View Full Version : MSD Ignition Input? Anyone ever try it?

07-10-2006, 10:50 AM
I have started acquring parts to mod out my R and make it either one hell of a fun bike, a racer, or a dragger.. and I have came into the opportunity of buying a MSD "race ignition" for the '85-'89 ATC/TRX 250R. Has anyone ever tried the MSD ignition? If you have.. what do you feel about it? Is it worth it?

07-10-2006, 08:52 PM
LOT'S of people get the "small" flywheel" (RACE) Thing's ...
it depends on if you want "BOTH" item's of riding ...race,hill's,etc...
a cut fly-wheel is MUCH Cheaper !!! and............... you can do both

07-11-2006, 06:19 PM
I had one on a honda cr125 it was awsome.started easier and ran stronger than stock.The only vice was the battery it won't run without it.I used to run a rc car battery for it.