View Full Version : To boldy go where no man has gone before...*NewPics*

Billy Golightly
09-23-2006, 03:10 PM
I will be leaving the house here in just a few minutes to head to the flat track races. Gates open at 4:00, practice at 5, racing begins at 7:00pm. I'm nervous as hell to the point I got the jitters but thats normal for me :lol: I will be the only trike racing amongst a group of 35-40 quads, and I don't have any nerf bars. Probably not the smartest thing Iv'e ever decided to do but no guts no glory eh? Say a prayer for me and maybe I'll be back tonight with a report of "Quad Slaughter" :twisted:

09-23-2006, 03:17 PM
Good luck man, sounds exciting!

250r'en +TCB
09-23-2006, 04:02 PM
Give 'em hell!!! And you don't need nerf bars if your way out in front!!!! Just try not to lap the pack and you'll be fine!!!!

good Luck man!!!

09-23-2006, 04:07 PM
Good luck! Snap some pics!

09-23-2006, 04:08 PM
Nerf bars? What are those?

Good luck, Billy. I wish you could get a group of Floridians to go with you. Its a lot more fun with some more even competition. I know how you feel. Its hard to get out there with a bunch of quads, and be the only trike rider, but Ive found that the other (quad) riders will treat you with great respect, regardless of where you place. Best of luck, and remember that showing up is what earns total respect. Where you happen to place is just incidental. I hope you have a blast!

Derrick Adams
09-23-2006, 05:03 PM
Good luck Billy! I'll be thinking of you tonight. You'll have a great time i'm sure.

09-23-2006, 06:26 PM
hey billy is that JAsper? good luck man!!! when I get another R I will do up a flat tracker to join you with!

09-23-2006, 07:24 PM
Hey man, good luck and be safe, and show them quads what a good ole 3 wheeler can do.

gotballs 250r 82
09-23-2006, 08:01 PM
Where in florida i will come im in port saint lucie fla.

jason 32
09-23-2006, 11:41 PM
good luck man:beer

09-24-2006, 12:46 AM
give'em hell! Good luck!

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 02:08 AM
Well guys I made it back in one piece, no casualties on either me or the trike :) I did 2 practice runs of 8 laps, 2 heats, and a LCQ (last chance qualifier). The 250R ran great except for it being real rich on the idle and probably pilot jet, but once I made a lap and got it cleaned it out it ran flawlessly. Imagine 40 laps, 10 miles totaly wide open the entire time. I don't think I have another machine anywheres that would have took the abuse I dished out to that thing tonight.

The track was the tackiest thing I've ever been on in my entire life. I'm pretty sure worse then aphalt. Getting the rear end broke loose to slide even with the 16inch burris rear tires was a helluva chore. You could do it though but man it was hard. The quad guys definetly had the advtange of being able to rail into the corners without dragging their asses on the ground and scrunching themselves up on the inside peg like I did. You can only get so low on the machine heh. They were able to just go wide open coming up to the curve, jam the rear brakes to break the rear loose, and then drop a gear and go wide open to sling shot through the corner. They were running huge tires compared to mine too. They looked like 20's that were atleast 11 maybe 12 inches wide. HUGE footprint, plenty of hookup.

I raced Intermediate class, on the advice that the intermediate guys are better riders and would have a less chance of tangling since they know to give each other space and room. I got last place both heats and the main, but I wasn't ever lapped :) they did get close a couple times though...I was expecting better of myself but for the first time out on a new trike I have very little seat time on and a surface I'm totally unfamiliar with I think I did fairly well. I was very nervous going into the first turn with quads surrounding me, and I always let off a little bit more then I could have just to keep some distance. With time I'm sure I'll be able to improve myself on that. Provided I had some more seat time I think I could have probably atleast kept up with the pack. Passing the quads is going to be a chore and a half, not saying its impossible but it will definetly take some work.

