View Full Version : Trike in CBS's "ATV DANGERS FOR KIDS"

06-02-2006, 10:11 PM
I was on yahoo videos. I typed in atv. It came up with this.....
So i watch it...and i see a 3wheeler in it. Right after they say that the average age limit of states is 12 years old. Then during when it says "The average atv costs around $4000" you see it
I was like OMG. I think its a 250r..... :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn

06-02-2006, 11:23 PM
This kind of *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* just aggrivates me to no end.

Bottom line: parents that let their 10 year old children ride 500lb ATV's SHOULD LOOK RIGHT IN THE MIRROR when those kids get hurt. Every fricken time this crap happens, they say the same tired crap. "there should be a law!" or "the atv was unsafe!" GIVE ME A BREAK ALREADY! You were the dumbasses that let it happen and you have nobody to blame for the loss of your child but yourself! Period! And I love how the media sympathizes with them for ratings instead of calling them out as being the irresponsible parents they are. FIFTEEN minutes it took the father to get to the kid. A 10 year old on a 500lb adult quad, with no parental supervision. I didn't catch if it said there was a helmet or not but my money is firmly on NOT. And yet, according to the parents, this is the GOVERNMENT's fault for not having a LAW to tell them not to be stupid. God help us in this country.

Wow. Just... wow. The stupidity level of my fellow citizens is really just frightening and sad to me at the same time. Prepare for more ATV legislation guys. Courtesy of the American Retard.

Edit: you know... I'm getting to the point that I almost WANT some more legislation as long as it's based in common sense (which it won't be which is why it scares the hell out of me). If they make it a LAW that children under a certain age cannot ride adult ATVs, then when this crap happens, maybe the parents will finally be held responsible instead of the machine. Wishful thinking, I know. It makes too much sense for it to ever happen.

old honda dealr
06-02-2006, 11:24 PM
They said it themselves they ignored the manufactureres warning label. I dont feel sorry for them at all. It is there own fault for putting a 10 year old on a full size ATV. Did they bother to ask the dealer if this was the correct size for there 10 year old son? Damn I hate stupid parents who do not bother to read the damn rules and then *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* at the manufacturers. Bah Now I am mad. Better not say anything else.

06-02-2006, 11:25 PM
Well said Dammit! It says he was wearing a helmet. I dont see why they are on them peoples side though. Its there own fault.

06-02-2006, 11:33 PM
I dont see why they are on them peoples side though. Its there own fault.

Ratings. Pure and simple. "DANGEROUS ATVS OUT TO KILL OUR CHILDREN! BIG BROTHER PLEASE SAVE US FROM OURSELVES!" will get more ratings than "Irresponsible parents cited for negligence for blatantly ignoring safety warnings."

Sensationalism in the media is hands down one of the worst things that's happened to this country. It's out of control. They'll screw the public over for the almighty dollar every time. Stories like this, portrayed like this, give the government the incentive they need to take away more of our freedoms and they don't care if it brings in more advertising revenue. Thanks CBS (and the rest of you media whores too). :mad:

cracked junior
06-02-2006, 11:38 PM
the father said he ran over to his son, and removed his helmet. and there is a rule about there being an age restriction. right on the sticker on the ATV. its not the governments fault, its not the ATV manufractures fault. its the parents fault. if the government makes a law about this age restriction. it wont stop anybody. people still murder, steal. and every other law that gets broken. and how is a cop or a person with authority to issue citations supposed to catch people if the kid was riding on private property. ive never seen a county sheriff patrolling the farm land i live on. 1500 acres. and ive never seen a cop drive by on the gravel road thats near my house.

a law that needs to happen. is one that fines stupid people for being stupid. or a stupid lawsuit law. that stops all the stupid lawsuits that happen. like a stupid person that sues a company because thier product hurt them because the person is stupid. right there would stop alot of the problems with this country.

06-02-2006, 11:40 PM
it all comes down to americans not taking responsibility for THEIR actions and CONSIQUENCES. instead they blame somebody else, why was a 10 yr old on a 500 lb atv, doesn't the warning label say enough, but.....in all fairness the under 16 rule is bs to some point, there are 13-15 old who are 150 lbs and 6" tall. If the government had a law, they wouldn't blame the atv, but the government for not enforcing the law. the stupidlity doesn't stop, these people blame everybody they can, but themselves. Look at the people who suied mcdonalds over spilling hot coffe and those who got fat from eatin mcdonalds and other fast food all day everyday, THEY ARE THE FAULT, NOT MCDONALDS. this bs will never end, atvs will be banned within 10 years if this bs continues, its just a matter of when and how far in the government it goes up.

