View Full Version : Need Help Asap!

07-01-2006, 08:40 PM
Hey guys, i have a real problem. My first problem is that im using a Clymer manual, and as i have seen Clymer doesnt know how to explain anything. Anyways, im in the middle of a crank bearing replacement, and have ran into a brick wall. I have the tool to remove to Oil Rotor, but the thing is, it wont come off. We torqued on it pretty hard, and im afraid i may have done something really stupid. I was searching around the forums, and read on an ATC '86 200x that the threads are left handed. Is this true? The bastards at clymer dont say this in the manual, so my friend and i assumed that since most of the case was right handed, this was too. What should i do? Im not sure if i've done any damage, but we wailed on the rotor bolt pretty hard trying to get it off. Man, im pissed! Anyways, any tips would really help right now, im afraid i may have hosed something :cry:

07-02-2006, 12:03 AM
On the '86 it is indeed left-handed. I have one of those. It's a basket case that will probably never run, but that was one of the things that I did work on.

07-02-2006, 12:06 AM
did you try turning it the other way?