View Full Version : CPSC at it again

06-02-2006, 07:22 AM
Ok yes this is June 2, 2006....While watching Fox news this morning the News banners that scroll along the bottom of the screen read
"Consumer Product Safety Commision" calls for a ban on the "USE" of all three wheel ATVs and limiting a 15 MPH speed limit on machines for children and mandating free safety classes..

Yes Guys this is why they will never be produced again .....20 years later they are looking to legally take our ability to ride them away.

Bryan Raffa
06-02-2006, 07:25 AM
wtf they will never take mine! that sucks.....

06-02-2006, 07:37 AM
I seen that last night roll across the bottom of the screen.. I guess there were alot of accidents over the holiday weekend... they'll have to pry my handlebars from my cold dead hands.

06-02-2006, 08:25 AM
They want me to stop riding mine, then they are going to have to PAY ME for my trikes or replace them with quads.

06-02-2006, 08:35 AM
When the consent decree went into effect the manufactuers predicted an average 7 year life on the remaining three wheelers....they underestimated the diehard machines and the diehard riders!!!

If anyone wants to read up go to google type in "Consumer product safety commision three wheeler" you can find a few good reads

06-02-2006, 08:37 AM

Here is the link to the document.


06-02-2006, 08:40 AM

Here is the link to the document.


Yeah look at page 28, line 8.

Billy Golightly
06-02-2006, 08:58 AM
Holy *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*...we've got to mobilize against this now before its to late. I'm downloading the entire doccument right now but we need to get setup where we can start writing some letters and placing some calls to CONGRESS. We cannot stand to have the government trample all over our own rights to decide what we do and do not want to ride. This has GOT to be eliminated.

06-02-2006, 09:07 AM
Holy *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*...we've got to mobilize against this now before its to late. I'm downloading the entire doccument right now but we need to get setup where we can start writing some letters and placing some calls to CONGRESS. We cannot stand to have the government trample all over our own rights to decide what we do and do not want to ride. This has GOT to be eliminated.

I personally do not see where "use" is on the document.
Yes we better start writing congress critters.
If they do ban "use" of a 3 wheelers, that would mean you could not "use" is on ANY federal land such as forests etc.
The CSCP won in the 80's and will not stop at nothing to win again.

06-02-2006, 09:09 AM
well i dont see them taking my trike or quads from me, ut uh no how. and i also dont see them stopping me from riding them either. i think basically they are just re enacting the ban from twenty years ago. to stop the production of new three wheeled atvs. you have these small companys trying to make them along with these very unsafe dime a dozen junk 50cc to 250cc quads that are popping up for sale at every auto parts store, and corner store for under for $400and up. i wouldnt waste my money on something cheap like them anyways, not when it comes to my kids safety. dont worry guys there is no way in h e l l that the government can tell you you cant "ride" you trike anymore, theres just no way enforce that with the hundreds of thousands of three wheelers still alive today even after the ban went into effect 20 years ago. yeah, make it so you cant register them, lol, oh well, i will still ride my trike when i want to. that wont stop me. i mean come on where are we living? coldwar era russia? ***DONT TYPE AROUND THE WORD FILTERS**** G.W., only two thingssssssss come outta texas, steers and queers. and i dont see any horns on G.W's head, so he must be queer, lol!!!!!!!!!!!

Billy Golightly
06-02-2006, 09:16 AM
Page 220:

(Draft of 5130106)
1307.1 Scope and application.
1307.2 Purpose.
1307.3 Definitions.
1307.4 Banned hazardous products
1307.5 Findings.
1307.6 Effective Date.
AUTHORITY: 15 *Edited*.S.C. 2057 and 2058.
§ 1307.1 Scope and application.
In this part 1307 the Consumer Product Safety
Commission declares that three-wheeled all terrain
vehicles, as defined in § 1307.3, are banned hazardous
products under sections 8 and 9 of the Consumer Product
Safety Act (15 *Edited*.S.C. 2057 and 2058) .
§ 1307.2 Purpose.
The purpose of this rule is to prohibit the sale of
three-wheeled all terrain vehicles. These products present
an unreasonable risk of injury as a three-wheeled ATV is
inherently less stable than an ATV with four wheels
resulting in 3 times the risk of injury compared to a four-
wheeled ATV.
§ 1307.3 Definitions.

(DRAFT OF 5130106)
(a) The definitions in section 3 of the Consumer
Product Safety Act (15 *Edited*.S.C. 2052) apply to this part
(b) Three-wheel ed all terrain vehicle, or three-
wheeled ATV, means a motorized vehicle that travels on
three low pressure tires, has a seat designed to be
straddled by the operator, has handlebars for steering, and
is intended for off-road use on non-paved surfaces.
§ 1307.4 Banned hazardous products.
Any three-wheeled ATV, as defined in § 1307.3(b), that
is manufactured or imported on or after [I80 days from
issuance of final rule] is a banned hazardous product.
5 1307.5 Findings.
(a) The degree and nature of the risk of injury. The
Commission finds that the risk of injury which this
regulation is designed to eliminate or reduce is that of
severe injury or death occurring when the operator of a
three-wheeled ATV loses control of the vehicle, collides
with another object, or otherwise becomes injured or dies
while riding a three-wheeled ATV. Three-wheeled ATVs are
less skable and more risky than four-wheeled ATVs. The
risk of sustaining a hospital emergency room treated injury

(DRAFT OF 5130106)
while operating a three-wheeled ATV is about 3 times the
risk on a similar four-wheeled ATV.
(b) Products subject t o the ban. Three-wheeled ATVs
are motorized vehicles that travel on three low pressure
tires, have a seat designed to be straddled by the
operator, have handlebars for steering, and are intended
for off-road use on non-paved surfaces.
(c) The need o f the public for three-wheeled ATVs and
the e f f e c t s o f the rule on their *Edited* t i l i t y , cost and
availability. The Commission finds that the public's need
for three-wheeled ATVs (given the continued availability of
four-wheeled ATVs) is small and that the effect of this
rule on the cost, utility, and availability of three-
wheeled ATVs will also be small. The major manufacturers of
ATVs have not sold three-wheeled ATVs in the United States
since 1988. Although a few new entrants to the market have
started to offer three-wheeled ATVs, and some models that
were manufactured before 1988 are still in use, three-
wheeled ATVs are not widely available at this time. Even
before 1988, the market for three-wheeled ATVs compared to
four-wheeled ATVs was declining. In 1986, about 80 percent
of ATVs sold in the United States had four wheels. For
most individuals, the utility difference between a three-

06-02-2006, 09:17 AM
Thats bull s-h-i-t they are concerned about them being dangerous and if you ask me it is more dangerous right now for a little kid walking to school in the city of rochester, ny. They should stop worrying about people getting hurt on 3 wheelers and think more about the cars they are absessed with making that go 0-60 in 4.2 seconds with 600 freeking horse power. Tell me thats not dangerous but 3 wheelers are Mr. Oil Man Bush. Drinking and driving can be dagerous but people still do that. I think that they should leave it to the individual to decide whats too dagerous for them to do and whats not!

06-02-2006, 09:20 AM
Thanks Billy. I am only up to page 177 and already disgusted and pissed off.
We have to stop these bastards.

Billy Golightly
06-02-2006, 09:22 AM
well i dont see them taking my trike or quads from me, ut uh no how. and i also dont see them stopping me from riding them either. i think basically they are just re enacting the ban from twenty years ago. to stop the production of new three wheeled atvs. you have these small companys trying to make them along with these very unsafe dime a dozen junk 50cc to 250cc quads that are popping up for sale at every auto parts store, and corner store for under for $400and up. i wouldnt waste my money on something cheap like them anyways, not when it comes to my kids safety. dont worry guys there is no way in h e l l that the government can tell you you cant "ride" you trike anymore, theres just no way enforce that with the hundreds of thousands of three wheelers still alive today even after the ban went into effect 20 years ago. yeah, make it so you cant register them, lol, oh well, i will still ride my trike when i want to. that wont stop me. i mean come on where are we living? coldwar era russia? f@*k G.W., only two thingssssssss come outta texas, steers and queers. and i dont see any horns on G.W's head, so he must be queer, lol!!!!!!!!!!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

With this attitude, you will surely end up one day owning absolutely nothing living in a preformed governement designed and built home.

My family and I moved up here to North Florida because of how the National Park Service condemmed thousands upon thousands of acres down in the Everglades where we use to live. They would burn peoples camps and HOUSES that they labored on for decades all in the name of preserving the wildlife and the "ecosystem". They did this absolutely legally My dad originally owned a few thousand acres, and by the time we left it had dwindled down to 5 with our house and the shop on it. THey got that too. The government will stop at NOTHING to protect you from yourself.

The CPSC were able to prevent them from being manufactured anymore, what makes you think they dont have the power to make it totally illegal to even own one? They do.

Billy Golightly
06-02-2006, 09:23 AM
(DRAFT OF 5130106)
wheeled ATV and a four-wheeled ATV is minimal. Four-wheeled
ATVs will continue to be available. Except for the fact
that three-wheeled ATVs are considerably less stable than
four-wheeled ATVs, they are functionally equivalent. One
can use a four-wheeled ATV in essentially the same manner
as a three-wheeled ATV.
(d) A1 ternatives. The Commission has considered
other means of obtaining the objective of this ban, but has
found none that would adequately reduce the risk of injury.
While there are many technical factors that make a four-
wheeled ATV more dynamically stable than a three-wheeled
ATV, one of the largest factors is the fourth wheel. Given
the inherent difference in vehicle configuration, the
Commission does not believe it is feasible to develop a
performance standard for three-wheeled ATVs that would
improve that vehicle's stability performance to that of a
four-wheeled vehicle.

5 1307.6 Effective date.
This rule becomes effective [I80 days from issuance of
final rule] and applies to all three-wheeled ATVs
manufactured or imported on or after that date.

And thats the last page. I wonder if thats all of it or if there is more that just was not included?

06-02-2006, 09:24 AM
Instead of the FHSA im calling for the GKMA In rideing my trike whenever i dahm well please Assosiation ( Government Kiss My Ars)

Billy Golightly
06-02-2006, 09:28 AM
The Commission finds that the public's need
for three-wheeled ATVs (given the continued availability of
four-wheeled ATVs) is small and that the effect of this
rule on the cost, utility, and availability of three-
wheeled ATVs will also be small.

Good CHRIST that pisses me off more then anything else. "The commission finds that the publics needs are small" BAH! :mad: :mad: :mad:

If its so small and the availability is so limited, then why even bother in the first freakin place?

06-02-2006, 09:31 AM
Can somebody fill me in on some of the things it says? Please! Gonna take me like 4 years to load it. Blasted DIAL-UP! ARRGH!

Billy Golightly
06-02-2006, 09:32 AM
0: "Three-Wheeled All-Terrain Vehicles", Memorandum from Tanya Topka,
Compliance Officer, Recalls and Compliance Division, CPSC Office of
Compliance, CPSC, to Elizabeth Leland, Project Manager ATV,
May 22,2006.

This subsection is missing from the 231 page doccument. I'll see if I can locate it.

Billy Golightly
06-02-2006, 09:33 AM
Read my posts its got a copy of the one main section

06-02-2006, 09:33 AM
Well the way I see it, they are not banning "use".
Look at 1307.6
180 days from final issuance and applies to MANUFACTURING.
They are trying to stop these no-name importers from bringing them into USA.

Yes I do agree the federal govt has not business interfering with peoples lives.

Billy Golightly
06-02-2006, 09:36 AM
http://www.cpsc.gov/LIBRARY/FOIA/FOIA06/brief/ATVpt2.pdf This appears to be the rest of the doccument ChrisD located.

Billy Golightly
06-02-2006, 09:37 AM
IT also mentions "sale" and deeming them a hazzardous material. It does not specify sale, so it could be applied to individual sales. They'll make it like guns or something in the best case scenario if we're even allowed to keep them.

06-02-2006, 09:41 AM
Read my posts its got a copy of the one main section

Umm..Duh! How did I miss that? Sorry Billy.

06-02-2006, 09:43 AM
...1307.3(b) Three-wheel ed all terrain vehicle, or three-wheeled ATV, means a motorized vehicle that travels on
three low pressure tires, has a seat designed to be
straddled by the operator, has handlebars for steering, and
is intended for off-road use on non-paved surfaces.
§ 1307.4 Banned hazardous products.
Any three-wheeled ATV, as defined in § 1307.3(b), that
is manufactured or imported on or after [I80 days from
issuance of final rule] is a banned hazardous product.
5 1307.5 Findings.

Just run high pressure tires on your trike and it will no longer "fit" the definition! :beer :Bounce :lol:

Gotta love loop-holes. :wondering

What also pisses me off is the gov't spending time and MY tax dollars on something so ridiculous as worrying about 20-year-old ATVs. :mad:

06-02-2006, 09:45 AM
It is exactly like guns. You can't buy new TEC-9's anymore but if you own them, you can use them.
The thing that I am afraid of is there will be the possibility of banning the "use" of trikes on any federal land. National forest's, BLM lands.
And far as state owned land, federal govt can override state laws.
You can thank president Lincoln for that.

06-02-2006, 09:48 AM
What if ebay were to take the same stance on banned trike parts as they did with so-called assault rifle parts and quit allowing their sale on ebay? ! ?


It could get out of hand really fast.

Russell 350X
06-02-2006, 09:52 AM
They CANNOT take them away from anyone, becuase of "Grandfather Law",which means if you own a older machine, they cannot take it away because these machines are old. If they do get away with taking them away, they better give me money to go buy a 450R. Stupid sh!t basterds!:mad:

06-02-2006, 09:52 AM
You know this is dangerously falling into constitutional rights such as "Freedom of choice".
We CHOOSE to own 3 wheelers. We know the risks involved. It is our CHOICE.

Billy Golightly
06-02-2006, 09:57 AM
What if ebay were to take the same stance on banned trike parts as they did with so-called assault rifle parts and quit allowing their sale on ebay? ! ?


It could get out of hand really fast.

That is EXACTLY the type of thing I'm highly concerned about. What would we all do then? What type of a snowball effect would we get from that? Would the OEMs and aftermarket be even more determined on discontinuing parts?

They CANNOT take them away from anyone, becuase of "Grandfather Law",which means if you own a older machine, they cannot take it away because these machines are old. If they do get away with taking them away, they better give me money to go buy a 450R. Stupid sh!t basters.

I'm sorry but you guys really need to stop thinking and believing your immune to this and wont effect you, IT WILL. There is no grandfather in. Places in the past have came around and seized all firearms people have owned, even as recently as New Orleans after Katrina this happened. It happened to perfectly legal law abiding citizens, but they were legally taken from them with absolutely no recourse against the governement from taking them. The NRA is trying to fix this right now, but my point is there is no immunity, do not rely on or expect it. If they want something, the they will get it unless there is one hellacious movement against it.

06-02-2006, 09:58 AM
yea i agree they will not take mine......they just cant tell you what to own after you already own it....they wont give me money for mine cause i will not take anything for mine.....

06-02-2006, 10:05 AM
It looks more like they are just banning the production again. So that the modern trikes from haley and what not cannot be produced anymore. The other deal with the children ATV restrictions has allways been in engine size but now its allso in speed. Its not really a big change... Just renewing the trike ban, and modifying Youth atv speeds and engine sizes.

06-02-2006, 10:12 AM
There is an easy way for the CPSC to get past this "hurdle" they are facing - and it's so stinking obvious (but for them nothing is obvious because they are a bunch of 1-sided thinkers who are easily swayed by money weilding lobbists):

The answer..............Survey Says:


The government wouldn't take a soldier on his first day of training camp and hand him a missle launcher would they - my God no. So why is it that the government finds it so hard to accept the fact that if you give someone who has only ridden 4 wheeled ATV's (or has no ATV experience) a 3 wheeler, chances are they will tip it over. The extent of the injury is normally in direct conjunction with the rate of speed the inexperienced rider is going when said rollover occurs.

How can they expect manufacturers to be held responisble for the end users stupidy?

If they really want to make a differnece, they would follow these easy guidelines:

#1 manditory training and educational guidelines. - Parents should not be able to purchase any ATV for their children without passing a written exam including risks and training for training their kids. This puts a thought into the parents head before sending Junior on his way. Like mentioned in other posts - tons of parents out there know nothing about ATV's and have never ridden them, but just go out and buy their kids ATV's and turn them loose - the old Babysitter Theory as it was put in a previous post.

#2 - once the parents pass the guidelines, put the kids thru a rigerous 40 hour training coarse - including all riding aspects - not just a 4 hour "ride this coarse and you will be deemed safe".

#3 - a test should be taken just like state drivers license. You should take it on YOUR own ATV - that way idiots that can't ride 3 wheelers, will not be given the oppertunity to do so. The problem now becomes enforcement. How could all of this be enforced. Here's an idea - take all of the freaking DCNR and game wardens that are so busy writting people tickets for not picking up used rifle casings or used toilet paper and make them patrol public and private grounds for licensed ATV drivers. If you are not licensed and are caught riding an ATV - it's impounded!!!

This may sound harsh, but think about the aspects of what would happen:

A - most of us here have years of experience riding ATC's - we could pass the tests with flying colors and be on our happy way - hopefully on federally funded trail systems.

B - the kids that don't know the basics get taught the right way with a lot less scars and injuries and deaths - becasue the yknow how to ride now.

C - the scofflaws no longer have their ATVs to ride.

Sure it may sound a little off center and extreme, but isn't it better than them taking away our beloved atc's - OUR PASSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!
A good set of guidelines needs to be pushed right back at the CPSC

Put someone with a half of brain in office and we'll go places.

06-02-2006, 10:14 AM
First of all, how does the governement know i have three wheelers, i live in BFE, non are registered, there is no way they could locate Mine if they need to, there is no records on it since probably the 80's, and a gun and a three wheeler are completely different, i would not classify them in the same area of "they took away the Tec-9" the most people can do with a 3 wheeler is kill your self, OR i can get a m-14 and go shoot people from a tower, completely different.

Edit: And Katrina was a disaster, the military was tring toget control of the situation and people were killing each other and it was out of control, its not like its the road warrior here, people arnt riding around the streets killing people.

06-02-2006, 10:18 AM
Okay, this needs to get better organized. Billy, take lead and organize a strategy. Delegate some responsibility to those you feel could help farther this cause. I am not real good about finding information via the internet, but I know there is some way of getting a list of the states representatives and their contact information. I just sent a letter about to mine about those stupid funeral protestors and I got a response. All I am saying is it was acknowledged. We must form an organized strategy and a team that can handle to burden of battle. Call in for support from the .org crew and other trike sites. Then once the trike community is unified we must get the quad guys attention as well. This WILL ultimately affect them as well if we lose. I would be happy to offer what assistance I can before I leave for OCS. Once I complete my training I will be a commissioned office in the Army. That might hold some weight. I know there are other very respectable members of the trike community here who also have good credentials. Let’s put them all together and see what kind of damage we can do.

06-02-2006, 10:27 AM
A good start would be some stats - didn't someone post some stats that show that more people get hurt on quads - percentage numbers - than trikes??????

Not that we want to down play quads, but facts are facts, and the cpsc is starting with trikes so..........................

06-02-2006, 10:33 AM
Bad Idea!!! Do not Bad Idea!!! Do not bring up that kind of information. The first thing it will do is alienate the quad riders. We WANT their support. Then it brings up the whole injury thing. When ever the subject of injuries come up it must be done in such a way that inexperience or rider error is to blame. Remember, they are only machines, and machines can only do what the human operating it tells it do. That is the point that we must get across.

