View Full Version : Should I buy an ATC70 for my son?

07-14-2006, 06:32 PM
Here is the scoop. I have been wanting to buy my son a ride forever. He is a little guy, and I had a few "maturity" milestones I really wanted him to reach before I made any purchases. He is 7y/o, about 40" tall, and a little over 40lbs(a rail, I know.) I was thinking of finding a used LT80 or maybe even going with something like an E-Ton 70, but today I found an '81 ATC70 for sale that seems to be in decent condition. The kid who has been riding it could almost be my sons doppleganger, same age, height, and weight. My kid has no riding experience, and my only real ride is a YFZ. I have a few places to go that are pretty open fields and such, and a few hilly places, although we would save those for later. Should I be entertaining thoughts of buying this thing? The good thing is, I can get it for a good price, and would have a little more $$ to splurge on safety gear:w00t: I very well might buy my son a larger 90 next year after he has put a little more meat on if I get the trike. The other thing is he wants a dirtbike, because I took him to a riding spot that had a few 10-12y/o on 65's and 80's hitting the jumps and such. No suspension on the trike, so I doubt he will find jumping it much fun, lol.

07-14-2006, 06:45 PM
get it for the lil dude i started in an atc 110 at age 6 lol and i jumpmy 110 alot

07-14-2006, 06:51 PM
definitely get it. My 11 year old nephews love mine (almost as much as I love them, and I'm 23 and 165lbs!) Use it for a teaching tool so you guys can work together on it, change the oil, wrench on it, mod it... etc etc... You should be able to get one in very good shape for under $500... Parts are at www.dratv.com and XR70 pipes can work with some slight mods...

ATC 70's rule!! I'm building a custom pink one for my girlfriend now, and eventually want to put a 110cc Lifan in mine. ideally it would be after 1982, because that's when they instated the 4 speed tranny, which was geared MUCH better than the previous 3 speed, '73-'81. But a 3 speed is FAR better than nothin'!

The carb and points can be a tiny bit cantankerous, but be persistent and you'll have some fun wheels for your riding partner!!

Check out the ATC 70 forum in www.glamisdunes.com

07-14-2006, 07:47 PM
When it come's to kid's and ATV's ,I have been there ,You need to take into consideration where he is comfortable!! You are the parent ,sure but- you have to look at the fact's in if he is ready for it!! Me on the computer can say ,Hell ya -go get it /but the fact's are it is a machine ,and it can bite you -weather 2- 3- or 4 wheels!! I personally started my kid at 3 on trike's ,and know that she can ride a 200cc machine safely at 12 years old,but that it me !!! I would say that the machine is fit for him,Safely!!-But that is me!!!!

07-14-2006, 09:15 PM
You mentioned "hilly places" and I just wanted to mention that the mini trikes brakes are awful. At least on the ATC70 you have the motor holding you back, unlike the free coasting Zinger, but Ive found that kids have very weak hands, and really need a foot pedal brake, or a hydraulic hand brake like on the Taiwan made quads. Depending on where you will be riding, it may not be a factor, but its something to consider in choosing a kid's ride.

07-14-2006, 09:47 PM
buy it, I'll even offer up my yard 45 minutes to your west for some unhilly riding.

07-17-2006, 10:32 AM
Get it and spend some time showing him how to ride it....I bought a 70 for my 6yo and he absolutely loves it.....I dont let him have full throttle yet but the way he is kicking the back end around and hitting some mild jumps he could probably handle it (not sure his Mom can though lol).......he wanted a quad until he rode a friends 70 then he wanted one just like Dad's....:beer ......Good luck whichever way you go....

07-17-2006, 11:21 AM
I say get it... Then if you are lucky he will be hooked on 3 wheelers for the rest of his life! :D

07-17-2006, 11:35 AM
I would have to agree that the weak spot on that bike in my opinion for an inexperienced rider would be the brakes. My son who is older actually did better on a 110 with a foot brake. Sounds funny, but I took the forks of the 70 and put them on the 110 along with the smaller tires to train the little guy on it, since then we went back to the original 110 stuff and put the 70 back together. He rode the 70 fine, but he just was not very comfortable with the brakes. By him a full face helmet, IMO a must. Here is some before and after pics of the 110. I know looks goofy but it served it purpose.

07-18-2006, 11:54 AM
i would get it for him...my i bought my nieces 2 of them and there only 5 and 6.....

07-18-2006, 12:14 PM
get it...im about 6 foot tall and 260 pounds and still ride a 110 sometimes....lol

07-23-2006, 04:12 PM
Hey all, thanks for the advice/help. When it came down to it, I was a little leary of no foot brake, so I passed on the trike. Actually, I started looking around at new and used mini quads, and thought I was going to settle on a used LT80 when my brother called and said he had just drove by a trx90. I went out to look at it and purchased it yesterday. True, it is a bit large for my son right now, so it is going to be doing yard duty until next summer. However, he is tall enough to get his but up off the seat and still have some bend in the knees, and he can reach and use all the controls easily. Well, I haven't taught him how to use the gear shift yet, lol. Second gear and not much throttle is woorking out fine on flat land. I am going to keep my eye out for a 50 of some sort or trx 70 now, I have a 4 y/o daughter that will be ready to start riding in a few years :w00t:

07-23-2006, 06:33 PM
Do not buy it for him. Get him a 4 wheeler. I know this post will take some heat but 3 wheelers should only be ridden by adult 3 wheeler enthusiasts. He will roll it so many times. I bought my son a ALT50 when he was 4 1/2 and had already almost a year's riding experience on a Quadmaster 50 and he rolled that thing so many times. I love 3 wheelers and do not like riding 4 wheelers myself but for the kid's they should stay off them. I let me son now 8 ride all my Honda ATC's except for the 250r but he has to go slow and stay in the yard. I never let him take them on the trail and he rides excellent. I grew up riding 3 wheelers when there was no such thing as a 4 wheeler and I think only people who really love the 3 wheeler so ride them not like a lot on this site who want to be a rebel.