06-03-2006, 12:09 AM
well said everyone, took the words right out of my mouth. But they say the neighbors saw first? Was this kid riding on a road?(they say he was riding on there farm, but I bet it was the road) Correct me if im wrong but isnt riding on any road, that isnt signed under your name to your property and such illegal to ride on? so there saying they broke the law by riding on the road, but heavens no they wont break the law by saying if your under 16 dont ride?

westcoast TRI-Z
06-03-2006, 12:28 AM
You know sometimes I wonder if just like cars, there should be a license to ride off-highways vehicles (bikes, quads, buggies, etc.) You take an operating course, and try and pass a test. I agree it's the parents and operators faults, but do you think a license would help this big problem of the off-road community? What are your thoughts?

06-03-2006, 12:33 AM
I dont think it would help entirely if you had to get an operators license, like someone said before, they've never seen a cop out at they're farm.

Go to search and type in ATV, theres two other videos, one has a wank load of trikes in it.

06-03-2006, 01:11 AM
it all comes down to americans not taking responsibility for THEIR actions and CONSIQUENCES. instead they blame somebody else, why was a 10 yr old on a 500 lb atv, doesn't the warning label say enough, but.....in all fairness the under 16 rule is bs to some point, there are 13-15 old who are 150 lbs and 6" tall.

My son is 14, 6'2 and about 165lbs. He is way too big for the 185s so I put him on the big red. Some say it is too much for him weight wise, BUT, he wears a helmet, respects the machine and DOES NOT ride out of my sight and I have gone over and over the rules and consequences if you dont follow those rules....not just the consequences of the trike flipping or what have you, but MY consequences as well. My daughter is 11, 5'6 and about 110 lbs and she rides the 185s, again WITH A HELMET and I keep her within ear shot. NEVER do I let them just go out by themselves at 11 and 14! Much less 10 years old. If I was one of them *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**E dited* parents that tells little Johnny "sure honey, go out and ride the quad until dinner.....no I dont care where you go or what you do while you are out, 'just be careful'" I would take that responsibility on myself, I'm the one that did it, I gave permission.....but I guess I'm one of the few left in the world that would do that. Thats all from me right now.....I'm to :mad: to think straight.

06-03-2006, 01:26 AM
I was a service manager at a Honda dealership until last year in Florence KY. The salesmen were instructed by Honda to try "any attempt" to sell children under the age of 16 (or the parents of children under 16) a motorcycle rather than an atv. It's OK to sell Billy the 10 year old a new CRF250, but a trx90 is out of the question. My question is, why aren't parents held accountable for their negligence which they admit to right on the video? They saw the warning stickers, but the dealer didn't tell them that they were dangerous? B.S., the dealer can and will lose their ability to sell atv's if the manufacturer finds that said dealership was negligent in offering riding courses, stressing safety, and of course warning an adult that an adult atv must never be operated by ANYONE under 16 years of age no matter what skill level rider they are. Anyways, here's another video from CBS...Scroll down and it's the one from June first. I guess hubby isn't admitting to her that the salesman tried every attemp to warn him of the danger.

tecate kid
06-03-2006, 02:00 AM
I think it would help a lot, actually. Think about it you gotta have a liscence to ride a motorcycle so people get them. When you don't have one and get into an accident you lose you ability to sue because you were not supposed to be there in the first place. Also make them have insurance, nothing major, just something in case. I would have no problem with it, I would be just fine. One more thing to help it out, instead of age only limits make it size limits, would save a lot of hassels. Oh and make the liscence like a normal one, class A-D each gives you more priveledges, like D would be 2wd under 250cc utility, C 4x4 under 250cc and 2wd unlimited, B unlimted displacement any configuration, and A would be any size utility or sport. Sports would only be avalible to ride with a class A liscence. Makes sense if you want to eliminate stupid people from ruining the sport. And even if you don't get caught right away, when you get hurt they fine you and repo your machine untli you can aquire the liscense. Just my thoughts, so don't be afraid to add your own input.
tecate kid

06-03-2006, 02:07 AM
Lots and lots of trikes in this one. Basicly same old stupid story..


