View Full Version : Tri-Z help...

11-09-2006, 12:49 AM
Ok, I was rode my Z the other night for a good hour or so after sun down. That way im not making any hunters mad or anything. Everything went well and I got home and just left it behind my garage, because I rememebr someone telling me it was supposed to be nice the next few days. Well, I wake up the next morning, and it's RAINING!! So I hopped into my slippers ran outside with just my boxers and a t-shirt on, and pushed the Z into the garage. I felt better after that. I didn't have any time to mess with it because I had to go to work. That was yesterday. Well tonight I started it up, and like always, it started right up after 2 kicks. So I just let it sit there and idle as I went and got my helmet and jacket(15 feet away). Well, It died as I went and got those things. I thought, well that's strange....I don't rememebr putting the choke on. So I grabbed my gear went over to my z, and saw that I did indeed leave the choke off. Hmm. I kicked it over again, started it up......and died 2 secs later. I kicked it again and again, and nothing. So I thought, no gas. Well, gas is about 3/4 full. I took the plug off, and cleaned it, kicked it over, and it sputtered and died. So I put the choke on kicked it over, sputttered and died again, I took it off, kicked it about 4 times, and on the 3rd time it sputtered, and 4th time it back fired. So I though that was enough for tonight.
What could be the problem? Could it be the plug? I never got a chance to check spark, because I had other things to do, and it was just to dark. Another thing is, on my stator cover, the rubber gromet thing that the wire runs through going in and out of the cover is out. Could water have gotten down in there and damaged the coil?

11-09-2006, 01:15 AM
I would definely fix the grommet but its all solid state so water isnt going to hurt it unless it rusts over the magnets. I would try a new plug but it doesnt sound like a plug. Put the fuel selector to the reserve setting and drain a little gas into a clear container, check for water. You may also have a leak on the vacuum side of the fuel pump, is the carb full of fuel? What color is your plug when you pulled it out.


11-09-2006, 09:48 PM
Your plug is fouled. To clean a plug you have to get the white ceramic insulator around the center electrode clean, and the only way to do that is to sand/bead blast it. If you cant blast it replace it, and alwasy keep a few spares.

11-10-2006, 11:39 AM
Well It wasn't the plug or the carb. The hose that sucks the fuel outta the tank busted in the tank, so it wasn't sucking up any fuel. I fixed it by shoving a big hose up it, and slitting down the sides of the end, so it doesn't get stuck sucking the bottom of the tank.
But I can't get it started now. I always heard starting these things after running outta fuel is a B and a half. What's the trick? Should I jsut hook up my lawn mower to it and pull it around until she's in good order?

11-10-2006, 05:39 PM
I took a good 10 minuted of pulling the beast to get the fuel line pressurized!!!
It still isn't running right after 10 minutes of running it up and down the field....atleast it idles and starts right up.
You guys weren't kidding when you said the fuel pumps are a ****!

11-10-2006, 06:43 PM
I took a good 10 minuted of pulling the beast to get the fuel line pressurized!!!
It still isn't running right after 10 minutes of running it up and down the field....atleast it idles and starts right up.
You guys weren't kidding when you said the fuel pumps are a ****!yeah they are kinda dumb.but i never have problems with my fuel pump.. glad to hear you figured it out.actually you can use a automotive vacumn pump to prime the fuel pump if you need to.just pull, the hose off the cylinder jug and pump it up until fuel gets to your carb.

11-10-2006, 09:59 PM
Yeah, the little hand vacum pumps make it a breeze. Just dont over do it or you will flood the mess out of it. Or you could fab a top mount gas tank and do away with all of that entire system.