06-02-2006, 10:50 AM
Bad Idea!!! Do not Bad Idea!!! Do not bring up that kind of information. The first thing it will do is alienate the quad riders. We WANT their support. Then it brings up the whole injury thing. When ever the subject of injuries come up it must be done in such a way that inexperience or rider error is to blame. Remember, they are only machines, and machines can only do what the human operating it tells it do. That is the point that we must get across.

Good point - Where then do we start???? A letter to our local congressman and state reps would help. Maybe get someone well versed - such as TimSr - to come up with a form letter we could email out reps. If we could even get 1000 people from here and org to email to our reps - it would probably help

06-02-2006, 10:57 AM
Good point - Where then do we start???? A letter to our local congressman and state reps would help. Maybe get someone well versed - such as TimSr - to come up with a form letter we could email out reps. If we could even get 1000 people from here and org to email to our reps - it would probably help

Don't stop at this place and dot org. Get all the off road sites involved. It's only a matter of time before the focus gets shifted from trikes to everything else.

06-02-2006, 10:58 AM
The only way you are going to be heard is to send an e-mail to your state reps so they can deliver the message to congress.
It does have an affect. They wanted to give 15 million acres to feds (our hunting and riding areas) to help pay for katrina.
We changed the mind of our reps supporting this bill and they shot it down and kept our land.

06-02-2006, 10:59 AM
((Don't Bypass the Word Filter))

06-02-2006, 11:04 AM
If you want statistic get a number of how many ATV’s in general are sold each year, then get a number of ‘legal” ATV related injuries. Legal as in the opposite of that guy that ran from the police on a YFZ and got smacked by a car. Then get a number of the cars passenger cars and trucks sold in a year and the number of related injuries. I guarantee the number sold far at weigh the number of injuries. These pricks want to focus on the injuries and not the truth. Now, being since this country will stop with out automobiles they are safe from being band and will make a good argument. People are hurt and killed every day on America’s highways. Does that mean we must band the passenger vehicles? Machines can only do what they are told. Every single mishap IS human error in some fashion. Even if a part if faulty. That part is bad because some where along the way the human that made a mistake. Whether it be in the instillation or use.

Remember, we are the first line of defense. General Rumell said it best when describing the defense for the allied invasion. “You have to stop them at the gate! If you do not, you will never stop their invasion and intimate victory.” Well he was correct now wasn’t he? We must stop them, if we do not quads and dirt bikes are next. Then who knows…

06-02-2006, 11:12 AM
I'll be glad when these manufacturers realize there is more than one country on this damn planet. I may be wrong but I'm assuming the big bad ban was only in *YOU* SA. With them being the center of the known universe though it effected all the hairless apes everywhere. I'm more than a little tired of everything being *YOU* S based. Send those trikes to Canada, Australia, South America, Europe, pretty much any country except *YOU* S and there will be no problem. Sure people will still get hurt but no one will get sued for it. We call that natural selection here. Makes the idiots easier to spot if they are in body casts.
Instead of regulating everything into a nice neutral beige color, try a little education. It may help. At least teach people to recognize when its thier own fault.

06-02-2006, 11:12 AM
OK, I have read all of the juicy bits, and I don't like this at all. This could have a huge imapct on my state/county/town due to the fact that Little Sahara is four miles from my house. I don't need to explain the dunes in Waynoka, as most here already know. The economic impact this could have is far-reaching, especially in a little town like mine that is so dependent on tourism. I am going to contact my Congressman (Frank D. Lucas (R), Oklahoma 3rd) very shortly with links to both documents. Since Little Sahara is in his district, I am sure he would like to know what it's all about, if he doesn't already.

Want to contact your Congressman? Start here:


Please remember to keep your letters clean and written with good grammar. Another thing, as hard as it is for some, keep your political opinions to yourself! Nothing makes you look dumb quicker than fly-off-the-handle, extremely biased comments about something you learned about on Fox News. :rolleyes:

06-02-2006, 11:15 AM
Please remember to keep your letters clean and written with good grammar. Another thing, as hard as it is for some, keep your political opinions to yourself! Nothing makes you look dumb quicker than fly-off-the-handle, extremely biased comments about something you learned about on Fox News. :rolleyes:

Damn good advice!

Thanks for the link. I knew there was a way to do it.

06-02-2006, 11:33 AM
Trike fest is in less than a week. We need media coverage there and lots of it. If we could get some attention with trike fest and the large amount of us that still have and ride trikes and also do it safely and responsibly that is our best defense. We all know that the cpsc has no clue to the truth and I think we need to let people know that its not the trikes its the operator that causes a wipe out. My trike has never got pissed at me and bucked me off? Maybe they should band horses?

Someone call Larry King and invite him to trike fest :beer

06-02-2006, 11:33 AM
Here is the letter I just sent. not my best work, but I know more will follow.

"I apologize if this is not under the correct topic. I saw several it would fit under. I am aware of how busy your office must be, but I feel a need to voice my opinion on yet another freedom that is being trampled on by those who “knows what is best “. I am an avid ATV enthusiast. I prefer the older three wheelers and I have a very respectable collection worthy of any showroom. The GSPC is trying once again to band these great machines. If that happens I know a domino effect will follow. I am aware there are injuries from irresponsible riders. But common sense must prevail at some point. A machine will not do anything the rider does not tell it to do. Blaming the machine for an injury or death is ridiculous. I will be leaving in late June to serve as an officer in my third branch of military. I serve to help keep this country free. So to have a group making ridiculous claims and preventing me from taking part in a activity I enjoy cuts me to the bone. What is the point in defending freedom if a group such as this can take it away because they feel they “know best”? They know nothing and should take responsibility for their decisions and stop blaming inanimate objects for their carelessness. I will gladly support any action taken to stop this injustice. Thank you for hearing my concerns. "

06-02-2006, 11:34 AM
Trike fest is in less than a week. We need media coverage there and lots of it. If we could get some attention with trike fest and the large amount of us that still have and ride trikes and also do it safely and responsibly that is our best defense. We all know that the cpsc has no clue to the truth and I think we need to let people know that its not the trikes its the operator that causes a wipe out. My trike has never got pissed at me and bucked me off? Maybe they should band horses?

Someone call Larry King and invite him to trike fest :beer

Don't forget the Rampage as well. From what I understand that has a bigger turn out. They should get in on this as well.

06-02-2006, 11:35 AM
OK geez... What a way to start my day. :rolleyes:

We definitely need a strategy here... writing to our reps is a good start, someone needs to write to CPSC also.

No way they can get away with making this ban, if so we will fight it all the way to the freaking supreme court.

EDIT: Nice job on the letter Lonesome... everyone needs to write one like that

06-02-2006, 11:39 AM
not knocking anyone here, but these letters need to be grammatically correct so we don't look bad

it is banned - not band

it is a ban or the action of being banned

a band is a rubber ring or a music making group of people

just wanted to make mention of this since I have seen it a number of times in this thread

I'll be the first to admit I am not the best speller - just wanted to clarify

06-02-2006, 11:40 AM
HEY 3wzforums and 3wheelerzone.com will help just tell us ut to do and i can write letters any thing needed !!! save our trikes!

06-02-2006, 11:48 AM
Okay, spell check did me wrong on that one. Then I over looked it.

06-02-2006, 11:58 AM
Hmm, I really don't see this as a problem for most. I could be wrong here but if your machine is not registered and you always ride on private land way the heck out in the boondocks how on earth will they ever know?

06-02-2006, 12:01 PM
Your trikefest is a great way to get exposure but I will warn you to not ride drunk or drugged and wear safety gear more than ever now.
That means helmets even if you ride a short distance on any size wheeler.
The anti's would love to get a pics of irresposibility.

06-02-2006, 12:01 PM
Hmm, I really don't see this as a problem for most. I could be wrong here but if your machine is not registered and you always ride on private land way the heck out in the boondocks how on earth will they ever know?
Yeah but what about us who ride on public land/trails? We will be screwed if this passes. Even if it does become a law, I have no intention of following it.

06-02-2006, 12:11 PM
Your trikefest is a great way to get exposure but I will warn you to not ride drunk or drugged and wear safety gear more than ever now.
That means helmets even if you ride a short distance on any size wheeler.
The anti's would love to get a pics of irresposibility.

I was thinking the same thing. The trikefest dvd I bought has footage of people riding with no helmet, one hand on the bars and the other on a beer. Not the best image to project in this kind of situation.

06-02-2006, 12:20 PM
I was thinking the same thing. The trikefest dvd I bought has footage of people riding with no helmet, one hand on the bars and the other on a beer. Not the best image to project in this kind of situation.

And as sad as it is, I would bet that one of these people already has a copy so that they can point and say "look at that!" to anyone and everyone nearby.

I wrote my Congressman the email below with links to both documents, so I really hope he takes the time to read them.

Congressman Lucas:

I am writing to inform you of a new proposal that could have a great effect on the tourism at Little Sahara State Park in Waynoka. The CPSC has taken on a renewed aggressive approach to three-wheeled ATVs and their usage. I'm sure you have heard about this proposal, but I felt it was necessary to send you links to the documents released by the CPSC. I firmly believe this is an infringement upon my rights. I have the right to own and ride three-wheeled ATVs at my leisure, and I also have the right to allow my nephews to ride them with me so that they will form a respect for their abilities to handle such machines and form lasting memories, too. Both of my nephews are old enough to ride, and the ATVs they ride are youth models, so I am not breaking any current laws. I grew up riding ATVs, both three and four-wheeled versions, and I always had proper adult supervision. I learned at an early age that if I was negligent while riding, I could be injured as a result. Education is the key to reducing the number of ATV related injuries and deaths, not knee-jerk reactions such as this. This education should not be limited to the youth riders, but moreover, be mostly aimed at their parents to counteract the tendency of many to view an ATV as a babysitter. If this proposal becomes law, it won't be long before they try to ban all youth ATVs, regardless of the number of wheels. Full-sized adult ATVs would possibly follow shortly thereafter. For fear of getting too emotionally charged over this issue, I will end by saying that the CPSC doesn't know what is best for me or my family, I do.

