View Full Version : Me and the Big Red went swimming!!!

08-30-2006, 04:46 PM
I was out riding Monday night with Throesch and his brother. We came up to a low water bridge that was now raging water from recent rains. I have crossed this bridge before and I THOUGHT that it was level with the gravel road and the creek bottom was level with gravel on both sides. Well, I hit it, and it the water was up to the bottom of the tank. I made it across, then Throesch's brother came across on his Brute Force 650. We had to go back across because there was no way that Throesch's 200S would make it, and it was the only way back. So, I started back across. Half way across, the raging water washed out my front tire and pointed me down stream. When I felt Red go off the bridge I bailed off to the left, EXPECTING to hit a nice gravel creek bed about waist deep. The water was WELL over my head, and I went completely under and rolled Red over with me. When I came up, I grabbed the front fork and tried to tread water. The Red was belly up, floating, with the key still on. It was 8:30 at night, and the headlight was under water still on, thank goodness, so I could see a little bit. I was scared to death. I knew if I let the Red go it would float to the river and be gone. I somehow, by the Grace of God, managed to swim and pull the Red to the bank close enough for Throesch and his brother to pull us out (BIG PROPS GUYS!!!). I made it out without a scratch or injury. We were in the water probably 5 minutes. We towed the Red back about 2 miles to the road, and I went to get my truck and trailer.

On a MUCH lighter note, the Red is fine. Drained all the fluids, filled with fresh, and had it back running within an hour. I'm on my 4th oil cycle to clear out the water. Gotta flush and fill the rear diff a couple more times. In the water I lost my fanny pack with about $50 in tools, a $30 maglight, and a 20ft rope out of the tool box. I hope to go back in a few days when the water goes down and find the tool pouch.

This was a STUPID mistake on my part! The stupidest thing I ever done on an ATC/ATV! By far!

Be careful and stay safe,


08-30-2006, 04:57 PM
Close call, glad you saved the trike and yourself!

Trikes float great... upside down, don't they. Theres no way anyone could balance a floating trike upright down moving watter. ;)

08-30-2006, 05:00 PM
Its a good thing you both made it out alright!

Last weekend my brother did a similar thing, on my bike. He rode off a 15" embankment by accident, and did a front flip into a lake with my Warrior.

Heres an aftermath pic..........


08-30-2006, 05:27 PM
put some gold fish in them tanks ATC!!! lol

08-30-2006, 06:00 PM
LOL! That reminds me, how do you get the water out of the headlights? hehe

08-30-2006, 06:23 PM
When I started reading where you said it was completely under water I thought "there it goes! hydrolocked!" Damn, I cant believe it started back up! I thought the hot motor being cooled down so fast would damage it. Hmm, I guess these motors are bulletproof!(for the most part)
Glad to hear you saved the trike. :beer

08-30-2006, 06:36 PM
As soon as we got it home, I pulled the drain plug on motor and rear diff, dried out the air filter, took the spark plug out and sprayed WD-40 in the hole. I put fresh oil in, and hit the starter button for about 2 seconds, and repeated 2 more times. Put the spark plug back in, and it fired up. Ran it for about a minute, and then drained the oil for about an hour. Put fresh oil back in, and fired it up for another minute, then let it set for the night. Next afternoon, started it up and ran it about a mile, drained and filled again. Did the same today and the oil is clearing up good. Running just like it did before. I've been draining the rear diff overnight each night since it happened, and it's clearing up too.

I also drained the gas and filled it up with fresh gas.


08-31-2006, 02:32 AM
LOL! That reminds me, how do you get the water out of the headlights? hehe

I made my brother dismantle them. They are in the garage right now in front of a fan......

I flushed the bike out, dismantled and cleaned the carb, the bike fired right up.

Now I just need to run a couple gallons of oil through it.

08-31-2006, 08:12 AM
All I have to say is been there done that! :lol: My other big red had the same fate. But after doing what you did, it was back up and running. My problem was that I had waiters on and they were full of water. So it made it even more difficult to get back to land. Oh my red was running for a few seconds belly up and the tires were being like paddles and moving the trike haha. Glad you are ok and the red too............peace

08-31-2006, 08:40 AM
Thanks Scott. As I was bailing off I hit the kill switch (that I forgot doesn't work, LOL) and tried to turn the key off. I'm glad I didn't get to the key, cause I probably woulda pulled it out accidently and lost it.


08-31-2006, 08:56 AM
Yup flipped my 185s 5 years ago in a irrigation canal because the bank gave away. Same deal. Went floating down the canal and had to swim after it.

09-04-2006, 08:59 PM
After 4 oil changes and rear diff changes, it's clean and FINE!!!

Rode it for a good while Saturday and it's good a new!


09-04-2006, 11:14 PM
I think most of you have seen the pics of my 350X upside down in a lake at Florance.

The trick to remember about cleaning water out of your motor is tranny fluid. After you drain the original oil water mix out. Put in the correct amout of oil, except use one quart of tranny fluid instead of oil. the tranny fluid will absorbe the water. Run the motor, get it nice and warm, run it through the gears, and then drain the oil/tranny fluid/water mixture out. Put in fresh oil and you will be good to go. using stright oil it takes several replacements to get all the water out.

09-05-2006, 07:49 AM
I'll remember that, IF this happens again, hehe.
