View Full Version : 350X carb overflowing? Clutch cable routed wrong? Help..

09-23-2006, 10:42 AM
Ok so I have a few questions. I finally got my 350X project up and running, but still have a few little things that need completed before I can ride it.
Number one is the clutch cable. First of all, I couldn't even get it to work. I think I have the wrong spring. Can someone show me a picture of an '86 350X clutch cable routing/spring? And where would I go about getting a new spring? If I ordered a new clutch cable, would it come with one?
Number two is about the clutch cable as well. I had enough trouble with the darn clutch cable, but when I put the exhaust on I ran into even more. Even if I DO get the clutch cable routed right and working, the exhaust is in the way. When I pull on the clutch cable, the little lever thing down there by the exhaust doesn't move more than 1/4 inch before it hits the exhaust. Its and '85 exhaust system on an '86 engine.. are the '86 exhausts ran differently? Can someone show me a picture of what it should look like?
Number three is about a few parts. I need some of those little brass gaskets that go where the header meets up with the head, but I'm not sure where to get them. The nearest Honda dealer is quite a ways away just to go and get some little $1 brass gaskets. Does anyone happen to have any they would sell me or know of a place I can get them other than from Honda? Does anyone have or know of a place to get a 350X rear reservoir? Used or new?
Number four.. the guy I got my engine and carb and a few small parts from said that the engine and carb were working great when he took them off of the bike. And he was right, the engine is awesome. But when I put the gas tank on, filled it up, and turned the petcock on.. gas started spewing out of one of the hoses on the carb. I'm assuming it was the overflow hose, but what would cause this? Stuck floats? Would a good cleaning fix the problem?
Number five.. MAIER's SUCK!! The front Maier fender on my X looks good.. but I went to put the rear one on and ran into a ton of problems. I had to drill all the freakin holes myself, and when I finally put them on the bike, the kicker wouldn't fold in without hitting the fenders so I ended up having to cut a chunk out so that it would fit!!

Thanks guys.

09-23-2006, 10:47 AM
hang tight,i think i have the copper gaskets let me look.

09-23-2006, 10:49 AM
MAIER's SUCK!! The front Maier fender on my X looks good.. but I went to put the rear one on and ran into a ton of problems. I had to drill all the freakin holes myself, and when I finally put them on the bike, the kicker wouldn't fold in without hitting the fenders so I ended up having to cut a chunk out so that it would fit!!

They're not perfect but at least they're still supporting us. We should be thanking them.

09-23-2006, 10:51 AM
They're not perfect but at least they're still supporting us. We should be thanking them.

Ok Mosh.. I'll hang tight.
And thats true Dammit, but I was not happy when I had to cut up my brand new $150 fenders in 3 places to get them to fit. I can't even put the decal on down by the kicker on the left side.

09-23-2006, 10:55 AM
i have found one gasket,the other has been misplaced.i will let you know if i find it.are they the same as 300ex exhaust gaskets?

09-23-2006, 10:57 AM
According to BikeBandit they are not. The numbers are different..

09-23-2006, 11:01 AM
Are you using a new clutch cable? In my opinion, nothing beats new cables and they are cheap, usually way under $20 bucks up at Paradise Cycle. Not really sure which spring you are talking about unless you mean the one over the outside that protects it from the exhaust. The last one that I bought had it.

09-23-2006, 11:03 AM
According to BikeBandit they are not. The numbers are different..ok.sorry i cant help you on those then. i thought they were the same.

09-23-2006, 11:04 AM
Its the spring that goes on the outside of it and I think is meant to help the cable recoil? I'm going to pick up a new cable from Marty or eBay here soon.. but I still can't put it on there when my exhaust is rubbing it :(.

09-25-2006, 02:29 PM
Comments.. tips.. tricks? Anything will help.. especially a picture of the '86 350X exhaust and where it meets with the clutch tab thing that moves.

09-25-2006, 03:19 PM
The exhausts are the same as far as 85 and 86. The cables are not routed the same between the two years as I am sure you know. I can take some pics of mine tonight if someone doesn’t help you out before then. I got those copper exhaust gaskets from bike bandit for cheap but I would think any copper gasket ring would work just fine. As far as the gas coming out the overflow hoses your float is stuck. Taking out the float valve and cleaning the carb up should fix that problem. If not a rebuild kit will. If you do have to rebuild it the 86 and 85 have different pilot jets and I am not sure if you can get a kit for an 86. But I am pretty sure the only difference is the pilot jet. Good luck :beer

09-25-2006, 04:57 PM
Ok.. a picture of where the exhaust and that little clutch tab thing meet up would be great. I can't get mine to clear.. I don't know why.
And bikebandit.com costs 2x more than hyperparts.com for those copper gaskets, so I'm going to go with hyperparts and buy them.. $3 isn't bad compared to what I have paid for other things on this bike.
And I just took the carb apart and rebuilt it (I've had a rebuild kit for it since I got the bike.. just never used it) and it STILL leaks. I put a new pilot, pilot screw, main, float valve, needle jet, needle, and clip in it and it is still leaking out of the overflow.. whats up there? Did I not clean it well enough? Why would the float valve have an effect on it leaking?

