View Full Version : send this to honda or ne other atv manufacturer

05-27-2006, 11:27 PM
ok im speaking for alot of people when i say please bring back the ATC'S /3 wheelers
if *Edited* dont believe how many people are for this just go to http://www.3wheelerworld.com http://www.3wheeler.org and 3wheelerzone.bravehost.com

heres our argument thats its legal
Safety issues with 3-wheel ATVs caused all manufacturers to switch to 4-wheeled models in the late '80s, and 3-wheel models ended production in 1987, due to consent decrees between the major manufacturers and the Consumer Product Safety Commission -- the result of legal battles over safety issues among consumer groups, the manufacturers and CPSC. The lighter weight of the 3-wheel models made them popular with some expert riders. Cornering is more challenging than with a 4-wheeled machine because leaning into the turn is even more important. Operators may roll over if caution isn't used. The consent decrees expired in 1997, allowing manufacturers to once again make and market 3-wheel models

and also all *Edited* have to do is make people sign waivers if *Edited* make them ,,,WE WILL BUY THEM!!! right now all we have are the 70's and 80's ATC's and theyre getting harder and harder to find and more and more money to buy we need an alternitave

___insert name here_____
and all the members of the 3 wheeler websites!

05-27-2006, 11:32 PM
Right On Brotha!!

05-27-2006, 11:33 PM
Never gonna happen. You'd be better off lobbying for parts to be reproduced. At least there's a snowballs chance in hell it could work.

05-27-2006, 11:34 PM
hell yea lets do this (edited because the person that wrote this either hasn't read the rules or doesn't care).

05-27-2006, 11:38 PM
I was thinking the same thing that you were, making an agreement to sign that if they roll or injure themselves that The Honda corperation is not leagl for injuries to riders.

05-27-2006, 11:38 PM
I bet they would be all for it. There is a market for them of course so they could make money off them except remember the little deally about PEOPLE SEWING? You mension trikes being reproduced to a major company and they will laugh. Way too much to loose for them.

05-27-2006, 11:43 PM
if there were never any 3 wheelers 4 wheelers would have been banned 3 wheelers were just the scape goat for irrisponsble people who needed to blame thier ignorance and wrecks on........ when with practice guidance and enuf fear to respect the machine is the real cure!

05-27-2006, 11:47 PM
just think
2007 honda atc 250es bigred
2007 kawasaki tecate
2007 yamaha tri-z
its gotta make *Edited* think......

05-27-2006, 11:52 PM
I think that is just a pipe dream. No manufacture is gonna take a letter like that serious because it would cost the manufactures WAY TOO much money to start reproducing trikes again. And you think that just because there are 7000 members of 3ww that means honda will make money? No, because even if each and every member bought one it wouldn't be enough profit.

05-27-2006, 11:55 PM
Wishfull thinkg, but worth a try. It would be really awesome to see some new trikes come out.

05-27-2006, 11:55 PM
((Stop bypassing the word filter))

05-28-2006, 12:12 AM
come on lets do it

05-28-2006, 12:18 AM
I kinda agree with dammit on this issue to an extent. I think we should all send a letter like that asking for certain parts to be remanufactured. If anyone was ever going to start making trikes again, they would need to know that people were really interested in buying from them. Who knows, maybe if they sold enough frames, motors, and plastics people would start rethinking things. Either way, good idea!

05-28-2006, 12:27 AM
I don't see why you all are being negative. Hell its worth a try isn't it? Whats to lose?

05-28-2006, 12:28 AM
now urre talkin

05-28-2006, 01:00 AM
pplz come on we need support

05-28-2006, 04:29 AM
It will never happen, Its a speciality market theres no money to be made compared to selling quads along with the fact that they will be into the whole sueing problem again.

I agree with dammit, revise the letter to ask about the continuation of parts production.

05-28-2006, 06:07 AM
I agree with dammit, in that the manufactures could make a batter profit on just reproduction of all parts for these trikes and then have no liabilaty to worry about.

05-28-2006, 08:07 AM
I don't see why you all are being negative. Hell its worth a try isn't it? Whats to lose?
No, it's not worth a try. Because all you are doing is wasting time away from your limited life here on Earth.

05-28-2006, 08:41 AM
These things are quickly turning into examples of the old muscle cars. Their value continues to rise while parts are becoming fewer. I agree with lobbing for parts at least. Then see what happens. look what the big three did. After so much growth in popularity of there old style muscle, they have started bringing them back.

05-28-2006, 08:45 AM
im down..... now where to send it...