Thank you,

SPC Damon Sims
US Army



06-02-2006, 12:37 PM
the cspc needs to be concerned with something alot more important. One place where I ride I see so much stupidity by adults and kids. These people have no idea how to ride, the father buy a quad and the kids gets one, none of them know how to ride, both of them are all over the place on the track. I seen a few a accidents and I yelled at one parent who's kid had no business on the track and was cutting people off left and right. She yelled back at me with expressions of how can I talk because I was riding a banned and dangerous machine, and she refused to admit that her kid HAS to be watched and then her and the husband got on me about how much they paid. I did what anybody that actually cares about peoples safety does and I reported her to the office and she was kicked out not long after.
Three wheeled atv's are perectly safe, so are 4 wheeled ones, but why in 88 if 4 wheeled atv's were so safe did that year have the highest accident rate????? People need education and learn how to ride these bikes before they even remove them from the dealer. A video game like what used to be be around would be perect, just change the motorcycles to atv's and instead of race motorcycyles on the road, atv's on a track. Many buyers will fail and more training is needed before they can remove their bikes. People need to realize its all about education and training, first time atv buyers should have training mandatory. Even this won't stop about half the stupidity I see, as I see people flip utility atv's going slow as hell, they think its just like their car, just sit down and make yoursel comortable and turn the bars to turn. NO NO NO NO NO turn the bars and lean into the inside of the turn and you might have to adjust the amount of gas for the turn. Why is it that 3 wheelers are taking the light while the problem is with 4 wheelers making 50 horses and 700cc, this combined with their kids who are boughten too big of atv's with as little if not less unstanding how to ride. IS THIS FAIR???????? Put the blame where it belongs, trikes are such a small minority of the atv's used, but why are they being blamed and the real problem not being blamed??????

06-02-2006, 12:51 PM
What about dirt bikes, scooters, skateboards, roller blades and AUTOMOBILES along with all the other types of fun out there?

06-02-2006, 02:03 PM
I have honestly never understood how threewheelers were banned before dirt bikes....they might as well ban tricycles for kids if they are going to do it like that.

I know this rule may not apply to where I live in Canada, but I can not help but feel outragged by this. I will do whatever I can to help you guy, this is not fare to all of you who put so much time into the trikes you love.

06-02-2006, 03:18 PM
100 Percent BS, like stated above I can try and help even though im in nada. Anything you need I can try and find,

like said so many times, its the operator not the machine!


06-02-2006, 05:31 PM
Lemme know if you se anything that needs to be corrected. I reviewed it twice so it should be good to go

Congressman Santorum:
My Name is Nathan Carey. I am a Student of Tunkhannock Area High School and am an Active ATV rider, but I dont like just any ATV, I ride on 3 wheels. The CPSC is trying to pass legislation to where 3 wheeled ATV's "use" is banned. One direct quote from them states "The Commission finds that the public's need for three-wheeled ATVs (given the continued availability of four-wheeled ATVs) is small and that the effect of this rule on the cost, utility, and availability of three-wheeled ATVs will also be small." This however is quite untrue and on one website we have over 7,000 members and add many each day (at the end of this write-up is my sources for everything sir). Thousands of us feel that our right to even choose what we want to ride is trying to taken away. We are rallying other websites as well to join us in our fight, but we need help from higher people. That is why we are all writing to our Senators and Representatives to try and fight the injustice being put upon us. 20 years ago they stopped the manufacturing of the trike and yet to this day they have survived and we want them to comtinue to thrive. All that I am asking sir is that if this bill ever comes out of committee for a vote,that you ask for a committee to do an investigation into the "truth" which the CPSC likes to tell people. I ask of you to look at this issue with open eyes and see the real facts and truths. One of the many facts is that with manditory training courses longer than the finite time required now, people of all ages would be alot safer. There is no need to take anything away or to ban them, simple manditory training courses would safice. Thank You for your time.
Here is both parts of the CPSC report currently out http://www.cpsc.gov/LIBRARY/FOIA/FOIA06/brief/ATVpt1.pdf http://www.cpsc.gov/LIBRARY/FOIA/FOIA06/brief/ATVpt2.pdf

I have also sent a copy to our two Senators as well.

250r'en +TCB
06-02-2006, 06:14 PM
Wow this is pretty bad!!! I'll right a letter to my senator as well!!! We need to kick this thing in the teeth before it bites us.
I don't want to have to run from the trail patrol every time I hop on my 3 wheeler, it would get to be an annoyance......hahaha

Louis Mielke
06-02-2006, 06:22 PM
You know they make it sound like, it won't effect many people because they're not many out there....then why the need to ban them if they arn't many out thier. I half wonder if this will even be taken seriously. Freakin yuppies. bunch mothers sitting around who have nothing better to do than ponder what danger can we prevent next. GEEZE LETS FREAKIN BAN ALL METAL OBJECTS!!!! THAT"LL FIX IT!!! ARGGGH!!!

06-02-2006, 07:15 PM
CPSC is trying too put us all in straight jackets far as the atv atc riding goes. then next will be the riding area's as its not needed in their eyes! I agree and have said for yrs mandatory training and license. If they make it mandatory that any rider even on private ground under a certain age must have a certificate or liscense. this would solve 75% or more of the accidents they are trying too prevent. Indiana did a program similar with hunting liscenses and it has really dropped the amount of injuries caused by inexperience. I hated at first but after I took the course with a young'in then I realized how important this was and what a good idea. NOw if born after a certain date think its june of 1986 then you must have a certificate too hunt or participate in outdoor activities similar too hunting.this is what we need but on a national level so they can quit worring about us trikers Just my 2 cents Dale

jason 32
06-02-2006, 08:10 PM
yep i dont doubt it *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* the commy basterds!!!!!
like its there fault someone gets hurt !!!
try teaching instead of taking !!!
you can walk out side fall in a hole and get hurt !!
what next !!!

06-02-2006, 11:35 PM
im in for the fight against the cpsc....if we all work together we might be able to beat this thing!:TrikesOwn also couldnt we start with a online petition to go with the letters

06-03-2006, 01:43 AM
right when i finallly get a great trike, they want to take it away...how bout this...if your 400ex can beat my 250R, you win..lol

06-03-2006, 03:46 AM
hey if you read te whole thing, they aren't trying to take whats already there, just stop foreign markets from geting their 3 wheelers through to us. Including three wheeled golf carts.

06-03-2006, 05:23 AM
I always wondered why there is a group of people out there(cpsc) that actually go out and ban things for MY own good. I mean is it any of these peoples business what I do. Why do they care about us so much? They don't have any business trying to tell me what I can and can't do in my life. Wtf.

06-03-2006, 06:43 AM
Here's links to find who your congressman and senator are and send them a message. If we could get a standardized letter with correct grammar and professionally written, then it would be easy to copy and paste. Also if we could include in the signature part (REGISTERED VOTER) it might have a little more impact.

I'm talking friends, family and anyone else you can think of. With their PERMISSION of course.

Even if you have to use illegal immigrants names then go for it! (Jokingly)



06-03-2006, 06:56 AM
It is exactly like guns. You can't buy new TEC-9's anymore but if you own them, you can use them.
The thing that I am afraid of is there will be the possibility of banning the "use" of trikes on any federal land. National forest's, BLM lands.
And far as state owned land, federal govt can override state laws.
You can thank president Lincoln for that.

God bless that man.

88 Turbo Coupe
06-03-2006, 07:13 AM
Anyone know of a good ATV lobbying firm in the Washington DC area? It takes money to stop a bill from passing. And theres no guarantee.

06-03-2006, 08:42 AM
If you need a lobbyist , you could probably get Jack Abramoff pretty cheap these days.

06-03-2006, 10:53 AM
Everybody nees to write or call their senator or congressman, but focus on the main issue. What you say can do great damage if you are not smart about it. As somebody already mentioned, be respectful and use correct spelling and grammer. If you write like an inbred hick, your letter carries little weight. 2nd is its best to avoid mentioning your age if you are very young unless its helps make the case. In their eyes, your opinion doesnt matter if you cant vote. An example where using your age might be used - "I am 14 years old, 6'2" and weigh 210lbs and I feel that for me to be restricted to a 90cc quad is downright dangerous". Restrictions based on age make no sense, and recommendations should be based on rider body size and machine weight. If they were realistic, people might take them seriously. There is no data that supports child fatalities have anything to do with speed or engine size. Most involve a small child ending up under a very heavy machine, often at a very low rate of speed.
3rd NEVER, EVER Start attacking other forms of related off road riding, such as quads or dirt bikes. Believe me, CPSC would love to ban then all, and the last thing they need is YOU making the case for it. We need their help, and we wont get it by trying to use them as a decoy, which will not work anyways. The CPSC had enough manpower to attack all forms of offroading at the same time.
4th - "Incremetalism" Remember this word. Its how they work. Ban things a little at a time. They propose taking everything, you "compromise" and give them half, until they take enough halves to have it all. Especially those of you who "wouldnt mind" licensing, registrations, mandatory insurance, etc.
5th, concentrate on the flawed statiticstic. ATV accidents are rising only because the number of people using them has risen exponentially. The actual number of accidents per rider has steadily declined. These are old statitics but give you the idea. In 1990 150,000 new ATVs were sold. In 2001 825,000 new ATVs were sold. You would expect accidents to rise 660% during that time when in fact they had doubled. New staitistics Im sure can be found on internet searches. I cant remember the bicycle statictics, but I do remember that the number of peopel killed in one year on a bicycle was about the same as the last 20 years combined on ATVs.

