View Full Version : this is pissing me off!!!!

10-19-2006, 07:59 PM
alright, I got a 84 tri moto 125 and i have a feeling it is going to hurt my wallet soon. i still can't get it to run, and here's what ive done to it: new piston rings, new head gasket and cylinder base gasket, new spark plug(i know it's working), and as for the carb, i know that its clean, im not sure if all the parts inside are good or not, but when i first got it, i took the whole thing apart and soaked the pieces in carb cleaner for 2 days. today i put the gaskets and rings in, tried to start it, nothing, put some starting fluid in the spark plug hole, and it started and ran for about 5 seconds and died out. i could'nt get it started after that. i pulled the starter so much my arm hurts now.also, i checked the reeds and they are seated firmly against the reed cage without any gaps, cracks, or wearing around the edges! I just don't know what to do. If anyone has any ideas , please, please help me . it's kiling me not being able to ride it and i have a feeling im going to have to spend alot of money trying to fix it!!! please help!! thanks!!!! if my problems are too complicated, i might just part it out and use the money to buy a new trike, but i hope it doesn't come to that!!!:(

10-19-2006, 08:10 PM
you usen new gas? could the gas line b pluged or obstructed?

10-19-2006, 08:43 PM
yeah, i put new gas in it when i bought which wasn't too long ago and there are no clogs, the fuel flows good.

10-19-2006, 08:53 PM
did you have alot of oil on th piston and rings? my cr didi the same thing after i reringed it so i just drift started. it pissed me off after an hour of kicking

10-19-2006, 09:06 PM
well... hopefully you can get it runnin, i can't think of anything else to suggest... gl man

10-19-2006, 09:18 PM
could the floats b upside down in the carb bowl? it sounds like a gas problem to me, the engine isn't getting gas i'd say....i don't think its air cause the air passage would have to be extreemly blocked for it not beeing able to idle

10-19-2006, 09:26 PM
i don't know. theres that little piece on the float assembly that pushes up against the needle valve. is it supposed to be facing towards or away from the needle valve. mine is facing towards it so it pushes it in when the floats are..... afloat.i hope you can understand what i'm trying to say.

10-19-2006, 09:29 PM
Definatly your carb. Just buy a whole new one.

10-19-2006, 09:30 PM
yep i got ya! the rubber end goes into the valve yep!, but the floats them selfs, there is only one way you can put them in. the wrong way doesn't let enough gas enter the bowl, cause the float starts to float too early and closes the valve

Yeah carbs you could probably get one from ebay for 30 - 50$

10-19-2006, 09:51 PM
thanks alot, guess ill have to keep watching ebay, im not paying almost $200 for an OEM one. hope i can get it running, just for the hell of it, does anyone know the top speed of this trike? anyway, thanks alot, you have been a great help. it seems like whatever i ask, someones got an answer.love this site!!!:beer :w00t:

10-19-2006, 09:57 PM
Hey no problem! lmao here this might do it, comare it to yours http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CARBURETOR-CARB-yamaha-YT-125-YT125-TRI-MOTO-TRIMOTO_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43979QQihZ020QQ itemZ300037810117QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW

10-19-2006, 10:29 PM
yeah, i actually checked that out and is a good deal, but im not sure if it is different than mine cause it's an '84, thats an '80. all i know is that models 80-82 differ greatly from83-85 models. does that effect carb size? anyway, im going to email him and ask if it is most likely in good working condition. thanks!!

10-19-2006, 10:36 PM
go to bike bandit.com and look at the schematics for the carb. if you just tear it apart and put it together right with all the pieces you prolly dont need a new one

10-19-2006, 10:51 PM
yeah, i did that when i took it apart for the first time and put the pieces backjust as the diagram showed. in my opinion, something in the carb is bad, but what do i know?

here's the POS anyway. I couldn't resist because i barely see these trikes in running condition, and was hoping i could get it to run. good price though considering i could get alot more for just the parts.


10-20-2006, 01:27 AM
Dude, Chill............................

Take your carb off the bike.... Hold it right side up and blow into the fuel inlet , it should be clear. Turn the carb upside down and blow again, it should be blocked. Are you choking it?....also the pilot Jet is extremely small and is Very easy to overlook when cleaning , unless you take it out and clean it in your hand.

In short, These Carbs are 20 years old, and they are Stupidly simple....Dont spend unnecessary cash on another one.

P.S. ---I personally have a nasty habit of leaning over the bike to start it, and have on quite a few occassions , bumped the power switch to off while pulling the rope!!!!!--(Just food for thought)

10-20-2006, 10:42 AM
it sounds like a very simple carb problem to me.

