View Full Version : ok.. Ytm 200 questions

10-06-2006, 10:30 PM
Ok I put a new air filter on it. UNI yellow, and red foam, on the stock cage thing. What color am I looking for in the plug. Is it the same as reading a 2 stroke. cause I can read them fine, just I havent ever really paid much attention to 4 stroke plugs...

I adjusted the valves on it today, they are all in spec now, runs good. But I still have a ticking sound when it gets hot. Not rod knock, sounds like something in the overhead... Mabee the rockers? idk any ideas?

Thats it for now. Thanks.

10-06-2006, 10:34 PM
should be a lite tan color.

Did you adjust your valves with the engine at operating temp?

10-06-2006, 10:45 PM
Ok so the plugs are pretty much the same as a 2 stroke then? light golden tan is good.

I adjusted the valves when the engine was cold. That what it said in the manual. Also I set them in the middle of the tolerances.

10-06-2006, 10:52 PM
I always have trouble with valves. It seems you have to set them right at minumum tolerance or else they tick, and after i ride for about 10 hours, they start ticking again so i readjust

10-06-2006, 10:57 PM
humm mabee I will set them a bit tighter. the exhaust seemed good but the intake had a bit more free play in it. Thats the one that sounded loud when I put a screwdriver on the head, and put my ear up to it.

also which clutch goes first the primary or the secondary? Mine slips a bit taking off when its warm I would think the primary. Its adjusted right too.

Thanks yamahauler.

10-06-2006, 11:01 PM
The primary and secondary clutch go at the same time....have you tried the adjuster screw on the right hand side of the case?

if that still doesnt work, make sure you have the right oil in it.

if that doesnt help, you may need new friction plates, which are easy to change.

i am almost sure my manual says adjust valves with motor hot, im going to check.

10-06-2006, 11:04 PM
Woaa....valves ARE supposed to be adjusted cold....sorry bout that.

10-06-2006, 11:07 PM
Yep I adjusted the little set screw with the stop nut on it, as the book said. Counter clockwise untill friction is felt, then clockwise 1/8 of a turn.

Yeah I run spectro 4 15-40 for winter, I just changed it this week when i did the air filter.

I noticed I can get friction plates for the secondary, but I cant find any parts for the primary.

Mabee I will have to find on in the junk yard and give it a try...

10-06-2006, 11:12 PM
You wont need to put new shoes or anything on the primary, all ive ever seen or heard of going bad with primarys is the one way bearing, but that doesnt affect clutch slippage at all. Is that a synthetic oil?

10-06-2006, 11:17 PM
petroleum based oil

10-07-2006, 07:43 PM
when you find a way to get the ticking out let me know..I changed the head on my 200ERN and it ticks, i'v done every thing to get rid of it but it won't go away. NOW, a few people around here with yamaha bikes seem to do the same thing. So i dunno what to say. I know mine didn't tick with the old head on it:wondering

10-07-2006, 07:49 PM
Could be worn rocker arms??

10-07-2006, 08:17 PM
Mine ticks too... Must be Yamaha signature!!!

10-07-2006, 09:02 PM
Could be worn rocker arms??

Bingo, we have a winner!

The rocker arms do tend to wear out on these things. If you pull the arms out you will see a little flat spot starting to develop where the arm rides the cam, just off center. If it is a light tick and it doesn't bother you too much then I wouldn't worry about it, just keep the valves adjusted. The inside cam journal does wear out too on "well used" machines but that makes a louder knocking sound.

When the primary clutch goes it usually is the one way bearing as Yamahauler stated. When my brother’s was bad he would have to rev up the trike a little more to engage the clutch.