Go to the 2nd One. 250r's,350x's,200x's and many more...

06-03-2006, 02:48 AM
Those videos made me so angry. "I didn't know these things could flip" BULL *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*! She says if there was a law stating that he was too young he would still be alive... What a big WARNING label doesn't mean anything? And WTF is a 10 year old doing riding a full size ATV WITHOUT supervision? Do parents know what the hell their kids are doing anymore, or do they just give them a ATV to get them out of their hair, then when the kids kill themselves the parent plea ignorance.

I would love to ask the parents why did you let him ride w/o supervision, where were you? Why would you let your kid ride something that you don't know anything about, and is obviously dangerous to a 10 year old if there is a warning that says no one under 16 should ride it? Why is it the governments responsibility to say "Hey that kid can’t ride that he’s too young" don't you think that should be the parents responsibility? I’m starting to think parents don't want to raise there kids they want the government to...

06-03-2006, 03:11 AM
Wow, nice post tecate kid. That's something to think about, I am kinda wondering though about these Mom's all trying to pass laws against minors riding adult atv's. The outcome is simply going to be someone broke the law allowing children to ride the atv's, and as long as the dealership is in compliance, other Mom's and Dad's will suffer!!! No more "I neglected the warning labels" excuses here, you're going to jail Dad!!! and as an added bonus, no more sorry parents on the news, no more atv manufacturers being sued, not nearly as many children being injured or killed. Just parents being forced to comply with the law, or else. So your kid won't get caught riding on private land? Hope he/she doesn't get hurt, 'cause your going to jail!!! Man, I kinda like that. Please pass these laws, as you will finally put an end to the "let's pretend to be stupid and win a law suit" parents who have done our sport so much harm. ROCK ON MAD MOM'S!! :beer

06-03-2006, 03:38 AM
Tecate Kid, you have the same idea I do. Different grades of licenses would limit those who operate them. Not only that, make a potential customer show the dealer their license that states whether or not they are qualified to operate it legally. The videos posted are painfully evident of two traits of the American population: stupid people are breeding like mad, and parents think that ATVs can be used as a baby sitter.

Education is the key! If you aren't qualified to operate the machine you are on, you have no business doing so. As for the parents of the young boy, I'm very sorry for their loss. Any time a child dies it is very painful. But they failed their son by allowing him to endanger himself by operating a full-sized adult ATV. They need look no further than the nearest mirror for someone to blame. Don't blame anyone else because there is no law, you ignored the warning labels, allowed your son to ride it, and allowed him to ride without your supervision.

06-03-2006, 03:49 AM
My view is this. Stupid Parents dont need to be told to bathe, feed, and clothe little Johnny. Same stupid parents would get very upset if the government told them that they werent taking care of little johnny like they should. Maybe stupid parents spank little johnny and some one objects, then its butt out, little johnny is our kid and we'll raise him how we see fit. But if little johnny gets hurt on an atv he shouldnt have been riding anyway, all of a sudden why didnt some one else tell me not to let little johnny rid this? Why didnt big brother tell me? Who else can I blame because of my failure as a parent, who else can I put little johnny off on instead of myself? Some one else said it in an earlier post, to many people are being relieved of their responsibilities and not paying the consequences for their actions. The reason there will never be a stupid people law is the simple fact that the smart ones are an endangered species, getting more so every day. Every time a law is passed or a lawsuit won, we lose more and more responsibility. Its not your fault you were to stupid to realize the coffee, that was steaming hot when it was poured, would burn you if it was spilled in your lap. Not your fault at all, lets blame some one else for your stupidity so that you dont have to look at yourself in the mirror and see stupidity. I bet if you gathered every smart person on this continent you wouldnt have enough to fill a NFL stadium.


06-03-2006, 07:29 AM
Those videos made me so angry. "I didn't know these things could flip" BULL *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*! She says if there was a law stating that he was too young he would still be alive... What a big WARNING label doesn't mean anything? And WTF is a 10 year old doing riding a full size ATV WITHOUT supervision? Do parents know what the hell their kids are doing anymore, or do they just give them a ATV to get them out of their hair, then when the kids kill themselves the parent plea ignorance.

I would love to ask the parents why did you let him ride w/o supervision, where were you? Why would you let your kid ride something that you don't know anything about, and is obviously dangerous to a 10 year old if there is a warning that says no one under 16 should ride it? Why is it the governments responsibility to say "Hey that kid can’t ride that he’s too young" don't you think that should be the parents responsibility? I’m starting to think parents don't want to raise there kids they want the government to...

It's the typical lay the blame anywhere and everywhere but the person you look at in the mirror!!!!! Hell they even said the kid wasn't wearing a helmet! They're freaking KIDS for christ sakes! I don't care how "good" your kid is skillwise or their maturity level. The minute you take your eyes off them they can and WILL do stupid stuff. Especially when they get around friends. I couldn't agree more with Enigma!

Oh please big brother protect us from ourselves because we're too stupid!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

06-03-2006, 08:44 AM
When My Daughter Rides The 125m I Watch Her Never Taking My Eyes Off Her This Is The Key Parents Need To Watch Thier Kids Instead Of Ignoring Them As Much As Possible Kids Could Ride Them If They Were 1000lbs But If They Arent Allowed To Do Stupid Things They Will Be A Lot Less Apt To Get Hurt Parents Are The Problem Not The Govt, Not The Dealer, Not The Kid,not The Machine But The Parent Period Parents Need To Do Some Parenting .....................and By The Way What About Great Big Horses Kids Get Hurt On Them Too

250r'en +TCB
06-03-2006, 02:02 PM
The parents couldn't manage to figure out that a 500lbs ATV was to big for an 11 year old???? DUMB-ASSES!!!!!!

I am a strong believer in the fact that about 95% of the time, people get what they deserve.......

06-03-2006, 02:23 PM
I am a strong believer in the fact that about 95% of the time, people get what they deserve.......

This board is riddled with assinine posts today. No 10 year old kid deserves to die because his parents are negilgent and to make such a statement is as stupid as anything these parents said.

06-03-2006, 02:25 PM
One thing though, the quads they say 16 year olds should be driving are way way too small, When i started riding 3 wheelers i was around 15-16 i am 18 now, and i am a small guy like i weigh 120 and am about 5' 6 and back when i was 16 i was smaller and those quads where way way too small, but still no reason a 11 year old should be ridding a 500lb atv but you see it everywhere

06-03-2006, 06:28 PM
just last week a peer of mine {mid-late 20's was killed on a polaris. i understand due to the sheer volume of 4 wheelers vs. 3 wheelers there are going to be more accidents on quads than trikes. fact remains, if you dont know how to operate the dang machine, keep for goat smellin arse off of it

06-03-2006, 06:46 PM
I should of never never clicked on them links! I am guilty as charges as I just bought my 10 year old a suzuki 230. I however NEVER let him outta my sight with it and I'm never too far behind him on my trike. Was this foolish of me to do this? My reasoning is I'm really not made of money,, well I'm actually quite poor. But I didnt want him growing out of it too soon. If they pass these laws I guess I'm in trouble.

06-03-2006, 07:12 PM
I do not believe in age limits, I think that each kid is ready for a responsibility like riding an ATV or driving a car at a different age. Some kids just never think ahead.

250r'en +TCB
06-03-2006, 07:36 PM
I do not believe in age limits, I think that each kid is ready for a responsibility like riding an ATV or driving a car at a different age. Some kids just never think ahead.
Yeah I agree 100%!!! Some kids are fit to drive a car at 14, some 16, some 18, some 25, some 40 and some people just NEVER should drive!!!
Though age can be a big factor it shouldn't be assumed that when you turn 16 your fit to drive a vehicles that ways up to 26,000lbs down the road!!! "Well their 16 now, way more matureand responsible then when they were 15 and 364 days old......"

TimSr, Your right I should have stated that if you are 15 or above I think that rule applies. At that age I believe you are old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. So sorry I didn't clarify that, but as for the parents suffering they definatly got what they deserved......

06-03-2006, 10:07 PM
:crazy: I love how Liberal moorons:crazy: like these two automatically think that because there was no LAW, it must be ok. Yeah we need LAWS for everything. WTF ever. Yeah lets get so many damn laws out there that you feel like your in Russia or Cuba. Liberal Panty Waste Moorons. Laws dont keep things like this from happenings. Good parenting does. What dumb #$%#:crazy: I bet they go to work every morning and break the speed limit even though there is a law. What more could you expect from a state that does not allow its residents to pump their own gas. Geezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!:crazy:

tecate kid
06-03-2006, 10:39 PM
I think the liscenes are the key here guys. Maybe not right away but in the long run it will help tremendously (sp?) The other thing would be to make all ATC/ATV's should have a title, even the racers. Then when the machine is sold privately they need to go and get it liscensed. I know it would cost more to enjoy our sport but I would be willing to bet it would bring the prices of new machines down and what not because these companies and parks wouldn't need "stupid people insurance". I don't know maybe this is just a dream but man it sure looks good on paper.
tecate kid

06-03-2006, 10:41 PM
That does not compute in my book. More Laws that will cost me money. More paperwork too keep up with. It wouldnt have an affect on anything but your pocket book. Moorons will still be moorons and it will definately have ZERO effect on the price of bikes.

tecate kid
06-03-2006, 10:47 PM
I think it would help a lot, actually. Think about it you gotta have a liscence to ride a motorcycle so people get them. When you don't have one and get into an accident you lose you ability to sue because you were not supposed to be there in the first place. Also make them have insurance, nothing major, just something in case. I would have no problem with it, I would be just fine. One more thing to help it out, instead of age only limits make it size limits, would save a lot of hassels. Oh and make the liscence like a normal one, class A-D each gives you more priveledges, like D would be 2wd under 250cc utility, C 4x4 under 250cc and 2wd unlimited, B unlimted displacement any configuration, and A would be any size utility or sport. Sports would only be avalible to ride with a class A liscence. Makes sense if you want to eliminate stupid people from ruining the sport. And even if you don't get caught right away, when you get hurt they fine you and repo your machine untli you can aquire the liscense. Just my thoughts, so don't be afraid to add your own input.
tecate kid
Read this post then look at my last one. It will make more sense then. Besides if it save one kid in a year it is well worth the money.
tecate kid

06-03-2006, 10:55 PM
Still makes no sense. Its a sport that take place on private property on unpaved surfaces. License's, Insurance, and titles are not required and should not be required. This is a load of crap. Again costing the crap out of people and inturn giving the local and state government more tax money. Oh and then when you sell one the buyer will have to pay tax on it again. More laws are not the answer. Yes one childs life is invaluable, but more LAWS and restrictions are not the answer. Proper parenting and responsible riding is the key. Moorons will be moorons, and crummy parents will be crummy parents. I was not allowed to ride unless my dad was home and in the back yard where he could see me. We had 5 acres behind the house. I was taught by him the proper way to ride, and things NOT to do. I never once had a accident or injury because of this. Your statements coincide with the two parents in that video. Im sure thats what they would love to see happen. More laws and requirements aren't the answer. It would kill the sport.

06-04-2006, 09:36 AM
side comment: the way this govornment is going , with the CPSC and eminant domain, and slowly stripping the rights of the people away, something is bound to break... people will not take that crap forever.maybe we will see roadside bombs in washington in our lifetime...not just baghdad

06-04-2006, 01:02 PM
Licenses? Listen to yourselves! Somebody tell me what the hell licenses have to do with this situation? Or rider skill? Or rider experience? The government will decided who is qualified to ride an ATV? The GOVERNMENT?!!!! You WANT the CPSC to decided? You trust their judgement better than your own?

This has nothing to do with rider skill, engine size, speed of travel, rider experience or anything else beyond parental negiligence. Do you need a governement agency to do a safety study, and pass laws to tell you that a 500lb anything on top of a 70 lb child will result in death by suffocation if the impact doesnt kill him???????
I feel like I am beating a dead horse here. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MACHINE SIZE NEED TO BE BASED ON SIZE OF THE RIDER vs SIZE OF THE MACHINE. Until all people are the same size at the same age, deciding what machine "fits" a person is incredibly stupid being done based on age. If CPSC recommendations were sensible and realistic, people might actually take them seriously. Another NEWSFLASH - What the hell is an "adult sized quad"? This can be anything from 300lbs to 800lbs! The sheer weight of large utility quads is the biggest culprit and threat to child safety, not speed or engine size. These are especially dangerous because of the auto-clutch or auto trannies in many of these models that make them more attractive to children. Do we ban them? Of course not! A simple rider to machine weight formula would solve this problem as well as the problem of large teens who are bigger than adults. Peopel need to accept the reality that your child WILL roll whatever ATV they are one, and you had best think about how that will turn out rather than being so naive as to think you can prevent your kid from ever rolling one over. Next time you think you can impress everybody by letting your 6 year old drive your autoclutch 250EX through the woods, you might want to picture it tipping over and landing on top of him and imagine how thats going to turn out. It WILL happen. Its a matter of WHEN.