06-03-2006, 12:37 PM
Very well said, Tim. It is very convenient that they leave all of the facts out to make ATVs look like the Devil created them. Another thought about the age thing. When you turn 16, you are given a Class C license, provided you can pass your driving test, and some states don't even give practical exams anymore, just written tests. I pulled this off of the Georgia DDS website:

Class C

Any single vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating not in excess of 26,000 pounds, any such vehicle towing a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating not in excess of 10,000 pounds, any such vehicle towing a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 10,000 pounds, provided that the combination of vehicles has a gross combined vehicle weight rating not in excess of 26,000 pounds, and any self-propelled or towed vehicle that is equipped to serve as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel purposes and is used solely as a family or personal conveyance.

Class D

Provisional license for Class C vehicles. May not operate between 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. During six-month period immediately following issuance of such license any Class D license holder shall not drive when any passenger in the vehicle is not a member of driver's immediate family. For the duration of the Class D, license holders shall not drive when more than three passengers in the vehicle are less than 21 years of age. (Members of the driver’s immediate family do not count).

As we all know, provisional licenses are given to 15 year-olds so they can get some experience behind the wheel before they can drive solo. So let's get this straight. A greenhorn 15 year-old could be behind the wheel of a vehicle that weighs up to 26000 pounds while driving 70mph on the highway during rush hour. It's pretty unlikely, but entirely possible. Even with adult supervision in such vehicle, it's very hard to make corrections from the passenger seat or get the driver to relax when a stressful situation arises. However, they are not allowed to operate an ATV that is much less a danger than a 26000 pound truck. We restrict them to small, cramped, and hopelessly under-powered ATVs because of a number on a piece of paper. :rolleyes:

I fit the description of the kids who can't physically fit on such small machines. I'm pretty tall at 6' 6", so I never fit any traditional youth ATVs. When I was 13, I started racing karts, and within weeks I was going up to 100mph on certain tracks. By 14, I was in a 125 shifter kart, and had already gone 145 every lap for one hour in a laydown kart at Lake Afton in Wichita, Kansas. Before I could legally drive on the streets, I was slinging an IMCA modified around a 1/2 mile dirt oval. Yet, by their laws, I would have been required to ride nothing bigger than a TRX90. I was 6' 2" when I was 15. Could you imagine how hard it would have been for me to ride that thing?! :crazy: I can guarantee that I would have had an accident because I wouldn't have been able to physically control it with confidence. I was simply too big. So what did I do? I rode an 87 TRX250R and knew what I was doing. I respected the fact that it could hurt and possibly kill me if I rode carelessly. The same goes for everything I have raced in competition. Roll cage and seatbelts or not, I could still die in a racecar. My father taught me to respect anything I ever rode on or in, and this is what all parents must do with their children. OEMs are not responsible for an ATV once it leaves a dealership, the parents are. They just don't want to deal with the responsibility because they are too busy with their jobs, watching TV, yacking on their cell phones, etc. Instead of actually being a parent, they allow themselves to first become victims of the "evil ATV," then become lawsuit-happy idiots trying to blame someone else for an accident rather than take responsibility for their negligence.

06-03-2006, 12:40 PM
2nd is its best to avoid mentioning your age if you are very young unless its helps make the case

That is why I mentioned my School. Our Representitive used to be on our school board till he hit it big. Figured it might get him to listen a little more.

westcoast TRI-Z
06-03-2006, 01:25 PM
Some things to keep in mind when writing a letter to your senator or congressman or what have you:

-You don't want to have a lengthy introduction.

-You want to get to the point.

-Try not to get off topic

-Avoid hasty generalizations: Have plenty of evidence before drawing conclusions.

-Avoid begging the question: Support your claim without restating it in different words.

-Avoid attacking your opponent (if you were to write to the CPSC): YOu want to attack the argument they're making and not their character

-Avoid assuming a false cause: Don't assume that one event caused another because it happened first. Use cause-and-effect reasoning correctly

-Avoid faulty analogies: Keep it apples to apples.

-Avoid illogical support:

And when writing your message you want to:

1.) Plan your message: Think about what it is you are going to write. Study your purpose. Analyze your audience and gather the information that will inform, persuade, or motivate them.

2.) Write your message: Once planned, you may begin to compose your first draft. Commit your thoughts to words, sentences, paragraphs. etc.

3.) Completing your message: Time for reveiew. Look at overall structure, style, and readability. Revise and rewrite until it comes accross clearly and effectively. Check for grammar, punctuation, spelling...etc.

Whew.......that was a lot, I thank my "Excellence in Business Communication: Sixth edition" book that I had to take a whole class in writing letters, messages, etc.

06-03-2006, 02:58 PM
Word is speading fast. My step dad said he heard about some kind of legislation that will be trying to ban three wheelers. Keep buggin your legislaters about it.

06-03-2006, 03:17 PM
if this passes what would happen anyway? would they try to find all trikes and take them away ior somthing? it aint like they know who has trikes and who dont.
sure ill be pissedbut they are not going to take my trike away with out a fight. i will literally shoot somebody if they try to take it.

06-03-2006, 03:24 PM
anone read this?http://www.consumerfed.org/releases2.cfm?filename=082002_CFA-NWTC_ATV_Release.txt

06-03-2006, 03:29 PM
Well that sure isnt cool, the government and all their people seem to think all of us are stupid, but then again i cant blame them, in this whole thing they seem to be focusing on how many children are injured or killed, maybe children shouldnt be riding trikes? maybe a little breeze would be alot safer, i remember about a year ago i had basically no riding experience, and the first real bike i rode was my brothers 85 350X, i could tell right off the bat that i had no business on that thing, it was very hard to control, and the fact that it had so much power made it hard for me not to ride it unsafely if you know what i mean, so then i bought my TRX400, i got good riding that much more stable machine, now riding the 350X is much more manageable, but it made me realize that the 350X wasnt just hard for me to ride because i had no experience, it made me realize that even with experience its still a harder to manage machine, if i had kids, they'd be on 4 wheelers, and for now on whenever anyone gets hurt on a 3 wheeler and you have to go to the hospital, tell them that you hurt yourself on a 4 wheeler, these 3 wheeler accidents have to stop getting reported if we have any chance here, because we have to admit your more likely to eat it on a 3 wheeler.


06-03-2006, 03:40 PM
Hey after reading up on that link, their saying 4 wheelers are the cause of todays problems, so why are they picking on 3 wheelers? this also makes me feel like maybe we're bringing this onto our selves, most people i talk to talk about going out riding and getting hurt almost everytime, everyones got these stories, and they all happen when people are being careless or maybe thinking they are being careful but still riding harder and faster than they are 100 percent sure they can, i go out to Glamis and Mammoth Wash everyday sometimes, i ride fast, and i do have to say, ive never hurt my self, and i now ignore people when they say if you dont eat it then your not riding hard enough or your not a real rider till you eat it, because these people and i race thru open desert, i keep up all the time, and often they eat it, trying to go that little tiny fraction faster than im goin, inorder to show me up, but its that fraction faster that gets them hurt, because im riding as fast as safe, and anything more causes an accident, these things are like guns, guns dont kill people, people kill people, its not the atv, its the rider, its the riders ego and the riders want to push it further, but you know how it is when someone wants to take things too far, it ruins it for everyone

06-03-2006, 03:48 PM
Im a little confused are they trying to pass a law for three wheeled atvs to be confinscated or so they can no longer be produce period if the companys wanted to make them again.

06-03-2006, 03:50 PM
i agree with you all the way. they should be picking on 4 wheelers if that is thetre problem. i ride like theres no tomorrow. if i wreck and get hurt or killed i did it having fun. thats the way i think about anything.

06-03-2006, 03:58 PM
hey im been ridin since i was like what?? 6?? ive never wrecked!!!!!!! so its these idiots who think ohh ots just an atc 70 i wont get hurt ..come on *Edited* could get on it and it explodes ..*Edited* got hurt didnt ya? ok these parents are arseholes! lettin a 10 yearold ride a 250r or something

06-03-2006, 04:23 PM
i was ridin a big red 250 when i was 5 and a 200x when i was like 7. i never wrecked either of those.

06-03-2006, 04:27 PM
now come on i bet the parents of those kids who were killed didnt even no how to start one much less ride one

06-03-2006, 04:28 PM
probly not

06-03-2006, 04:29 PM
my parents cant even start my ATC 110 lol

Billy Golightly
06-03-2006, 06:25 PM

It has recently come to my attention that the Consumer Product Safety Commission has launched an all out attack on ATVs and the manufactures on the grounds of “increased injuries and deaths”. I’ve browsed documents from the CPSC that include plans to make the use of older three-wheel ATVs “prohibited”. As a long time off-road rider and ATV enthusiast I find this very troubling. Everyone that makes the choice to participate in a hobby or sport understands the risks involved. Whether it is horseback riding, ATVing, or boating. I personally have the opportunity to choose whether I can ride a four wheel, or three-wheel ATV and I prefer the three-wheeler. There are many people like myself that prefer the three-wheel ATV for nostalgic purposes, or the simplicity compared to today’s modern machines.

I do not believe three-wheel ATVs pose any type of inherent danger to the operator. I’ve operated over a dozen different ATVs for the last 15 years and have never had an injury that could be attributed to the machine or its design. The CPSC claims that the impact of prohibiting the use of three-wheel ATVs would be small and insignificant. If this is true, then why is it important that their use be prohibited? In addition to that, the CPSC claims that ATV injuries as a whole have risen drastically since the early 1990’s. What they do not account for is the huge amount of volume the industry sells now, totaling nearly a million units a year compared to just over a 100,000 a year in past times.

I am a strong opponent of the government or one of its entities forcing me to watch out for my self. Three-wheel ATVs and ATVs in general are an important part of my life. I ride them for recreation and also participate in organized competition with other riders occasionally. I believe every person deserves the ability and respect from the Government to make their own personal choices and decisions as long as it does not have a negative effect on other people. Operating a three-wheel ATV within your own skill abilities does not pose a risk or negative effect to the operator or other people.

