View Full Version : Need input from 200m owners.

08-22-2006, 06:26 PM
I have an 84 200m and I notice it lacks alot of low end torch. Its stock gearing and all that. Do any of you notice that with yours? Im not sher if it is because it is alot heavier than the 185s and 200s or their is something else going on in there. It seems to have good compression. Riding that and riding my 185s there is a big torch difference like if I am in say 3rd and slow down to 1st gear speed I have to drop it down a gear or else it wont want to take off. Even in second if I slow down too much I will have to give it alot of gas to take off again. It will lift the front in first but after that it wont. It wont even in second unless I hit a dip. Top end she will move quick. I think it will pass a s. Can a loose timing chain cause this? Thanks for reading this.

Solid Snake
08-22-2006, 09:48 PM
From what you're explaining that sounds normal. I think you mean to say torque, and honestly the torque on a 200m is great. I tow things around all the time with ours, however, it isn't snappy. For instance when your in 3rd gear and you punch the throttle it isn't going to take off or lift the front tire off the ground (especially with those big 25 inchers all around). Remember the 200m isn't a sport trike, it's more of a utility trike, the 185/200s are the sporty unsprung trikes.