View Full Version : Tri Zinger Recoil Start Q's

07-12-2006, 11:53 AM
O K- so anybody here ever rewind a Tri Zinger Recoil Starter? I have done pleny of Hondas, but nothing like this one. Is there some kind of trick to it or what. It seems that the Plastic rope pulley was not such a good design. Anyone ever upgrade one? Does any other Recoil start units fit these machines?

Just looking for tips here.

I broke the end off of the recoil spring yesterday, so tonight I must duplicate that tiny bend on the of it - Oh what fun!!!!:rolleyes:

Jason Hall - you have any tips?

Thanks in advance for any replies.


07-12-2006, 04:12 PM
You can still buy the recoil starters for the trizingers from the dealership.

07-12-2006, 04:15 PM
the whole assembly or parts or what? - I probably just need the recoil spring - but am mainly looking for some tips or tricks to putting it back together. With the Honda's you can wind it up and hold it then feed the rope through - doesn't look possible on this style, once wound how do you get the rope in?

07-13-2006, 12:18 AM
I bought the whole assembly, I believe it was less than $100. I bought it over a year ago though, so it's hard to remember.