Please take the time to review this issue. As a registered voter it is important to me that personal freedoms, even one as small as this, are not needlessly taken away.

Billy Golightly

I havent sent it yet, does that look good? If anyone wants to copy it feel free to.

06-03-2006, 06:33 PM
Looks very good, professional and I didnt spot any errors.

06-03-2006, 06:36 PM
It does look good.

Billy Golightly
06-03-2006, 06:52 PM
Just got done emailing that to my senators and state reps.

Russell 350X
06-03-2006, 11:55 PM
Billy that looks great, hopefully it helps, make em change their minds somewhat.

06-04-2006, 12:03 AM
i sent it to our rep here in fl

06-04-2006, 05:40 AM
That was Billy's letter :wondering :rolleyes:

He said people could copy it.

06-04-2006, 05:46 AM
lmao, oops. Go ahead team-red-rider :beer heh

06-04-2006, 09:32 AM
its all cool *Edited* didnt know =]

06-04-2006, 11:45 AM
Read the first paragraph on page 14. They're concerned about the possible reintroduction of new 3 wheelers from overseas.That's what they're trying to head off.. Nowhere does it say anything about banning the use. They're not going to come and get your machine.

They got something right in regards to youth machines. They propose doing away with engine size limitations and instead going with speed limitations for each age group. They recognize that kids can be to large for machines under current rules, making for a more dangerous situation. They mention machines being underpowered for climbing hills.

You can't read this document when you're mad; you're just going to see what you expect them to say.

06-04-2006, 11:54 AM
can you post that part?

06-04-2006, 11:55 AM
The CPSC is only trying to help us. After all they are all experts and know what's best.

06-04-2006, 12:20 PM
The CPSC is only trying to help us. After all they are all experts and know what's best.
Hey, who's side are you on man? :rolleyes:

They're concerned about the possible reintroduction of new 3 wheelers from overseas.That's what they're trying to head off.. Nowhere does it say anything about banning the use. They're not going to come and get your machine.

Even if so... like someone said before... they will take one little victory at a time, even though a particular issue might seem irrelevant to us, we can't allow them to have any victories no matter how small. They must be stopped, no compromises, plain and simple.

06-04-2006, 12:21 PM
lol lmao lmfao....the cpsc are a bunch of crybaby parents theyre trying to protectus from our own sleves

06-04-2006, 12:24 PM
Lol........ ;) :TrikesOwn

06-04-2006, 12:28 PM
I havent sent it yet, does that look good? If anyone wants to copy it feel free to.

That is very well written and very logical and intelligently expressed. For those who areent sure what to say, I suggest copying this one, cutting out or altering details that make it reflect your own personal situation and perspective.

06-04-2006, 01:08 PM
The CPSC is just one more government agency that is trying to justify its existence and gather power to itself. What was once a watchdog group designed to thwart compamies from selling faulty equipment to a trusting consumer has turned into a nanny organization that goes on crusades influenced by personal agendas. They now want to regulate THE CONSUMER. Notice in all of their data on this new push against ALL ATVs, they cite the incidents of death/injury, not caused by mechanical failure, inferior workmanship or faulty design. No, they are all caused BY THE CONSUMER using perfectly good equipment improperly. The focus of the new crusade is not aimed at regulating any product, but squarely at REGULATING YOU.

When you step back and look at the real world effect of the CPSC, it has been to keep idiots in the gene pool, who would have otherwise killed themselves off before breeding. 'Personal responsibility' is a term you will never hear from the CPSC. That is a term that puts nanny organizations out of business.

06-04-2006, 01:14 PM
the cpsc should be assinated!

Billy Golightly
06-05-2006, 01:23 PM
bumpity bump

06-06-2006, 06:37 PM
bumpity bump

Maybe this should be a sticky..... or maybe we ought to put some info about it on the main page??? Like those links to write your congressman etc. I thinkthere are some people that go to the site and not to the forums and vice versa... ought to cover both bases.

Great.... the Showgirl and my R are registered in NYS. Are they going to come and ask me where they are and cart them off? I think NOT.

06-06-2006, 06:51 PM
If this somehoe gets passed, it will be official calling to head on up to Canada.

06-12-2006, 08:12 PM
Okay, so what all as been done since we all have been gone?

06-12-2006, 08:20 PM
is it just me or is everyone else failing to see where the president is involved in this?

06-12-2006, 08:23 PM
Hey, who's side are you on man? :rolleyes:

i think the sarcasim escaped you

06-12-2006, 08:40 PM
Wow. I was missing like two pages when I went through here before.

250r'en +TCB
06-12-2006, 09:20 PM
is it just me or is everyone else failing to see where the president is involved in this?
President Bush???? WTF???? We don't take kindly to liberals round here boy!!! lol funny but true......

Anyway yeah lets get an update on this!!! I say you post this on the homepage!!!!!

06-12-2006, 10:25 PM
is it just me or is everyone else failing to see where the president is involved in this?

No, its not you, beacuse I fail to see where the president is involved. The CPSC makes recommendations to congree. Congress passes laws. The president either signs them or vetos them. Thats the way that works. I have not heard the current president ever request congress pass any ATV legislation for him to sign, and the president does not advise the CPSC. CPSC is the advisory body. If you can give some factual documented examples as to how the president is involved, Ill be happy to listen, but if its a bunch of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, you should probably go back to watching Michael Moore movies. I think the president has greater concerns than 3 wheelers right now.

06-12-2006, 10:32 PM
I think the president has greater concerns than 3 wheelers right now.

So should the CPSC :crazy:

Makes my blood boil that 20 years later they just cant let it go...People can legally not wear a helmet on a street bike in PA but I cant gear up and ride my three wheeler (as they would like to have it) Makes no sense

06-12-2006, 10:33 PM
lol they fork me up 1000 bucks for my ytm200ek and they can take it away and ill help lol.... but thats gay they cant possibly do that crap to a fellow rider just because of one more tire!! complete bull

06-12-2006, 10:43 PM

What all have you all been doing about it?

06-13-2006, 02:03 AM
People can legally not wear a helmet on a street bike in PA


06-13-2006, 07:40 AM
There is an easy way for the CPSC to get past this "hurdle" they are facing - and it's so stinking obvious (but for them nothing is obvious because they are a bunch of 1-sided thinkers who are easily swayed by money weilding lobbists):

The answer..............Survey Says:


The government wouldn't take a soldier on his first day of training camp and hand him a missle launcher would they - my God no. So why is it that the government finds it so hard to accept the fact that if you give someone who has only ridden 4 wheeled ATV's (or has no ATV experience) a 3 wheeler, chances are they will tip it over. The extent of the injury is normally in direct conjunction with the rate of speed the inexperienced rider is going when said rollover occurs.

How can they expect manufacturers to be held responisble for the end users stupidy?

If they really want to make a differnece, they would follow these easy guidelines:

#1 manditory training and educational guidelines. - Parents should not be able to purchase any ATV for their children without passing a written exam including risks and training for training their kids. This puts a thought into the parents head before sending Junior on his way. Like mentioned in other posts - tons of parents out there know nothing about ATV's and have never ridden them, but just go out and buy their kids ATV's and turn them loose - the old Babysitter Theory as it was put in a previous post.

#2 - once the parents pass the guidelines, put the kids thru a rigerous 40 hour training coarse - including all riding aspects - not just a 4 hour "ride this coarse and you will be deemed safe".

#3 - a test should be taken just like state drivers license. You should take it on YOUR own ATV - that way idiots that can't ride 3 wheelers, will not be given the oppertunity to do so. The problem now becomes enforcement. How could all of this be enforced. Here's an idea - take all of the freaking DCNR and game wardens that are so busy writting people tickets for not picking up used rifle casings or used toilet paper and make them patrol public and private grounds for licensed ATV drivers. If you are not licensed and are caught riding an ATV - it's impounded!!!

This may sound harsh, but think about the aspects of what would happen:

A - most of us here have years of experience riding ATC's - we could pass the tests with flying colors and be on our happy way - hopefully on federally funded trail systems.

B - the kids that don't know the basics get taught the right way with a lot less scars and injuries and deaths - becasue the yknow how to ride now.

C - the scofflaws no longer have their ATVs to ride.

Sure it may sound a little off center and extreme, but isn't it better than them taking away our beloved atc's - OUR PASSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!
A good set of guidelines needs to be pushed right back at the CPSC

Put someone with a half of brain in office and we'll go places.

I like the idea, but who is gonna pay for it? Government? Dealer? Manufacturers? Nope WE ARE!!!

06-13-2006, 08:01 AM
No, its not you, beacuse I fail to see where the president is involved. The CPSC makes recommendations to congree. Congress passes laws. The president either signs them or vetos them. Thats the way that works. I have not heard the current president ever request congress pass any ATV legislation for him to sign, and the president does not advise the CPSC. CPSC is the advisory body. If you can give some factual documented examples as to how the president is involved, Ill be happy to listen, but if its a bunch of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, you should probably go back to watching Michael Moore movies. I think the president has greater concerns than 3 wheelers right now.

He may not be involved now, but if he were to veto this "law" wouldn't that involved him???

Damn government and its system of checks and balances huh?

06-15-2006, 02:52 PM
Checking in to see who all have written there state reprsentatives. It has to start some where. Are there any updates?

06-15-2006, 09:40 PM
I am writing to the CPSC directly

06-15-2006, 09:59 PM
i just emailed them 2!

06-15-2006, 10:54 PM
I see the consumer products stipidity commision is at it again. I say dirwheels should republish their shoot-out of the big red vs a office chair. They will have to take me out in body bag if they try to take my trikes

06-16-2006, 09:43 AM
i just emailed them 2!

I hope your concerns will not fall on deaf ears.

06-16-2006, 09:44 AM
I see the consumer products stipidity commision is at it again. I say dirwheels should republish their shoot-out of the big red vs a office chain. They will have to take me out in body bag if they try to take my trikes

Hey, there is an idea. Let's all contact the ATV magazines!