09-25-2006, 05:20 PM
Hey Ben. THe needle valve shuts the flow of fuel off to the bowl. If you have trash under it, it will keep filling up and overflowing. Take the petcock off the tank next time around. I had to clean my 86 BigRed (beater) 4 times before it finall quit doing that. Clean the screen and the petcock its self really well. THen put a inline filter on the thing between the tank and carb. Then tear down and clean the car again. Take all the jets out etc and clean them again. Put them back in. And try it again. If it kept doing it after a handfull of times, I would have to check that float out. It may have a hole in it, and filing up with fuel. Sinking instead of floating. Also make sure that the little hinge pin is clean and allowing the float to float and not stick. As far as the cable goes, Its going to lay on the header. The spring is there for protection. Keeps the cables rubber from getting scalded. Crapy design. I know that the 86 is routed differently that the 85. Hope some of this makes sense.:crazy:

I may have a reservior for the rear brake. Let me check. Im not home at the moment.

09-25-2006, 06:21 PM
the springs that are coiled around clutch cable is from keeping the plastic from contacting the hot exhaust/engine case. There are no return springs for the cable. Just the force of teh clutch springs and the level return spring which is just under the actuating arm for the clutch outside the case...it may even be inside the case


09-25-2006, 06:47 PM
Here's a few pictures of the clutch set up. The 86 clutch cable does not have the spring on the outside.

09-25-2006, 09:18 PM
There's a regular screw on the bowl to drain the float bowl., maybe that is loose draining your gas out, I believe the same tube both drains the bowl and overflows if the needle isn't blocking the gas flow like it should.

09-25-2006, 10:26 PM
Is that called the pilot screw?
Do you have any pics of where this screw is or anything?

09-25-2006, 11:27 PM
I just bought those copper gaskets to install a different ex. system on my X. The honda shop had them and didn't have to order them.. altought, they cost more like 5 bucks for the set. As far as the rear fenders go, I have Maier's on the rear and yea, the kickstarter will not fold in but I'd rather crack a $150 dollar set than an original set that can't even be bought from honda anymore. I took my red original fenders off and put maier all the way around.. even the scoops on the tank. I'm not takin any chances with the stock plastic.

09-26-2006, 05:46 AM
Hey Ben ,I can help ya out this afternoon! I will download a pic of the complete cable routing on this thread!! When your carb was down,I am guessing the needle/seat got stuck! I would take the carb apart and give it a thurough cleaning /inspection and proper float height,get you micrometer out! The exhaust from '85-'86 will work fine!! Gotta go to sit on my butt at work!!

09-26-2006, 08:33 AM
I think I have it routed right, its just that it won't clear the exhaust when I pull the cable (the little clutch pully tab thing). It goes down from the handle, down the left side of the engine, and then over behind the engine to the right side where the clutch tab is, right?
And I took the carb completely apart, replaced the float valve, needle jet, main jet, pilot jet, pilot screw, needle, all gaskets, etc etc and gave it a good cleaning with carb cleaner and its STILL leaking..

09-26-2006, 08:53 AM
hi if you have aftermarket bars then the clutch cable doesn`t reach properly, it still works on mine but is tight, i think the standard bars are not as high.
maybe this is your problem

09-26-2006, 06:46 PM
yellow arrow points to the bowl drain, tighten that if its loose. I doubt thats the problem, can you get a pic of your floats/needle? One way you can test the needle is when the carb is apart try blowing with your mouth on the gas line while the floats are down and slowly bring them up which should stop the flow of air, if it doesn't theres a problem.

Is the 2nd pic where yours is hitting? Is it hitting the exhaust pipe or just the heat sheild? How far up out of the side cover is the clutch arm? There's a few things that might cause the arm to hit the pipe that I could think of, a bent heat sheild, pipe not mounted correctly (try loosening all pipe mounting bolts including the 4 on the head and see if you can get it so it won't hit), clutch arm too far out of the case, or a bent clutch arm.

3rd pic is how it should be routed for a '86 350x, '85's go on the other side of the cyclinder.

09-27-2006, 03:12 PM
Hey Ben sorry I could'nt get to ya last nite,I was busier than I thought I would be!! Anything else I can do let me know!!!

09-27-2006, 03:54 PM
hey dude, ill go take a pic of my 85 350x and how the cable is routed. the route really sucks and they should've done it like the 86 in the first place.

09-27-2006, 04:40 PM
here is come pictures, sorry i could help more :P
btw, ignore the carb return spring for clutch return spring, and the big exhaust leak.

i just got the trike friday, and it had the wrong clutch cable on it, and no return spring, and also had that exhaust leak.

new exhaust system in the way!