I did enjoy several comments from a number of different people about it, all of them good. Couple guys standing next to the fence in teh staging area, holler at me "Hey! Man, you are CRAZY for riding that thing out there!" I nodded my helmet and gave him a thumbs up. Another guy in a different heat staging next to us, after he realises I'm the only trike out of probably 50 quads "Man you got the biggest set of balls out here to go out there" I laughed and said thanks. There were a couple of others too but the comments were just fun even though I didn't really place that well the general reception was real good...Hopefully with some more fine tuning and practice I can atleast stay up with the quad riders and maybe in time pick one or two off here and there. I have some video and I think some pictures my mom took, not much to look at since I usually got passed early but I'll try and get it encoded and uploaded here tomorrow some time.

Overall I had an awesome awesome time, and only wish that they would race at this place more often. The track the league mainly races at will not allow three-wheelers...Theres suppose to be another race in Valdosta, GA sometime in November, which will allow trikes to come race there. So I'm definetly up for that when it comes around. Maybe I can recruit a few other people too :)

Derrick Adams
09-24-2006, 08:07 AM
Shoot Billy, I never even thought to tell you some of the tricks we figured out last time out. Here's a couple of suggestions to try that you may have already figured out.

First, I try to stay out of the quads groove. They run real low and get that area of the track hot and smooth real fast. I ran just above their groove in the center of the track, where all the loose dirt and rock just start to kick up. If you go too high on our track it actually gets real rough and bogs you down. The center is the sweet spot.

Second thing we found out, is any quad flat track tire is just too much traction on a trike. The lawnmower tires work well, and the old tri-tracks do too. All the other smooth tires have such a soft compound it makes it very difficult to pitch. I run the 6 ply Turf Savers in 18x9.5x8 with 10lb of air. ($25 each at the local tractor supply)

Another tip is to square off the corners. This is what the top quad rider at our track told me to do and it works great to shave off lap time. (Just don't tell Jason about it cause that's how I catch him in the corners lol) To do this, I follow my center line down the straight but shoot the corner high at the entrance, then dive hard at the apex for the inside corner coming out of the turn. This manuver usually puts me 3-5 bike lengths closer to the guy in front of me after the turn and sits me on the inside line (shortest line) to the next turn.

I found the hardest thing about flat track racing is being in tune with your machine and being willing to commit into turns. I've been riding 3 wheelers for many years so i'm real comfortable sliding sideways at speed, but it takes a certain amount of finese to work the throttle in a broad slide to go where you want. I'm sure you know what I mean Billy. For me starting my slide in 4th gear wide open, in the center of the track, puts me pitching around the turn and drifting within inches of the haybails by the time I make it out the other side. You have to know in your gut you'll make it, becuase if you lift you'll crash. If you drift out too far, you'll crash. Know what I mean?

Glad you had fun and finished safely.:TrikesOwn Experiment with gearing and tires and you'll be mixing it up in no time.

Oh, one other thing I did just to save on the engine was run it a touch rich. Screaming wide open like that for that long has got to be rough on stuff. I just threw on my air box lid last time.

09-24-2006, 09:26 AM
great going man !!! i give you props just for showin up out there. next time maybe some of us guys from florida can show up. for some moral support! let us know when your goin back.:beer cheers.

09-24-2006, 09:28 AM
Flat track i have never tried.I have watched it and it looks like a ton of fun.That is cool you got out there Billy,and the price of admission is always worth the looks and comments you get from the fans for riding a trike.Was there a infield small jump section to the track?Or was it just a complete circle track?We used to have track 10 miles south of here for dirt cars in Orrville Ohio.They used to run the pro quads,Farr,Rath,etc.I used to go watch those guys.But for some reason,They quit running the events.I would like to see If they would consider holding one atv event per year.

09-24-2006, 09:39 AM
Good job,can't wait to see pics.