06-16-2006, 09:46 AM
k lets go for it

06-16-2006, 09:48 AM
How many magazines are there? What would be the best way to track down thier contact information and post it all here?

06-16-2006, 10:01 AM
well most sites have a cintact us box no enail addresses

Billy Golightly
06-16-2006, 12:34 PM
I've wrote my represenatives, and congressmen. I've also wrote some ltters to Dirtwheels and ATVSport. More cant hurt though.

06-16-2006, 12:46 PM
Imagine what kind of attention this subject will get if the magazines are written by all the mebers of 3WW.

If some one who is good at finding things can post all the contact information, I bet the motivation to contact them will grow a bit.

06-16-2006, 03:32 PM
ill do what ever it takes!

06-16-2006, 03:41 PM
If you can find and post that information, then the rest of us can start flooding them. I would do it, but I am not very good at locating information via the internet.

06-16-2006, 03:43 PM
ok ill try

06-16-2006, 04:02 PM
ATVSport mag: http://www.atvsport.com/

06-17-2006, 11:20 PM
No so "land of the free" at the moment eh fellas?

I can understand why the CSPC is getting onto these cheap imports as there are some suspect quality machines out there, but it seems to be at the expense of some of your basic freedoms.

Let me get this straight. In some states you can, for example: carry guns around with you, not wear a helmet on a motorcycle, Buy a five hundred horsepower car for the road, watch porn and go to strip clubs, and have a road registered Harley Trike. All in the name of FREEDOM. But your not allowed to own or operate an off road three wheeler. Ha Ha, that is funny.

I just can't see why ATV safety issues arn't left to the users to regulate. The ATV industry, riders and users should be able to determine what is best practice. Not some "seemingly uninformed biased" arbitory commitee who have no concept of what they are regulating against.

At least they're not trying to fit roll over protection to your ATV's just yet. This has been suggested buy some clown here in Australia. You obviously have twits like that in your CSPC.

I wish you guys all the luck in getting some sense into your CSPC/law makers.

I'm sure at one time in the history of the world, people could actually dertermine what they considered safe practices for themselves and their families without government intervention. That time is not now apparently!

06-19-2006, 09:10 AM
Agreed OZ

Thanks Team Red. I'll be sending some emails to them shortly.

Billy Golightly
06-22-2006, 05:47 PM
I received this generic response from one of my letters today:

Dear Friend:

Thank you for contacting me regarding safety and availability of ATV's. I appreciate your taking the time to be involved and informed about matters important to Florida and our nation.

Please know that I will keep your views in mind if this issue is considered before the Senate. If you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.

P.S. From time to time, I compile electronic news briefs highlighting key issues and hot topics of particular importance to Floridians. If you'd like to receive these e-briefs, visit my Web site and sign up for them at http://billnelson.senate.gov/news/ebriefs.cfm

wheelie king
06-22-2006, 06:05 PM
Wow, Billy-

I bet that response made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I got the impression that he really cares about your concern. So genuine!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Billy Golightly
06-22-2006, 07:36 PM
Yeah no kidding. Ithink thats the equivelent of him saying "Thanks for the email, I'm gonna file that right down here with the Extraterrestial conspiracy theories" :rolleyes:

06-22-2006, 10:28 PM
I spoke with the CPSC on June 16th. They had a discussion about ATV's but did not make any decision about it yet. I would call them directly if I were you to voice your opinion.

Chairman Hal Stratton 301-504-7900
Vice Chairman Nancy Nord 301-504-7901

They are in Maryland. I called and left a message. They called me back within 1 hour. I say we all call them!!!!

06-22-2006, 10:34 PM
I spoke with the CPSC on June 16th. They had a discussion about ATV's but did not make any decision about it yet. I would call them directly if I were you to voice your opinion.

Chairman Hal Stratton 301-504-7900
Vice Chairman Nancy Nord 301-504-7901

They are in Maryland. I called and left a message. They called me back within 1 hour. I say we all call them!!!!

Now we're talkin!

06-22-2006, 10:47 PM
Now there is an idea. We should all have a little saying to tell them over the phone:Bounce

Billy Golightly
06-22-2006, 10:51 PM
Now there is an idea. We should all have a little saying to tell them over the phone:Bounce

How about this one? :TrikesOwn

06-22-2006, 11:15 PM

Anyone on here google CPSC? You wont beleive some of the bizzar stuff that comes up... :lol:

06-23-2006, 10:15 AM
i talked top the CPSC today they gave me this phone number to call and make complaints/oppinions

06-24-2006, 12:18 AM
We should call them with a conference call with like all the member from the trike sites.

06-24-2006, 01:52 AM
well all l have to say is #UCK THEM. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-24-2006, 11:26 AM
Ok guys, I'd love to call but what do we tell them? "Don't take our trikes" is a nice sentiment, but I don't know if it gets us anywhere. If we come off like a bunch of hayseeds we may well justify their feeling that we're not smart enough to decide for ourselves and they need to protect us from our own stupidity.

I welcome any discussion on this because I am by no means the most well informed rider on the board, but here are my thoughts:

1. Assuming the CPSC's decision is not yet finalized, we may yet be able to affect the outcome with phone calls and letters. However, we have to have some coherent argument.

2. Does anyone have any hard facts that 3-wheelers are NOT inherently more dangerous (as in likely to roll) than quads? I had always assumed that the "dangers" were based on real statistical fact. Me and the friends I ride with have just made the decision that we're adults and can make our own decisions, and ride with this in mind. If there's evidence to the contrary, let's bring it out!

3. I say let them ban new incoming trikes. They're poor quality Chinese junk anyway, and likely to increase the chances of another complete ban down the road. Then they feel like they've done their jobs and protected us.

4. What about an exemption for existing trikes in the category of "classic" vehicles? Classic cars get all kinds of exemptions from safety and emissions laws because they're collectors. Well, most of our trikes are clearly collectors! I think this is our strongest point of appeal.

5. This part is a little bit off-subject, but it effects many of us. I put my 5-year-old on a quad (yeah, one of those Chinsese junk ones, heh heh) because I wanted to get him something new. I have since seen him put it on two wheels and realized that he would have been fine on an ATC70. But I digress. I was thinking about the recommendations on kids quads. They have these tiers for kids ATV's where the ones in the youngest group will be hard wired to only go 10mph, then 15mph, and the top tier being a mere 30mph. Wouldn't this require the machines to be significantly underpowered to climb hills and get out of ruts or mud? So what would we do to avoid this? Many parents are going to put their kids on bigger quads meant for adults to avoid the regulated underpowered quads. The funny thing about this is that the news reports I've seen or read about kids getting killed on quads is ALWAYS due to one of two factors: not wearing a helmet, or a kid riding an ATV that is too big for them. So in trying to protect us from ourselves, I suspect they'll outthink themselves and end up getting MORE kids hurt.

I think these are the things that need to be discussed if we have any chance of affecting the CSPC's decision. And feel free to disagree with me, I was just expressing my initial thought on the subject.

Russell 350X
06-24-2006, 11:45 AM
Thats not a bad idea. A bunch of us should call them and discuss this issue. Mabey even get a conference set up like someone said before?

Billy Golightly
06-24-2006, 12:02 PM
I like the fact that a dirtbike wont even stand up on its own and a trike will. Cant see how that makes the trike more unstable.

06-24-2006, 04:26 PM
You're right. Wouldn't it be cool to see a statistical comparison between dirtbike "tipovers" and trike "rollovers", with the emphasis on the dirtbike having "only two wheels" and therefore being inherently unstable? I'm not picking on dirtbikes, so don't flame me anyone, I'm just illustrating the ridiculous nature of their core argument: "Three wheels is less stable than four and more likely to roll over". Well, duh. So therefore two wheels are less stable than three and by the CPSC's logic, should be banned as well.

I probably shouldn't give them ideas....

06-24-2006, 08:14 PM
In a corner, a trike IS more unstable than a motorcycle. Don't call them with a silly argument like that. The real crux of the issue is owner responsibility (and that goes for all atv's, not just trikes). Focus your effort on convincing them that the answer to the problem is in education, not legislation.

06-24-2006, 08:21 PM
Hahha guys I love my trikes as much as the next man, believe me, but you don't want to compare them in stability to bikes. It's true a bike won't stand up on it's own, but there is no way in hell a trike is as stable once a person is actually riding it as a bike is, this is especially true on hill climbs for instance, I've ridden both, and I can gurantee you 100 percent that bikes are safer on hillclimbs first of all ruts and off camber situations pose less of a problem because you don't have one or the other rear wheel lifting, and 2ndly, if you can't make it up, it's far better to lay a bike over on it's side than to get tangled up in a trike or quad. The same can be said for jumping, there is no possible argument to say a trike is more stable than a bike or a quad in the air, of course all of these things are what makes trikes FUN to ride in the first place, haha any fool can show out on a quad and land all out of shape on a jump and get away with it, but you better have your ducks in a row on a trike, at any rate I figure the cpsc has done testing on bikes as well, but who knows maybe that is someting that needs to be asked of them, and see what their findings are on the matter.

Billy Golightly
06-24-2006, 08:31 PM
In a corner, a trike IS more unstable than a motorcycle. Don't call them with a silly argument like that. The real crux of the issue is owner responsibility (and that goes for all atv's, not just trikes). Focus your effort on convincing them that the answer to the problem is in education, not legislation.

I'm sorry dammit, but are you shittin me? How many times have you had the back tire kick out from under you when your really hitting a corner that isn't banked? Hell you cant even REALLY make a dirtbike turn fast if there isn't something for the outside edge of the tire to grip on. Theres no way I can be made to believe that on flat ground a dirtbike and trike both entering a corner at same high rate of speed making a tight radius turn that the dirtbike is more stable.

