View Full Version : my new POS 85 r I finally tore into... MAN IM MAD

09-23-2006, 10:06 PM
well here it is it needs some tlc but it'll be good to go in a few months im hoping.

09-23-2006, 10:07 PM
last picture

09-23-2006, 10:09 PM
damn nice for a pos!

09-23-2006, 10:11 PM
o man the crank case is the killer. gives you a good reason for a tear down. other then that solid base!

09-23-2006, 10:13 PM
damn nice for a pos!

i just have a good camera. lol It needs rear axle bearings, inner engine case (see the shifter pic) the rear disc is trashed, the airbox has holes drilled all over in it, its missing a carb/ airbox hose and its missing the nut for the swingarm bolt.

Ok so its not all that bad. It just kinda pissed me off that the guy told me it had a minor oil leak around the shifter, needed rear pads and the carb needed cleaned. I get it home, hoping to ride it this weekend and then i really got into it and realized how much work it needs.

09-23-2006, 10:16 PM
you missed the cracked case when you bought it? ive seen guys weld those in the past. only probelm is the tranny goes out shortley after.

09-23-2006, 10:21 PM
you missed the cracked case when you bought it? ive seen guys weld those in the past. only probelm is the tranny goes out shortley after.

yea i was a dumbarse. I won it off of ebay and i was so excited to get an r i just wanted to throw it in the truck and take her home. I totally forgot to check out the "leak" he mentioned until i got it home. The jb weld was holding it a little bit until i bumped it on my tailgate and broke the jb weld. Why does the tranny go out shortly after welding the case? there is one member on here who said he might have a case for my so im just keeping my fingers crossed. I posted a wanted add in the classifieds if anyone has some other parts i need.


09-24-2006, 04:48 AM
How much was it if you dont mind me asking?

09-24-2006, 05:21 AM
I saw that one on ebay. It looked good except for the minor leak around the shifter which needs attention:eek: :eek: (I think those were his exact words )
I would be rippin pissed and tell him you want at least $400 back.:mad: That is more than a minor leak which needs attention, that is a disaster. I almost bought that bike!!!! Nice of him to post a close up the the cracked case in the ad instead of calling it a minor leak which needs attention... I would be flippping out!!! Call your credit card company ( I hope you paid with a credit card) Contact the seller, file a paypal dispute ( which is almost useless sometimes and nail this prick to the wall. That is bullshit. Just wait until you try and fix it and you will see what I mean!
You will be better off buying a good running motor and swap them out and keep this one for parts.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much more sanity down the road. The time you waste trying to fix this thing, you will be better off working a saturday at your regular job and use that money for a good running engine. Much less aggravation and you will love your new bike instead of swearing at it and kicking it every month when the same leak develops.

09-24-2006, 05:26 AM
my freind recently bought a 250r that had the same exact crack, well the guy *Edited**Edited* welded it or got it welded, it hlds but since it was cracked and welded it is defformed and the seal doesent sit right so it has a slow leak.

09-24-2006, 06:45 AM
the reason the guys tranny went out was because THE ANGLE OF THE DANGLE WAS NOT PROPORTIONAL TO THE HEAT OF THE MEAT. in other words it was not lined up perfect and the shifting forks either worn or bent from added stress.

09-24-2006, 09:43 AM
I would hardly call that a pos.It is a good foundation.I would be ticked off about the cracked case though.That guy should have stated that in the auction.I saw your want ads.Before buying a tank,try wet-sanding that one out.It looks like it will clean up good with Chainsaw's plastic polishing tips.Rip that engine down,get a case and rebuild her.Then you will know what you have in the motor when you are done,instead of taking another chance on a used engine.

09-24-2006, 10:11 AM
kevin, i think is a great start, its 100% complete, just has a few issues like all of our bikes, good find!

09-24-2006, 12:41 PM
How much was it if you dont mind me asking?

Heres the ebay link $910


09-24-2006, 12:43 PM
You will be better off buying a good running motor and swap them out and keep this one for parts.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much more sanity down the road. The time you waste trying to fix this thing, you will be better off working a saturday at your regular job and use that money for a good running engine. Much less aggravation and you will love your new bike instead of swearing at it and kicking it every month when the same leak develops.

