View Full Version : Don't give up on carb cleaning

Cool Eng
07-17-2006, 08:41 PM
I've had problems with my Yamaha 200 chain drive for many years. A *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* to start, but then ran great. I did a bunch of "quick" carb rebuilds and cleanings, and replaced a few parts. I keep all my 3 wheelers at my cabin so don't have access to all my shop stuff.

Finally got frustrated and removed the carb and took it home. I have a high dollar ultrasonic cleaner I use for guns and other stuff. Really took my time cleaning it this time and checked and cleaned every small port and hole using wood and plastic picks.

Put it back on, and it started on the first pull ! A few weeks later it started with a few pulls. Runs like a champ now !! Don't overlook the Yamaha 200 chain drive models, they are pretty quick !

Moral of the story: If you know it is a carb problem, don't give up on it ! A really, really good cleaning is all it might need !


07-17-2006, 08:55 PM
Sometimes just shooting some carb cleaner down into the gasline while the bike is running will be good enough to get you going in a pinch. (just for future reference ;) ) I never heard of the ultrasonic thingy but a can of carb dip from your local autoparts dealer does the trick as well.

I just went through something like this a little while back when I bought my quad... I got it home and almost pulled my arm off trying to start the darn thing. A quick cleaning of the carb and it fired on the first pull. :)

07-17-2006, 09:42 PM
i just did my atc 200 the other day. Sucked up pecock poo 6 months ago (dont ask) (dont have correct air filter, homade) would no start or run for the life of me, now it starts on 2nd pull. I love it, if topoortoride4 posts he will tell you how much of a difference it makes. We re built his m last summer ran ok, but we didn't put all the new parts in we forgot some, decided to clean it out, put the new parts in, wa la. Idles and it runs at top speed about 50 with out any sputtering and back firing. What a difference, he has ordered a new filter this week.

07-19-2006, 08:21 PM
Surprisingly enough,, Probably half of the threads here about "TRIKE RUNS LIKE SPIT" can be cured by 20 minutes and a can of Gumout. Why do you think the Automotive industry went to fuel injection?:lol: :lol:

07-19-2006, 10:38 PM
it takes no time at all once you do it once or twice. solves alot of problems.