View Full Version : 250r shrouds

08-03-2006, 12:51 PM
I though I saw a post where someone put 250r shrouds on their 86 200x... If this is possible let me know please because I am hoping to put some of these on. http://www.maier-mfg.com/shop.cfm?Product_ID=58002&page=details.cfm&cartaction=none&thisrow=10&action=list&criteria=101&startrow=1&mystartrow=1&maxrows=10&cat=&man=&stay=&afid=&searchcat_id=&itemprice=&searchfield=&searchman_id=&boolean=&var1=&var2=&var3=&makeid=10&modelid=152&modelyear=
Thanks again

08-03-2006, 09:31 PM
I can't see it as I own both. I have 350x super scoops on my 86 200x and it doesn't look too bad, also 83-85 200x super scoops don't look too bad too.