View Full Version : Tri-Z guys, need your help.

05-28-2006, 11:31 PM
Well I think I may get to check out the motor on my Z alot sooner than I thought. I fouled a plug yesterday thanks to the cheap ass mixing oil I used in a pinch. Well I changed the plug and it still wouldnt start and it eventually locked up on me after a few spits and sputters. When I started tearing it down there was about a quart of gas in the expansion chamber. When I pulled out the first plug it was jet black and kinda oily, when I pulle dthe new plug it was still clean because it only ran for a few minutes with it in. Anyone have any idea about how to get the seized piston out of the jug? Any idea about where I went wrong on this thing:confused: ? Any help you guys can give me would be very appreciated.


Bryan Raffa
05-28-2006, 11:44 PM
you shure its seized, i had a float stick one time and filled it up like you said and it felt the same way, vaper locked

05-29-2006, 12:51 AM
rubber chizzel and rubber mallet if all else fails

05-29-2006, 01:22 AM
Yeah it is definetly seized, and I think the rod is gonna look like a pretzel when I finally get it apart.


Bryan Raffa
05-29-2006, 09:12 AM
ouch!! gonna have to beat it out with something wile pulling up on the cylinder. Ive used a rubber handel on a hammer worked pretty good .

05-30-2006, 06:43 PM
Yeah that is what I was afraid of, but it could be worse. I may just try to find another engine and stick it in while I work on this one, may be time to try a little porting and such on it to.


05-30-2006, 07:45 PM
Did you take the plug out and try to kick it over? If the cylinder is full of gas it will appear to be locked up since the gas cant be compressed. Ive never heard of a engine seizing while trying to start it. Ive had mine flood while sitting still a few times. Im now in the habit of turning the gas off. I thought it wasnt necessary since it had a fuel pump, but I was wrong. The crank and everything filled up. If that is your problem and its not actually seized, it needs a good dryout. Take off the pipe, take the plug out, move the piston to the top, and give it a few days to dry out. If you are in a hurry, roll the trike upside down, and work the kickstarter until liquid stops dripping out. (Had to do that last year at Trikefest).

05-30-2006, 09:01 PM
yes, i remember seeing tim pull the pipe, and even use a lighter to try to rid the excessive fuel out of the cylinder, i even have a pic somewhere of this act!!:lol:

05-30-2006, 09:02 PM
Wouldnt a good old fashion pull start do the trick?

Derrick Adams
05-30-2006, 09:25 PM
Wouldnt a good old fashion pull start do the trick?

NO, I've personally seen this very thing bend rods in Tri-Z's.

Boy that reads alot harsher than it should.:beer

05-30-2006, 10:34 PM
Thanks for the heads up! geez!

06-01-2006, 11:51 AM
Yeah, the head is off and still absolutely no movement. I am sure the rod is bent to hell and back. Luckily I am about to start a new job so I am just going to hold off and try to find a 86 motor to put back in its place, cant count the number of times I have hit 5th and wished there was a 6th. I think maybe the wrench report stage one porting would be nice to. Who knows, but it will be better after I get finished with it.


06-01-2006, 05:22 PM
If your looking for more topspeed from the 6 speed box.... buy a bigger sprocket for the 5. The 6 is just a closer ratio box has the same, or very similar topspeed.

Bryan Raffa
06-01-2006, 06:58 PM
If your looking for more topspeed from the 6 speed box.... buy a bigger sprocket for the 5. The 6 is just a closer ratio box has the same, or very similar topspeed.

I can vouch for that....

06-01-2006, 10:09 PM
Thanks guys, I will try that when I get my motor fixed. I am thinking though that the 6 speed would also be better for trail riding, which is what I will be doing mostly, with a little ass kicking added in here and there for the guys that think a twenty year old trike wont outrun their quad. I actually ran a friend on his 400r and I beat him by a long shot, I dotn mind saying that some of it was rider and not machine. Any thing else you guys can think of that I need to know, when I start work on this motor, be sure to spread the knowledge. Wouldnt a smaller sprocket on the rear do the same as a larger sprocket in the front? I am probably going to get some 20/11/8 Kenda Klaws when I get the motor straight. The dunlops on there now have dry rot cracks the size of the Grand Canyon.


Bryan Raffa
06-01-2006, 10:28 PM
good choice on the tires and yes with the sprocket question..going with the smaller tires on the back your gonna want to change your sprockets

jason 32
06-02-2006, 03:13 AM
hi-try klots -its the best ive seen results anyway---
pour a little oil on top of piston and use a mallet and a piece of wood like a two by four -check cylinder for signs of ware or damage.

your floats could have stuck and let fuel run down in the cylinder! yes i have had this problem ( if your plug was black "rich"how did it seize? broken ring?-well let us know k?

06-02-2006, 11:07 AM
I dont think the piston seized, I think the rod is bent to hell and that is what is making it stick. I guess I should have listened to all the guys that said to never pull-start the Z, guess I aint the brightest bulb in the box. I think that is exactly what happened, stuck float and then the pull start, but it will be better after I get it rebuilt anyway. I am still going for the 86 tranny and then the sprocket changes will be based on what it feels like after that. I wont mind sacraficing a little top end, well not until I get outrun by a quad, then it will be time to change sprockets. The biggest problem with my situation is parts, I have called every boneyard and scrap dealer in the twin states area and none of them even know what a Z is much less have any laying around to sale. I havent seen any other trikes in my entire county, I guess after a couple hitches I will go to Cali and buy one or two to bring back here to Mississippi.