10-07-2006, 10:18 PM
WOOOOWOOO HOLD IT HOOOOOLD IT..your saying it's the rocker arms...HUMMM:wondering ... So if i take the arms out of the old head i got here and put it in the one i just put on it, it will *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* it up from ticking?...if so, while i have the top end striped down this winter i will change them. Because this bike made NO ( and i stress NO alot here) ticking at all till i changed the head. and yes it's one of those noises that drives me nuts:crazy:

because i'm starting to think this bike wasn't used very much in the past, execpt for the last 7 to 8 years when a 12 year old bought it, then was sold to some one else who used three or four time then i bought it. The original owner was a old guy.

10-07-2006, 11:50 PM
Yes, I would pull the cam and rockers and inspect them. It is not too hard to do and can be done with the head still on the engine and the engine still in the frame.

10-08-2006, 07:51 AM
Yes, I would pull the cam and rockers and inspect them. It is not too hard to do and can be done with the head still on the engine and the engine still in the frame.

Oh i know, it's just take out two bolts and a metal bracket, pull the cam out, and take two stud's out for the rocker arms. I think thats what i'm going to do is take all the parts out of the old head and put it in the replacement head. but right now i'm going to have to live with it for a few months till snow hits, because right now i need my bike for hauling wood out of the woods for my wood furnace in the house, and wood stove in the garage. But thanks man for that little bit of info on the cam's. I would of never thought of it. I was thinking the timing chain or the valves where getting bad.

10-08-2006, 01:26 PM
Fox can I get a new bearing for the primary? It does seem to slip untill you give it a little more gas then it locks up and goes. Like going over tree roots, and ruts in the woods if you pump the gas to keep the rpms up it works the best. If you try to just go over the rough stuff at one speed I feel a lot of slipping. Idk what any of this means. Mabee a new bearing in the primary, and discs in the secondary?? I will look for a new head to find some new rockers, and compare them.

Thanks everyone, 3wwf rules!

10-08-2006, 01:32 PM
When my one way bearing went...my clutch never slipped at all, i drove it for about a month like that. I thought the one way was there as an engine brake for when goin down hills.

In my opinion its probably clutch plates, but while you have it apart, you will need to take the primary off anyway...soi check the bearing.

When you go down hills, does it freewheel?

10-08-2006, 01:39 PM
nope when going downhills the engine acts as a break, like when down shifting a car.

so you think its the friction plates huh?

that wouldnt be so bad.

The only thing in the primary that wears out is the bearing? That would be nice for my case then.

10-08-2006, 01:41 PM
nope when going downhills the engine acts as a break, like when down shifting a car.

so you think its the friction plates huh?

that wouldnt be so bad.

The only thing in the primary that wears out is the bearing? That would be nice for my case then.

Thats my opinion, but while you have it all apart, inspect the primary too.

Then measure your friction plates with a caliper, i bet they are below spec..

10-08-2006, 02:08 PM
Yeah I was planning to measure the primary shoes, and housing.

So if they are bad do they make new ones? All I see for sale is the secondary parts. Or will it be a quest in the junk yard? lol


10-09-2006, 08:30 AM
I would just pull it apart and check them both out.

As for the one way bearing I don't think it can be replaced without replaceing the whole primary clutch housing.

10-09-2006, 10:06 AM
OK, now that I have thought about it some more what Yamahauler is saying about the one way causing the free wheeling sounds right. Maybe one my bro's machine the shoes were slipping which swapping out the whole thing fixed.

10-09-2006, 02:27 PM
You can replace the one way bearing in the clutch housing, you can easily pop it out by hand actually, Howdy sent me my last 1 way bearing and I popped the old one out to change and its been working perfect.

sound like it was the shoes that were probably screwed in your bros trike fox. I actually think I have a few primary clutch "cores" (shoe assembly) around here if you need one.

I think the most likely point of the problem is the secondary plates though.

But check everythign ;)

10-09-2006, 07:27 PM
Thanks Yamahauler, and Thefox. Yamahauler I will keep you in mind if I need primary parts. I wont have time to tear it apart untill my month off from college in December. Hope it lasts through deer season.

Thanks for the help.