I would love to see Curtis Sparks out there on his 85 200X.That would be the so

funny to see a little 200X 4 stroke thumper putting a woopin on those big Quads

09-24-2006, 09:41 AM
man billy thats awesome! I will try to join you in november, I will have to get you to help tune my machine though, I really need another R, I may pick up another at the first of the year and make it a dedicated flat tracker, let me know when that valdosta race is, If i can get another set of wheels I wll get some tires like derreck said to use and run with you, I will just have to deal with the front tire I got now, Im happy that the quad guys didnt give you a hard time, I will be ther for sure at valdota, hey derreck do they have those tires in 9 inch size rims? I dont run my R wide open all the time, and even though it feals like it could I woiuld be afraid of grenading my motor if I tried, one of the guys who races there lives about 30 mins from me If I can get ahold of him I iwll ask him about some stuff, also I will talk to my buddie shawn, and see if we can get the track for a test tune day. good job man!!

09-24-2006, 09:52 AM
Billy....great first race. Look at it this way, this was your first time at it and were racing against guys that already have their bike dialed in and have experience going in circles. Once you master it, I think you will give them a run for their money.

Derek.... I'm going to have to come out and race with you. I won't do MX anymore, but can flat track. (long story, but I once broke my back in 3 places, so I won't run the risk that I case the top of a double and end up in a wheelchair).

Your flat track pointers are things I do all the time. I come into the corners wide open, flick the throttle and kick it sideways before I even hit the turn, then clutch and throttle my way through. I also square off the corners as necessary if I'm trying to take someone in the turn or exit of the turn. You're also right about having the nerve to come into the corner hot. When other guys are letting off to slow for the entrance of the corner, I'm pinning it again as I start my slide.

I just bought a set of 18" Turfsavers for dirt racing because I heard of a place that will permit 3 wheelers in PA. I haven't been yet because I've been rebuilding my R's (both of them) from the ground up. I'm just looking forward to ice racing this winter (pray the lake freezes this year).

I will do my best to get out to TF this coming year. I've been wanting to get out there.

Again. Great start Billy!!!

09-24-2006, 10:58 AM
i asked if could build a flat tracker if they would allow me to run on the track with the quads and they said no. I asked them if they where scared, and walked away.

09-24-2006, 11:05 AM
nice work. PICS?

250r'en +TCB
09-24-2006, 11:26 AM
Did you ever modify your steering??? You said you were gonna fabricate your bottom tripple clamp right? I'm just saying that because with my ST kit You have no fear of hitting corners at breakneack speeds because you always know you'll be able to come out of the turn fine.....

Maybe one of those Missile nerfs would be a good future investment though???

Keep up the good work Billy, time will make you better!!

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 11:33 AM
Thanks for the replies guys. I do think with time I'll get more and more comfortable on it, its just hard to take the corners when its so tacky. I'm so use to worrying more about it doing a loop around on me then then rolling over heh. I guess it didn't help my front wheel was wobbling a half inch out of round either :rolleyes: I'll work on it some more and get use to it. From what I understand this track in Jasper is about the stickiest one they race on. The others are more loose which is definitely better for me. I started off staying to the outside of the black groove where it was still loose, but by the end of the night the groove was all the way from the inside cone to the grass on the outside, it was like glue everywhere.

No pics from at night when I was racing...I have some video from the LCQ I'm uploading now but the track lights kept messing up the focus and its not that great. It also shows how slow I actually was :lol: I'll post the link back up here when its done. Should be around 80mb, and its pretty high quality other then the focus messing up.

edit: Mosh it was just a 1/4 mile clay oval track. No jumps or anything. The best time for a cart around it is 12.3 I don't know what the quads were running but the open class guys had to be getting close to it. They were freakin haulin ass.

edit: Devin I did cut some off of the bottom tripple clamp that let me turn until the top tripple started hitting the gas tank. I am for sure gonna get the ST tank and shrouds I got from Derreck fabbed up onto it. I know I definitely used the extra radius I got just from grinding on the bottom one.

