View Full Version : 86 BigRed Carb Issue?

05-30-2006, 07:56 PM
What do you guys think? I have my beater bike. 86 BR. Tank was nasty on the inside, petcock was too and carb. So I put a good clean tank on it cleaned the crap out of the petcock and screen, cleaned the mess out of the carb, and put a kit in it. Filled it up with gas, and she ran like a charm. Today, I fired her off to take for a test ride now that I have my front end back together. She was kinda hard to start compared to normal, and fired off. Ran fine. Then I killed it after about 4 min of running. Ideling. WHen I killed it, gas started dripping from the overflow line on the bottom of the carb. Drip, drip, drip. The screw on the bowl was tight. So. I said hummm. FIred it back off and she started running like a dog. Poping and carrying on. Would idle perfect, but wouldnt take the gas. After a few minutes she finally started taking the gas, but was belching black smoke. Not a lot, but some. I just let it idle for a while got on it, and it was better but not like it should be. Do you think something broke loose trash wise somewhere and clogged or restricted something? The gas dripping out of the overflow tube? Trash between the needle valve and seat? Obviously I plan on pulling it off and cleaning it. What do you think? Thanks in advance. OH and I AM running a inline filter.

Swiney.... Been trying to call ya for 2 days. Calls wont go thru? Thats what the message says. Call me if ya can.


05-30-2006, 07:58 PM
Clay, I would pull the carb, clean and inspect it. It sounds like dirt got in it.

05-30-2006, 08:00 PM
Yeah, kinda what im thinking. Im not lookin forward to it. I took a chunk out of the tip of my right pointing finger earlier loading a pneumatic staple gun. Had blood all over the damn place. But..... I got that seat cover on there. LOL

05-30-2006, 08:04 PM
I will take you finger over my knee. Just the thought of surgery kills me, But after seeing the MRI pics I know it's something that must be done. I'm down to 36 hours to go before the knife.

05-30-2006, 08:12 PM
Dang. That definately bites. Definately. Good luck with the surgery. Mad father and fater in law have both had it done, and were back up to speed pretty fast.

05-30-2006, 08:32 PM
Choke appears to be working fine. Nice a smooth... I guess its crap in the carb. I tried your cell too. But the home number is the one that I cant get thru to. Yeah I didnt get it that bad ---the finger--- Took a pencil eracer sized chunk out of the tip though:( Im sure the carb cleaner will make if feel wonderfull:crazy: I guess I will have to find latex gloves. Oh yeah. And it sucks typing. LOL:D