View Full Version : has anyone used a shipping company to send or receive a trike they bought or sold?

Threes company
09-08-2006, 12:52 AM
I'm thinking about purchasing a three wheeler thats quite a distance away from me, has anyone had experience with this? Any good shipping companies, what it ended up costing you? crating, would you do it again? etc. etc........ any help here would be great. Jumping in the pickup and hauling a bike or trike home is my favorite way to go...... but somtimes that distance is just a bit much! Thanks guys. :beer

09-08-2006, 06:25 AM
all i can say is ive seen couple people do it thru this comany that has these people pick it up and take it state to state because there going there anyway, so so many different people see it pick it up drop it off ect. its cheaper but more risky of it getting damaged. any other company is expensive.

09-08-2006, 09:44 AM
The couple of trikes I have purchased from long distances, were taken apart and sent in several boxes, 3 or 4, depending on size and weight and sent by ups. I have never sent a whole trike by any shipping company, sorry. I have never had any problems shipping a trike by ups shipping this way, just make sure the oil is drained from the engine and that the engine is wrapped with a couple heavy duty trash bags. If oil leaks in a cardboard box, it gets awful messy.

09-08-2006, 09:53 AM
try www.uship.com

09-08-2006, 12:13 PM
uship.com rocks!! i have had delt with them three times and have had no problems

09-08-2006, 12:57 PM
Whomever you use to ship, make sure the seller removes the kickstarter and puts it in a separate box. Also make sure that it can't be started in any way. Dock guys are brutal and will jump onto whatever shows up on a shipping dock. Even if they can't start it, they will kick it until they break it. It's happened to me and I work for a shipping co. so I see how these people act. Cover your butt!

09-08-2006, 01:19 PM

They pick up at your door and deliver it to their door. They shipped my Cannondale Moto door-door and just loaded it into a truck, then covered it (it may have been paletized, my wife took delivery of it). They rolled it into my garage for the wife also.... ~600 from east coast to west coast. Tracking system worked great too!