Thats what i was thinking. What do good running engines go for? also what other engines will fit?? From the info in some of the ebay auctions i have gathered that the 86-89 trx engines fit also and the later trx engines have a"long rod". So are the later trx engines better than the original 85-86 atc engine and do they fit? thnx


09-24-2006, 01:58 PM
i know i was watching it, the guy is real close to me, i tried to trade my 200x and 350x for it. If you wanna trade for my 350x i will do it

09-24-2006, 02:11 PM
Even if you paid $700 for a really nice running motor from a reputable seller you will have an Awesome bike for $1600. That is a pretty good deal in my book.

I just cant stand aggravation. I would rather spend a little more up front than to be constantly aggravated with repair after repair and down time....just my .02

I would still hit that seller up for at least $150 -$200 for not disclosing the major crack in the case, just calling it a small oil leak!!!! That is not a small oil leak!

09-24-2006, 03:38 PM
If people would CHANGE or REPLACE their drive chain LONG BEFORE it was warn out their would be no need for NEW CASES or a "CASE SAVER" I have owned things with drive chains for 37 years and NEVER had a chain break yet then again I always change my chains long BEFORE they need changed, chains are CHEAP always have been always will be they are a throw away consumable item.

I have seen plenty of my buddy's with busted cases and shifters over the years they ALWAYS have plenty of TIME and MONEY for beer and bars but never enough time or money to change their chains lol

Over the years it seems the mind set is to buy a "case saver" not replace the chain until it breaks lmao

This rant also applies to wheel bearings... Seen my buddys ignore loose bearings whilst they had time to WAX and POLISH their ATC or motorcycle no time to replace them :-0

JB weld is some good stuff, cant you clean up the mess you have then find or make a piece to slide over the damaged area then JB weld it again?

09-24-2006, 04:24 PM
JB weld is some good stuff, cant you clean up the mess you have then find or make a piece to slide over the damaged area then JB weld it again?

I was thinking about it but im not sure if thatd be a good idea or not.

09-24-2006, 06:11 PM
I have seen your welding (heck of alot better then mine for sure).
Give it a shot Kevin ,,,,


Last time i tried to weld aluminum i couldnt get it to do anything right. it wouldnt feed the wire right, then it wouldnt melt the wire right.....it was a LOT of frustration and aggravation but i might give it a shot one more time. if only it was steel..:lol:


09-24-2006, 08:18 PM
man.. I'm diggin the swiss cheese air box.. lol.. Well anyway.. I've owned a couple of bikes with problems... like the 1st 350X i bought 5 years ago had the front sprocket welded to the countershaft.. yea.. I mean maybe we're all doing these bikes a favor by saving them from the backwoods rednecks so they don't totally F them up.. by the way I'm a backwoods country boy but there are right and wrong ways of fixing things.. and I've seen many wrong-bad fixes as we all have. Nice lookin bike to start with though, good luck.

09-24-2006, 10:05 PM
well here are some good pics of the damage. I drew a line on the piece so you can see where the jb weld is and where the piece of the case is. I must say this is the easiest engine i have ever pulled before.

Louis Mielke
09-24-2006, 10:08 PM
I really don't understand how damage like this ends up happening. Its never happened to me, but I seem to have a bad habit of buying bikes that have had it happen before i own them.

09-24-2006, 10:28 PM
ever heard of belzona it would fix that forever...alot stronger than JB

09-24-2006, 10:42 PM
it looks like that needs a new case, it would be really hard to fix that and remember you need to put in a seal in that also. I don't see how you can make that seal up and not leak oil. I know how that happens, chain comes off, wedges into the shifter and bends the shifter shaft and the case just breaks right after it. I broke a crf450r motor like that, it was caused by a bad axle carrier. I would pull the shifter shaft, I bet its bent.

09-24-2006, 10:43 PM
So you not only need seal support you need to support the shifter shaft?

09-24-2006, 10:53 PM
the case kinda holds the shifter shaft in place and it has a groove that the seal goes into

09-24-2006, 11:38 PM
well if anybody has a case/ shift shaft let me know. i have an ad in the classifieds.

09-25-2006, 01:27 PM
hey idk if *Edited**Edited* interested...BUt if u buy a replacement engine and parts for the old one ill repair your old engine for free lol

09-25-2006, 09:35 PM
doesnt look too bad. at least your P O S is a liquid cooled.... im still looking for one

09-30-2006, 10:06 PM
Heres what i found. It needs more than just a left side inner case:mad: look at the pics and you can see what i mean, pretty self explanitory (sp?)

Billy Golightly
09-30-2006, 10:15 PM
Good lord, no bolts in the pickup coil, did it run? Kevin if you decide to try and salvage those, let me know. I've gotten pretty good at aluminum and have fixed a few cases. If you pay for shipping both ways I'll hook you up just for the extra practice :)

09-30-2006, 10:15 PM
Man o man. you got a lot of work ahead of you.

09-30-2006, 10:23 PM
he told me it needed rear pads, carb cleaned and it had a minor oil leak around the shifter. This place where i picked it up is a pretty decent sized newer looking motorcycle/atv shop so he had to have known about some stuff other than what he told me. heres what i have found wrong with it!

- He said tires were good- back left had NO center in the valve stem, back right the center of stem was half unscrewed. I replaced both centers and the back left still goes flat.

- obviously the big hole in the left case by the shifter

- cracked stator cover because of loose bolt laying behind the stator

- missing a nut on the swinger bolt, and the threads look ruined on bolt

- holes all over the airbox

- missing an air-tube on the left side of the airbox

- needs rear axle bearings

- needs rear brake rotor

Then i bought this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=012&item=220028998759&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1 which looks to me like its not going to fit because the part that hooks into the silencer is staright rather than turning a little bit before the silencer. Maybe im wrong, we will see.

Anybody want to write a nice/demanding email i can send this guy i bought my R from?? I cant write a nice email when im so p***** off at someone.


09-30-2006, 10:27 PM
well he said it sat for a year but "ran great when parked" so it would need the carb cleaned probablly. I got it home, put a screwdriver in the plug wire and kicked it over, had good spark, so i gave it a VERY SMALL shot of starting fluid and forgot to hook the plug back up, then I kicked it and it started for a fraction of a second without the plug wire even being hooked up. hey billy, did you see the pics of the left side inner case by the shifter too? boy o boy i got a winner LMAO

Billy Golightly
09-30-2006, 10:38 PM
Haha...yeah thats pretty rough looking, BUT repairable. The hardest thing would be to get the seal where it wouldn't leak any. Might have to run a beat of silicone around the new one when you put it in or something. If I was gonna weld it I would machine a piece of steel stock the same diameter of the seal and then clamp the broken piece and it all together really tight and go to town on it. Heres a thread from a couple years ago when I was messing with that alot: http://3wheelerworldforums.com/showthread.php?t=26788

either way it sure looks like you got a raw deal, that sucks. Howd you pay? Can you pull a fast one with paypal?

09-30-2006, 10:44 PM
either way it sure looks like you got a raw deal, that sucks. Howd you pay? Can you pull a fast one with paypal?

thats the kicker about it. If you didnt know already, i work out of town with my dad setting up modular homes..soo it just so happened we were going to be about an hour away from the 250r on our way back through ohio, so rather than waiting a week until i got my next check and driving 3-4 hours all the way back to pick it up, my dad just went ahead and paid for it at the dealership with his credit card.

09-30-2006, 11:12 PM
ok,,,, i am going out on a limb here,,, thats what i do,,,,,,,,

1. you did not look it over at all,,,, to excited,,,,
2, you never ask enough questions,, the right ones,,,
3. you loaded it up and left with a trike that needed work,,,

so quit your whinning and get to work,,,,,,,,,,,,,

with all the mud ,, grease and crap on the bottom of that motor i see in the pictures,,,,, i would have inspected real close with a flashlight to see if there was a seriuos problem!!!!! that would have yielded your most serious problem ,,, then you would have had a chance to haggle about price,,,, oh by the way buying at a dealer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, means NOTHING:D :D :D :D :D

09-30-2006, 11:22 PM
ok,,,, i am going out on a limb here,,, thats what i do,,,,,,,,

1. you did not look it over at all,,,, to excited,,,,
2, you never ask enough questions,, the right ones,,,
3. you loaded it up and left with a trike that needed work,,,

so quit your whinning and get to work,,,,,,,,,,,,,

for the most part yea. your right. the rest of the crew was ready to go home so i felt rushed, and then his secretary or something helped us because the guy was "going out of town for a business meeting".

