View Full Version : People are really starting to ask about the 3 wheelers

09-22-2006, 06:59 PM
It seems like latley more and more people are starting to ask me questions about my 3 wheelers. just the other day i was riding my 200s and these guys on quads chased me down. I was not sure at first what they wanted, and they started asking me questions about my atc. How did i get it, did i build it, was it for sale and so on this seems to happen more and more. im proud of all my ATCS more and more everyday. Same thing happenin with you guys?? Are you getting chased down by curious people too lol?

09-22-2006, 08:20 PM
The question I get asked over and over is, " Why don't you get a fourwheeler?"

They just don't get it.

09-22-2006, 08:27 PM
SAME here had few people asking questions and is it for sale ....

09-22-2006, 09:35 PM
I allways hear
You ride a 3 Wheeler? They are so dangerous.
I just tell them yup but I like them.:beer

I allso get alot of looks when Im on one of them and I like that:w00t:

09-22-2006, 09:48 PM
I have 5 trikes, and people stop me everywhere. riding, towing, or wherever, it is like something has opened up the eyes of the quad riders. maybe it is the fact that they are at least 20 years old and still spanking the quads or is it that the kids that were born in the 80's are just getting old enough to be curious about these bikes they know nothing about. a lot of people either say they haven't seen a honda atc in years or i have never seen one of those, what is it? is it new?

09-22-2006, 10:43 PM
I was riding at ATV NY about a month ago and I over heard a little boy about 8 years ony ask his father what are those things. 200xman and I just laughed, :lol: and other Quad riders looked at us like we were crazy.

09-23-2006, 10:21 AM
Well I'm 35 and as for me I remember when trike were the "in thing", my uncle had one that I used to ride on ...rode on a trike way before there were any quads aound. Most of the younger riders have never seen a three wheeler , my kids had no idea what my 200x was when I brought it home. Now don't get me wrong, I love riding my KFX700,but weather you love trikes or hate them , you gotta give them credit, if it was'nt for the three-wheeler the entire ATV industry/sport would'nt be what it is today. They're where it all began for me and many others.....:TrikesOwn

09-23-2006, 10:28 AM
I almost always get a thumbs up from someone! The older guys that grew up with them think it's cool to see them still around and the younger guys usually have dumbfounded looks on their faces. Like , what's that thing?

09-23-2006, 10:41 AM
My all time favorite question from people; Aren't those things illegal?:lol: Actually,a few ride areas around here are starting to not let trikes in the parks.They say inurance reasons.

09-23-2006, 10:55 AM
Ya know its funny, as I was unloading my 200x off the trailer, the day i brought it home, still covered in weeds someone asked me the same thing. My neighbor came over...."what are you gonna do with that?".....
"Those things are illegal you know"....
" those things are dangerous"....
NOT IF YOU KNOW HOW TO RIDE,SO PRETTY MUCH COUNTS YOU OUT, HUH :lol: (My neighbor doesnt go over 20mph on his 250 Trailblazer).....:crazy:
"you'd never see me on that thing"....
I KNOW :lol:
Now i got the complete opposite response from my riding buddies who all started on three wheeler and can't wait till I'm done with it...i guess it's the same everywhere...

09-23-2006, 12:10 PM
Well I go through the same stuff here in Mich.,but the one thing I have learned over the years of restoring ATC's ,is that there are alot more people than you would think that actually Love trikes!! I actually can not keep up with the supply and demand on ATC's! When I get a machine all done ,and have it in the shop,they are almost always sold within a few weeks!! I get alot of double takes and the quad guys always have to get another look and ask a million questions! I always tell them that you have a quad because of the sucess of this trike!!On the subject of being banned,trikes were never banned,they simply quit production on them!!See other threads for more info !!

09-23-2006, 02:39 PM
I love traveling with the trike in the truck. I get so many looks. When I was at St. Joe, I didnt have the Z off the trailer for 2 minutes when a group of quads came up to ask me questions about her.

Then as soon as I did a test run through the flat, a 200x chased me down.

I love the looks you get. I feel like such a bad @#% cruzzing around on a trike. :w00t:

09-23-2006, 02:39 PM
Yea and they seam to be getting more expensive over the last 4 years.