With that being said, I dont think anyone should focus on trikes being safter more stable whatever then other types of recreational vehicles. The points should be made that nearly all the injuries or deaths incurred were from unexperienced riders and a lack of supervision from parents, the use of alcohol and drugs, or just general carelessness from the rider. You dont turn out a 16 year old kid on the road with a high powered vehicle with no super vision from an adult, and you probably shouldn't do it even WITH the supervision of an adult. This whole thing is about personal responsibility which is lacking in the world today. The trike will not hurt you unless YOU MAKE IT.

And for those saying, oh yeah no biggie with the chinese knock offs being banned I have this to say. If they do that, it only makes it easier for anyone to come back and say "Oh hey, look, they did go ahead and get rid of those. Maybe we ought to go ahead and get rid of the old ones too while we're at it." In all the doccuments I've seen and read, I've seen not a single word or sentance singling out "todays trikes" from yesterdays. The way they have everything worded could be applied to everything we ride without any issues at all. TimSr preaches the issues and problems of incrementalism, where small things are chipped away little by little until you have nothing left. This is a core issue and it will eventually happen unless something is done about it.

06-24-2006, 08:35 PM
The CPSC isn't going to mess with dirtbikes because they fall under the umbrella of motorcycles in general. ALL the biker's associations will fight them. It's much easier for them to pick on the little guy. By comparison, ATV enthusiasts don't have anywhere near the ability to put up the kind of fight the bikers can because they don't have the same level of organization and legal precendence. Trikes? Forget it. We're a meaningless demographic to them.

The worst thing anyone can do is contact these people and try to convine them that trikes are less dangerous than x, y or z. It will fall on deaf ears. It's about freedom and responsibility and nothing more in my opinion. I don't want them taking away my rights because of the mistakes of other people. I ride my trikes responsibly and safely. Nobody has ever been injured due to my negligence. I accept the fact that a trike is less stable than other types of machines and that is my choice to make.

There's bigger issues at stake than just trikes so don't make it an "us versus them" situation. If the off-roading community as a whole doesn't get it together and fight this kind of crap we're going to end up with mandatory insurance, licensing, less public land to ride on, more types of vehicles being banned and God knows what else.

06-24-2006, 08:51 PM
I'm sorry dammit, but are you shittin me? How many times have you had the back tire kick out from under you when your really hitting a corner that isn't banked? Hell you cant even REALLY make a dirtbike turn fast if there isn't something for the outside edge of the tire to grip on. Theres no way I can be made to believe that on flat ground a dirtbike and trike both entering a corner at same high rate of speed making a tight radius turn that the dirtbike is more stable.

I can counter that argument real easily and the only reason I do is because THEY will.

Two inexperienced riders. One on a trike. One on a bike. Slow corner. It's a natural instinct to just lean the bike and go around a corner like you would on a bicycle. No big deal. The same thing on a trike requires more body english to keep the trike from getting tippy and most people don't learn to do a full lean and slide for a while (hell some people never learn that). Lets not forget the average Joe's instinct to put down their foot either. Remember who you're talking to. They picture little kids doing this stuff on typical type machines, not skilled adults on race trikes.

To drive it home further, try cornering a bike on pavement, then do it on a trike. There's no comparison.

Even more, assuming both do crash, who is more likely to be hurt in that type of common accident?

This is why these guys shouldn't call them with that kind of argument.

And by the way, I used to ride dirtbikes a LOT when I was growing up and a lot of the guys I'd ride my trikes with were on bikes, not three wheelers. They can corner just fine, trust me. It took a hell of a lot of effort to keep up with those guys on MX bikes on a 200x, corners included. :beer

06-25-2006, 03:19 AM
Dammit, I think you misunderstood me. I wasn't suggesting that anyone call with an argument that trikes aren't more unstable, or to compare them to bikes. That was just a jab at them to illustrate the fallacy of their attempt to protect the public from anything that might be dangerous. But you and others have said it. What we want is freedom to make the choice and take the risks for ourselves, and not have the CPSC put away all the sharp objects so we can't hurt ourselves. Is that an argument that can be made? I dunno, but I doubt it.

06-25-2006, 10:22 AM
No they don't want to hear arguments about freedom of choice regarding anything such as that, the helmet laws and seatbelt laws alone prove that. I get mad as hell when I hear click it or ticket commercials on the radio, we are going to save lives blah blah, no they want to make a quick buck. Maybe we need a special high risk registration sticker or something for trikes, if their pockets were getting lined they would probably let it alone hahahhha.

06-25-2006, 11:21 AM
This may sound weird, but about the motorcycle / ATV argument, I thought I read somewhere that the CPSC has no control over 2 wheeled bikes, automobiles nor watercraft so they don't get involved with dirtbikes or jetskis.

Oh, this morning, the CPSC was "advertising" what people should think again. They put a segement on Good Morning America condenming ATV's and showing video of 10 year old kids on 700 lb utility ATVs. That is simply stupid partents that will cry bloody hell if something went wrong......"here little Johnny, go take these M-80's & matches and play in the back yard..."

Anyway, they were all factual when discussing the issue, but put a somber sounding, emoting violin soundtrack on when they were telling the story of the kid that was killed on an ATV. Way to sway public opinion.

06-25-2006, 12:05 PM
but put a somber sounding, emoting violin soundtrack on when they were telling the story of the kid that was killed on an ATV. Way to sway public opinion.

The media uses little tricks like that to dramatize things all the time. The sad part is that it usually works on the sheep out there.

And yeah, don't get me started on the click it or ticket BS. The insurance companies are the ones responsible for that. They're lobbyists got that law passed not to save lives, but to save money on insurance claims.

07-21-2006, 08:54 AM
Wow I actually just got a letter back from my senator on the matter

07-21-2006, 09:35 AM
can't read it. what's it say?

07-21-2006, 09:47 AM
I dont know if you guys have noticed, but around here WE HAVE THREE WHEELERS THAT STAND 20FT TALL! they are lime spreader trucks with three wheels and there street liegal!! they go up and down my road day after day about 50 mph! they take up almost the whole freaking road, they drive right through the towns and everything, This is the biggest thrtee wheeler ever, even if its comercial its still a three wheeler non the less and one that is street liegal, boy I bet if the farmers cought wind of this they would F' the cpsc up! I remeber when i was a kid when all this went down, a freind of mine had a atc 110 and was riding it on his property and the cops came out and said that he couldnt ride it any more ( *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**E dited* ass cops) then his dad got rid of it and we didnt have any thing to ride then, we grew up riding three wheelers nobody can take our right to ride what we choose to ride, what about motorcycle trike conversions? I see a crazy amount of goldwings and harleys on the road with trike conversions, hell I even have three wheeler liscence (X on georgia liscense) wtf!? why would they still have that?:mad:

07-21-2006, 11:10 AM
I remeber when i was a kid when all this went down, a freind of mine had a atc 110 and was riding it on his property and the cops came out and said that he couldnt ride it any more

This was never the law (not being allowed to ride them) - why would the cops do that?????? - Are you sure about that?

07-21-2006, 11:59 AM
can't read it. what's it say?

click on it and it blows up, its saved as a pic.

07-21-2006, 05:13 PM
yes that really happend, what I think went down is some crooked cops just wanted to mess with some kids, we were living in the city at the time (Chicago) and had an acre to play on, I was 8 when it happend, perfectly clear, we were in his back yard and the cops kept driving by finally they pilled in and my freinds dad came out and they told hime that htree wheelers were illegal now and that we had to get off of it or they were going to take it, my freind started crying, It sucked, they were just bad cops, probabalyu wanted it for there kid or something, well that hung with me for a long time and i never saw any more three wheelers any more, so i thought it was true, till i moved down here to south ga, and they were everywhere! and i ended up getting a 200 m 84 or something model, never really got the full story till now, thanks guys

07-21-2006, 05:13 PM
yes that really happend, what I think went down is some crooked cops just wanted to mess with some kids, we were living in the city at the time (Chicago) and had an acre to play on, I was 8 when it happend, perfectly clear, we were in his back yard and the cops kept driving by finally they pilled in and my freinds dad came out and they told hime that htree wheelers were illegal now and that we had to get off of it or they were going to take it, my freind started crying, It sucked, they were just bad cops, probabalyu wanted it for there kid or something, well that hung with me for a long time and i never saw any more three wheelers any more, so i thought it was true, till i moved down here to south ga, and they were everywhere! and i ended up getting a 200 m 84 or something model, never really got the full story till now, thanks guys

07-21-2006, 07:30 PM
Alot of people thought that when the ban went into effect that they were illegal and they put them in storage. Thats how alot of these Mint trikes get on ebay.

07-22-2006, 09:13 AM
You blokes have to stop arguing amongst yourselfs and start drowning your politicians and the CSPC in letters and emails.

They are infringing on your rights in the pretence of safety.

Trikes can rollover in some situations, so can quads, so can tractors, and 4WDs, and cars, and snow mobiles. Motorbikes can slideout and riders can fall off them just like on rollerskates, and skatebords. Everything out there that uses wheels to move has the potential to fall over and riders have the potential to fall off.

Thats is why you have to learn how to operate/ride them, that is why you should wear a helmet. I don't understand why your CSPC is targeting you trike guys?

09-18-2006, 03:08 PM
whats the news any one hear anything new yet?

09-18-2006, 05:57 PM
I'm just now reading this thread.

If we could come up with a common paragraph or complaint with some stats in it, I would call them everyday on the way home from work. Maybe death #'s by chainsaws or weedeater or drinking drano or something.


09-18-2006, 06:32 PM
I would call them everyday on the way home from work. Maybe death #'s by chainsaws or weedeater or drinking drano or something.


I like the sound of that.

I am definently ready to take some sort of responsible action. I am going to draft up a letter some time soon. Other stats to include is a good idea.

Billy Golightly
09-18-2006, 06:42 PM
I have not heard anymore about this, I think whatever they were going to do they've already done.