View Full Version : hows your dealer? do they take u serious

06-24-2006, 09:39 PM
One of the local dealers, dont take three wheeler riders serious. My friend took his 200s to the dealer back in may (first week), the first thing the shop owner said is dont even deal with it, and buy a mans toy, one of my brand new 9000 dollar quads. It sat in the shop for a month before he looked at it. IT ended out be a carb problem. So he told him to work on the clutch also, because it was making a noise.. it has been another month and no word. I have spent hundreds a dollars in that shop on parts. And every time i order another part he says, why dont you step in the future and let the past go. I dont have that kind of money to spend, i ride what i like and what i want.

06-24-2006, 09:54 PM
the guys at the honda shop by me know I am crazy and love trikes, they blew there mind when I told them I have a 84r axle in my 86 200x, they didn't even know they fit on it and the 350x/84r front end, odd gearing, carb, porting, works shock and more work planned. some of them saw my mx atc250r and they take me very serious and know I know my stuff and have many different model parts on my trikes. They feel sorry for anybody who buys one of my bikes, they have so many different model parts on them. They also know I do most of my own work and don't pay people to do much on my bikes.

06-24-2006, 11:31 PM
There is differnet opinions at my dealer, the manager of parts thinks that owning the grandfathers of atvs is much better than the new junk they have out now. But there are a few 20 year olds that work out at the desk and they make the impression that 3wheelers are junk and it always has to be new. I went out to buy a pair of fly bars for my trike and one of the guys said "it must be a drag trike" then laughed. I felt like jumping over the counter and beating the *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* out of him. I guess my dealer is alright only for a few little brats:mad:

06-24-2006, 11:38 PM
The dealer here is just like yours trikes4life, told him I had a Polaris cyclone and ATC 125m, he siad sell them both, and buy a new quad. Then he said your going to kill yourslef on that trike, trikes are like suiside, then he said, sell that polaris sled and start saving and youll have enough for a new quad. Then I told him that "I love my trike and I probably would never sell it.And my Polaris is a quad" then what does he say exept, Polaris makes a quad?

06-25-2006, 12:01 AM
My dealer is great, but i work for them.....lol We have trikes come and go in the shop all the time, along with alot of trike parts that get sold, old, new it dont matter long as ya ride!!

06-25-2006, 12:06 AM
My dealer is a great guy to deal with. My Uncle used to work for them so they cut me deals on any part I want/need and always look for my trike at poker runs and such. Great Guys to deal with and its a Yammi Dealer :lol:

06-25-2006, 12:09 AM
the dude trikes4life is talking about it depends on the day though that you talk to him he does understand that some people ride what they can but i do get irritated when he says to get a quad he dont think 200s are made for 300 pound kids

06-25-2006, 12:40 AM
I avoid the local dealer here as the never have what I need or want too work on my machine So I've become a really good mechanic on these type of engines not by choice

06-25-2006, 12:50 AM
i don't fool with the local honda dealer unless i have to. perfect example, a while back i wanted some rear axle bearings for one of my 110's. called them up to see if they had them in stock to save me the trouble of ordering them elsewhere. they say take my name and number and they will call me back. well i went ahead and ordered them online, gotem in bout a week. still waiting on that call back!:lol:

Solid Snake
06-25-2006, 11:24 AM
The Honda dealer in Lancaster, PA is mixed up. Some of the guys in there are OK and don't mind you asking a few questions and if you want to order parts for a trike they think it's neat that I'm keeping a classic machine going. Other guys in there get upset when you ask simple questions or say that you want to order trike parts.

06-25-2006, 12:08 PM
Last time I went to the dealer for a part, the guy at the counter asked me if I wanted to sell him my trike. :)

06-25-2006, 12:15 PM
I order most of my stuff online. I hate the dealers. I do all my own work and have never/will never leave my Tecate at the dealer for skeets to ride around on when I'm not around.

06-25-2006, 08:53 PM
My local dealers are good guys. I went to my local Kawi dealer a few weeks ago looking for the tool that holds the front fork internals so you can remove the bottom bolt. I had the part #'s and the guy told me he had a bunch of tools that he had to buy from Kawasaki when he became a dealer. He searched through a few boxes for about ten minutes then came back with the T handle and the attachment. He said he has never used them and gave them to me for dealer cost. The other independent dealer I go to treats me good too. They help me out when I need a new part for the Tecate or my Quadracer. If they have to order a part, they always call me as soon as it comes in. They love that I'm keeping the old 2 strokes alive. I was in there today and one of the older guys couldn't believe I had a Tecate 3. As long as the dealers treat me good, I have no problem supporting the local guys.

06-25-2006, 09:34 PM
My "soon to be wife"(lol) is the parts manager at the local Kawi shop and the owner used to race Tecate's so they have no problem dealing and working on Trikes. I worked at the local Honda (Lancaster PA, if you Solidsanke have any trouble contact me and I will talk to them) shop a while back and I know the owner and parts maager so they always take care of me.