10-20-2006, 11:13 AM
Are you sure its an 84,? They are all the same with subtle exceptions. The first three digits of your vin will determine a model code and year. Carbs are pretty much interchangeable thru -out the years, as with most engine parts. Did you try push starting it?

10-20-2006, 11:59 AM
i took the carb apart and everything looks good, the floats are on correctly, i blew threw all the holes and fuel lines and nothing seems to be clogged(and when i blow through the main fuel line air flows through, but when i turned it upside down, the air did stop). when i first took it off, it was full of fuel, i don't know if that means anything.im really confused now, if you can , please help!

p.s if you ask me a question after 3:00pm(ET), do not expect an answer until later sunday, as i am going to the eastern shore to go hunting. my friend lives down there, and i have his trikes listed in my sig. can't wait to tear some s@#$ up on his 200X.:twisted:

10-20-2006, 12:01 PM
oh yeah, i did try push starting it , same thing happened, ran for about 10 sec then cut out. I don't get it?:wondering

10-20-2006, 12:03 PM
An additional suggestion on carb cleaning: Sometimes soaking (even for days) will not remove all the "trash" from a carb, especially the small holes and passages and jets. Air usually does the trick but not always. Go to an auto parts store and get yourself a can of carb cleaner in the aresol can (make sure you get a can with the little red tube). Using the tube, spray through every hole in the carb housing and the jets. Remove the air screw and any other adjustment screws and spray into all those holes too (don't miss any springs or washers that might be on the air screw, they are tiny and easy to overlook) Of course, note where the screw is set. Leave no hole un sprayed! Be careful not to get any cleaner in your eyes, it will spray back out somewhere, wear some safety glasses or something.

Unclediezel is right, don't spend money on a new carb... yet.

Good luck.

10-20-2006, 12:47 PM
hey sargon2112, i already had a can of that, just didn't know if it would work or not. i just sprayed every hole thoroughly and all parts are there and clean. is there anything else i should do before putting it back together. thanks!!

10-20-2006, 01:04 PM
I've never worked on that particular carb so I'll ask: Did you take the needle jet out? The main jet screws into the end of the needle jet. If it is out, you'll see that it is the largest one in the carb, has a hole in each end along with several sets of holes in the side of it. Make sure those side holes are clear. If you hold it up to a light (or the sky) you should be able to see light through all the holes in all those jets.

10-20-2006, 01:16 PM
yep i made sure they were all clear.

10-20-2006, 01:16 PM
Hey I just pulled up that carb on Yamaha.com (parts catalog). In the diagram, they call the needle jet the "nozzle, main". Part number 9 in their diagram. That's the one with the side holes that need to be clear.

10-20-2006, 01:17 PM
Ok then, looks like I was posting while you were posting...

Hmm... any fuel running out the the carb when it's on there? Overflowing?

10-20-2006, 01:21 PM
i don't know ive got it off right now, but when i took it apart, it was very full of gas.

10-20-2006, 01:31 PM
Sometimes I use a torch tip cleaner to get down in all the small holes and ports to ensure that there is nothing in the passage

10-20-2006, 01:41 PM
I assume you are using fresh fuel...? Slap it back on there and see what happens... If you can't get it to start, remove the hose that is between the air box/ filter and the carb. Seal the exposed opening / back of the carb with your hand, while you try to start it. You should feel suction when you pull the starter.

10-20-2006, 02:12 PM
i tried it, and no go. it has plenty of suction, but i cant tell if the gas is getting into the cylinder. im sick and tired of pull starting it but i can't push it because i need an offset link for my chain. it was so loose i decided to take a link out and that ended up being to much!anyway, if you have any other ideas, feel free to let me know, if not, that's ok. i'm not sure what ill be able to do. my luck, it's probably something so stupid and easy to fix, but i can't realize it. thanks anyway!!

10-20-2006, 02:41 PM
alright im leaving now, feel free to leave any info and ill get back to you on sunday

10-20-2006, 03:08 PM
Is the oring on the airscrew and adjusted right? Is the choke assembled right with it's sealing ring (if it has one). If your unsure that this carb is perfect, post in classified for a good used one or EBAY, can't run ya more than 25$.

10-20-2006, 04:37 PM
Take your jets out and hold them to the light to see if there clogged, the sun works best. If you see threw them your good if you dont theres your problem. Just cause the inside of your carb is clean doesent mean that a jet couldent be clogged. Atleast buy a rebuild kit off ebay.

