View Full Version : Help with threewheeler haters

07-27-2006, 11:15 AM
Be sure to read all the pages . Its people like this that cause us to lose or rights. Man they are pissing me off. Feel free to jump in this forum and back me up. http://www.pwctoday.com/showthread.php?t=83576

07-27-2006, 11:26 AM
omg! I would get into a fight with some of those guys! sorry I didnt coment on that forum, damn that burns me up! I hope he crashes his wave runner into a pontoon boat with a christian bible study group on a feild trip!!!!!


07-27-2006, 12:13 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-27-2006, 12:31 PM
ok im gonna flame theses idiots any takers?

07-27-2006, 12:45 PM
they are so stupid chuck norris is a thing of the past they better watch wat they say about norris he will give them a round house kick to the face lol dude i would juss inore them ther freaking preps. they prople dont like atvs cuz it means they will get dirty. lol they ar such stupid **DONT TYPE AROUND WORD FILTERS*** morons.

07-27-2006, 12:59 PM
TRR you go do that you little flamer you..

Billy Golightly
07-27-2006, 01:05 PM
I'm a member of that forum and I posted a reply...but please dont go invading over there and making a huge ordeal out of it. Remember, if you cant think of anything intelligent and factually correct, don't post.

Billy Golightly
07-27-2006, 01:18 PM
I'm a member of that forum and I posted a reply...but please dont go invading over there and making a huge ordeal out of it. Remember, if you cant think of anything intelligent and factually correct, don't post.


07-27-2006, 01:22 PM
sorry billy i didnt mean to be offencive but it p!$$e$ me off wen people rip on us and i hate sitting here taking it from them. and yes its tru wat my cuzin told me

07-27-2006, 01:23 PM
People that do not know how to spell or type correctly should not be allowed to post on any forum. That last post on that forum right after Billy's was the most hardest thing I think I ever tried reading. Cmon... grow up a bit eh?!

07-27-2006, 01:28 PM
P.S IM NOT INVADING I LEFT 1 POST THATS IT ***CLEAN UP THE LANGUAGE OR YOU WILL GET A BAN!!!! i told u i didnt mean to be offensive jezzzz.

i opaligize if i offended you in any way. i didnt mean to it wasnt aimed towrd you. it was mostly aimed towrd the retards that dont watch wer ther going. i juss spoke my mind. please dont take it the wrong way.

07-27-2006, 01:33 PM
People that do not know how to spell or type correctly should not be allowed to post on any forum. That last post on that forum right after Billy's was the most hardest thing I think I ever tried reading. Cmon... grow up a bit eh?!

sorry that was me lol i have bad spelling when i get pissed or worked up. hell i have bad spelling when im not pissed lol well anyways sorry

07-27-2006, 01:42 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

07-27-2006, 01:45 PM
well at least i ammit to it. please dont ban me guys i love this site i practicly live on it. so i cant spell worth a *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* sorry. but i love this site. you guys are hlpful unlike all the other forums ive tryd over the years.

07-27-2006, 01:49 PM
i doubt you will get banned....but whats with the "who need 4 wheels??? its juss 4x the cost for new tires" in your sig. it would only be 4x the cost for new tires if we all rode unicycles....:D

07-27-2006, 01:49 PM
Dang 84Honda

obber Dare on dat super soaker messenges bored, you tipe lik ewe are um-edumacated an nat jus mite make all us tree-roller riders luk lyke edeiots.

Man - I know I don't type perfect either, but proof read what you typed before clicking reply. It looks like a 1st grader composed those poorly pieced together sentence fragments - and the spelling, well - most 1st graders would do better

Also, about your 4x the cost thing in the signature - fix that please - maybe say 25% more, or mention not ever having to replace bent or broken tie-rods or something.

07-27-2006, 02:00 PM
lol........i was lettin the 4x as much thing slide

glad someone cought it

Billy Golightly
07-27-2006, 02:07 PM
sorry billy i didnt mean to be offencive but it p!$$e$ me off wen people rip on us and i hate sitting here taking it from them. and yes its tru wat my cuzin told me

If you want to do something constructive edit/delete that post you made over there. I'm sorry but that is not the type of representation three-wheeler riders need.

07-27-2006, 02:20 PM
Is there an English teacher around that rides 3 wheelers or what? give the guy a break, he got upset and he typed fast big deal, it was also mainly one guy bashing three wheeling. I can relate that when I get upset, just like yelling I will tend to type faster and I can scew up a few words, somebody just go to their forum and smoke their ass with a perfect retort to this bashing we are taking.