What kind of questions do you ask him? I mean dam, he said it ran great when parked, needed rear pads and the carb cleaned, tires were all ok, good compression, and it had a minor oil leak by the shifter. Well ive never even physically touched a liquid r until i got this one so i didnt know about the problem of the cases cracking like that, I just figured it was a bad seal/o-ring/gasket or whatever you wanna call it.

So i guess the moral of the story is when you trust someone and your in a hurry you get screwed? is that how it works?? If the guy would have been honest in the first place then i would have had a nice deal and it wouldnt be all that bad even though i didnt expect it like i should have.

as far as quitting my bitching and getting to work....send me some cash to get this project rolling and then i'll get right to work. :twisted:

09-30-2006, 11:42 PM
I WILL HAVE TO SAY IT WAS ONLY $900 BUCKS TOO,,,,,, at least you didn't pay $1200 for it,,, so the way i see it for about what it would have cost to have a nicer one you will have a nicer one,,,, and the expierence of building it YOURSELF!!! GOOD LUCK WITH THE BUILD,,,, TAKE LOTSA PICTURES,,, :D :D :D :D :D

09-30-2006, 11:57 PM
I WILL HAVE TO SAY IT WAS ONLY $900 BUCKS TOO,,,,,, at least you didn't pay $1200 for it,,, so the way i see it for about what it would have cost to have a nicer one you will have a nicer one,,,, and the expierence of building it YOURSELF!!! GOOD LUCK WITH THE BUILD,,,, TAKE LOTSA PICTURES,,, :D :D :D :D :D

yea thats what i keep telling myself. as far as pics, im going to be taking lots of them, posting them on here and saving them to a jump drive so i have them later on. Billy is going to weld the cases for me so i guess now i can start to throw around colors for fenders, swinger, frame, etc .........

10-01-2006, 12:01 AM
Here is a quote of the sellers description of your trike;


He did say that there was a problem with the oil leak and that someone had tried to repair it.
When you went to look at it you defenitely should have took a real good look at that leak.
BY NO WAY AM I DEFENDING THE SELLER. If it were me I would already have filed a chargeback and left him negative feedback if he didn't refund some of the money.
But this is typical of buying something used. He worded the auction in a way to where you would lose in a PayPal claim.
He says he was selling it for a friend. Did he know how bad the damage was, PROBABLY. This is why you should ALWAYS take your time when looking to buy a used item, especially a trike!
This is a lesson learned the hard way.

Anyway, I think the trike looks real good. I would really look for another motor, but thats just my opinion.

Good Luck with it!

10-01-2006, 12:53 AM
$900 ain't bad for that. Not great either obviously but it could have been a lot worse. Keep your eyes open for a used bottom end. Rotors are cheap. You'll have it running in no time.

10-01-2006, 12:57 AM
I feel for you man! I picked up a 200m today that was nothing like it was described. There will be a new thread about it tomorrow when i'm not so pissed off/have the time to type it out.

10-01-2006, 08:35 AM
I would file a paypal complaint, an ebay complaint, call your credit card company and file a dispute. Contact the seller and request at least $400 back.

Throw that engine in the garbage and buy a new one and save yourself alot of aggravation. You got enough work ahead of you when you open up that rear end:(

10-01-2006, 11:14 AM
Don't bother fixing that motor. Look how much damage you can see without looking very hard. With the kind of abuse and lack of maintenance that suggests, the rest of the motor is probably junk too. Buy a used one that looks well taken care of. Oh, and NEVER trust what a seller tells you. Don't feel bad; some of life's lessons cost a little $.

10-02-2006, 12:57 AM
Yea i think i should get a whole motor too. Im actually wanting to get like an 87 trx engine with a 330 kit or something ( i know at least a good $1500 for a used engine on ebay with a big bore kit on it). im also going to be getting alot of stuff chromed and painted probablly and i'll be getting new fenders, seat cover, etc... For now though id just like to get it running and ride it for a month or so until it snows or gets too cold to ride. Then i will really really tear into it. Ive been thinking about it and i might just go ahead and start redoing it all before i even ride it so i dont have to tear the whole trike apart twice. i already have an extended swinger (+3 i think) that needs re-chromed and i also have a chrome trx axle that i was told will work on the atc. does anybody know what chroming costs?? just a guess on like a swing-arm? I really have no idea if it's like $50 or $500.


10-02-2006, 03:17 AM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/TRX-ATC-Motor-engine-250R-cases-bottom-end-Crank_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43977QQihZ018QQit emZ280034176576QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Honda-250R-Stock-Bottom-End-Parts-Only_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43977QQihZ004QQite mZ140030141703QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V

Not too bad. I would pick one of these up if i were you.

10-02-2006, 03:28 AM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/TRX-ATC-Motor-engine-250R-cases-bottom-end-Crank_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43977QQihZ018QQit emZ280034176576QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Honda-250R-Stock-Bottom-End-Parts-Only_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43977QQihZ004QQite mZ140030141703QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V

Not too bad. I would pick one of these up if i were you.

did you see the left side inner case in that 2nd link? lol its worse than mine

10-02-2006, 03:33 AM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/TRX-ATC-Motor-engine-250R-cases-bottom-end-Crank_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43977QQihZ018QQit emZ280034176576QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Honda-250R-Stock-Bottom-End-Parts-Only_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43977QQihZ004QQite mZ140030141703QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V

Not too bad. I would pick one of these up if i were you.

AhaHAhahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahaa lol lol lol lol ahahahahahaha. Due to the left side case, ahahaha ahell yea! That thing looked like it got struck by lighting.............twice!!!

10-02-2006, 09:25 PM
Well i guess it needs a new shift shaft too. anyone know if they are discontinued?

10-02-2006, 10:04 PM
I say just go for a new engine. It would be alot better than dealing with this thing that could have alot of deeper problems than just a shifter shaft. Or try a salvage yard. I saw a tri-z engine a couple years ago for 300.00 and it was actually pretty nice for that cheap.

10-03-2006, 01:29 AM
wrong link for the 2nd one LOL!

10-03-2006, 02:56 AM
Well i guess it needs a new shift shaft too. anyone know if they are discontinued?

I sent you a PM. Man that thing is bent, you would have to cut that off just to get it out!

10-04-2006, 01:07 AM
Just wanted to throw in my two cents also...

1) I hope someone actually took the time to notice the post about Belzona...this is a two part epoxy/filler that is far, far superior to JB Weld. In fact, we used it in the Navy to patch high-pressure fuel lines while they were still in use!

2) FTZ Racing out of Cape Girardeau repairs engine cases and apparently do a damn fine job of it too...from what I've heard.

3) Every piece from these old trikes needs to be saved when possible. If we act is if these parts will always be readily available, we will wake up one day to find that all the hard to find parts have dried up.

4) The person that said to simply "throw that engine in the garbage" really disturbs me. Even an engine that has been seriously abused usually has a wealth of good parts to offer.

5) My friend John has a stockpile of '85-'86 R parts/rolling chassis (2) that nearly fill his 18' enclosed trailer and he is selling it all for $2k. You could build two R's from this collection and still have tubs of parts and a spare frame left over. You could potentially build three R's from this bunch of parts. Not even the fork boots are rotten on the two rollers. If you are interested he is located near Springfield, IL and his email is osoloe1@aol.com

10-04-2006, 02:39 AM
Just wanted to throw in my two cents also...

1) I hope someone actually took the time to notice the post about Belzona...this is a two part epoxy/filler that is far, far superior to JB Weld. In fact, we used it in the Navy to patch high-pressure fuel lines while they were still in use!

2) FTZ Racing out of Cape Girardeau repairs engine cases and apparently do a damn fine job of it too...from what I've heard.

3) Every piece from these old trikes needs to be saved when possible. If we act is if these parts will always be readily available, we will wake up one day to find that all the hard to find parts have dried up.

4) The person that said to simply "throw that engine in the garbage" really disturbs me. Even an engine that has been seriously abused usually has a wealth of good parts to offer.

5) My friend John has a stockpile of '85-'86 R parts/rolling chassis (2) that nearly fill his 18' enclosed trailer and he is selling it all for $2k. You could build two R's from this collection and still have tubs of parts and a spare frame left over. You could potentially build three R's from this bunch of parts. Not even the fork boots are rotten on the two rollers. If you are interested he is located near Springfield, IL and his email is osoloe1@aol.com

Yep he's right.

