View Full Version : Im finally wheelin on my KLT!!!!!
08-24-2006, 10:22 PM
Well,got her running real good last month but had to go out of town for 2 weeks and got side tracked for a few more weeks.
I went on that campout last weekend and got the 3 wheel itch bad and started working on my KLT200 this week and finally got the drive/chain stuff sorted out.
She drives like a dream,pretty quick and lots of low end torque but I really want to change the front forks out for a KLT200 C springer front end,it's a bit bouncy with that big Goodyear on the front LOL!!
I went out on some trails across the road from our place and was tearing around and lost it in a curve going up hill next to the creek/drainage ditch deal and flipped her end over end 3 times!
I got thrown off in time to watch the roll down the hill and was thinking $$$$$ in repairs,she was down in the creek,upside down leaning on a dead tree and still running LOL
I cut it off and got the wheels back in the right direction and there wasnt a scratch and she cranked right up!!
Im very happy with my KLT so far and am looking forward to tomorrows ride!!
Maybe I'll wear a helmet this time???
08-25-2006, 12:26 AM
sounds like a good time.:Bounce got any:pics: of your klt. what did you do to get yours running? just wondering cause i'm working on getting a klt back running again.
08-25-2006, 01:12 AM cool,theres not many of us KLT riders around it seems lol!
I have a few pic's,no wheelie pic's yet lol,I just got her done 3 days ago.
I'll try to post some of the pic's
I've fixed most everything since these pics,I even got a new tail light lens lol,I have to find some info on repairing the shroud and fenders ect..
Hope the pic's work and let me know how your KLT is comeing along!
08-25-2006, 01:20 AM
looks like a pretty sick machine
08-25-2006, 01:42 AM
Hey 82300R,
forgot the last part of your post.
What year is yours?
Mines an 80 so it has points and a coil,if yours is one of the CDI (Black Box)ones there kinda hard to get and expensive too,I think that why the guy I got mine from sold it for $75.00,someone told him it needed a CDI?
I needed a Coil and the carb was real bad dirty,took 3 cleanings to get it right!
It runs great and is like a tank compaired to the 200M I have ridden in the past,The ATC hop's over branches and this KLT crushes them lol!!
Let me know about your KLT and other wheelers!
08-25-2006, 12:28 PM
nice i hope to get mine running soon
08-25-2006, 02:41 PM
I have a klt200 springer front model for parts, and a klt250 prarie for parts also. I have a supertrapp muffler and an aftermarket muffler for the klt200. If yall need parts lemme know ...
08-25-2006, 05:46 PM
I PM'ed ya Smackkk.
08-25-2006, 08:13 PM
mine looks just like yours but its black. i saw one just like it in another thread and its was said it was an 85 model. i cannot find any parts list on bike bandit or parts fish for an 85. i'm thinking its an 83 model. i currently have the top end off, need to get a bore on the cylinder. i do have spark. bought a new fuel pump just in case. have every thing i need to get it going. just need time to put it all together. i'll post pics when the wife gets back from out of town.(she took the dig camera:lol: )
08-26-2006, 12:48 AM
Hey 82300R I know where one just like it is for parts
He has the complete bike just incase theres something that ya need?
He ships ect,, and is pretty reasonable.
Oh yeah,unfortunatly he's got cancer and is only open from 11 am to 1 pm while he's going through treatment ect..I've been trying to tell people about him,maybe it will help him out some?
08-26-2006, 02:02 PM
Weird machine the KLT200. My first trike was a KLT110, which I still have, but my second was a KLT200. It needed a valve or ring job or both, and I couldn't keep it running. I ended up parting it out. When it ran though, I couldn't figure out what Kawasaki was thinking. It was built and rode like a utility machine, but with a clutch, which is very un-utility. It was very bouncy and hard to control at high speeds too. I never managed to get a wheelie out of it, but I figured that was cause the engine was so tired. I always felt like I could mount a turret on it and ride it into battle if necessary. Despite the seeming criticism, I did rather like the machine.
My KLT's untimely demise was caused partially by an extremely bone-headed move on my part. One day I used it to retrieve my 10' utility trailer, since it already had the hitch ball on it. I got the trailer hooked up and moving, then I rounded a corner and it just wouldn't pull all of a sudden. The engine started smoking and so naturally I just kept giving it more and more gas, and I kept pulling the trailer a couple feet and then it wouldn't move again. I couldn't see anything in the way of the wheels, so I just kept pouring it on, thinking the engine had finally crapped out. Finally I got off and saw that the front crank thingie on my trailer was digging a four-inch furrow in the ground! Sigh. My KLT never ran again after that.
08-28-2006, 03:56 AM
Wheeeww,finally back up,man I was jonesing bad for 3 Wheeler info LOL!
That took all day to switch over,I feel for you guys!!
Aww man Frakencelery,that sucks about your 200,Glad to see the 110 is still alive,that should account for something for all the Kawi haters lol!
My KLT has been running great!!
I have been cleaning and adjusting stuff and she is running better and better,
I got the UNI air filter cleaned and my Answer muffler repacked along with the air/fuel mix adjusted yesterday,Im really impressed to say the least!
I have been playing around with tire pressure and I have the front aired down to maybe 1 1/2 to 2 PSI and the rears at about 3 PSI,it is pretty comfortable on the trails now but sudden bumps at speed still kinda suck(Wish Smackk would PM me back about the springer front end)lol
Oh,I might have found a Big Red too,Im waiting for a reply?
I hope it's still there,Ive got my fingers crossed!
I want an ATC Damnit!!!!!
08-28-2006, 08:33 AM
My springer front had a piece missin behind the wheel it's a metal bar that is curved behind the wheel. I have the complete front end for a prarie 250 .
08-28-2006, 05:21 PM
Hey Smackk,all thats missing is the bar?
I can get the bar Im sure,how much do you want to sell it for?
God I bet the shipping would be terrible lol!!!
08-29-2006, 01:06 AM
Russell, I've still got a springer on my '84 KLT carcass, but I think it's banged up pretty bad. If you're interested I could take some pics. I know for sure it's not pretty but it might be usable. PM me if you're interested.
08-29-2006, 01:29 AM
That would be great Frankencelery!!
Shoot me a pic,I dont mind ugly lol!
08-31-2006, 12:32 AM
Hey guys,I didnt hear back about the front springer forks and stuff,please let me know something so I can figure out my $$,I didnt hear back from anyone so I hope no ones mad,I just want some forks??
08-31-2006, 07:35 PM
Oh, I was waiting for a PM if you wanted them! Lemme go look at them and take a'll be a day or two.
08-31-2006, 10:58 PM
09-06-2006, 10:10 AM
Does anybody now where i can find a silencer for my 85 klt 110?
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