View Full Version : Trike doesnt work in cold

08-26-2006, 02:54 PM
Well, well probably be getting snow with in 2 months, an that mean cold weather. When I rode last year my trike would only work to -15 weather, anything colder than that, it would die when you gave it even a little gas. I thought it might be jetting but by the sounds of what people say it might not be the jetting. Any body have an idea of what could be wrong and how I could fix it?:confused:

08-26-2006, 03:04 PM
Only thing i could think of is.
1. go with a much thinner oil.
2. try to warm it up real good without gas. (idle warm up)
3. maybe a hotter plug?
4. make sure your gas isent frozen, or your lines arent frozen.

I would do number 4, it could be partially frozen and not getting enough gas.

08-26-2006, 03:24 PM
hey clint did u try moving *Edited**Edited* clip 1 or two notches down to ritchen the mix up a lil bit

08-26-2006, 05:06 PM
I was going to try that Stephen but then a couple people said it might be my engine isnt getting hot enough or something. So I thought before I go to the crabby Honda dealer and spend money on jets I would ask here first.
Traxx, when you say thinner oil, you mean in the gearcase? Im using a 4 stroke for riding just so you know.
Ill try the idle thing, ill let it idle for 10 minutes or more
If anybody knows a hotter plug than RA6HC let me know please
and I know it isnt that the gas is freezing, I had that trouble at the start of the year, when I was putting gas in it some snow blew into my gas tank and melted,so I had frozen water gas, so I cleaned the carb, emptied the gas and put gas-line antifreeze in the tank, so I know it isnt frozen gas either. Thanks.

08-26-2006, 08:52 PM
I was going to try that Stephen but then a couple people said it might be my engine isnt getting hot enough or something. So I thought before I go to the crabby Honda dealer and spend money on jets I would ask here first.
Traxx, when you say thinner oil, you mean in the gearcase? Im using a 4 stroke for riding just so you know.
Ill try the idle thing, ill let it idle for 10 minutes or more
If anybody knows a hotter plug than RA6HC let me know please
and I know it isnt that the gas is freezing, I had that trouble at the start of the year, when I was putting gas in it some snow blew into my gas tank and melted,so I had frozen water gas, so I cleaned the carb, emptied the gas and put gas-line antifreeze in the tank, so I know it isnt frozen gas either. Thanks.
Go to canuck tire and pick up a litre of AMS OIL 0w40 4 stroke Atv oil, Make sure your carb is clean, No water, and set proper, And use the choke, it should start, my Old Atc 90 started in -35 here no problem.

08-26-2006, 09:00 PM
i dont live in canada but seriously canadian tire should change theyre name to canadian rip-off