09-24-2006, 12:23 PM
man i give you props. you showed people you are not affraid to ride a trike on a flat track. you will get better and better. soon we will all be bowing to you while saying ooooo master. lol but no really you went where i wouldnt. im just affraid i will run into someone or someone run into me.

good job man and good luck

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 12:41 PM
Ok heres a link to the one video, I'm gonna start uploading another one now:

http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/remote/LCQracecomplete.wmv Aprox. 80mb

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 01:39 PM
http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/remote/2ndHeat.wmv and I've got the second practice uploading now...

09-24-2006, 01:50 PM
Sweet Billy! Glad you went out there and rocked those guys!

I tried to enter my local flat track fair race, but I was 5 days late! :(

Keep her hauling :w00t:

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 02:22 PM
http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/remote/2ndPractice.wmv Last video. I'm also attaching some screen caps from the videos for those broadband impaired people (I know the feeling).

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 02:24 PM
Few more screen caps...

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 02:26 PM
Last ones, sorry for the poor quality. I need a couple of professional photographers to follow me around like the OTC :lol:

09-24-2006, 03:12 PM
CMon billy Balls to the wall into the corner!! worst your gona do is highside and Land in the grass!!!! You dont learn to ride from Not crashing!

09-24-2006, 03:16 PM
Dude, nice pics and I think its awesome that your out there running with the brand new quads. I dont think I would be able to do that, keep at it man!!!:TrikesOwn :Bounce

250r'en +TCB
09-24-2006, 03:16 PM
For your first time on a new trike that's not bad.......

Just remember those corners are your biggest advantage (especially with an ST kit or whatever you have) so try and make use of them!!!! You have to hang off the side of that thing like a monkey through those corners!!! And if you think your not gonna be able to keep it on the track, MORE GAS!!!

Maybe ask Coeshow for some tips, I'm sure he has a few! If you look at those pics of the 80's flat trackers they basically had one knee over the side and the rest of their body was hanging off the other side hahahaha

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 03:23 PM
i'm pretty far off to the side on this one: http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=33487&d=1159122269
and this one:

But yeah... I can do better.

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 03:24 PM
Dude, nice pics and I think its awesome that your out there running with the brand new quads. I dont think I would be able to do that, keep at it man!!!:TrikesOwn :Bounce

Yeah but crashing the only threewheeler amongst 35-40 quads has a certain stigma about it :lol:

09-24-2006, 07:47 PM
sweet... looks like a kick in da azz :D

Derrick Adams
09-24-2006, 07:53 PM
You looked great out there Billy! Looks like the only thing you really need to be competitive is more power. Where's that 500?!!

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 08:07 PM
I think that motor has plenty of power, its just me getting a customed to using it :) I just have got to do like you guys were saying and stay on the throttle through the turn. I was letting off way early, especially on turn one. Its kind of weird, its like a 90degree turn that goes into a more gradual arc back around. Its not a perfect oval. Regardless I think I can still hit the corners faster with some more practice. The quad guys on ATV florida sure are complainin about the surface being abraisive on tires, one guys said he burnt a pair of american racers for the rear that had 2 races before hand on them :eek:

I don't know when I'll get to race again but hopefully I'll be able to take the experience I got from this and apply it to that. It did seem like everytime we got out there and I was just starting to get comfortable it was the final lap. I guess thats how it goes though.

09-24-2006, 08:14 PM
Great job Billy going out there and racing againest those quads.Like they say practice makes perfect. Keep practicing and go out there and win a race.

Derrick Adams
09-24-2006, 08:22 PM
I think that motor has plenty of power, its just me getting a customed to using it :) I just have got to do like you guys were saying and stay on the throttle through the turn. I was letting off way early, especially on turn one. Its kind of weird, its like a 90degree turn that goes into a more gradual arc back around. Its not a perfect oval. Regardless I think I can still hit the corners faster with some more practice. The quad guys on ATV florida sure are complainin about the surface being abraisive on tires, one guys said he burnt a pair of american racers for the rear that had 2 races before hand on them :eek:

I don't know when I'll get to race again but hopefully I'll be able to take the experience I got from this and apply it to that. It did seem like everytime we got out there and I was just starting to get comfortable it was the final lap. I guess thats how it goes though.

