View Full Version : Someone please confirm.. carb Q

08-24-2006, 09:31 PM
OK.. someone please confirm that i'm not nuts... well... ok i am nuts.. but regardless.

I'm finally working on the 125M that has been sitting in my garage for WAY too long... the exhaust studs were broken in the head.. have fixed that problem. Now i'm cleaning the carb ( awful mess in there.. was a colony of dead bugs in there !!! :lol:

Now.. the Jets.. does this sucker have an open passage from one end to the other ? It's plugged solid in the direction of the arrow.

I"m pretty sure it's supposed to be hollow all the way thru but need to make sure before i hit it with the mini-drill bits.

08-24-2006, 09:34 PM
These are fine.. i have them cleared up just fine..

08-24-2006, 09:35 PM
Well now... I believe that is supposed to be a clear shot all the way through. you my freind have a clogged jet.

08-24-2006, 10:23 PM
wow this is ironic as hell, it is scary. I just went through this hours before. i had the same time wrong i discovered it was clogged and i tried cleaning it out and relized i had spares when i noticed the number on the side. dropped a clean, un clogged one in and wa fricking la. started with out problems. first thing i noticed before it wasn't getting fuel.

08-24-2006, 10:25 PM
wow this is ironic as hell, it is scary.

i thought you were gonna say that about me giving BRH carb advice :lol: :banned:

08-24-2006, 11:10 PM
Yeah it should be clear.. I dont like the blue color on that either. Mine as well buy a rebuild kit.

08-24-2006, 11:42 PM
That is your Idle jet. Should be able to see through it. Very small hole.

Take a wire Brush and bend back one of the fine wires from it. Use this wire to clean out that hole. You can evan snip off one of the wires from the brush.
I use the wires as a drill, and cleaning tool to clear the hole.

The green/blue? tarnish is normal oxidation.

08-25-2006, 12:55 PM
Lol... yeah..

This jet is out of the 2nd carb i have for this machine.. both jets are clogged the same.. i have the other one soaking in gas and 2 stroke oil right now.. will open it up tonight.

But after 20 minutes of digging with a piece of wire.. I was having one of those moments when you go " Damit.. i know this is supposed to be .. but "....

Thanks for clearing my mind.. feel better now !

Had a buddy trying to free it up as well.. and after the 20 minutes.. i'm like :

" Hey.. !! i know.. the trike forum will set us traight in no time !! "..

this place rules !