View Full Version : Tourists ruin it for the localls again!!!!!:confused:

09-16-2006, 11:06 PM
Well,went on a little ride today to take pic's of the fall colors ect..like I do every year,I got a couple of miles down the (Dirt Road)in the middle of no where a couple of miles from the house and saw a sign(No ATV's on township road)I thought WTF?????:wondering
I turned around and headed back towards home and down a little ways in the curve theres a guy standing in the road with a bow and waves me over??
Turns out the tourists going to the lakes had been tearing the hell out of the roads and the people that live on the roads were P.O.ed,that I can understand.
So the guy starts unloading on me that I have been tearing up the road and I have to go home and get a rake and come back and fix the road???
I told him what I was doing and that I wasnt the one tearing up anything he says I was lying about taking pic's,really Pi**ed me off then,Im a middle aged disabled guy that was doing well under the speed limit and I didnt even kick up any dirt when I turned around to take a pic???http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y203/russell56443/Picture171.jpg
What is the world comeing too?
Im moving to freaking Alaska!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See I got proof I was taking pic's lol!!!http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y203/russell56443/Picture165.jpg

09-16-2006, 11:16 PM
You shoulda have showed him the pics, then told him to rake and Eff off.

Billy Golightly
09-16-2006, 11:18 PM
Assholes are everywheres, they seem to latch onto off-roaders for some reason :mad: Sorry to hear about your mis hap.

09-16-2006, 11:24 PM
Pretty much did,I just was worried about the Bow!!!
He could have shot me as I rode off and there was no witnesses ect..I was litterly in the middle of no where.
What I cant understand is this is a very rural farming community and EVERYONE has a wheeler,do the people that live there have to trailer their wheelers to the main road to ride the hundreds of miles of ATV/snowmobile trails that run along the roads here in Minnesota??

09-16-2006, 11:27 PM
man i hear it all the time too. its bs how everyone comes after the people on the
atv riders. but we the 3 wheeler riders take alot more crap than the quads. well around here anyways. i would have told him to rake it his self.

tecate kid
09-17-2006, 02:01 PM
You got that in MN, supprisingly enough I have not seen any signs or crap like that by my parents and we tear the hell outta the place, not only with our wheelers but cars trucks and any other thing with more then 1 wheel. I think you should have told him to go fly a kite, then just leave. If he has a problem he'll call the proper authorities and they will tell him they have better things to worry about.
tecate kid

09-17-2006, 02:19 PM
yea unfortunately Minnesota is largely liberal, so they lean towards the tree hugger mentality, which leads to stupid laws like what has been going into law lately, no riding on un marked trails etc etc, and dickheads like this guy you ran into.

It's sad that not even 10 years ago you were free to ride, now its like pulling teeth. Makes moving to Montana, Idaho, or Wyoming sound alot better, which is too bad because the natural terrain here rocks for riding...

09-17-2006, 03:08 PM
If he had a bow, then I don't think he gave a damn about the rodes more so then scaring away his deer. In which case I would hyave still reacted the same.

09-17-2006, 03:48 PM
easy solution, quit hunting off the road :rolleyes:

09-17-2006, 04:40 PM
Yeah the more I think about it the madder I get!!
I think I will start going that way to town and see if the locals are rideing there wheelers around,if I see one damn ATV Im going to raise hell!!!
Also on an unrelated incident, 2 yrs ago we had some family come visit,2 women and their 2 teenage kids.
They were rideing around our land on there ATV's and saw a trail and went down for a little ways,figured they should turn back and did and again,in the trail a guy is standing with a crossbow this time(which is illeagle unless your disabled)He is dressed in all camo and black,they couldnt see his face ect... and he threatens to shoot them in the head if he see's them there again?
2 40'ish women and a 12 and 15 yr old!
I didnt report it because whats from stopping them from setting up on the hill and shooting us at the dinner table or takeing out our animals???
Anyway,this whole deal has got me wondering why I ever moved here,I thought I left those guys from Deliverance back down south :0(
Minnesota nice my Ass!

09-17-2006, 07:14 PM
I hate guys like that, just yesterday some guy followed me for like 5 miles on his 6 wheeler just to tell me to slow down. We were going down the road in which the speed limit was 25, I wasnt even close to that. We took a trail and didnt even go 5 cause it was so bumpy, but when we came out the guy was waiting for us and he stopped his 6w in the middle of the road (its illegal for him to be on the road in the first place :wondering ) and comes up to me and tells me: "you need to slow down, I dont want you to hit my f---ing dog. (then he pauses and thinks for a second) or my grandkids!!!." Im thinking this guys messed up, he put his dog before his grandkids. :D I told him I wasnt trying to cause trouble, and hes like 'ok whatever' and follows me back the whole way down the road. We did the whole 5 miles doing like 2 just to make him mad, it took him like 45 min to get back, cause we wouldnt let him pass. He didnt like that but he couldnt do anything cause we werent doing anything wrong, he was doing more stuff wrong than we were!! :lol:

I just dont understand people sometimes. :rolleyes:

Im moving to freaking Alaska!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey tell me when u get here maybe we can go riding down his road doing 90 this time!!! :w00t: lol

-Nick :TrikesOwn

tecate kid
09-18-2006, 12:35 AM
Man I love MN, but maybe its cause I don'r live close to the cities. Most everyone down here has a wheeler and don't care if we are scewing around. But the guy with the bow was probly pissed you might have scared off some deer. Once hunting starts we are usually a little more quite... usually.
tecate kid