plastics, after that do not do a thing do it but other then some WD40 and let it soak in. every tank or plastic ive done like that turns out nearly new, you still see stroke lines but thats only up close maybe 3ft away from the tanks.

i did a 1986 KX250 gas tank that was sitting in a creek for 6 months then out side on a kids sheed roof for 6 months also. it was 80% white, when iw as done with it it looked about sweet but it took me 3 hours by hand to do that.

Derrick Adams
11-22-2006, 05:37 AM
If you want it to loog original again, wet sanding is the only way to go. Just like Dammit said. It will look good as new. I start with scotchbrite pads for the heavy oxidation then go right into the 320 and up till smooth. Buff and shine!

11-22-2006, 07:02 AM
whatever method you use, do NOT use plastic renew if you plan on keeping it.
did this on mine, and it rained on it 2 days later. it looks like its cracking and peeling everywhere. some have told me you have to re-apply it every time you ride.
what a waste of $27!

11-22-2006, 10:50 AM
whatever method you use, do NOT use plastic renew if you plan on keeping it.
did this on mine, and it rained on it 2 days later. it looks like its cracking and peeling everywhere. some have told me you have to re-apply it every time you ride.
what a waste of $27!

Seriously? I just bought and applied that crap! :mad:

jason 32
11-22-2006, 06:42 PM
`i would use 600 and up- or you might leave sandmarks too deep,and end up taking too much off
wet sand ,with dawn dish soap,warm water, finish with a plastic polishing compound, should look good- unless its faded from the sun
when faded from the sun if real bad it wont come out,it is usually all the way through the material

11-22-2006, 08:04 PM
Dammit and Derrick are right. Here is a great, step by step thread to go by. http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/showthread.php?t=24247

We followed this for fenders, and got great results. It should be made a sticky IMO.