05-28-2006, 08:56 AM
the manufacture's are still being sued today over the trike's so there is no hope of it happing. last year honda payed out about 5 million in one lawsuit alone. the best bet if you want to get part's and maybe build the machine's once the part's are made is to either use the resources of the board and fellow triker's to start your own after market for these bike's. there are people on here that have certian skill's, ablities and are able to get the machinery need to build repoduction part's agian. it would take money and have to be done on a small scale but is possible to do.
Personal I'm exploring a differnt route of building my own trike using modern part's. I'm going to build the frame, triple tree's, and hub assembly and try and use current model quad's and bikes for the rest of the part's needed. I know not everyone has the mean's or the ablity to do this but it's a option for anyone wanting a modern trike for there riding pleasure.
btw good lucky with your letter but this option has been explored time and time agian with no respnse from manufacter's or seldom just a polite response saying no chance. I've been on this board now for over 7 year's so I've seen it tried time and time agian. even tried it myself. to make something happen I honestly beleive you going tot have to do ourselves.

05-28-2006, 09:16 AM
ok thats possible but i forget his name but this guy at yamaha when i called to gey a part dierectly for my dirtbike i asked about 3 wheelers bein made he said somehing like
"well if enough people ask they will probly make them again..its all about the demand"

05-28-2006, 09:19 AM
ok thats possible but i forget his name but this guy at yamaha when i called to gey a part dierectly for my dirtbike i asked about 3 wheelers bein made he said somehing like
"well if enough people ask they will probly make them again..its all about the demand"

Yes, but they will never get the demand like there is for 4 wheelers, Just not worth there time, money and legal prices.

Good idea for sure, but lets look at it from there view.

05-28-2006, 09:21 AM
if they do make them i will buy 1 of every model 90-and up
how bout *Edited* pplz we need to tell them what we want really

05-28-2006, 10:12 AM
keep dreaming, trikes will never be made again. there will never be anymore, there is too much lawsuits on risk. They are still being suied over them and you really think that manufactoriers are gonna bring them back...........keep dreaming. 20 years later I still get stuff about how my trikes are gonna kill me, there will never come back. Also the 2 stroke motor is going dead too......epa crap. If a new trike came out, it wouldn't have a liquid cooled 2 stroke motor, it would be a 4 stroke 450cc motor very choked up, a 250cc, maybe 200cc and 125cc model would be made, but they would they have the same kick as atc250r's????????, I have a feeling that they will use similar forks and suspension too, and all this at a 7g's price tag. I will go on somewhere else and build my atc250r to kick their asses.
Nice dreaming, but it will never happen in the usa, especailly with these people who sue over the smallest thing, look at the people who suied mcdonalds over spilling ot coffie on themselves, the guy who suied a bike manafacturer because there wasn't a warning label that the brakes won't work as good when raining or on a wet road. Now mcdonalds is getting a suit over how people have gotten fat from eating mcdonald's food everyday and often during the day, come on, how stupid can people be??????? People now are just lawsuit happy, honda, kawaski, yamaha, possibly atk, e-ton, can-am, and polaris will never agree to make another trike with these suit-happy people who don't take responsibilty on themselves, instead its somebody else's problem, not mine. Would you make a lawsuit magnet with these conditions, I don't think so.

05-28-2006, 10:27 AM
i already established to have a mandatory waiver like at the skate part so they dont get sued

05-28-2006, 10:46 AM
waivers don't stop people from suing, what about the second and third owner. Look how many atv and dirbike parks get suied from people getting hurt, all require signing a waiver, it doesn't seam to stop people. Laywers now will take manufactories making trikes as a field day, all they will see is dollar signs and just like you see now with the laywer commecials now with injury and chemical sickness, Can you begin to think how bad a commercial that says "were you hurt riding a three wheeled atv, call us and we will represent you and get you the most money as possible", think of how bad that will hurt atc's reputation and it will scare any manufactories from making atc's and stop those currently making them. In 1985 honda was gonna make a atc200r for the growing 200cc 2 stroke class, but all the "unsafe and dangerous" publicity stopped them. I'm speaking fact, not opinion, also why would manufactories make a bike that they can't race and that riding park's insurance won't allow for the most part. The ama doesn't allow atc racing either, is honda gonna petition the ama to allow atc racing and support.......I think not

05-28-2006, 11:35 AM
i race 3mx and have been for 3 almost 4 years against quads on the mx track ive placed 10 or better almost every time out of like 2 to 30 quads im the only triker

05-28-2006, 12:42 PM
"in 1987 the cpsc helped the world by banning trikes
what happended.........
more people got killed on quads in on year than all the people on trikes did in 24 years "

Maybe thats because they make and sell a lot more quads by a long shot in one year now, than they did the entire length of time they made 3 wheelers. Trying to make a case for trikes, by crusading against quads is irresponsible and does nothing but but beg for further more restrictions on ALL ATVs.