TimJr is 11. He ride "adult size" machines. He is 4'11" and 110 lbs. He rides small adult machines because they fit, and all you have to do is see him on one to see its an obvious perfect fit. He outgrew his Raptor 80 which CPSC says he will be old enough to begin riding next year. He rides a 200X and a Blaster. He can get out from under either one should he roll them. (By the way, a trike is much easier to get out from under after a roll. ) If I put him on a Rancher, Grizzly or a Kodiak, it would be incredibly irresponsible because those machines are way too heavy for his size in a roll.

06-04-2006, 01:04 PM
I would support people having to take mandatory training, pass testing and be licensed before having children.

250r'en +TCB
06-04-2006, 01:41 PM
I would support people having to take mandatory training, pass testing and be licensed before having children.
hahaha now that is thinking outside the box!!! Stop it before it becomes a proublem!!!:lol: :w00t: :beer

The lisence thing I defiantly do not agree with!!! NH just did that with boats and I had to waste my time (8 hours, 2 nights) learning about boating! I grew up on a lake!! I have also been around the ocean a ton in my lifetime!!! The coarse was "free", but remember there's no such thing as "free". NH taxpayers have to pay for a boat cop who is teaching that class!!!
If a lisence becomes madatory we will only have to pay more $$$.....

06-04-2006, 01:52 PM
Electric hair dryers have warning labels on them advising people not to use them near water. I think we need a law for that one too. In fact maybe we should require an operators license for electric hair dryers.

06-04-2006, 02:01 PM
lol nice :woot

tecate kid
06-05-2006, 01:27 AM
How is the liscense a bad thing? A motorcycle liscense is free in MN, so why should the ATV one be any different? The classes for a motorcycle is only about $50 and a weekend, which BTW I grew up riding also, and you can blow a weekend doing a lot more less productive things. Besides most dealerships will pay for you to take the class and get "certified"! Maybe the diffrent levels is a bit much but why couldn't that be determined by a simple test? I don't trust the gov't to regulate and tell me what my kids should ride, they don't know my kids! This would not really benefit those of you that ride on private property, but in the case of the boy in the video, if he had to be liscensed to ride a machine fit to his level it would have saved the ATV manufacturer a lawsuit and lawyer fees! I know it would suck for most of us but it would make our beloved sport much "safer" in the eyes of the general public! Also, if this was for ATV's it would also have to be for MX and OHM too, because a 10 year old on a 125 mx bike is just as freakin' stupid as them riding a 500lbs ATV! Not trying to start a war but somthing has to happen to get incompetent, irresponsible, and stupid parents from blaming the manufacturers!
tecate kid

06-05-2006, 01:46 AM
Tim after reading your post I have too agree I didn't look at this from that point of view thanks for getting me thinking correctly on this

06-05-2006, 10:17 AM
How is the liscense a bad thing? A motorcycle liscense is free in MN, so why should the ATV one be any different? The classes for a motorcycle is only about $50 and a weekend, which BTW I grew up riding also, and you can blow a weekend doing a lot more less productive things. Besides most dealerships will pay for you to take the class and get "certified"! Maybe the diffrent levels is a bit much but why couldn't that be determined by a simple test? I don't trust the gov't to regulate and tell me what my kids should ride, they don't know my kids! This would not really benefit those of you that ride on private property, but in the case of the boy in the video, if he had to be liscensed to ride a machine fit to his level it would have saved the ATV manufacturer a lawsuit and lawyer fees! I know it would suck for most of us but it would make our beloved sport much "safer" in the eyes of the general public! Also, if this was for ATV's it would also have to be for MX and OHM too, because a 10 year old on a 125 mx bike is just as freakin' stupid as them riding a 500lbs ATV! Not trying to start a war but somthing has to happen to get incompetent, irresponsible, and stupid parents from blaming the manufacturers!
tecate kid

