View Full Version : Radiator water coming out of exhaust

09-25-2006, 08:25 PM
a couple days ago i bought a 86' atc 250r. i was pull starting it and it was trying to run but it just wouldnt do it. i notice water on the exhaust so i stood it on end and water poured out of the exhaust. anyone kno what could cause this? maybe a radiator hose hooked up wrong?---DJ

09-25-2006, 08:35 PM

09-25-2006, 08:37 PM
Little more info?
Did it run when you bought it, or has it been sitting outside for ages?
Water can come from a lot of places. Coolant only comes from one source.
If it is indeed coolant, you have a blown head gasket. If it is only water, it may have come in through an open airbox lid, or something of the sort. They may have used straight water in the cooling system, in which case it would likely be a blown head gasket. If they did do that, maybe they knew it was bad, and just ran it with water. I have seen worse things done. If you have a little more info, it will help out.

09-25-2006, 08:39 PM
the guy i bought it from just put a head gasket on it. he put all new gaskets in the top end. i'll change it and see what happens. it didnt run. he said he rebuilt the top end and all that was left to do was hook up the radiator hoses. i hooked them up and tried to start it and got nothin but water drainin from the exhaust.

09-25-2006, 08:42 PM
head might be worped....check it with a straight edge

09-25-2006, 08:47 PM
When you replace the gasket make sure you re-torque the head bolts after a good heat cycle.

09-25-2006, 08:54 PM
10-4 thanks.

09-25-2006, 08:55 PM
the guy i bought it from just put a head gasket on it. he put all new gaskets in the top end. i'll change it and see what happens. it didnt run. he said he rebuilt the top end and all that was left to do was hook up the radiator hoses. i hooked them up and tried to start it and got nothin but water drainin from the exhaust.

Dont just change the gasket to see what happens first look to see if that is in fact where the coolant is leaking, has the engine been ported perhaps they cut it thin and a bad spot in the casting has let loose, perhaps it is just a casting flaw that gave way, if it was in fact the head gasket then why did it leak they dont just leak for no reason, wrong torque applied? the gasket surfaces are FLAT and smooth some MORON didnt use a power gasket scraper or one of them 3M pads on power tool, 99.9999% of the time when POWER TOOLS are used to clean gasket surfaces they damage them, another thing to look at is the fastners are they the correct fastners, I just discoverd the 'bling homo' that use to own my TRX used chrome homo lug nuts on the cylinder, they dug into the cylinder surface and removed metal, they never maintained torque, looked bling bling but didnt work, if you see any 'bling' fastners I would look closely at what they really are and are doing.

Here is a example of a casting flaw dumping coolant into the engine

Here is the casting flaw

Here is the chrome homo nuts some *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**E dited* used as cylinder nuts

Here is the damage the bling did

Here is the other side it damaged

Like my back woods hick buddy says "Sure looks perty setting their"

Take your time, until you prove different conside everything the guy that owned it before you did was done wrong, play detective, do a proper CSI, need some examples more are here

09-25-2006, 09:03 PM
Take your time, until you prove different conside everything the guy that owned it before you did was done wrong,

This is about the best advice you're gonna get. That's usually first order of business when buying a used trike for me. I don't trust them until I open them up and have a look around.

Edit: not sure if I should take exception to the bling homo remark. I do love my bling. :lol: :lol: :lol:

09-25-2006, 09:07 PM
Could also be the water pump seal right? A similar failure killed my cylinder 2 weeks ago. Pulled the jug only to find a crankcase full of freeze.

09-25-2006, 09:46 PM
Could also be the water pump seal right? A similar failure killed my cylinder 2 weeks ago. Pulled the jug only to find a crankcase full of freeze.

NO, if the punp seal was leaking it would leak into the trans and balancer area not into the crank cases, I guess if your crank seal was leaking it coudl happen but I doubt it, drain your trans, no coolant then thats not the route its taking....

The "bling homo remark" was to hopefully bring attention to others that they need to be looking at the important maintenance items at the same time they are pimping their machines if they want them to be reliable as well as good looking....

09-25-2006, 10:05 PM
Speaking of bling homos, here's three of them now!


09-26-2006, 06:44 AM
Gotcha, no the tranny fluid is fine I checked.

Red Rider
09-27-2006, 12:36 AM
Speaking of bling homos, here's three of them now!Dammit!, which one of those guys is you? :D

09-27-2006, 12:46 AM
Dammit!, which one of those guys is you? :D

I took the picture. http://members.cox.net/mogpics/2fingerlol.gif :lol:

Red Rider
09-27-2006, 01:31 AM
Didn't those three get killed in a freak gasoline fight accident? :lol:

09-27-2006, 04:16 AM

09-27-2006, 08:26 AM
Gotcha, no the tranny fluid is fine I checked.

What I did was with the cylinder and head off the engine bolt the head on the cylinder then using my pressure tester pressurize the coolant loop for the top end and check for leaks, it didnt take much pressure to find this leak I would not exceed toyr hose rating if your using your radiator hose like I did (15-20 lbs max?) you can put the assembly under water then look for the bubbles...

Let us know what you find.

09-27-2006, 10:25 AM
That's a great idea!! I'm having problems with a Tri-z head leaking, so I think I'll try that. Thanks!

09-27-2006, 12:54 PM
That's a great idea!! I'm having problems with a Tri-z head leaking, so I think I'll try that. Thanks!

I have found that most head gasket failures are a product of a bad surface or a surface that is distorted usually by improper torque.

I painted the top of this cylinder with a blue sharpie before taking it a few laps across the surface plate, the places you still see the marker is the low spots on the gasket surfaces.

Here is the head after some lapping you can see the indent the head metal head gasket ring left in the aluminum casting if not corrected that area will not apply the proper clamping forces on the new head gasket, it might seal for a while but after some heat cycles or a slight over heating it will leak again.

You find the same thing on the top of the cylinder

Below is another head that was machined by a big name company what a mess, who ever tried to re cut the head must have had alot of problems with the cutter, blue arrows point to the extreme chatter the cutter must have had to make that chatter pattern on the sealing surface, even after me lapping the head the yellow arrows point to low spots that still contain gasket material I could not remove with a razor blade, the pink arrows show a random gouge in the dome area where I bet the machine operator said "oh *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*" when the cutter dug into the materail :cry:

09-27-2006, 01:06 PM
Originally, I was losing coolant through the rad overflow. So I pulled the head and cylinder and sent it out for a new bore and head work. I figured bad head gasket. It needed a bore anyway. I reinstalled everything w/ a new gasket and torqued to proper specs, 18ft lbs, in the correct sequence. The only thing that bugged me was that the original head bolts were pretty chewed up from removal and years of corrosion. But I reused them figuring that it shouldn't affect anything. Well, now I have coolant leaking out of the front head stud. So I tried another new gasket and torqued to 22 ft lbs. It was better, but still leaking. I still haven't started the engine yet. Is it possible that the head studs are the problem? Any advice? Thanks!!

09-27-2006, 02:25 PM
Originally, I was losing coolant through the rad overflow. So I pulled the head and cylinder and sent it out for a new bore and head work. I figured bad head gasket. It needed a bore anyway. I reinstalled everything w/ a new gasket and torqued to proper specs, 18ft lbs, in the correct sequence. The only thing that bugged me was that the original head bolts were pretty chewed up from removal and years of corrosion. But I reused them figuring that it shouldn't affect anything. Well, now I have coolant leaking out of the front head stud. So I tried another new gasket and torqued to 22 ft lbs. It was better, but still leaking. I still haven't started the engine yet. Is it possible that the head studs are the problem? Any advice? Thanks!!

Yes the studs can be a problem too they can stretch the only way you can tell would be to remove them and measure them against new or each other to see if they are the same length, before you torque a fastner you need to make sure the threads are clean, dirt and rust free and that the threads are in good shape, not pulled.

09-27-2006, 09:44 PM
you guys were right about my water problem. the guy i bought it from made the head gasket. he made a stencil and cut it out but when he did, he forgot to cut out one of the jet holes, and on two of the jet holes he cut the part in between the jet hole and cylinder hole so water was flushing in to the cylinder and getting into my oil. thanks for the help. i really appreciate it.--DJ

Bryan Raffa
09-27-2006, 10:10 PM
WOW I've heard of people jerry riggin but thats the best one yet!!! MY GOD! what did he make it out of carboard....

09-27-2006, 11:32 PM
WOW I've heard of people jerry riggin but thats the best one yet!!! MY GOD! what did he make it out of carboard....

I agree!! I have made base gaskets from a cereal box before in a pinch, but afro-engineering a head gasket is beyond words. What a putz................

09-28-2006, 08:50 PM
i dont kno what he made it out of. i got a new one today and kicked it one time and she fired right up. the gasket i got doesnt have the jet holes cut out all the way. im gonna take it back apart and try to cut it a lilttle bit so the coolant can get into the jets better. it runs fine but its runnin too rich so it wont idle. im gonna change the ratio. i dont have the plug for the drain hole for the water. where can i get one or what can i use as one? i had a little plastic thing i was usin but it still had a slow leak so i need somethin else.

Bryan Raffa
09-28-2006, 09:03 PM
most of head gaskits have a touch smaller holes in the gaskit for the water jackets, if its a oem gaskit i would leave it alone..make shure its tourked right and move on to the next problem,

09-28-2006, 09:12 PM
what about the drain plug for the water?

Red Rider
09-28-2006, 11:48 PM
im gonna take it back apart and try to cut it a lilttle bit so the coolant can get into the jets better.It sounds like you're planning on cutting the existing head gasket and then reusing it. If that's what you're thinking of doing, plan on some head gasket leaking problems. You don't want to reuse them after being torqued down. As for making the holes bigger that feed the waterjackets, I'd just leave them alone. They are that size for a reason.

09-30-2006, 10:40 AM
Here is a classic example of some shade tree skillbilly in action, sand blasting gasket surfaces so they will not be flat any more....

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1985-86-ATC250r-cylinder-and-head-great-shape_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43977QQihZ015QQit emZ250033951022QQrdZ1

09-30-2006, 10:59 AM
Speaking of bling homos, here's three of them now!


LMFAO thats awesome!!!

but yeah the head might just neet to b retorqued!!