3 weelin geezer
10-21-2006, 03:24 AM
So you say you used the spray carb cleaner to clean it out or the gallon type? My atv wouldn't idle and had been sitting around for a year, I tried that and it still didn't idle so I went and got some of that berry mans c/c in a gallon and dumped the metal parts only (sex it eats the rubber) and I put it back for the third time. Sure enough it runs like a top. Take ALL the parts off of it especially the jets if you can (sometimes they are pressed in though) and dunk it in there and the pieces seperately for around 30 minutes and you will see the difference if you have deposits in there. If you just use air to blow through the passages you may just be fanning a little piece of dirt or varnish thats captured in there. That spray cleaner evaporates too fast to loosen up the big stuff without help of a toothbrush or something similar most of the time. Thats just for surface deposits. If you go and buy one off eGay just be sure the guy knows how to clean it and has cleaned it or you may just end up with a dirtier carb than yours and thats why he is selling it in the first place.

10-22-2006, 02:24 PM
hey, im back. just to answer your questions , i know the jets clean, and ive used both the spray can and the gallon jug stuff with only the metal parts. ive been watching ebay but haven't come across one yet that's in my price range. thanks!

10-22-2006, 06:05 PM
i was just screwing around with it to see if it would start and i actually got it to. ihave the air box and air hose off so that the intake on the carb is showing. well, i put my hand over the end of it to feel the suction, pulled the starter a few times, and it started up. i then took my hand away, revved it up and then it bogged out. i tryed it a second time, pulled it a few times, nothing. put my hand over it , pulled it again and it started right up but bogged out when i took my hand away. what does this mean? :wondering

10-22-2006, 06:12 PM
Put your airbox back on with a clean air filter. Make sure you get the boot on all the way on the carb so you won't have a leak.

10-22-2006, 07:33 PM
Missing an airfilter , In itself , is more than enough to lean out your fuel to non running status. If putting the airbox and filter back dont cure the situation, look for an air leak, Head and jug gaskets, around the reed cage, carb joints. Then the choke valve cable tension, Are you using premix, or the autoluber. If using premix, remove the oil hose from the carb and cap the nipple on the carb. if the pump isnt injecting oil, its injecting air which is a NO-NO. Last but often overlooked can be crankshaft seals, Check the transmission oil for fuel contamination, and pull off the rope starter and check behind the rotor for signs of Engine oil.

10-23-2006, 12:22 AM
Placing your hand over the end of the carb causes it to suck harder. So, since it fired up when you were blocking it with your hand, that tells me that under normal circumstances (air box hose on, no hand) it is not able to draw the fuel into the cylinder. Something's not sealed correctly or there is one h3ll of a mean blockage in the carb (although I am beginning to think it's not the carb, that's probably the cleanest carb this side of the Mississippi as many times as you've cleaned it).

Follow Uncle's advice and get an air filter on there... it could be that simple. By the way, don't ever ride it without the airbox, hose and filter... I suggested removing it just to troubleshoot.

Keep after it, you'll get it and you'll know that much more about your ride. Chasing a problem like this one can teach you alot... patience being one of those things... lol. I'm sure I speak for most of us when I say we learned by doing just what you are doing now.

10-23-2006, 07:37 PM
Keep after it, you'll get it and you'll know that much more about your ride. Chasing a problem like this one can teach you alot... patience being one of those things... lol. I'm sure I speak for most of us when I say we learned by doing just what you are doing now.
There is no shortage of knowledge here on the boards, If you follow advice, and actually try-(Unlike some one who hasnt been around in a while-:lol: ) There is nothing that goes Unfixed.Its not uncommon to see full blown arguments between
the more experienced members( Although they prefer to call them Disagreements)about the best way to fix, or approach a situation. Its all part of the process, and if you take in everything that your advised and THINK about whats in front of you, It ALWAYS works out. Im an OLD GUY, who up until a year ago would never consider taking advise from a fifteen year old, And every day here I realize more and more how Wrong I was. Just food for thought........This is the place to be.

10-23-2006, 08:27 PM
thanks guys, for all the help! i'll try hard to get this SOB runnin if it takes me all winter. to tell you the truth, when i first got this thing, i didn't know a damn thing about it, but as i worked on it, and replaced some parts, i have learned alot more than i thought i would! i might just take this trike down to my friends house because he is pretty smart about this stuff, but i have'nt had a chance to even show it to him yet. anyway, thanks again!!!!!!!!!!:D