View Full Version : 200X Resto Guys??

08-10-2006, 01:58 PM
I am tearing down my 84 200x and have a few questions.

1. I am almost down to bare frame minus the engine, brake lines, front forks, rear axle and electrical wiring. What is the best way to disconnect the electrical? Should I try to get it off in one piece or is that even possible? The electrical scares me a lot.

2. Is there a direct replacement after-market shock for this bike? Mine is fine, but the previous owners were adjusting it with a hammer and a screw-driver and its all chewed up on the adjuster nut.

3. My front wheel when spinning makes a ton of noise like the brake rotor is rubbing on the pads. My theory: Bent wheel, bent rotor, bad bearings....What do you guys think? I dont think its ever been wreked cause the forks and handle bars are fine, but who knows.

Thanks in advance.