I was thinking that it looked a little off shape from watching the videos. You sure look good coming out of the corners. Practice makes perfect. Wait till you run on banked turns like our track. You'll love that!

09-24-2006, 08:48 PM
I understand all the looks and comments you get, and all the respect from the other riders. Thats all we have ever gotten. Personally Ive always thought the "but the quad riders will be mean to me...." excuse was just a cop out for armchair racers with no nads! They will remember you more easily next time, and youll find some new friends for life, and some fellow racers who actually race. If you get a couple other trikers to join you, consider yourself really blessed, as I do.

As for machine mods, tech tips, and all that stuff, all I can say is keep on riding, and the ideas will come to you, and your skills will continue to improve. 99% of the suggested mods, tips, and secret hardware I see batted around would be much better spent of riding lessons and practice. You cant learn to race from reading text, and you cant buy hardware to compensate for unpolished technique. Go ride, have fun with it, and make little hardware "adjustments" along the way. You did super, and your best improvements in lap times will come with more seat time. Also, as much as we hate to admit it on a 3 wheeler site, when you get beyond straight line racing, trikes are at a serious disadvantage to quads, so you are starting at a disadvantage, and running against people who most likely have a lot more experience, so take heart in the fact that you had the guts to show up and run, when most people take refuge in an armchair and talk about it!
Youve always had my respect, so to me this just confirms once again that my respect goes where its warranted. Ride on!

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 09:15 PM
Thanks Tim, Derreck, everyone else. My only regret is that the track these guys normally run out wont allow me. If it did I'd be able to race every weekend, I could get good pretty quick that way :)

09-24-2006, 09:23 PM
Ill be glad to help you find a place to settle into when you decided to relocate here!

09-24-2006, 09:50 PM
i gatta find a place to race flattrack. Billy - heres what i do around turns. maybe itll help... say your making a sharp left turn, i cut the front wheel to the left, and lean obviously, but my right foot would be about 2 inches away from the edge of the right side of the seat, this is WELL pushing the rear tires out, and spinning them, ill hold it full throttle, when you feel the rear end coming around a bit you want to cut the front tire to the RIGHT so it doesnt try to make you flip, and you drift to the side. from then on its throttle controlled, and by leaning. using that technique you can make a large U shaped turn fairly well

09-24-2006, 10:48 PM
Nice job Billy, from my experience just staying on the bike for the first race is a big plus. I've seen so many guys come out and roll it their first race from lack of experience. Heres a few more tips to consider.

If you have someone in the stands with you bring a stop watch and have them get your times along with the fastest guys lap times, you can even break it down further and do your corner times but if you know where you stand you will know you need to push it more next time out and you will think about that while your racing. I wouln't be to worried about winning, rather try to keep inproving your lap times. I did that this year and I ended up winning 4 of my 8 to 10 races we ran.

Gearing is key for oval racing, what I do is run a tall enuff gear where I can hold it wide open in 5th in the corners and still be able to make it slide. With that track being as tacky as it was probably wasn't the best first track to race on. Our track gets like that at the end of the night and its definatly a handfull but I prefer tight tracks over loose tracks.

Tire pressure is also a huge factor, you want stager in your rear tires, that will only help you get around the corners easyer.

Keep notes on each track for lap times, tire pressure, ect.

Once you get used to it and can commit to the corner your lap times will improve imensly. If your sliding the corners you should only be off the gas long enuff for the rear end to start its slide and thats only a blip of the throttle once your set up right. If your gearing is right on you will feel it, go into the corner hot, let off for a split second and the rear will want to keep going causing a slide then right back into WOT all the way around the corner.

From the video that definatly looks like a very fast track, my best times on a banked 1/4 are 16 seconds but I know I've got room for improvement with gearing.