I dont hack on wave runners,planes,atv,trucks,cars,trains,boats,pogost ks, or anything else why should someone bash trike lovers like that? hes jealus becouse he only had a lt 80 when he was a kid and got smoked by a kid on a tri zinger!


250r'en +TCB
07-27-2006, 02:39 PM
Is there an English teacher around that rides 3 wheelers or what?

You don't need to be an english teacher to be offended by that, just somebody who can speak english!!!

Anyway lets try to take Billy's advice..... I just joined the forum because I actually own PWC's so it will be a nice reasource for me. I may make a post in that thread later on, but it's going to be facts and also be typed in english!!!

07-27-2006, 03:04 PM
I called Chuck Norris, and told him about what these guys at pwc forum are saying, And he said he's going to ride his all original atc 90 on the water and roundhouse kick them in the face for talking smack:naughty:

yea I cant get enough of the chuck norris jokes:lol:
sorry had to do it

07-27-2006, 03:10 PM
lol :D :D :D

07-27-2006, 03:16 PM
Is there an English teacher around that rides 3 wheelers or what? give the guy a break, he got upset and he typed fast big deal, it was also mainly one guy bashing three wheeling. I can relate that when I get upset, just like yelling I will tend to type faster and I can scew up a few words, somebody just go to their forum and smoke their ass with a perfect retort to this bashing we are taking.

I dont hack on wave runners,planes,atv,trucks,cars,trains,boats,pogost ks, or anything else why should someone bash trike lovers like that? hes jealus becouse he only had a lt 80 when he was a kid and got smoked by a kid on a tri zinger!


thank you thats exactly what i was trying to get at .

07-27-2006, 03:32 PM
I tried to register over there, but couldnt post at the time. probably a good thing.:mad: Ignorant persons get on my nerves! How are they going to bash trikes when they ride vehicles that people are currently trying to ban just as bad as trikes were in the 80's.


I feel we should just ignore them, and let them be ignorant on their own. they can have no effect on our fun, our bikes have already been taken out of production!

07-27-2006, 03:40 PM
hu? man u guys lost me why is this whole thing coming back to me??? just because im an moron that cant spell? ther you happy i said it im a freekin moron that cant spell. so what if i cant spell. if you want to know why here you go.

back in 11th grade i got hit by a car. it was going 40mph or 45 mph. i got messed up pretty bad sure im only 24 but i feel like im 70. i went to the "back doctor" 4 times a week for 3 months and its still not rite. i had a sovere concotion (or how ever its spelled) and ever since i got hit i have a hard time remebering stuff including on how to spell and such.

so i juss would like for you guys to know i do try to spell the best i can. im sorry but its juss the way i am. hell when i got hit and whent back to school they took me out of "regular classes and put me in "special classes" because i went from getting 80's and low 90's to failing regular classes.

please under stand i try my best

07-27-2006, 03:50 PM
Hey 84 - no hard feelings, and I don't mean it as a personal attack on you, but look at their perspective please - they see this post that is written like that, and what are they gonna think about all of us. Again, please don't take it personal, especially now that you have a very valid excuse.

Also, you are not a moron or an idiot, but when it comes to this type of situation, let us know and we'll help you out any way we can.

OK man????? Cool - and Ride that trike like you stole it - I do like that!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-27-2006, 03:57 PM
some people jsut arn't the best at spelling, I personally suck at it, I have to try really hard to ake sure everything is correct, But I can bust your ass at calculous, trig, and geometry, but cant spell for sh*t, chuck norris can back me up

07-27-2006, 03:59 PM
If you know you have a problem spelling, do not make excuses. Simply correct the problem. Being since you know you spell poorly, use spell check. The options are there for you to improve how others view you. If you come across like some ignorant kid, why would any one take you seriously? We all have short comings in one area or another. Most of us compensate by finding a way to over come it. Others just make excuses and do nothing.

07-27-2006, 04:00 PM
lol ok i dont hold grudges. you have no idea how stupid i feel when ever i type. i fixed the post on the other forum as best as i could.

man i hate cars. im 24 and i affraid to cross a busy street. how dum is that

oooo yea i always ride like i stole it.

