View Full Version : ***PICS*** Simple Engine Question

07-09-2006, 02:37 PM
My engine seized. I took it apart. Here it is.


See all the crud in the engine bottom end?


The piston blew on one side, dented up the head and the surface, and I think got some stuff jammed in the bottom end. Would it be recommended to take apart the engine, based on these pictures? Thanks a million.

07-09-2006, 03:52 PM
Yes, it would be recommended to take it apart. That's filthy.

07-09-2006, 04:26 PM
Yes, If you didnt spill the antifreeze when you took it apart then the yes turns to a definitly.

07-09-2006, 07:47 PM
looks like the bottom of the rod is discolored.will the rod rotate on the crank?it looks like thats what siezed.any pics. of the top end?did you remove any chunks of debri?what did it sound like?blahhhhhh,or clunk,skiddddd.would it kick over?fill me in man.

07-09-2006, 07:53 PM
Have more detail pics of all the parts?

Rod does look discolored in the pic provided.

Ever think about running a air filter on that engine?

Is that pry marks I see in the bottom pic by the studs?

07-09-2006, 07:57 PM
i think you better get a new rod on that crank.looks like it was runnin at wide open throttle when it died. are you jetted too lean?whatever the case,it looks like that rod was hot enought to glow cherry red

07-09-2006, 08:09 PM
i think you better get a new rod on that crank.looks like it was runnin at wide open throttle when it died. are you jetted too lean?whatever the case,it looks like that rod was hot enought to glow cherry red

Thats why I wanted more detailed pics so I could see the rollers and roller cage on the big end bearing, I have seen a few rods that have a different color on one end but its not from heat and the bearing is ok I think some rod ends get a additional dip of copper before the final finish hone, seen 4 stroke automotive rods the same way...

Looking at the amount of dirt it looks like was run through the engine I would split the cases and replace crank and rod bearings for sure. (seals gaskets etc.)

Paysts--- I feel for you bud keep your chin up it will run again.

07-10-2006, 11:38 PM
The crankshaft rotates sometimes. It's as though there is a piece stuck in there. I already know the thing is dead as a doornail.

It would "kinda turn over" like there was a lot of friction. I poured some solvent in to the case to see if particles would come up. Yup. They sure did. Particles of metal. Now the crankshaft won't turn over. It's so bad that I, at 200 lbs., can put my entire weight on the kickstart to kick it over, and it won't budge, not one milimeter. The crank is totally frozen.

It's totally dead. By the way, I did have an air cleaner on it. I was mixing it like 32:1.

I want to tear it open, but I know it will probably have to go to the local (and very expensive) motorcycle dealership. Oh boy! Thanks for your posts, I appreciate each and every one.

jason 32
07-11-2006, 03:55 AM
the rod looks torched
total rebuild
not hard-buy a book take pics and notes
rebuild crank,if it was that hot new mains and seals
otherwise youll probbably regret it
what did the plug look like-? was it white

07-11-2006, 06:22 AM
The crankshaft rotates sometimes. It's as though there is a piece stuck in there. I already know the thing is dead as a doornail.

It would "kinda turn over" like there was a lot of friction. I poured some solvent in to the case to see if particles would come up. Yup. They sure did. Particles of metal. Now the crankshaft won't turn over. It's so bad that I, at 200 lbs., can put my entire weight on the kickstart to kick it over, and it won't budge, not one milimeter. The crank is totally frozen.

It's totally dead. By the way, I did have an air cleaner on it. I was mixing it like 32:1.

I want to tear it open, but I know it will probably have to go to the local (and very expensive) motorcycle dealership. Oh boy! Thanks for your posts, I appreciate each and every one.

Quit trying to turn it over the cases have to be seperated.

Why did it die? Looking at the pictures you provided it sucked a huge amount of dirt, filter on or off dirt got past the filter, when a engine fails like this one did you have to play detective and do a CSI on the engine you have to carefully and with purpose examine each and every little part and its function to see what went wrong if you don't it will do it again $$$$$$$ look inside the filter did dirt go past? If so why? What filter and oil you using? If it didn't get past the filter look at the rubber boot between the air box and carb does it have a crack or hole was it properly connected to the carb and air box? Was the carb connected to the manifold correctly does the manifold have a split or crack, any large holes cracks or leaks in your exhaust head pipe a exhaust will suck dirt in like a vacuum cleaner.

Again if you dont find and fix the problem you will be doing this again in the future.

Have more CSI pics they are helpful to others...