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 11:25 PM
Thanks Jim. I'm running 15/40 gearing right now, which with those tiny little tires felt about right. I could have definetly pulled a gear higher in the corners then I was taking if I could have felt like I would be able to stay on it going around. I did kind of notice during the LCQ like you were saying, it seems as if the faster you come into the corner the easier it is to actually break it loose. Makes sense, more momentum. I actually at one point till I shifted posistions was having a little bit of a problem with the front wheel pushing. I hadn't had that happen before. The rear tires I was running 12psi on the outside and 8.5 on the inside.

Billy Golightly
09-24-2006, 11:59 PM
I forgot to post this earlier, but heres a video of a couple hot practice laps for the open class. http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/remote/Open2ndpractice.wmv

09-25-2006, 12:08 AM
Thanks Jim. I'm running 15/40 gearing right now, which with those tiny little tires felt about right. I could have definetly pulled a gear higher in the corners then I was taking if I could have felt like I would be able to stay on it going around. I did kind of notice during the LCQ like you were saying, it seems as if the faster you come into the corner the easier it is to actually break it loose. Makes sense, more momentum. I actually at one point till I shifted posistions was having a little bit of a problem with the front wheel pushing. I hadn't had that happen before. The rear tires I was running 12psi on the outside and 8.5 on the inside.

Get some tire chalk and mark the outside of your right tire in 4 spots from top of the edge down to about half way to the rim. You want your tires to roll over, there should be a raised edge on your tire about an inch down but if not you want your tires to roll in the corners about an inch or so. To me that sounds like way to much pressure for that track. I run 3 on the inside and 4 to 5 on the outside for the rears on a tacky track. I also run different compounds for inside and outside rears. I run 13/37 (2.84 ratio) on 1/4 mile but I'm running 20" hoosiers. 15/40 is 2.66 with 18" tires? I tried 13/36 (2.76) and it was to much for the 1/4, it felt faster but my lap times got worse, not enuff torque in the corners.

Get a 88 trx swinger for it to, save weight and get you a little shorter. The pushing you mentioned is coming from your tire pressures, if your sitting to far back trying to get traction theres no weight on your front. Loose some of the rear pressure and you won't have to sit so far back. If it feels like its lifting in the corners move your left tire in more so your sitting more over top of it. It doesn't need to be all the way out like you have it, your probably loosing traction because of it. If you have a +4 axle, take advantage of it for the outside but inside move that tire in or even flip it around so its even further under you then you won't have to lean so far to get over top of it.

I scale my bike and this setup makes a huge difference where weight is distributed. Sorry about the quad pic but this will show you what I mean. Tire pressure also makes a huge difference where weight goes while leaning over the side.

Billy Golightly
09-25-2006, 12:19 AM
I have 16's for my rear tires and I'm running a 20 on the front using a 10inch front wheel. They are kind of oversized cart tires and have 8.5psi as the normal operating pressure on the side of them. I had thought about moving the inside wheel in some after I got back home, and I think next time I will try that. Do you feel any real adverse effects from doing that?

09-25-2006, 12:45 AM
I have 16's for my rear tires and I'm running a 20 on the front using a 10inch front wheel. They are kind of oversized cart tires and have 8.5psi as the normal operating pressure on the side of them. I had thought about moving the inside wheel in some after I got back home, and I think next time I will try that. Do you feel any real adverse effects from doing that?

I can basically run anywhere on the track with that setup. If I run it further out I loose traction and the tire will lift off the track in the corners. If you loose some of that air pressure you will be able to run in the groove more and stay there instead of sliding to the outside. Look at some of your pics, you can see your right rear is rolling over but your left rear is still standing tall even with less pressure in it, and you hanging over it, that tells me its to far out. If you run it that way again have someone watch that tire and see if it lifts off the track in the corners. Even if you move it in so the spacers are on the outside of the hub it will make a improvement and you should gain some traction. I would switch to at least an 18" tire if you plan to keep running oval, I think those 16"s are only hurting you. I used to run 18"s on a 10" wheel when I first started and they didn't hardly flex at all. I went from running 4th or 5th in the pack to running 1st and 2nd with 20" tires with no other mods.