07-27-2006, 04:04 PM
If you know you have a problem spelling, do not make excuses. Simply correct the problem. Being since you know you spell poorly, use spell check. The options are there for you to improve how others view you. If you come across like some ignorant kid, why would any one take you seriously? We all have short comings in one area or another. Most of us compensate by finding a way to over come it. Others just make excuses and do nothing.

im not makeing excuses. someone riped on me and told them why i cant spell.
i try my best hell i read 4 wheel magazines all the time i just cant remember how to spell sh*t. i am sorry if i made us 3 wheelers look like dum a$$e$.

07-27-2006, 04:12 PM
I can not see because I lost my eyes Is an example of a valid argument. I can not spell because I got hit by a car is not. The point I was trying to make is there are ways to get around your poor spelling ability. If you are able to type on a forum you are able to use spell check. You should especially use it when defending what other fail to understand. It is a simple fix.

07-27-2006, 04:16 PM
theres spell check on here?? kick *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* where is it? i want to use it. i am trying my best to improve ok. tell you what tell me where spell check is and i will use gladly. im not being a smart *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* either.

07-27-2006, 04:18 PM
ooo yea what you want for the blaster? i know someone that wants one.

07-27-2006, 04:22 PM
Cut and past. Keep a word document open while you are on the forums. That will keep your spelling in check.

$1600 will take the Blaster home.

07-27-2006, 04:34 PM
ok thanks will word pad or note pad work? thats all i got to work with lol. i will let him know 1600 takes it home.

Billy Golightly
07-27-2006, 05:12 PM

07-27-2006, 05:14 PM
. i am sorry if i made us 3 wheelers look like dum a$$e$.

Ahhh I not *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**E dited* you not welcome to jager anymore :lol: :beer just kidding I dont care if they think i am a *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**E dited* or not.

07-27-2006, 10:08 PM
HAHAHAHAHA. I used to be registered on that forum awhile back. Bunch of idiots over there if you ask me. Don't take it personal guys, most on that forum have there heads stuck up their asses. That's why I stuck with sea-doo.net. A little more intellect going on there. By the way SBT motors suck.

And "couchers"......... I hav'nt heard that since like the tenth grade.(sarcasm)

westcoast TRI-Z
07-27-2006, 10:39 PM
I used to try and explain the whole 3wheeler thing with people like that, but i've quit trying. It's get's really tired and it's pointless. I don't need to tell them, I SHOW them what I can and cannot do on my trike. Actions speak louder than words. I always try to ride safe and smart, without getting a little too crazy, I love it when I make impressions with people (especially my dirtbike/quad riding buddies) on my trike, totally changing their views on 3wheelers :lol:

07-27-2006, 11:33 PM
Thanks for the support guys. Glad you are here when i need ya. As for the pwc site its been great untill now , just a few bad apples.

07-27-2006, 11:47 PM
well im with westcoast TRI-Z i give up explainging stuff i will just do what he does and show them. like my buddy hated trikes then he saw mine in action. now he wants to trade he 2001 ttr125 bike for a 3 wheeler lol. sad thing is the ttr is in new cond.

07-28-2006, 07:45 AM
I can not see because I lost my eyes Is an example of a valid argument. I can not spell because I got hit by a car is not. The point I was trying to make is there are ways to get around your poor spelling ability. .

I'll chime in on this one. 84200s forgive me but just simply tell the guys you have a brain injury. People still wont fully understand. I have worked in the rehabilitation field for 13 years as a brain injury therapist. Yes there are ways to compensate (spell check etc) but brain injury is VERY VERY complex. I have seen big tough dudes who look and sound the same as they did before the accident but now cant initiate making a bowl of cereal. Every brain injury is different. People dont have to "look" injured to have real cognitive problems after taking a blow to the head. Its called higher level executive functioning skills. Poor initiation, organizing and sequencing thoughts, remembering instructions given (short term memory) and disinhibition and POOR impulse control (not thinking about consequences of behavior) just acting on something quickly. It all depends on which part of the brain is injured. I am picking up on several of these here. I think learning to to use spell check is a great start but some of the above factors may slow it down a bit and you still need to learn some impulse control techniques.

07-28-2006, 10:17 AM
Looks like some attitudes about trike's "poor design" are changing on those forums once the stand-up PWC was brought up! LOL Once someone steps in and writes something intellegient, they then come back with, well, you must have took me the wrong way - and - I didn't meant it the way it sounded.