View Full Version : First Solo Ride

09-19-2006, 04:35 PM
My 3 year old daughter took her first solo ride on her ATC70 today. Of course, like any 3 wheeler addicted father I had to get video of it:


I guess all those rides on her battery powered 4 wheeler paid off since she was a champ on the trike for her first time out. I can't wait to get my 70 together so I don't have to run after her the whole time.


09-19-2006, 05:16 PM
That's great! My little girl is 4 and I'm looking for a ATC70 for her. Did she handle it good? Looks like she did.


09-19-2006, 05:21 PM
Awesome! Just awesome!

09-19-2006, 05:25 PM
Definitely. She has had one of those "Power Wheels" quads since last year and she can handle that with no sweat. I was amazed a few weeks ago when she floored it down a hill, cut throttle, the rear came out, and she actually countersteered!! I never told her how, she just did it. The 70 has a threaded hole in the throttle housing that you can put a bolt in to limit how far the thumb throttle can go. I set it so it moves like 1/4" and that's still enough to haul both of us around in 1st or 2nd gear. I pulled the screw out the other day and had more fun on it than I can tell you. I'm stoked to get my ATC70 done now. I think I may do it with the same paint scheme as I have on my 330R. Search "atc" on your local craigslist.com for one, they are usually cheap there. Don't be afraid to look at some of the craigslists that aren't so local. I drove 2.25 hours for hers but it was worth it to find such a mint one with new tire to boot.


09-19-2006, 05:26 PM
I hadn't watched the whole video when I posted last time. That's great! I about teared up, cause I can just see my little one on there too doing the same thing. I let her watch it and she said "Daddy, I want one of those. I could do that too!" LOL Thanks for sharing!!!


Billy Golightly
09-19-2006, 07:34 PM
Thats awesome. We got a whole new generation of trike riders coming up. Excellent :)

09-19-2006, 07:52 PM
thats some cool pictures looks like shes having fun

my buddies daughter is 4 and she rides like a little nut. i rent part of his garage and the one day she came flying around the corner off the garage and almost ran me over.:lol: she came skidding to a stop sidways and starts laughing and says shes sorry and tares off throwing stones from the driveway.

he has a blue 83 atc 70 and a 91 suzuki lt 80 for them to ride. his son is around 8 years old and his daughter is more of a crazy driver then him. she almost ran me over with the lt80.

a couple times she was out riding and i broke out the atc200 and we played follow the leader around the yard. it was fun for the young kids and the old fart kid also. i almost wiped out the swingset trying to keep up after we cut aruond a tree next to it.:lol:

09-19-2006, 07:58 PM
YOU KNOW WHAT IS EVEN BETTER??? when your girls all ride 250r's and kick ass!!!!! believe me it will be here sooner than you think,,,,,,,,,,,

09-19-2006, 08:57 PM
man thats one of the best fealings when you your kid is running around having a ball on a little trike/quad, I remeber when my daughter took her first spin on here eton, she was so syked!! now she owns everythign with that little quad, I cant wait till next year I'm going to upgrade her to a 90 something, jsut gots to find something, would do a trike, but she need suspension, cuz she like to get air!

09-19-2006, 09:55 PM
Looks like she had a fun time. My niece is 3 now so I guess it is time to start looking for a mini trike for her. :w00t:

09-19-2006, 10:03 PM
Thats one lucky little girl!!

09-19-2006, 10:08 PM
Thats precious man. I just bought my 6 year old son a 110. Hopefully I'll have it running pretty soon.

09-19-2006, 10:15 PM
congats man i give my 9 year old brother a polaris 244cc snowmobile when he was 3 or 4 i think it was 4 but anyways he thought it was the best thing ever. i bought it for $5.00 at the auction in town and it lasted up till last year. then the thing rusted out on him. it was begining to rust so bad it was becoming a death trap. so i got rid of it.

09-20-2006, 03:48 AM
Wow pretty good, i think i saw a pretty impresive power slide somwhere in there ....lol.

farm mike
09-20-2006, 10:58 AM
[QUOTE=JohnR.]My 3 year old daughter took her first solo ride on her ATC70 today.

Ethan was 4 1/2 when he got on his 70 for the 1st time, been on it for 4 yrs now and is pretty good w/ it.
we got Ben his own 70 for his 5th birthday in June. he does ok under supervision, not as good as when his brother took off on one.
wife likes my Big Red , leaves me w/ the 350 quad... :(
we have a blast on em , good family time. make sure the kids wear helmets. already had one trip to the emergency room w/ Ethan for stitches

09-20-2006, 12:09 PM
My dad wouldn't even let my friends park in our yard. Hes an A hole but lets not go there.
I noticed she didn't lean in very much when turning to come back. Too much lean is always better than not enough. Hopefully it will come with time.
She stays that cool and you'll be chasing boys away with a shotgun dad!