View Full Version : Trike and winter

08-23-2006, 12:17 PM
Is it a good match?

Where I live we have about 12 inches of snow during the winter. Do you think I will be able to ride in the snow my ATC 125m? I've find some chain that goes over the rear tire. I was thinking to fabricate a ski for the front so it will be easier to turn. any experiences or pictures?

tecate kid
08-23-2006, 12:24 PM
Rode my old 86 125M all the time in the winter. Never messed with jetting, and never needed tire chains, just use some major throttle and throw it around. Hope this helps.
tecate kid

08-23-2006, 12:28 PM
Yeah, you shouldn't have any problems. They are a blast in the snow. Just remember to WD-40 moving parts like the thumb throttle housing, so it doesn't freeze up on ya.


08-23-2006, 01:19 PM
Winter is a great time to ride! Trying to blast through 12" all at once might be a bit too much unless you are light enough and the snow is heavy enough that you can ride on top of the snow. Just get out and ride every 8-10 inches to pack the snow down and you should be fine. There used to be a front tire ski kit back in the day but they are rare so making one would be a good idea. I think a few here have tried to before but I don't remember what the outcome was.

As for the tire chains, as long as you have a good set of tires you should not need them. If you are running near bald tires then I would spend the money on new tires instead of chains. My brother used a set on his 110 for a winter and they helped but were not as good as the tires he bought for the next winter. And with chains you can not go as fast or they will through you around. But if you do use the chains, make sure they are securely tided on (NO bungee cords), a loose chain can tare up your rear fenders quickly.

Name Brand
08-23-2006, 01:35 PM
Plowed out parking lots are great to slide around in. When we were kids we used the 125M to tow eachother on a sled around the yard. I use to take the 125M out on the snowmachine trails; always a good time. It will having trouble going through deeper snow (more than about 14"s) but with a few passes a good trail can me developed. If you find an area where the snow has developed a hard crust from the wind, then you won't need a trail. I would hit snowdrifts as a jump, fly off of the machine and let it and myself fall into the snow for a soft landing.

Couldn't find any action shots. This is me on the 'original' 1984 125M in my signature.

08-23-2006, 01:51 PM
just put most of your weight on the rear end and you should have no trouble. Trikes are alot better in snow than 2wd and even some 4wd quads

08-23-2006, 11:56 PM
The 125 is awsome in the snow/winter. I hav rode mine in near 12 inches of snow, keep to the rear and if you start to slow down, just start rocking the trike. I had some trouble when it got colder than -15c it would start to die if you gave it trottle.

08-24-2006, 12:05 AM
Plowed out parking lots are great to slide around in. When we were kids we used the 125M to tow eachother on a sled around the yard. I use to take the 125M out on the snowmachine trails; always a good time. It will having trouble going through deeper snow (more than about 14"s) but with a few passes a good trail can me developed. If you find an area where the snow has developed a hard crust from the wind, then you won't need a trail. I would hit snowdrifts as a jump, fly off of the machine and let it and myself fall into the snow for a soft landing.

Couldn't find any action shots. This is me on the 'original' 1984 125M in my signature.

Nice Picture. Living in Alaska, I think you knon how to ride in the snow !
I remember trying an ATC 110 in the snow back in 1983 but I was 7 at this time, so I don't remember very well the experience.

the chain are coming from the 83 ATC that my dad use to have before my mon made him sell before we crash....

08-24-2006, 08:00 PM
Im pretty sure AMS makes a tire called the zipper for snow riding,Whoever makes it.It is in Dennis Kirk catalog.

08-24-2006, 11:04 PM
i use to ride my old 200s in the snow till my damn hands were frozen.....snow riding is the best....cant wait till this year so i can ride the 350x in the snow!

08-24-2006, 11:34 PM
I rode alot with my 200m in deep snow. Its fun. My neighbor lets me ride in his hay fields.

08-25-2006, 10:59 AM
Only problem I've had in the snow with my Tecate is getting bellied out in the deep stuff. Trikes love the snow because the fat front tire keeps on top of the snow and lets the rear end push you around. Make sure your oil is changed and lube moving parts as the winter puts a lot of strain on the motor.
Try using a crazy carpet (kids toy) strapped to the front frame and let it drag back under the trike under the axle so instead of digging in the frame will float and slide over the snow. Like was said good tires do wonders.


08-25-2006, 01:03 PM
It's a good idea, from experience, to also thaw out your trike after you ride in snow. Slush and mud can get packed in every nook and cranny. You'll know when you go to ride it the next day and the brakes are froze up. I guess it all depends on where you store it. If it's small unheated building, then it'll probably freeze up. If a semi-insulated garage with any heat at all... no problem. Also, good tires do definitely help, unless it's icy underneath, then all i can say is don't go down any steep hills that only have one way out... lol I know that from experience also. Ride On!!

08-25-2006, 01:14 PM
I can't wait for winter! :w00t:

the great gazoo
08-25-2006, 04:24 PM
Hell yes! winter is the best time to ride! It's my favorite season by far.

08-25-2006, 04:45 PM
winter will be loads of fun, first winter wth my trike

ken p
08-25-2006, 06:20 PM
You can bring tire presure down for traction.

08-25-2006, 06:41 PM
In the winter I would wake up early in the morning and go shovel my drive way, and my neighbors driveways, load the snow in a tobbogan tied behind the trike and spread it around lightly to go boggin through.

08-25-2006, 08:50 PM
XD that's awesome

tecate kid
08-26-2006, 01:46 PM
Hey, any idea if my 84 T-3 will need some diffrent jets or anything? Its bone stock, except for maybe boysen reeds. Last owner can't remember if he installed them.
tecate kid

08-26-2006, 02:40 PM
Re-jetting for winter is very important with a 2-stroke. You need to jet richer in the winter.

I used to love winter riding on my 200x by the way. Out of all the trikes I've ridden in the snow, my old modded 200x with the stock tires on it was the most fun. Here's some pics (http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/showthread.php?t=46012&highlight=pics).

08-26-2006, 02:59 PM
lol i have never seen snow in my life.. it snowed here in 1985 but it melted very fast.. i would love to take my trikes to noth texas this winter..

the great gazoo
08-26-2006, 04:20 PM
Get yer butt up there this winter & do it! Bring a camera, too. You will love the snow!

farm mike
08-26-2006, 04:42 PM
I ride more hrs in the winter cuz I have more free time. I have a trail out behind the house, probably nearly a mile loop. Everytime it snows I go out and break the trail open. Get off the trail into 3 foot of powder and you are SCREWED. but the hard packed trail turns into an icy highway. we have a blast as long as the temps don't head south of zero

08-29-2006, 09:39 AM
snow = fun (and numb chin)

08-29-2006, 10:32 AM
lol last year we had one so called hard freeze the mudholes had about 1/32" of ice over them.. it never really gets to 32f... and if it does it will be up to about 60 by 3:00 p.m.

i want to ride on a frozen lake but i dont plan to get to anytime soon...

08-29-2006, 01:33 PM
Well Im looking forward to a 3 wheel winter!!!
I use my Polaris for rideing and plowing ect.. in the winter,frozen lakes are great too just look out for springs lol (almost went through last year)!!!
My KLT should be great in the snow from what everyones writen,big fat tires,weight in the back,I cant wait!!
Up here in Minnesota the trees are already starting to change just a bit so I think it's gonna be an early winter?
aughhhhh(6 months of tending fires night and day)LOL!!!