View Full Version : Bought an '86 250R yesterady.

07-08-2006, 10:23 AM
Hey everyone. After owning a number of trikes years back and riding a 400EX for the past 3 years, I bought an '86 250R yesterday. It needs a little engine work and cosmetics but on the way home, I stopped at the local riding spot and rode it for about two hours. It doesn't have any low end whatsoever so it must need some tuning. When I get the revs up and keep them there, this thing takes off. I was quite surprised on how well it handles. Maybe becuase its hitting 1/2 the bumps up front with only one wheel. It was a blast to ride, even with it's engine quarks. I hadn't ridden a 3 wheeler in 4 years and never rode a 250R before. It took some getting used too, but after that, awsome. I'll have to fix it up some, but for $700, its hard to go wrong.

07-08-2006, 11:30 AM
The shifter looks bent and/or in the wrong place on the shaft. It should be located up near the bottom of the engine case. It's soft and easy to bend back.

07-08-2006, 11:44 AM
that is actually an 85 atc 250r judging by the seat , motor color, plastics, and rear brake caliper.

07-08-2006, 12:04 PM
good deal for $700

07-08-2006, 12:35 PM
that is actually an 85 atc 250r judging by the seat , motor color, plastics, and rear brake caliper.

I checked the frame #, its:

The engine number is:

I think the frame is '86 and the engine is '85?

Maybe its an '85 with an '86 frame? Any other way to tell?

07-08-2006, 01:41 PM
Well I have to say you did alot better than me, cuz my 700$ 250r doesnt look near as nice as yours! Nice snag.
I love the SX headlight and 200x front fender hehehe. Never seen that done before.

07-08-2006, 04:19 PM
is that a 250sx head light and front fender:?

07-08-2006, 04:32 PM
Yeah, at least the headlight. That's what someone said on another forum. They think the fender is a 200x. Time for new plasics.

I'm pretty sure this thing is an '85 with an '86 frame by going with the vin#. The engine has a black top and left side and a gray right side case. It's kinda frankentrike. I'm a little bummed out by this as I wanted an '86 and didn't know of all the differences of the two years, even though they are minor.

07-08-2006, 05:23 PM
The motor is barely different at all. Nothing you would notice. At the price you paid you shouldn't feel bad about it at all.

The '86 has a better carb and the rear bearing carrier setup is better. The '86 also has more rake in the front end which helps it handle a little better especially at high speed. Everything else is pretty trivial.

Get some closeups of everything and post them up. We can tell you what's what.

And that might be a 250sx front fender. The 200x and 250sx fender are shaped similar.

07-09-2006, 08:41 AM
if it has zero low end and then takes off OK with rev's , it probably has low compression and needs to have a new top end/possible bore

07-09-2006, 12:37 PM
did you put a chain on it before riding it? theres no chain on the one in the pics. besides that nice r, i think after i get the tecate done i might be into getting a honda to work on. either r or x who knows.

07-09-2006, 12:44 PM
from the looks of it its also has an 85 swinger and 85 triple tree so other then that side case id say its an 85 all the way. nice price though!