View Full Version : Do I have to???

06-14-2006, 03:30 PM
Ive just bought a full cobra exhaust system and I was wondering if I have to jet my carb. Ive been told different opinions but they're all different. Heres the factors:

1) The bike doesnt bog out in any gear or at any speed
2) It starts up perfect everytime I get on it, even if i dont get on it for a week
3) When I let off the gas flames shoot out from the muffler(people said that happens with a cobra pipe normally)
4)It doesnt backfire like a gunshot or a huge bang it just makes the sound bo bo bo lol, its as loud as you can say it talking normally

Do I need to jet the carb or not?? What can happen if I dont jet my carb right away also? and how long would it take for these things to happen?

Thanks, Chris

06-14-2006, 03:56 PM
well what does you sparkpluglook like anyways? Is it a light brown or what? I have never had my trike shoot flames out of the exhaust pipe(cobra) So i dont know what that would mean except it backfiring. What do you mean by the bo bo bo?

06-14-2006, 04:02 PM
My 350X would shoot flames out of the pipe when I had my cobra exhaust on it. It was never re-jetted either. I would say, check your plug for color. In my personal opinion, modifying just the exhaust, no, you don't need to rejet because you are still pulling in the same amount of air. Now, if you modified your intake AND exhaust, then yes, a re-jet would be required.

06-14-2006, 06:33 PM
Ok thanks atctim for your help, because jetting my bike now would be a real money hassle as I'm already in debt with money.

And as for firefirefire90, just say bo bo bo in a deep voice, thats what i mean lol

06-14-2006, 06:38 PM
ALWAYS CHECK YOUR JETTING.................................

It's so damn easy and no matter what end of your system you're working on it can make a difference. What happens when you just change the exhaust but it was the part most restricted? Well then you were either off before or you are now.

Actualy even stock machines that you've done nothing at all to should be checked. They just get a genaric setting and often bennifit from tuning.

06-14-2006, 08:43 PM
Ive always seen cobras shoot flames.

jason 32
06-14-2006, 09:03 PM
if they shoot flames , it means there rich,changing exhaust aslo changes back pressure
just look at the plug--if it is white it is lean(needs bigger jets)
if it runs good leav it alone
rich is better than lean ,lean will burn up the rings ,valves ,ect...
bigger jets =faster bike!!!
as long as tthere not too big/fouling out plugs,from black,or wet look

06-14-2006, 09:56 PM
i love how they shoot flames out the back, especially at night. mine used to do that too. and i think the bo bo bo is the sound of the back pressure from the exhaust when he is letting of the gas, does you cobra have a baffle in it or no? taking out the baffles make them sound louder and give them that bobo sound when not on the gas.

06-15-2006, 07:59 AM
Thanks for all your input, I'm just not going to jet because it runs perfect and its not fouling plugs but I'm going to check my plug colour just incase. I do have the baffle in it, and its loud enough lol, Ill eventually take it out when I get bored of the sound now:lol: :w00t: