View Full Version : 1983 Honda 110 Rebuild!

10-21-2006, 11:05 PM
Yup I think it about time my little "Swimmer"(it floats:w00t: ) gets her rebuild....Or i start mixing pre mix for it.

It is smoking pretty bad lately, pretty comparable to my buddies Tri-z.

I've been looking around online for rebuild parts/kits.

Does anyone have any expirence with these following links or what do you think about putting some of them together to get a nice little performance gain?...

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1979-85-Honda-Atc-110-Engine-Motor-Top-End-Rebuild-Kit_W0QQitemZ4629415361QQihZ002QQcategoryZ43977QQs sPageNameZWDVW
QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1979-85-Honda-Atc-110-Engine-Motor-Top-End-Rebuild-Kit_W0QQitemZ4629415361QQihZ002QQcategoryZ43977QQs sPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)

http://denniskirk.com/jsp/product_catalog/MMYSkuDisplay.jsp;jsessionid=WDRX3EPR2UDRDLA0WTKSM 4VMDK0NCIV0?leafCatId=10901&catId=109&store=Main&mmyId=6970


Basically looking for opinions and which ones i should get on these kinda things, Im going to have to rebuild it if i can ever get my 1985 KTM 125 dirtbike up and running to take its place for the time being during the rebuild!

Thanks alot

10-21-2006, 11:30 PM
I would look at your cylinder first. You might could get away without boring it, and maybe even use the same piston and just have to buy new rings.

10-21-2006, 11:45 PM
I would look at your cylinder first. You might could get away without boring it, and maybe even use the same piston and just have to buy new rings.

I will definetely tear it down before i order everything just to be completely sure of what i will need.

It does seem like the rebuild kit is a pretty good deal though.

12-29-2006, 11:50 PM

Well ive been waiting for the dmv to respond to the title form i sent in about 2 weeks ago.

I called them about a week ago and asked them if they could tell me anything about it. Supposely they are 3-4 weeks out before they can look at it at this point in time! Wow that sucks!!!!! I've got a nice little pile of parts sitting on my bedroom floor that are waiting to be put on!

12-30-2006, 09:05 PM

Well i heard back from the WA State DMV today! Wow...figures right after i post about them taking forever lol.

Anyways they dont have any records for it and said to go to a local dmv office to go any further. Also gave me sheet with the vin number and no records found with a WA stamp on it. So next week i will go local and see what i can do!

12-31-2006, 12:12 AM
what are you getting titled?

I just rebuilt one recently and bought most of my stuff from dennis kirk, dratv and ebay. no problems. I have a .50 piston and rings still I think

12-31-2006, 12:30 AM
Trying to get my 110 titled. Gotta have the title to get ORV tabs in Washington. I'd rather do a little work instead of another $112 ticket. :rolleyes:

01-04-2007, 11:22 PM

Taken it to the state patrol tommorow during lunch hopefully if i can get away from work to get a 3 year registration only, which will let me get tabs for it and after the 3 years i will get a title for it.

So hopefully i can get away tommorow and get up there so i can start on this bad boy!

01-05-2007, 03:10 PM
holy crap bro - thats one F'd up law
I thought AR had some stoopid laws (well, they do)

I dont even think I could get my 110 titled!!

btw - it is possible to put your crank in the 110 backwards... if you inspect/clean the bottom double check this before you get the bolts in it

(even thos I am probably the only one to ever do something like that)

01-05-2007, 03:27 PM
Ya you can get your 110 registered in FL. I just did my 200M.

01-05-2007, 11:50 PM
I went to the state patrol today so that is taken care off, Im going to go to the licensing place tommorow and shouldnt have a problem registering it and getting tabs. That will start the 3 years i have to wait to get the title also!

Cant wait!

01-06-2007, 08:22 PM
Alright $105 bucks to get it registered/ tabs! Yeah that hurt. The "Inspection" the state patrol did which was only looking at the vin number and writing it down was $50 bucks! Took the guy 5 minutes to fill out the form with my contact info and the vin number but yet it costed me $50 buck? ! ? !

But it is "Legal" now so im tearing into it, got the carb rebuilt, and am working on the starter right now.

Im going to run cable instead of rope and see how it lasts. I can never get the recoil to work right and it wont pull the full length of the cord in, I end up taking it apart putting it back together atleast a dozen times and somehow i get it to work but never figure out exactly how. This time is no different, anyone got any tips?

01-06-2007, 08:45 PM
Please keep us, um I mean, keep ME posted on your progress. Someday I want to rebuild my free 185s. It was free for the taking but I have put $35.00 for a manual, $25.00 for inner tubes, and a pair of brake handles for $20.00.
And the best part of it, It runs.

01-06-2007, 11:49 PM
Alright got my pull starter figured out!

Cable seems to work GREAT!

All you need is 3 feet of 3/32 nylon coated cable, and two cable stops i believe they are called. You crimp the stops on the ends of the cable, one in the handle and one in the rotor or whatever it is called then wind it up. I was constantly breaking rope no matter what i used because my 110 for some reason always ventured into rivers/streams/etc :D This should end my problem all together or atleast extend replacement intervals. $3.00 modification!

Tried to get it started to go for a little "cruise" but it wouldnt fire, I think the motor has finally had enough....I will try a different plug tommorow:lol: No but it needs rebuilt real soon or im going to need to start running premix:w00t:

01-07-2007, 07:33 PM
Got it running again, rebuilt the carb and starter. It still is going to get a rebuild but atleast it runs for the time being!
Video of it running! (http://media.putfile.com/3-wheeler1)
Theres a video of it running in all of its glory, Yes that is a rotted out stock muffler!

01-08-2007, 12:38 AM
Worked on it some more tonight! Put new carrier bearings and seals in it, my old ones had about an inch or more of play in them! Yeah i let them go way too long. Also put in some new brake shoes.

Maybe tommorow night depending on how work goes i may put my new brake lever on, and see what else ive got in my box of parts left over.