Lets say Honda comes out with a new trike tomorrow. What do you think would happen? What do you think CPSC would do? It would be incredibly STUPID for a major mfg to make trikes again, just too rerun the legal catastrophes of the 80's.

Out of all the people on this site who say "Id buy one", how many do you think would actually shell out $7K for a new trike? Talk is cheap, and few people are willing to put thier money where their mouth is. Yeah, they might sell a half dozen or so. Hardy enough to startup a new product line.

You want new trikes, you have two basic choices. One is 3rd party, unknowns like Chinese/Taiwan made copies such as E-Ton or Kasea who dont make enough to draw any attention.

The other choice, and best bet would be a company like Service Honda, who still supposedly makes a "TRX250R". Their TRX250R is a 400EX with a CR250 motor. If they had enough interest, they could have custom frames and triples produced, and "convert" 400EX or TRX450R using modern bike parts. They would probably cost upwards of $10-$12K since they would basically be a custom build much like their TRX250R.

Your wasting your time knocking on Honda's door, unless you are willing to order a couple thousand machines and pay up front.

tecate kid
05-28-2006, 01:18 PM
I gotta agree, the major mfg. won't build them ever again. There are to many people that will sue if they slip and fall next to a ATC! The only chance would be if a law or laws are passed banning stupid and frivilace(sp?) lawsuits. And that ain't gonna happen anytime soon! I would think that with enough support we could probably get some custom and reproduction parts made. The big one would be new front suspensions and more and better extended swingers. So I think you should focuse your engery that way before you waste the time begging for the ATC's to make a comeback.
Tecate Kid

05-28-2006, 03:51 PM
just reading this, with all good arguments...I have changed my mind. I think the best thing would focus the energy on the AMA so we could try to start trying to get more tracks to have people racing on them. Hell i just got me a new flattrack R so i'm set! PLus, you all talk about talking to honda, yammy, or kawi and if "you get more demand, maybe they'll start makin again" OK, what about Wiseco and the 300R kit, if enough demand, they will make some. Has that even happened yet? Talk is cheap. I agree completely with your Timsr. Put your money where your mouth is.

05-28-2006, 06:11 PM
It will never happen
if you want a new three wheeler buy a mx bike and convert it

05-28-2006, 09:40 PM

Yamaha Tri-Moto
05-28-2006, 09:54 PM
I would not really want to see 3 wheelers come back. I really love trikes but feel if they started making new ones the trikes I have would not feel as special to me. I think what makes trikes so cool to me is the simplicity of them, the fact that they were banned and the rarity of them. If they came out with new ones they would be fuel injected, and everything else and honestly I would probably not buy one, but that’s just me.

05-28-2006, 10:01 PM
I'd have to agree with that. I enjoy being one of the few guys at the Dunes with a trike. If they started to manufacture them, it would just be like owning a old quad.

Yamaha Tri-Moto
05-28-2006, 10:08 PM
I knew someone would understand where I was coming from lol.

05-28-2006, 10:33 PM
Would love to see a new trike in a showroom but it will never happen. Legal matters and the cost/demand will keep it that way.

05-29-2006, 01:46 AM
Bring back the Honda Pilots as well !


05-29-2006, 03:06 AM
Haha they're way ahead of you Aussieduner!! http://a332.g.akamai.net/f/332/936/12h/www.edmunds.com/media/roadtests/firstdrive/2003/honda.pilot/03.honda.pilot.ex.f34.500.jpg

05-29-2006, 09:56 AM
LMAO YEP but no seriously dont forget the oddysey

Bryan Raffa
05-29-2006, 10:45 AM
LMAO! thats like telling rca to bring back 8 tracks just because some people still have 8 track players...it I'll never happen ....It is a nice dream tho.

05-29-2006, 12:41 PM
I would not really want to see 3 wheelers come back. I really love trikes but feel if they started making new ones the trikes I have would not feel as special to me. I think what makes trikes so cool to me is the simplicity of them, the fact that they were banned and the rarity of them. If they came out with new ones they would be fuel injected, and everything else and honestly I would probably not buy one, but that’s just me.

I hope they never come out with new trikes, too. One of the big thrills of riding ATC's is their history. If the market was flooded with new trikes, the 'cool factor' of our old trikes would evaporate in an instant. I realize that this is selfish, but I never claimed to be a decent person. :lol: