View Full Version : 3 wheelers banned in Wisconsin?

10-08-2006, 08:28 PM
I had a friend tell me he read on 400ex forums that in 2007 they will not be allowed on trails because of safty issues. Can anyone confirm that? I haven't found anything on the WDNR site.

10-08-2006, 08:56 PM
Man...I hope not. I should have my R ready to roll for summer 2007. That is gonna suck if that happens. I highly doubt it, though. I will check around, and see what I can find out. I will keep you guys posted.

10-08-2006, 09:02 PM
http://wfrv.com/topstories/local_story_225153452.html - Aug 14 2006

"The panel also wants to ban all three-wheel ATVs, increase safety promotions across the country and develop more efficient youth models."

http://www.wbay.com/Global/story.asp?S=5439535&nav=menu24_2_3 Unsure date

"It also wants regulations that would ban three wheeled A-T-Vs, and set up three youth size A-T-V categories."

All I can find so far.

Louis Mielke
10-08-2006, 09:12 PM
At least these articles emphasize that kidsa are getting hurt because they are on ADULT sized atvs, instead of declaring all atvs dangerous.

10-08-2006, 09:21 PM
dude, thats some pretty gay *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*. it always ends up that this *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* happens because someone got killed for doing something stupid an then everyone else has to suffer. half the time, the reason someone gets hurt on a trike is because they think they're riding a quad! i sure as hell would'nt let that stop me from riding my trike. p.s. i learned how to ride a trike on my freinds 200x(i was like 7or8), and nothing happened to me, and as far as i'm concerned, a 200x is an "adult" 3 wheeler.

10-08-2006, 09:25 PM
hey Louis Mielke, just wondering, what part of maryland do you live in? i live in essex but love to ride down the eastern shore in southern dorchester.

10-08-2006, 09:59 PM
i feel that if somthing happens to the kid and hes on a atv that is to big for him the parents should be liable for letting their kid ride somthing that wasnt the correct size for them.

10-08-2006, 11:17 PM
Looks to me that is is the CPSC going at this, and not the state of Wisconsin. Federal would mean to me that all states would have to comply. Hmmm...............
Either way, I'm still gonna ride my R, regardless.........it said nothing about the USE of 3-wheeled ATV's;)

10-08-2006, 11:26 PM
Check these out. The last has already been posted here, but I thought it may be good to link it again.



10-09-2006, 01:10 PM
thats total BULLCRAP ATCS ARE SAFE. hell im 15 been ridin since 6 never wrecked!!!!!!!!!

10-09-2006, 09:29 PM
i cant stand to read stuff like that, even though they won't stop me from riding my trike! In fact why are they still talking about banning trikes, what else could they do, they were banned from production in'87, I know there's got to 10 times as many quads out there and im sure people are getting injured just as much much as before. lay off the damn trikes!!!!
:crazy: CPSC=bunch of liberal pussies, no offense if you are one.
still hate to hear that stuff though!!!

10-09-2006, 09:34 PM
i agree
C.p.s.c. : THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-09-2006, 10:17 PM
Dang I hope that never happens. just gettin mine all geared up for winter. Winter in wisconsin is fun. I am a snowmobiler at heart, but with winters lately gotta have something to ride on the lake before it snows.

10-09-2006, 11:30 PM
Yea fellas, I totally agree with that one... it's people who don't care or have no desire to ride that try to find bad and evil in everything.. IT's really stupid because look at Football for instance.. I like to watch it sometimes, sometimes I play a game here or there with my buddies.. People get hurt playing contact sports but who says anything??? nobody because we all do things at our own risk and when it comes to irresponsible people on ATV's, they are assuming that risk that maybe they aren't experienced enough or whatever. This topic gets under my skin because I've heard so many times about "these dangerous 3-wheelers" and all I can say is certain people make certain things dangerous. Ride to your ability. Don't hit the 90 ft triple on your friend's bike just because it looks easy and the guy on TV did it.... and the Anti-3 wheeler Activists can just pi$$ off because they'll never know how to have a good time.

03-09-2007, 10:57 AM
Final update for this thread. I got a hold of someone that deals with ATV in the state of WI. This is what he said.

I am involved both on the county and the state level [Wisconsin] with ATV matters and I have not heard of anything regarding banning 3 wheelers rom ATV trails. Being that they are no longer manufactured, I think that everyone is just letting them phase themselves out. I have heard of special events that don't allow them.

Don Mrotek

03-09-2007, 11:51 AM
Thank God that someone out there wants to take away another another of our freedoms in order to protect us from our own good jugement and duty of self-responsibility. Where would we be without their blanket of security?

Greatful we should be that they are able to target a small, publically misunderstood segment of holdouts while completely ignoring the fact that any 2-wheeler is by design more unstable with the engine off than our devilishly concieved tri-pods.

How far are we from being criminals for harboring such devices of evil?

...but then again, where would they be if we as a (supposedly)free people ignored their antics/dictated guidlines, refused to capitulate and asserted ourselves en masse in some form of civil disobedience like riding our 3-wheelers as freely as motorcycle riders ride their machines? Where would they be if common sense and education were cornerstones of their efforts and the mantra of the public?

Without jobs....that's where.

03-09-2007, 04:07 PM
How long has it actually been since there has been a death that involved a 3-wheeler. Especially here in MI. Now quads and snowmobiles, there seems to be eithor a death or bad accident every weekend. So why not ban them all. People need to be saved from themselves! I was going to buy a new pistol until I found out that If I pointed the wrong end at myself I could get hurt. So now I walk around wrapped in bubble wrap and wear a helmet so I wont hurt myself. Ionce stubbed my toe wearing sandles, are they banned yet? This crap makes no sense

03-09-2007, 08:37 PM
Here is a thread I started a while back about the cpsc 3-wheeler ban. About 999,999 pages down in the article it says that the older 3-wheelers (everything pre-1988) will not be effected by the ban.
I had a cow when I first read this, so I don't blame anyone for doing the same.
Just as long as the CPSC isn't lying.
Anyway, read this, it has a lot of good information, death statistics, and other whatnot stuff.


Jim mac
03-09-2007, 09:09 PM
Why don't they ban alcohol? I bet more people get killed by drunks, than trikes or ATVs every year. I think its all about money. Jim

03-10-2007, 08:24 PM
I have heard about laws that are banning the little Chinese off brand ones, Like for example the quads that are made across seas and look just like a Yamaha but are called Yamoto's and stuff like that.

From what ive heard some of these companies make 3 wheelers.

03-10-2007, 09:56 PM
The Comunist Pricks Safety Commission can kiss my ass. I will not quit riding my trikes and if they don like it they can just go cry. They can have my trike when they pry my handle bars from my cold dead fingers lmao. :TrikesOwn <== and always will.

03-11-2007, 12:23 AM
Whew, Im real close to Wi!!
Too close to home for me!!
Thanks God the 88 and under clause is in there!
As everyone has said,what ignorant people allow their children to do shouldnt have a damn thing to do with people who are experinced, responsible riders!!
People get hurt riding bicycles everyday and most states dont even enforce helmet laws for kids,WTF???!!!!!