View Full Version : Tiger 200/Tiger 250

04-03-2003, 12:22 PM
I just found out today when i stumbled across this site how rare the tiger's actually are.....well.....heh....if i would have known that i wouldnt have sold mine a while back.....it was running and everything.....after i saw your site for the first time.....i called the guy i sold it to and come to find out....he sold it to.....so i called the guy he sold it to.....and that guy told me that he started having carb probs out of it one day and sent it to a friends house of his to have it repaired.....well....come to find out....his "friend" was ripping him off.....the guy took the engine off and sold it....to an idiot who tore down the whole engine simply for some head bolts.......and then dissassembled the frame to .....for use on some projects of his and so on and so on......but anyways.....after i found that out.....i called the owner of it and told him.....despite his anger.....he told me that if i could round up all of the parts to it....i could have it....it and the frustration of piecing it back together again.....i dont know if it is the 200 or the 250 but i do remember when i had it.....it was the fastest thing i had ever even set eyes on.......but to get back on subject....i was wondering .....does anyone have any idea how to re assemble a tiger rotax engine and frame?......because i have found pretty much all the parts and am pretty sure i know where another one of these trikes are.....it is about 150 miles from my current location....but i would be willing to go the distance to get it if only i could have this bike back.....had to sell it before for financial reasons.....ya know how that kinda thing goes.....you put your hard earned money and your valuable time into these machines and then uncle sam pounds your until you just have to give it all up

04-03-2003, 12:47 PM
Welcome to the site, and best of luck to getting your Tiger back!

Billy Golightly
04-03-2003, 12:49 PM
Wow the Tiger owners are coming out of the woodwork! And thats definetly a good thing. Trikeaholic should be able to help you with the information you need. He's currently restoring a 250 himself. Good luck with the project, theres definetly some guys around here that'll be able to help you with it.

04-10-2003, 04:11 AM
come on you guys......no advice.....no words of wisdom?......i know i dont have parts lists or pics or anything but if this is what you are waiting for.......soon .......very very soon.....

04-10-2003, 07:36 AM
I have an engine assembly manual, a Tiger parts manual, and a list of all the fasteners, grommets, bearings and other components. I have a Rotax parts catalog, the companys email and phone number. If you need info, just ask.

04-10-2003, 10:43 AM
Welcome..... to......3wheelerworldforums.com!

Good......luck............finding......all......th e......pieces.

Get......some......pitcures......and......post.... ..them......here......when.....you......get......i t......back!!!


04-11-2003, 03:37 AM
thanks holic....that is very kind.....and guess what everyone!!!!!!!....pics of engine and other parts ive gotten back tomorrow!!!!!.....woooohoooo.....and with that.....the epic begins....*not so woohoo*....but....if that is what it takes....i am willing and have nothing better to do after work...afterall.....it seems like a worthy cause....saving a dying species and all

04-12-2003, 02:46 PM
by the way ......when do i get tiger owner status like holic?!?!? :-D hehe

04-13-2003, 02:16 AM
prove it

04-14-2003, 01:05 PM
Still....no....picture....of....this....mythical.. ..trike....yet? :rolleyes: