View Full Version : 350X wont rev up

05-31-2006, 04:16 AM
Hey everyone, ive had this in here before but its still a problem, i have a 86 350X and it starts fine but wont rev at all, ive determined its not the carb, its not the coil, or the cdi which i had originally thought it may have been, replaced it and it didnt help, so now im down to thinking its got to be the stator or the timing pick up, problem is i cannon locate the parts, how hard is it to get parts for these 350Xs? im having lots of problems, does anyone know where i can get parts for this bike, aftermarket or something? Or does anyone maybe know if any of these parts can be cross referenced to a bike with a more plentiful supply of parts? I know this maybe the situation but i have to admit, its basically terrifying to think parts arnt available anywhere, do we just ride our trikes and hope something doesnt quit that isnt availble? And wait till that ominous day comes?


05-31-2006, 05:08 AM
are you 100% positive that your jets are not clogged. please be more specific and tell us what it does when you hit the gas. does it bogg out and want to die? sounds like a simple glogged jet.

05-31-2006, 10:23 AM
Check your throttle...if its not the carb and wont rev up At All, then maybe its the throttle..

Billy Golightly
05-31-2006, 10:40 AM
On the simple side of things, Check the throttle cable and the thumb throttle to make sure your carb slide is opening all the way. Its easy to check with it off the the intake and airbox boot. Check to make sure you dont have a clogged airfilter, remove it and see if it runs better. Ensure you do not have a clogged exhaust via dirt dobbers/rat nests/ ect Try removing the silencer and seeing if it revs any better. It will be louder of course. Is your fuel line coming from the gas tank a full steady stream? Is the choke on?

05-31-2006, 07:11 PM
Just wondering if you have done any recent work on it? Or did it just happen all of a sudden? I have 3 350x's and I have seen everything from vapor lock in the tank,(no fuel wants to flow) to having my lil plastic clip that mates the carb slide to the throttle linkage fall off in mid drag race. A dirty air filter will do it in a minute as well. Did this slowly happen over time or just all at once? Yank the filter, verify that the slide is opening, and try to rev it with no filter and see what it does.

06-02-2006, 01:34 AM
Hello everyone, sorry for the slow response i hope some of you are still following this, this problem started suddenly, riding along at a constant speed down a straight road for about 6 miles, then slowed down and stopped, then when i went to take off again suddenly the bike wouldnt rev up at all, its got a recently cleaned and charged K&N air filter, and a very loud free flowing DG pipe on it, im sure the throttle is working correctly, when you twist it, it opens the card all the way, it idles good, then when you crack the throttle it has all the response that it should, untill it hits probably 1,500 rpm, i say about 500 rpm apast idle or so, once it hits this rpm it just sputters and blows some black smoke, if you ease off the throttle and try to slowing ease the rpms up it still wont rev, it sounds like a governer, like my TRX400 when i put it in reverse and go as fast as it will let me, this problem is not at all random, it does the samething everytime, its not playing games like you'd expect when dealing with a carburator problem, we have removed the carb and cleaned it, and everything seems to be fine with it, also beings that it blows black smoke while it stalling, it makes me believe its getting enough fuel, more fuel than it can even burn, we suspected the CDI, we replaced it, and it wasnt the problem, we checked the coil, and the plug, now the stator and the pulse pickup is suspected, thats whats goin on and thats what i know, what do you guys think about it? thanks for any help,


06-02-2006, 01:42 AM
i had a prob with my choke before. the slider was loose and it kept choking itself everytime i would try and take off. so i zip tied the choke off until i could fix it properly :)

jason 32
06-02-2006, 02:11 AM
hi - i know this sounds crazy but check it ny way ,the moon key (wodruff key)
the key way between the crank and the magneto or (generator) -ive had the same kind of problem.!! if not check the timeing chain to see if it has jumped a tooth -please let me know if is or isnt ok ?:cool:

06-02-2006, 02:58 AM
Well im willing to check that, however i dont really know what you mean, better explanation? not that your original one wasnt good, im probably just slow haha

12-08-2006, 08:51 PM
This is the same exact problem I'm having with my 350x right now. I pulled the carb recleaned, and readjusted....everything thing looks great. I also pulled the stator to check it, but I'm not real sure how. Has anyone had this same problem, and what was your fix. Someone please help, I'm really jonesin to ride this thing.

12-10-2006, 08:27 PM
Do yourself a favor and spend 3$ on a new spark plug to rule that problem out. I had a somewhat similar problem with a fouled spark plug a while back.

12-10-2006, 08:56 PM
That was the first thing I done when I got it was put in a new plug.

12-10-2006, 09:15 PM
That was the first thing I done when I got it was put in a new plug.
have you pulled the flywheel and looked at the key like Jasom stated above? I hae seen them bend and cause the same problems