View Full Version : 1986 Suzuki Trike

07-21-2006, 08:19 AM
Anybody know anything about the 1986 Suzuki ATL125?

I went to look at it yesterday and it is nothing like I have ever seen before. It is orange, not yellow - looks to be a 1986 (mfg date is 9/85). It is strange looking, but I am very curious about it. I am going to pick it up at noon today, so I'll post some pics up later, but just wondering what you guys know about them. I found it odd that being a hardcore trike enthusist, I have never seen one of these before.



07-21-2006, 08:44 AM
Are you sure it is a 125 and not a 185? Or possibly a 125 with 185 plastic? I had one of the 185's years back, snappy little trike. Now all you'll need is a Kawasaki to top your collection off.LOL!!

07-21-2006, 10:23 AM
It is for sure a 125 engine and plastic - I didn't think they (Suzuki) made them (trikes) in 1986, but it is - maybe it's a rare one or something. I will get photos up soon. Hmmmmmmmm - Dirtface - do you know anybody who has a SWEET 1984 Tecate for sale to top off my collection??????? - LOL

I also need a Mudbug, a Tiger and a Polaris to really top off my collection.

07-21-2006, 11:13 AM
Blazers is for sale, you won't find a nicer 85 in red, my 84 red is for sale, its gone back to stock other than rear tires.
I don't think there is a nicer 85 in existance (and the only one lfor sale like it); other than Ange's 85 T-3 than the machine Dave put together, and , if it wasn't going to cost me 1500.00 CDN to ship and import it it would be in my shop right now

07-21-2006, 11:31 AM
Blazers is for sale, you won't find a nicer 85 in red, my 84 red is for sale, its gone back to stock other than rear tires.
I don't think there is a nicer 85 in existance (and the only one lfor sale like it); other than Ange's 85 T-3 than the machine Dave put together, and , if it wasn't going to cost me 1500.00 CDN to ship and import it it would be in my shop right now


Could you please tell me what the heck you are talking about Willis

This is a thread about a 1986 ALT125 in Orange dress.

07-21-2006, 11:40 AM
in your last post you "quote" want a nice 84 tecate for your shop -"WILLIS"- to "top off your collection" "unquote" unless I misread what you wrote in plain english. Blazerone 22 (Dave) has his for sale, I have one for sale If you want one buy it.

07-21-2006, 11:44 AM
Sorry for the confussion darrel - it was an inside joke between myself and dirtface " the quoted was addressed to Dirtface -

But thanks for the offer -

LOL just looking for info on the Zuk 125 model -

07-21-2006, 11:56 AM
I've got one with brown / orange rear fenders, a marginal engine, twisted frame and a seat (1986 ALT 125) (Manufacture sept 05) It also looks like a YTM 125 non suspended front end on it .axle ,double chain assembly and some other bits and pieces -some day I want to restore it what do you want to know about them?

07-21-2006, 01:21 PM
Where can I find front fender / front cowling? What are problematic with these models? What interchanges between the LT125 (4) and ALT 125 (3). Just looking for any general information on this trike. They must be somewhat rare, or not that many made because I can't find any info on them at all - especially of 1986. Thanks.

07-21-2006, 02:04 PM
what do you mean by "double chain assembly"?

Does it have two chains - one running off of a jack shaft or something????

So far so good on this machine - brakes are good - it is complete except it has the wrong headlight on it - and the front fender is cracked.

07-21-2006, 02:11 PM
it has two chains running to the axel, y I dont know. But one thing thats prone to go it the shifter fork inside can bend easy and you have to split the case to get to it. Really gay.

07-21-2006, 02:17 PM
The front fender I have looks like a solid ytm125with the headlight surround attached. I'm certian its not zuk. all engine, cables shifters wiring etc are interchangeable including rear plastic ; EXCEPT the double chain assembly which is different, frame, and obviosly the front end. Every part on the zuk fiches I have are the same except the above mentioned stuff ,if this helps. Transmissions, and the double chain assembly are major issues, a poor ride, really bad stability --far worse than a Honda 90; worse than a Yamaha 125 by far, and in my humble opinion the Yami 125 was one of the most unstable machines ever on 3 wheels that was mass marketed, and brakes that usually don't function because of adjuster issues. I rode mine twice before I parked it, the brakes did not function at all with new brakes adjusted very tight ;the bike just drove through them, the tranny rattled horribly ,the double chain assembly was out of alignment causing the chain to snap repetatdly I pushed it into the shed and haven't looked at it in a few years someday I'll fix it, but right now I'd rather work on Kawi's or other machines than this thing, usually my kids ride whats fixed, and they won't be riding one of these anytime soon.

07-21-2006, 02:19 PM
WHAT???? no no no - it only has one chain running to the rear axel - it's an ALT125G

Looking at microfishe on Bikebandit - it has the common setup, chain on left, brake on the right -

07-21-2006, 02:44 PM
what I've got has a small chain fr. the trans to a double sprocket set up (I think a 12 to a 15 and a 14 / 38 from there or something to that effect so its a single from the trans to a double sprocket to a single in the rear like a harley belt / chain system or some of the mini crotch rocket setups, maybe its an add on or a home manufactured issue not sure, but it doesn't look like the BB fiche at all. where they show a tensioner I have the double sprocket setup

07-21-2006, 05:05 PM
i got a 83 alt 125, there great! got reverse to! I got mine real cheap and never plan on letting it go, spunky little trike get it easy to work on, im now finding parts for them, enjoy

07-21-2006, 05:05 PM
WHAT???? no no no - it only has one chain running to the rear axel - it's an ALT125G

Looking at microfishe on Bikebandit - it has the common setup, chain on left, brake on the right -

hmm must be an '86 thing ;), cause my grandpa's has two chains going to the axel, one on left and one on the right of the frame.

07-21-2006, 09:07 PM
If you need parts check with Bruce (350x'inNY). He has a Suzuki carcass, I am not sure what his plans are for it but I am sure he would help you out if he could.

01-02-2007, 12:41 AM
if it a 1985 its a ALT125F and yes they where orange. if it is a 1986 its a ALT125G also orange plastic.