View Full Version : ATC honda 70cc timing

07-20-2006, 10:16 PM
I bought a timing light off e-bay to put new points in my 70cc honda.Now after i gap the points (.12 to .16) i clip one end to a good ground and the other to the black wire comming out of the motor,my question ,is it the wire that goes to the coil and does the spark plug have to be in.Is it that simple ,clip one to the ground and the other to the black wire and turn the the engine counter clock wise till the "F" mark lines up with the groove on the engine block.If any one has done this before and has some hints they could share with me it would make my life easyer,Thanks for any help........svo58

07-20-2006, 11:06 PM
All your doing is closing the loop throught the points . when the f lines up with the groove the light should go out,,,,,, if not change the gap till it goes out when the f lines up,,,,,, no worries about the gap them,,,, its easier to turn it with the plug out ,,, but makes no difference :D :D