They can do all the blaming they want. But they need to look in the miror. If you dont follow the manufactures instructions you have no ground to stand on. Simple as that. License's arent free everywhere. In some places if you have a license and registerd vehicle you also have to have insurance. Again more damn money. Let these moorons keep thinning the gene pool out. Manufactures would be subject to law suits regardless of any of this. Just think about the Ford Explorers flipping. Same thing. Ford got plenty of lawsuits for that and guess what. All drivers were licensed. The vehicles had a title, and they had insurance. Did it make any difference. NO.

06-05-2006, 05:39 PM
How is the liscense a bad thing? A motorcycle liscense is free in MN, so why should the ATV one be any different? The classes for a motorcycle is only about $50 and a weekend, which BTW I grew up riding also, and you can blow a weekend doing a lot more less productive things.

I dont know how you guys in MN manage free licenses for anything, but if you do have such a thing, it wont be free long. The CDL started as a modified drivers license. Whats it cost to get one now? I dont know about your state, but I know of no state that requires a motorcycle drivers license for off road use.

Why is it a bad thing? Because ATV driver's licenses to address the situation of a small kid on a 500lb ATV is like checking your tire pressure to address a "check engine" light. The problem was not that the kid could not operate the machine properly. He had done so for quite some time. He probably could have passed any test just fine. The problem was that when he tipped it over, he was not able to get out from under it because it was too fricken heavy. If there is any person on this board who has never tipped an ATV over, then Ill show you an armchair racer with little riding experience! Do you really need a license and a test to tell you that a kid riding a machine ALONE that is 8 times his body weight is a BAD idea??????? I dont understand exactly what problem you think a license will solve? Say some kid takes his test on a size appropriate machine and fails the test? Then what? He cant ride? If you need a license to ride an ATV, how will anyone ever learn to ride one?

As I said before, there is a much simpler solution to address all kinds of riders, and that is a rider weigh vs machine weight formula to replace the moronic age based formula they are now trying to make into law. Licensing does nothing to addresss any specific problem. Its just one of those feel good "we've got to so SOMETHING even if it accomplishes nothing" type non-solutions that creates a whole new taxpayer funded burocracy of government workers that gets added to the cost of an ATV.

How a about something simpler. Make it LAW that no MINOR under 100 lbs may operate any adult ATV, no MINOR under 150lbs may operate any ATV over 350 lbs, and NO MINOR may operate any ATV weighing more than 400lbs. No minor may operate any ATV without certain safety gear. I hate big brother as much as anybody, but when it comes to minors, where some parents dont seem to have sense, I can tolerate some of it.

06-05-2006, 06:19 PM
unbelievable, that stupid **** says if there was a law against it her son would be alive.

i absolutly HATE people who think a government sponsored "law" is going to save lives.

there is a law against muder but it doesnt stop anyone!

stupid *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*, 100% chance she is a super fat bottom liberal *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*

paying for a license DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING! acually it means one thing, you just gave up MORE of your money to the government for a peice of paper!


tecate kid
06-06-2006, 12:12 AM
Wow, so much for my idea! Well, sense y'all shot that down in a big ball of freakin' flames I am going to sit back and watch. You may think your ideas are god sends but they mean nothing to the gov't! If they are going to fix or at least help this BS they will need some kind of incentive, a sticker on the machine hasn't and still won't help this problem! But whatever I don't care, it wasn't my kid and won't be because I have enough common sense to watch them when they ride! Oh and I have a class A in MN and it costs me $90 every 4 yrs! The motorcycle endorsment is free to have put on your lisence and the OHV lisence would be the same!
tecate kid

250r'en +TCB
06-06-2006, 06:08 AM
They can do all the blaming they want. But they need to look in the miror. If you dont follow the manufactures instructions you have no ground to stand on. Simple as that.
I couldn't have said that better myself....... It says clear as day: DO NOT OPERATE IF YOU ARE UNDER 16! It even has a 16 with a cross running through it for the iliterate people!:lol:

06-06-2006, 08:19 AM
Amen Brotha.