06-25-2006, 09:51 PM
Dealerships make their money from parts and service a lot more than they do from selling ATVs. Ive found that any dealer will show resepect if you are spending money. What they dont like is somebody who comes to the parts counter, and wants to play 50,000 questions and 30 minutes of price checking with no intentions of spending any money. That costs them a lot of money. Ive never had any problems froma dealer, and the comments Ive gotten have always been out of curiosity.

06-26-2006, 01:15 PM
half the punks at my local shop are clueless when it comes to any three wheeler. i'd have to say they probably have never even ridden one. the first time i had my tecate on the back of the truck and stopped in to get some things from the parts and service counter, the the kid behind the counter had no idea kawasaki even made a two stroke three wheeler. he spent a half hour outside just starring at it. that just goes to show you how young they are around my area, or inexperienced, lol.

06-26-2006, 01:48 PM
not only does the local YAMAHA shop take me seriously when i order HONDA 350X parts from them, they give me 15% off and i got a free 350x hone job too the other month

06-26-2006, 02:30 PM
Its funny you should say that, the Honda dealer is who I go to for all my Kawi parts. lol

Scoot did you ever post pics of your finished Tecate project? I'd really like to see some.


06-26-2006, 03:07 PM
My local Honda dealer is worthless, as far as shop work. I told them I was getting ready to restore my 350X last year, and they said they won't even look at a machine over 10 years old! However, the service desk did spend the time to hunt down another of their customers, who owns trikes, in the area and put me in touch with him. I just do the work myself, or have a local general repair shop help me on the tough problems. (Or talk jeswinheart into helping me! :lol: )

250r'en +TCB
06-26-2006, 04:28 PM
MY dealer is good for the most part. There were 2 guys at the parts counter that helped me out, now just 1. He is great though and in his 30's so he knows trike and there mechanics. One of the salesmen used to sell them so he loves me! And my dad is friends with the head mechanic but I have never had to use him thank god hahaha!

There are a couple kids my age their who are just clueless though...... last week I went in and I order a clamp on air filter. The kid starts talking to me about what machine he has, a piped 400ex (oh freak'en boy!). He says how it's "so fast"..... He asks me what I have so I tell him. Then he ask why I would ride something that old and dangerous? So I tell him "because if you know how to ride it you can run in circles around those 4-stroke machines with the training wheel on the front...." kid was wouldn't take me seriously. Little did I know the salesman I mentioned earlier was right behind me and he just laughed. The parts kid thought he was laughing at me so he said "yeah I'm sure huh Jim! (salesmans name)" Jim then says, I'm not laughing at him, I'm laughing at you because he's right!!! hahaha:lol: :beer

06-26-2006, 05:38 PM
The dealer i know is pretty cool but sometimes he says trust me youll be allot happier if i saved up and bought something newer which you know im happy with my 3 wheeler i dont like it when he tells me to buy a new machine but i never have trouble with getting parts that i need. Like i said it depends on the day. He gets backed up alot too, like tikes4life was saying it takes a while to get your machine back sometimes but he dont purposly do it.

06-30-2006, 06:51 PM
So I call this parts place yesterday to order a stock front and rear sprocket for my sons quad. The chain is streched someting fierce so i figure I'll change evertything at once...OK I was quoted a price of 12.50 for the front and 27.00 for the rear... OK I figured thats not too bad since I already have the brand new chain.

Well I get there today and she rings it up and the bill is over $65 ..someting or other so I'm like WTF?! Well they had to order the lightwieght aluminum jobbers so it was more money. plus the cost of overnighting it. WHICH I NEVER ASKED FOR!!!

Well to make a long story short I ended up causing a ruckus and paid $50 cash (the price of the R sprocket alone) and they even threw in a new set of scott grips.

Sometimes it pays to act like an asshole i suppose! LOL :naughty:

But I wanted to add this was not the first BAD sxperience I had with these nitwits.. they totaly rebuilt my 200x motor for me a few years ago and failed to notice the sprocket shaft was stripped. So on top of their charges it cost me another almost 300 bucks to split the cases and gaskets and such...

I just wish I could learn how to do some of this more complicated work myself... It would save me a ton of cash in the long run!

06-30-2006, 07:09 PM
huge dealership Named Hahm motorsports down the street from my job here in anaheim, I go and order parts all the time for my trikes for the most part they are ok. but as far as there service dept its a whole different story. i asked them about adjusting valves on my 200x a-hole at the shop said not only do they not work on atc's anymore. according to him they will not service any bike they did not sell. so if you dont buy from them initially they wont work on your ride period? hows that for business practice.

06-30-2006, 09:00 PM
I got my paddles at my local honda shop..300 bucks new with rims! But since my buddy works in parts i got them for 180..Not bad for scaktrak haulers :) Parts in the store i get great deals on and they actually have alot of 250R parts around..But anything i have to order i don't get much of a discount :( Thats right i paid 320 bucks for my rear deck LOL....:crazy: