View Full Version : Throttle Stuck

10-04-2006, 02:36 PM
Just got my 200x back together, but when I start it, it's like I have the throttle pinned. There was to much play in my throttle so I fixed that but it still revs like at wot. It has to be something with my carb, or where I hook the throttle up to the carb. I can go ride when I get this fixed. Any body know whats up?

10-04-2006, 02:49 PM
Idle screw?

I adjust my idle screw frequently with my Warrior, its a weird bike.

Also, sure you got the right length cable?

10-04-2006, 02:54 PM
also, is the carb slide seated properly? with the engine off, turn it wide open and let go, you should hear the slide snap back down (bottom out)

10-04-2006, 03:18 PM
I have had the throttle screw totally in and the farthest out I could get it and it still didn't make a difference... I check about the slide. I am currently reading my service manuel.

10-04-2006, 03:27 PM
take your carb slide out and turn it until it seats correctly. I had myine in backwards and it did the same thing. good luck.

10-04-2006, 03:31 PM
lol Oh right if it was in backwards it would still bottom out, just not as loud i guess....D'oH!

10-04-2006, 04:20 PM
I got it... thanks for the help the slide wasn't seated correctly like you said. Thanks again. Now I got to deal with the chain popping off. It was loose, now it's tighter than a nun... so I think its the front sprocket. If the front sprocket quite a bit of play, will that cause it?

10-04-2006, 05:59 PM
ooo i'm scared to diagnose that one.....well its either lackin a spacer or the bearings are going...could also just be sloppy on the shaft, would mean new sproket
does the shaft move when the sprokt moves?

OH some guide lines, the chain should have a total of an inch of play on the bottom run if you move it up and down, well with you sitting on the trike 1/2 inch.

10-05-2006, 11:06 PM
The splines may be shot on the shaft.. that's not a good feeling

10-06-2006, 07:32 AM
I got it fixed... the front sprocket had too much play.. I tightened it, and it doesn't happen as often. Only when I like pin it in second to slide around.