09-23-2006, 03:26 PM
I get many looks and stupid questions, I especially get looks when I keep up with them and pass them. I can't begin to write the all the comments and general "you are crazy to ride that,those things are dangerous, etc" Last weekend I spend 1/2 hour explaining to these quad people that trikes aren't dangerous, its the rider!!!! About 1/2 of these people never seen a trike before, even fewer have ever rode one. The guys at the local honda shop asked me today "if you have all these 2, 3, and 4 wheeled bikes, why do ride your trikes mostly" I told them "I am far beyond the level of needing help, I'm a lost cause"
Next year expect to be seeing me racing trikes in ohio, I am gonna build a cr500 250r, inverted forks, +4 swinger, no-link, short track setup, nerf bars w/ pro pegs, etc.

09-23-2006, 05:20 PM
Down here in south LA just about everybody and their momma had or still has a Honda 3-wheeler (those that are from here). They are part of the family almost, like your old faithfull dog.
Of course most of the adults use them for hunting and the kids ride them everywhere.
I'm thirty something, and my best friend since grade school had a Honda 185S that we rode in the '80's. Man the stories I could tell!:beer One time I was going all out on a gravel road next to a bayou (canal to the rest of you) and took a turn too fast and both the 185 and I both ended up in alligator/cottonmouth infested water and mud. Let me tell you, I looked like Swamp Thing:twisted: (remember him!) coming out of that water! When I got back on the road I scared the crap out of my friend and my brother, they didn't know WHAT I was! The 3 wheeler was stuck in about 4 feet of mud and water head first. We went and got the truck and pulled it out. Cranked up on the first pull! When these babies are running good you just can't hurt them!
That was around 1985 and I think that his uncle still uses that old 185S.

ANYWAY, back to the topic. Even down here with all the 3 wheelers around, you still get constant looks when you have a 3 wheeler in the back of your truck or trailer or riding them somewhere. People will come up and ask you if you want to sell them, etc. BUT around here everyone knows WHAT they are. No confused looks.:confused:

Anyways, the 250ES and 110 I bought last week are coming around, very slowly but surely. After hooking up the new battery that came with it and cleaning the starter solenoid, I've got the big red spinning. I am going to take the carb off and clean it real good and probably install a new kit. The pull start assembly on the 110 is really kickin' my butt. Yes I've read that thread. I think the return spring is wore out. It won't retract the rope all the way ONLY when I put it back on the motor:drool: . Hopefully I'll have one of them running soon.:rolleyes:

09-23-2006, 06:39 PM
lol, I had a guy come up to me when I was refueling my Z, and he's like, is that a 3 wheeler?(it was in the back of the van, and I was pumping gas into a gas can, so he couldn't see it very well).
So I said, sure is. Then we started talking, and this is seriously the frist time i've ever met an enthusiast outside of 3ww. He was telling me about his 350x, giving me lists of mods, how he takes it up to the dunes 3 times a year, etc. As pointless as our conversation was, it was still nice to see other people loving them. He says he laso has a warrior, but he doesn't like riding as much. He thinks 3 wheelers are the ultimate machine, etc...lol. We got along great.

Earlier this week, the first day of owning the Z, I took it right to my buddies house. I never startede it up or rode it before, I had JUST picked it up. So I took it out of the van and started it up and putted around for awhile and then i started it opening it up everywhere. After I got done, I asked if they wanted to ride it a few times. Both of them wouldn't, they were to scared LOL. A little to fast for them, lol.

09-23-2006, 07:24 PM
I was doing wheelies in front of my house last week and my neighbor came out to say hi.she goes "what is that a lawn mower or something" i laughed my ass off.There is people these days who dont even know what a TRIKE is!

09-24-2006, 01:48 AM
the first time i went riding at the local atv park every one wanted to ride my 350x....and when we took the group picture they put my 350x in the middle and pushed the 4wheelers to the side.

09-24-2006, 03:34 AM
Wherever I go with my trike in the back of my truck, Ill park, go into the store, come out like 5 min later, and there will be ~10 people swarmed around it checking it out. Ill spend usually 30 min to an hour talking to everyone, from whether or not its dangerous/illegal, to older people remembering their trikes when they were young. No matter how bad or badass it is, theres always someone looking at it and ive been getting a lot of offers on them lately. In fact, someone offered me 600$ for my stock '83 200 the other day.

It seems that more and more people are interested in trikes. Even hardcore quad owners stop to take a look. Heck, ive even been pulled over by a state trooper just because he hadnt seen one in 10 years!! I think he had fun riding it. :lol:

-Nick :TrikesOwn