View Full Version : Assembly Problem

07-20-2006, 06:53 PM
I feel like an absolute retard. i was putting the carb back on my trike and found it to be a nearly impossible task. how on earth are you supposed to tighten the metal ring around the air tube? you cant get your hands in there! i eventually did get it on there but not very tight. its seriously **Edited**. if anyone knows what im talking about could i please have some tips?

07-20-2006, 08:22 PM
I cant tell you how but you might want to edit F**k before a mod does.... ;)

07-20-2006, 08:31 PM
yea man the mods wont like the word f^&@k$d. now to your question if its anything like my 200s its a real pain in the *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*. i took my whole danm air box off and put a snorkel on cuz i do riding in the creeks 60% of the time. now if u wer talking about the cap that holds the jug in the carb then all you do is put the carb in but dont mout it. then slide the jug in the carb then mout your carb. but thats on my 200s idk about your big red

07-20-2006, 09:29 PM
haha oops i guess you guys are kinda word nazis here but thats alright i get it some people view this at work. i have a friend with the same bike that is coming over tonight so we're gonna have a look at it because he's had his carb off many times. hey 85honda200s...how did you run a snorkel? i plan on doing quite a bit of creek riding and would like to know. also...i was thinking of shoving a basketball under my rack and inflating it for extra floatation. i hear this works. but if not please inform me because i buy a new basketball. :P

07-20-2006, 09:38 PM
Try a long 1/4 inch extension with a 1/4 inch socket and whatever bit you need that works decent in tight spots good luck!

07-20-2006, 09:40 PM
i never herd about a b-ball but i kinda "rigged "a hose for my snorkel. i put 1 end of the hose on the carb and at the other end i put a old truck raidiator hose angled upword. it sites almost as high as the hieghst part of the fuel tank. people laughed at my "snorkel" but hell it works. it only cost me 1.50 for 1 clamp i had all the other clamps and stuff laying around. like i said i will try to get u some pictures tommarow.

ooo yea wen going threw water i found to take it slow and easy. that lets the torque do the job. if i can go threw 2 feet of water your big red should handle alot more lol

07-20-2006, 09:48 PM
i never herd about a b-ball but i kinda "rigged "a hose for my snorkel. i put 1 end of the hose on the carb and at the other end i put a old truck raidiator hose angled upword. it sites almost as high as the hieghst part of the fuel tank. people laughed at my "snorkel" but hell it works. it only cost me 1.50 for 1 clamp i had all the other clamps and stuff laying around. like i said i will try to get u some pictures tommarow.

ooo yea wen going threw water i found to take it slow and easy. that lets the torque do the job. if i can go threw 2 feet of water your big red should handle alot more lol

yeah ive been through water before on an identicle bike. i agree with the slow and steady because my buddy romped on it one time while in the water and put it over on himself. we laughed because it was funny but in certain circumstances if he was by himself he could have killed himself. (he cant swim)

07-20-2006, 10:02 PM
danm man that sux i put my wheeler in a pond and i started wen we pulled it out lol