06-28-2007, 08:40 PM
What ever happen to this re-build ? ? ?

06-28-2007, 09:45 PM
What ever happen to this re-build ? ? ?

i have a thread on it, i recently got it running before trikefest and rode it around. The jetting seems to be off though on it and i havent got a chance to really mess with it. Search under my name and maybe you can find it. I didnt do a very good job of keeping up to date on the thread like i should have.

06-28-2007, 09:54 PM
heres the thread on it, maybe i'll do a better job on keeping up on my rebuild next time http://3wheelerworldforums.com/showthread.php?t=62965

06-29-2007, 04:17 AM
Whats going on with the motor ? ? ?

06-29-2007, 12:55 PM
You're gettin' off EASY. My eBay R was described as only needing some rear wheel bearings and a good cleaning. Yea, along with a new bearing carrier, axle, plastic, both engine cases, complete brake overhaul, suspension overhaul, blah blah blah. I'm in over $2,000 and am just now (Nov '04) near done.

06-29-2007, 03:02 PM
You're gettin' off EASY. My eBay R was described as only needing some rear wheel bearings and a good cleaning. Yea, along with a new bearing carrier, axle, plastic, both engine cases, complete brake overhaul, suspension overhaul, blah blah blah. I'm in over $2,000 and am just now (Nov '04) near done.

i didnt put in half the stuff i had to buy. Im right around $3k on this thing.

Ceaser, i took the 85 motor that was in it and i bought an 89 motor that was misssing the clutch and had a cracked right side case. We put them together with all new bearings and seals and then i bought a like new jug/piston off of a member here on 3ww. Im running a pro design cool head, the 89 longrod with a spacer plate, a boyesen rad valve, and a pt High rev pipe.

06-29-2007, 05:13 PM
:wondering :( :cry: damn my 250r thrue the chain last week and has the same crack and now i have tranny problems

10-12-2007, 01:17 PM
dizasterzrfun69 - Did you finish this project ?

Can you post few Pictures of it ? ? ? ? :pics:

I remember when you first started you were piss :mad: to find all these problems with it ....

:Bounce :pics:

10-12-2007, 02:38 PM
dizasterzrfun69 - Did you finish this project ?

Can you post few Pictures of it ? ? ? ? :pics:

I remember when you first started you were piss :mad: to find all these problems with it ....

:Bounce :pics:

i'll get some pics. I guess i finished it, lol. It's all done and i've rode it some but i need to finish jetting it. I've been so busy and its been buried in the garage i havent had a chance to mess with it a whole lot since trikefest. Actually i think it still has mud on it from trikefest :eek:

10-12-2007, 02:53 PM
hey heres my resto thread on it http://3wheelerworldforums.com/showthread.php?t=62965&page=3 (first time doing a thread like that and i didnt really keep up to date on it) I'll still try and get ya some better pics.

jason 32
10-12-2007, 10:09 PM
a good welder could put a bead on it with out probs- wire/spool gun-
wouldnt even need it apart--- if by some chance it would leak a lil like the other guys- use a lil sillicone in there with a new seal- that weld isnt $hiiiit -lol

10-12-2007, 11:12 PM
MAN U GOT A CLUSTERF*&K!!!!!!!!!!!!
good luck with the project,although you got RAPED on the price.......get 400 of that back man.......scroo that........
i bought a 400 dollar R, i have put a bit more into it than was needed (didnt NEED the big bore kit:rolleyes: ) but its needed more than i thought.....and im pretty literate with this shyt

10-13-2007, 12:44 AM
MAN U GOT A CLUSTERF*&K!!!!!!!!!!!!
good luck with the project,although you got RAPED on the price.......get 400 of that back man.......scroo that........
i bought a 400 dollar R, i have put a bit more into it than was needed (didnt NEED the big bore kit:rolleyes: ) but its needed more than i thought.....and im pretty literate with this shyt

I wonder if anyone realizes this thread was over a year ago...

10-13-2007, 11:16 AM
lol i saw it up at the top, and replied to it :P

10-13-2007, 12:29 PM
I wonder if anyone realizes this thread was over a year ago...

:lol: :lol: yea i know. At the time i couldnt find any liquid r's around here hardly for under $1000. It seemed like an alright deal until i showed up and saw it in person.