View Full Version : nice OEM plastic 350X

10-05-2006, 09:35 PM
Hi all - wanted to share some pictures of my latest addition. This is one of the cleanest 350Xs I have seen in person. I got it locally, and it is a rather long story but I like it. Here are some pictures of it before I touch it - I haven't wiped it off, or nothing - bought it completely as is. Also, a few of the pictures are of the 86 200X I also got this week - 2 1986s now - Super Sweet!!!!!!





10-05-2006, 09:37 PM
A few side note - ever seen a 350X with a ball hitch and a rack? This is the one that I bought the snow plow from last year.....
Bad News - I had to sell my other 350X to get this one, but it went to a close friend and riding buddy.
A few more pictures:


10-05-2006, 09:43 PM
Nice bikes, But now I think you are beyond the point that any of us here can help you. You are at least one step beyond addicted.:lol: And I'm not sure what that is called.:lol: Keep saving them.

10-05-2006, 09:44 PM
WOW! Friggin awesome.The 350 looks very cherry!:cool:

10-05-2006, 09:51 PM
I really like that 350x!!!! Nice Score

10-05-2006, 10:05 PM
I love the last two pics! Very very nice! :cool: :TrikesOwn

10-05-2006, 10:24 PM
Say... that's a nice shirt. Where'd you get it? :lol:

Sweet 350x. Never seen one with a rack before.

10-05-2006, 10:30 PM
Nice! :naughty: I haven't seen barkbusters like that since the 80's. What are your plans for it? 200x?

Bryan Raffa
10-05-2006, 10:50 PM
SWEET TIM!! someone needs to change your user sig to (beyond addicted!)
that is a nice one for shure! congrats!

10-05-2006, 10:53 PM
Where I live it's a rare thing to even see a 350X.. let alone a nice one. The one I have didn't look so hot when I bought it, but i have sharpened it upa little , mechanically and cosmetically. That 350 looks real nice except for all the stickers... :D looks like a bus with advertisements on it.. just jokin man.. nice bike:TrikesOwn

10-06-2006, 01:06 PM
no tim you dont dwarf the 350x....those handguards do.....lol....nice score on both....very clean 350....

10-06-2006, 02:20 PM
Nice bikes, But now I think you are beyond the point that any of us here can help you. You are at least one step beyond addicted.:lol: And I'm not sure what that is called.:lol: Keep saving them.

I think I am now terminal!!!:lol:


10-06-2006, 02:28 PM
Nice! :naughty: I haven't seen barkbusters like that since the 80's. What are your plans for it? 200x?

My plans for the 350X are to keep in in this shape - FOREVER.... I have already removed all of the stickers except for the OEM ones and the big HONDA stickers on the rear fenders. I also think I am gonna keep the rack and ball hitch on it for a few reasons. #1 - it is original - who else has a 350X with a hitch and rack (and snow plow)? #2 - the guy who put these on it did wonderful work. #3 - I may actually use the rack for hauling a cooler at trikefest. #4 - I like it that way.

BTW - the 350X also has heated handgrips (I also took off the hand guards). The engine has a 12:1 High Dome pisont in it. When it winds out, t has that odd sound - just like the new high performance 4 strokes have. This thing is BALLSY!!!

As for the 200X - it will take the place of my other 350X I got rid of - as my trailbike. It will get new Maiers all around, and I am getting some odds and ends from Cragster to get it in pretty nice shape (Including a better tank)!!

It's cool that the 86 200X is a 6-speed and that it has a square tube frame.

My old 350X was also my race bike, so I am also currently rebuilding a 1984 250R to take that part of the 350X being gone. I am currently having a real hard time getting the swingarm bolt to come out. I have 1 week from today to get that out and replace - (and get the top end rebuilt - parts are on their way) so I can race next weekend at Sunset Ramblers~!!!!!!

10-06-2006, 03:30 PM
Nice score on those trikes,just have to ask what kind of tires are those on the back of the 350X, On another note when I was out to John's I'd talk to him about what we've dicussed he seem to think it was a good idea so I hope that maybe we came get the ball rolling on that.

10-06-2006, 03:39 PM
That 200X looks like a resto project, but that 350 is NICE. NOICE. VERY NOICE.

10-06-2006, 03:40 PM
Wow, that 350x is beautiful, and that 200x looks like it would be a sweet project machine. Oh, and in the first pic, nice napolian dynamite poster:D