09-25-2006, 10:39 AM
Hey Billy, can I have your autograph before you make it big? it would look good on eba... I mean on my wall in a few years. :lol:

Seriously though, I can not help but wonder if this may be a small step in making trikes more exceptable in the racing comunity. you look like a pro at it already.

Billy Golightly
09-25-2006, 02:05 PM
The Ohio guys have been doing it for a couple years now, but yes, I think getting smaller groups started (Like me) is definintely a step towards something possibly bigger.

09-25-2006, 03:35 PM
Wow that looks super fun, the vid was cool. Definately need to improve the handling of your R to keep up, the quad guys had a huge lead on you. Props on getting out there, bet it was a total blast!

09-25-2006, 03:57 PM
dang lookin good. I am downloading the vid now.

and I think everyone here will agree. Trikes DO look better on a track then quads.

nice work, and have fun man.

Billy Golightly
09-26-2006, 09:46 AM
Some new pictures that one of the other guys took at the races :cool: Looks like I'll be returning on the 21st of October for another round at that track.

09-26-2006, 10:26 AM
that's some SWEET action Billy - kinda looks like it would make a great photo advertisement back in the day, especially the middle picture. Good work and keep up the competitiveness. I respect you a great deal!

Billy Golightly
09-26-2006, 04:29 PM
Bump for the new pictures incase other people missed them.

09-26-2006, 04:30 PM
NICE! you go on the outside just for the pics bill lol

Looks like fun, wish I could come and race with ya. Love the avatar!

Billy Golightly
09-26-2006, 04:35 PM
Well that and you can actually slide without having to manhandle it :)

09-26-2006, 06:18 PM
nice job billy.keep representin.it's good to see ya mixin it up with the quads.since this is a 3 wheeler site,everyone likes to talk how trikes are better then quads.but racing against them is a very sobering reality.all though you can be competetive,your skill level has to be much higher then theirs.those four strokes pull hard coming outta corners.that and they take less body english to ride,which means they tire slower then you.

i hope you getter dialed in,and start pulling towards the front.keep up the hard work,and practice.

nice pics. too!!!!!!!!

09-26-2006, 06:36 PM
awsome job billy. your next time racing you need to kick some ass and take some names. oooooooo yea your slides are the most wonderful dust couds i have ever seen.

09-26-2006, 08:27 PM
nice job billy.keep representin.it's good to see ya mixin it up with the quads.since this is a 3 wheeler site,everyone likes to talk how trikes are better then quads.but racing against them is a very sobering reality.all though you can be competetive,your skill level has to be much higher then theirs.those four strokes pull hard coming outta corners.that and they take less body english to ride,which means they tire slower then you.

So true. Skill level, wear and tear on the rider, etc all take a toll on you.
The quads have a much easier ride. The 4 strokes pull hard on the ice just like the dirt. They can run taller gears and pull the straight in one gear on a short track. I do it too, but often ride the clutch 1/2 way through the turn to keep the revs up. I may have to get a new powerband to keep up. I'm thinking the blue one.

Hey Billy, it looks like if you square off the turn, you may be able to take extreme inside line of the turn at the apex with some dirt to slide into the sticky stuff as you exit the turn. I didn't race it, so I can't speak, but am curious if you think that's possible.

Billy Golightly
09-26-2006, 08:36 PM
I think it might be possible Chris...the only thing is the track people run the cones so far out, almost half way in the track. The reasoning I heard for this is its so the quads do not pickup the loose stuff from the inside and bring it into the middle of the track for the cart guys to run on.

09-26-2006, 09:34 PM
um where are you getting your blue power band at chris? I need one to

09-26-2006, 09:38 PM
dam glad to see your representin out there im still not brave enough ill keep practicing in case you need a backup rider lol. But really good first attempt i know just maybe you had them a little nervous!!